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Talk to me about fitbit

Lady Florida.

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for someone who walks long distances.


Dh's main form of exercise is walking and he walks about 5 days a week. He's tried apps on his phone and some inexpensive pedometers. He recently bought a drug store pedometer watch that I suspect will be a disappointment like the other pedometers he's tried.


I'm thinking of a fitbit for him for either Father's Day or his birthday (which isn't until August).


He would want something that tracks distance, steps, and calories. I don't think he'll want something that uses data or requires a subscription but he'd probably like a gps that tracks his walk. If that isn't an option without data he'll likely just continue to use Map My Walk.


I have a Samsung Gear watch so mine is a multi-tasking device. He'd just want something for his walks/exercise. 


Recommendations? Other brands besides fitbit? I've only done a little research but it seems like there are so many choices I don't know where to start.  I'm thinking this might be the one for him but am not sure.

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I have a Fitbit Zip. I like it. I chose it mainly for the price and because I can't stand wearing things on my writsts.


IIt's simple, just tracks steps, distance and calories. It syncs to the computer and to my phone but isn't multi-tasking. It's really just a slightly higher-tech pedometer. 

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I have a Fitbit Zip. I like it. I chose it mainly for the price and because I can't stand wearing things on my writsts.


IIt's simple, just tracks steps, distance and calories. It syncs to the computer and to my phone but isn't multi-tasking. It's really just a slightly higher-tech pedometer. 


This might be all he needs. And the price is great. I have some time to decide.Thanks. 

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What are his fitness and food goals? Does he really need some little electronic doo-dad to tell him that he has to walk 12 hours to "work-off" a bag of cookies? If he already walks, but is looking for something or someone to give him some positive reinforcement, then I'd look for something cheaper. If he wants to lose weight, it's not going to happen from walking, unless he walks so much time he hasn't time to eat. The weight loss is going to come from diet management.


Maybe you can find a little gadget that says, "Hooray, you did another wonderful walk!! That is so good for your heart and lungs and muscles and bones. Keep up the great work." 

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I like my fitbit flex. I mostly forget I have it on. It tracks distance, calories, and steps. I participate in challenges with my kids and their cousins who are geographically widely spread out; it helps us keep in touch and encourage each other. I also have my fitbit set to vibrate at bedtime, to encourage me to go to bed at a decent hour. It tracks my sleep, which I find useful. Customer service is good; they have replaced several for extended family who had issues.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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What are his fitness and food goals? Does he really need some little electronic doo-dad to tell him that he has to walk 12 hours to "work-off" a bag of cookies? If he already walks, but is looking for something or someone to give him some positive reinforcement, then I'd look for something cheaper. If he wants to lose weight, it's not going to happen from walking, unless he walks so much time he hasn't time to eat. The weight loss is going to come from diet management.


Maybe you can find a little gadget that says, "Hooray, you did another wonderful walk!! That is so good for your heart and lungs and muscles and bones. Keep up the great work." 


He already walks and mostly wants something to tell him how far he walked, calories burned, and basically "attaboy!" Mapping his walk would be a fun bonus but not necessary. I was thinking fitbit because he's already spent money on knock offs that aren't accurate.

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He already walks and mostly wants something to tell him how far he walked, calories burned, and basically "attaboy!" Mapping his walk would be a fun bonus but not necessary. I was thinking fitbit because he's already spent money on knock offs that aren't accurate.


I use a watch to time my walks or runs. He can drive a route, walk it and time it. Then he'll have an idea of how far he walks in a certain amount of time. 


The calories burned stuff is pretty useless, IMO. If all he's doing is walking, I'm sure that he can find an on-line calculator. Again, it's just time based.


The "attaboy" part is the hardest part. I find reading about all the benefits of regular physical activity and feeling them myself to be very motivational. I have more energy, less pain, a more positive outlook, among many other things.


I guess a gadget can be motivating for some people. I think the duration that this kind of motivation works is limited, though. But at least it doesn't take up much room in the house when it's ditched.



Edited by wintermom
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I liked my fitbit at first, but recharging the battery every few days got really old. And though they were really good about customer service, either the fitbit would stop working or the charger and I would have to wait for a replacement.

That was my experience, too. I'd forget to plug it into the charger, then go days without it. I have the Fitbit Charge HR. The heart rate monitor isn't accurate at all, but it was fine for tracking steps, distance, etc.

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I don't know anything about specific models, but I would buy the least expensive one that does what your DH wants it to do.  Multi purpose devices tend to be less reliable (usually, but not always).  Also, that will be less expensive than something that can also wash the dishes for him. 


I would read the most recent Reviews on Amazon. 


Walking is a wonderful activity. 

