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Did you post college acceptance on Facebook?


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Any reason not to? J got her first acceptance and we are thrilled. There will be more coming and she is not decided yet. I wouldn't want to answer lots of questions on FB about it. We are not friends on FB with any college administrators, but just a couple students there.


So this isn't the type of post where parents say "Ds got in AND accepted" yet.

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I did not, because I try to keep posts about. My kids limited. I also know I had some pangs when I saw other people posting acceptances when ds was waiting.


But there were other people I was thrilled to share excitement with. Maybe it had to do with how close I was to the person posting.

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She asked me not to unless there is a decision. She'd already faced some really negative comments about her choices last summer ("Why would you go to school there? You're smarter than the entire state!")


Here Facebook acceptance posting is not considering to be bragging, but sharing if good news to family and friends.

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No, I did not.

I posted when DD had made her choice which school to attend "DD will attend xyz school in the fall"


In my circle of friends, posting acceptances could have come across as bragging.



I did the same.  I don't think anyone would feel that it was bragging, but I just don't post that often so I would only post the decision.  I do see others who post acceptances as they come in, though.

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I absolutely posted when the first acceptances started to come in! Added a picture of the letter and everything! My Facebook friends list is purposefully tiny - and those who know me know *how* stressed I was about the entire application process. So it wasn't seen as braggy - but rather as the huge sigh of relief that it was. Everyone else already knows that dd was really smart and would qualify for good scholarships and would get into the schools she was applying to - it was ME who was nervous and uncertain about it. lol


I only posted that one picture and then posted once more when dd had made her choice. ðŸ‘

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We didn't because most in our circle post when they get the acceptance that they had their heart set on. We have been public about the process - college visits, ACT taking, college app essay writing, and similar. As DD is still waiting on the highly selective school's decisions, we will Hold off and do only a decision post.

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I waited until there was a decision and posted that. We didn't list all the acceptances, because some of them were not typical colleges for this area, and I have friends whose dc struggle. Posting a blow-by-blow of all of them, or a list, seemed unkind in our case.


I did post each of their decisions. Many people were pretty convinced they couldn't go to college since we homeschooled.  It was a PSA. :D

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My dd would be horrified if I posted something like that.  She is dedicated to keeping her internet presence very minimal, and seems to be thinking 30 years down the road about what someone might dig up on her.


I wouldn't do it regardless of what she thought because I don't see the point.

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She is dedicated to keeping her internet presence very minimal, and seems to be thinking 30 years down the road about what someone might dig up on her.

D watched her brother's friends go through the arduous security clearance process their senior year of college. That made an absolute impression on her.


"Mom, see what people find about these nominees? That cannot happen to me if I reach the appointment level."


:eek: :lol:

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D watched her brother's friends go through the arduous security clearance process their senior year of college. That made an absolute impression on her.


"Mom, see what people find about these nominees? That cannot happen to me if I reach the appointment level."


:eek: :lol:


This sounds like something dd would say, right down to the thoughts about hitting a certain level of fame and importance!  LOL!


For the record, she just asked what I was typing on here.  When I told her we were discussing posting college acceptances on Facebook she commented that if I did something like that she would block me permanently and possibly try to delete my account.  :lol:   I think it doesn't really matter if it's positive or negative, she just wants to control the narrative.


But, hey, better than those kids who post every detail of their lives on social media, including plenty of stuff that should've remained private.

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No. It would feel like far too much to post every acceptance. I've never seen anyone else in my news feed do it either, but that doesn't really mean anything. I don't remember if I posted when they made a decision, but I don't think so. I posted a picture when they moved into their dorm room with a "They're off" message so anyone that didn't know where they were going (or even that they had gone) could get caught up.

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I did once my kids decided which acceptance to take. Then it was seen as their school, so why not. Youngest dd has her own FB so she posted too. She has more friends than I do, and she's actually friends with nearly everyone I am, so it was a double feature I suppose. We were just both so excited!

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I try to post about things that I think will interest my friend list, so some acceptances got posted, because I knew there would be people who actually wanted to know. Not every last one, but several. Our college visits were prominently featured too, because it was sort of fun, the whole road trip thing :-) We don't live in an area where people are super stressed about college admissions though, so there was little worry about hurt feelings.


I also like to provide good press for homeschooling, and college admissions are something people pay attention to.

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I posted lots of acceptances here on the board-my rational was that I viewed the "acceptance" lists not as bragging about our kids but as encouragement to each other and to those who homeschool through high school (or are considering that step) that it is possible to be accepted to lots of different universities.


I don't think I said anything on Facebook until move-in day. 

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