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Suggestions for vocab program for high school

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No formal Vocab in high school here, but continued to do lots of reading of classics and conversing with good vocabulary as we always had. We did do a Latin/Greek roots program in late elementary/middle school.


Ideas for some more formal Vocabulary work:

- some Literature programs include Vocabulary work

- Free Rice -- online self-quiz vocabulary game

- Vocabulary From Classical Roots, levels A, B, C -- roots-based vocabulary

- Vocabulary Cartoons: SAT Word Power -- visual story/images to help cement vocabulary words & definitions

- The Chortling Bard -- high school Grammar review program, but each paragraph-a-day also includes vocabulary words

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We like vocabulit: https://www.perfectionlearning.com/language-arts/vocabulary/vocabu-lit/grades-6-12.html

Dd just needed a little more spelling, actually, and thought this was more interesting than a spelling book. The already done quizlet stuff is nice when we use it. We do most of the first two exercises verbally, and then she she does a page a day and takes a short answer test I create from quizlet: https://www.perfectionlearning.com/language-arts/vocabulary/vocabu-lit/grades-6-12/flashcards-games-and-tests.html


You can look through the quizlet stuff and see what level words work best for you dc. Rainbow Resource sells it.


We probably spend 20-30 minutes a week on vocabulary.



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I didn't feel like vocab was important enough to have it as a separate subject in high school. It's too easy to bury them and those "little" subjects add up fast.


Honestly every vocab program I tried on my oldest kids (in elem/middle) was redundant to reading high quality literature and studying a romance language. My younger kids have never used one.

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I agree with having your student read good books daily. If you also want to do formal study of vocab, there are several good options.


If you want something rigorous with worksheets and tests:

1. The Greek and Latin Roots of English

This text is used in introductory college classes. If you write to the publisher, they will email you chapter tests with answers. You can buy the latest edition as a Kindle ebook or buy an older edition used.


2. Vocabulary For The High School Student and Vocabulary For The College-Bound Student

This is used in many prep schools. You can buy tests and answers separately from the publisher. You can buy older editions very cheaply.


If you want something quick and easy, these two books have short chapters and little or no exercises:


1. Vocabulary Energizers (see sample chapter)

 This has a hundred SAT words, each with an engaging story of how the word originated, with synonyms, antonyms, and other related words. Each chapter of ten vocab words is followed by a brief exercise. My dd enjoys reading this book.


2. Instant Vocabulary

This has short chapters each devoted to one root word. It lists the words and their meanings. There are no exercises; you are supposed to just read the words and remember the root.

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I use Vocabulary from Classical Roots series for all my high school students. At the end of each book, I'd make sure students remember how to spell and master the usage of all the words that they learned. I think that helped them with SAT and PSAT as well. Both of my DS's got excellent scores for Writing and Language sections. 

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We use Vocabulary.com - I put together a list based on their current literary work.


Our general schedule for English is:

  *~15 minutes Vocabulary.com - 2 days per week

  *A grammar lesson -2 days a week (10th grader is working through an SAT prep Grammar workbook)

  *A short logic/rhetoric lesson - on Fridays (Using Art of Argument now, moving to Argument Builder shortly -- this will then up and supplant some of his writing assignments)

*Some kind of daily writing  -- WWS, Journalling, working on NaNoWriMo, working on a bigger research or literature project, etc

*Something with their lit daily -- read aloud, discussion, study guide, working on a paper, etc.



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