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Somewhere on the Fitbit web site, you can probably find a comparison chart, that shows what each model can and cannot do. I'd begin there and then look at Reviews on Amazon.  https://www.fitbit.com/


Thanks. I did look at the chart and even took the quiz (as him). I was hoping for some "real people with fitbits" responses. The Hive is always good for suggestions and reviews. :)

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I love my Fitbit One.  It is very inconspicuous.  It tracks steps and even sleep patterns.  It also tracks calories burned according to how many steps you've taken, I guess.  Some people might think it's silly to spend money on something like this when all you really need to do is walk, but I tell you, it has made a difference for me!  It motivates me.  My sister and I track each other and are a little competitive about it too.  ;)



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I adore my fitbit, and find it WAY more motivating than I expected. I've been using one for I think 2 years now? I started with the Zip, but I kept forgetting to unclip it from my clothes and so I went to the Charge HR. Love it. I love seeing that I've been active for however many hours each day, seeing calories burned, seeing how many steps, and really love the leader board, where I can compare myself to friends. I am not usually competitive, but I will say that seeing myself slide down that board is true motivation for me to get back up and walk. Having it on leads me to park further away from the store, take the stairs, etc...stuff I knew I should do before but never did. 


Fitbit as a brand is the best if he knows anyone else with a fitbit, due to the social nature of it. 

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I've been wearing a Fitbit Charge HR since August 3, 2015. I'm on my second one -- the first one broke right before the one year warranty was up and Fitbit replaced it w/o a hassle. I've never found charging it to be a big deal at all -- I stick it on the charger when I jump in the shower and that keeps the battery topped up. I wouldn't be wearing it during that time anyway. Since I've been using a Fitbit I've lost about 25 pounds and have maintained it for about a year now. For the vast majority of that time I've also weighed/measured and logged my food intake as well as tracked my rate of weight loss (or tracked my weight for maintenance). I can tell you that for me the info the Fitbit gives me for calories burned and TDEE has been very accurate.


I don't know if I'd replace my Fitbit now or not. I mean I've been wearing it long enough I know what an active day or a couch potato day "looks" like. I know the numbers now. I do use the silent alarms a lot, especially to wake me in the early a.m. to take some medication. If I continue to wear one it will probably be for that feature.

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I have an original Charge HR but it sounds like he doesn't really need the heart rate aspect.  I quite like it - particularly seeing that I am working at a good intensity, and also seeing my resting heart rate drop as I exercise more, but it probably isn't necessary.  It's over two years old and I've had no problem with it until very recently.  For the last month it occasionally doesn't show the display, so I suspect it's going to die shortly, but that's not bad.  Two friends have had their Fitbits replaced under warranty for minor cosmetic issues - very good customer service in their experience.


Husband has a Flex 2 and is happy with it - he swims a lot, and it does a fairly decent job of tracking that too.

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I had a fitbit flex.  It counted steps just fine, but I had trouble charging it and holding a charge.  It stopped working twice.  The company replaced it once.  The second time, I purchased a Vivosmart.  I liked it a lot.  My husband gave me an iwatch for Christmas so that has replaced the vivosmart.  I have 1 IRL friend who likes Jawbone and another who likes MisFit.  Dh likes FitBit Charge. 



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I have a Charge HR 2. It's pretty motivating. In particular, a few weeks back I participated in a challenge where everyone was getting like 25,000 steps a day. I wanted to win so I was up walking all of the time. Another lady wanted the win too so she gave me a run for my money, down to walking in circles at ten to midnight trying to beat her. (She won by 600 steps.)


I had a Fitbit Zip and that was just as useful. I do like that the Charge tracks my walks with just a few button clicks.

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I have the Fitbit zip. I like it because :

-you don't have to wear it on your wrist

-it's simple and has a little screen so you can see your steps, calories and distance without using your phone

-it's the cheapest one

-the battery does not need to be charged

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I have a Fitbit Charge.  I got it as a Christmas gift and wear it everyday. It charges super fast.  I like the idea mentioned above about charging while showering.  It helps me get in the miles.  I have to make extra effort to reach goal.  I also can set it for a workout mode, which I do in my weight training classes.  Sometimes if I want to make sure to have a successful walking day I do some of the challenges.  I also log my weight.  I really like the get up and move every hour aspect.  I just got up and walked 60 steps to make sure I got in my 250 per hour goal!  It's silly, yet it works and is fun!

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Thanks for the replies everyone. There are a few models that I think he would like. Since Father's Day is still a few months away I have time to choose. 



I love my Fitbit One.  It is very inconspicuous.  It tracks steps and even sleep patterns.  It also tracks calories burned according to how many steps you've taken, I guess.  Some people might think it's silly to spend money on something like this when all you really need to do is walk, but I tell you, it has made a difference for me!  It motivates me.  My sister and I track each other and are a little competitive about it too.   ;)


Yes, he likes knowing how far he walked and how many calories he burned. He finds it motivating so I don't think it's a waste if it keeps him enthused. And since he already wasted money on cheaper knock-offs that all ended up being a disappointment in one way or another, I think it's worth spending money on something of better quality. He wouldn't do it for himself (though he did finally decide to spend on good walking shoes) so I want to buy it for him. 


 In particular, a few weeks back I participated in a challenge where everyone was getting like 25,000 steps a day. I wanted to win so I was up walking all of the time. Another lady wanted the win too so she gave me a run for my money, down to walking in circles at ten to midnight trying to beat her. (She won by 600 steps.)



LOL! I could see myself doing something like that. I've been known to walk around the house to meet my step goal at the end of the day. :D


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