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Someone stole our McCain/Palin sign

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I am really angry about this. They didn't take my Republican Congressman support sign or my Republican sheriff sign. They also didn't steal the FOP supports McCain sign in front of the deputy sheriff's house across the street but then he usually has a squad car. I am getting another sign today and I have already reported it to my local police. I hate Obama signs but I would not ever steal anyone's signs.

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I feel your pain, Christina. (see my previous post about my stolen Obama sign.) Similarly, it was just our Obama sign that was stolen, as well as those of our neighbors. They left the congressional signs alone. We ordered a new one, and since they're in short supply it JUST came in yesterday. Dh puts it out in the morning when he goes to work and we take it in when we go to bed.


But, I have to ask, why would you hate the Obama *signs?* They're innocent! :-) I can understand that you may *dislike* Obama the candidate, (I really, really try to avoid using the word "hate" especially when talking about human beings of any sort) but those poor signs--- they are just sitting there at the mercy of the property owner! ;)


Hope you find another sign soon--- call your local Republican headquarters, maybe?



P.S. FWIW, I don't "hate" McCain or Palin. I disagree with their politics and I find several of their personal attributes objectionable, but I don't HATE them. Just my opinion.

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After having six Kerry signs stolen in 2004, we purchased a 3' x 5' nylon Obama banner to display on our 2nd story balcony. Our neighbors across street, who also had 6 Kerry signs stolen in 2004, taped their Obama signs to inside windows this year. We were the only 2 homes in the neighborhood with Kerry (now Obama) signs. The thieves always hit both houses same nights.


I had paid $50 and shipping for a group of 3 nice sturdy corrugated plastic Kerry signs; the remaining 3 were freebies from the Dem headquarters.


Oh, after 6th sign was stolen, I was so frustrated that I called the sheriff's department. The officer who came out to house was quite rude and told me to not put up signs and implied that I had argued politics with neighbors. Of course, that was not true. I immediately relayed the incident to the officer's supervisor, who assured me that he would remind officer of appropriate responses to such complaints.


In our neighborhood, the thefts all occurred on the weekend. Maybe you could bring your sign in before bed and put it out again in a.m. I know that is lot of trouble though.

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There have been many reports of stolen McCain /Palin signs. I've personally seen big red X's on many of them down our main street. Obama signs aren't touched as far as what I've seen or read in our local paper.



the opposite is true around here. But then again, Obama signs are in such short supply nationwide that it's not surprising that there are more reports of stolen McCain Palin signs. There are more of them out there.



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I feel your pain, Christina. (see my previous post about my stolen Obama sign.) Similarly, it was just our Obama sign that was stolen, as well as those of our neighbors. They left the congressional signs alone. We ordered a new one, and since they're in short supply it JUST came in yesterday. Dh puts it out in the morning when he goes to work and we take it in when we go to bed.


But, I have to ask, why would you hate the Obama *signs?* They're innocent! :-) I can understand that you may *dislike* Obama the candidate, (I really, really try to avoid using the word "hate" especially when talking about human beings of any sort) but those poor signs--- they are just sitting there at the mercy of the property owner! ;)


Hope you find another sign soon--- call your local Republican headquarters, maybe?



P.S. FWIW, I don't "hate" McCain or Palin. I disagree with their politics and I find several of their personal attributes objectionable, but I don't HATE them. Just my opinion.


Astrid et. al., here's a science project to protect your sign. Forgive the source (it's a logical fallacy to dismiss the truth of a message because you dislike the source, Well-Trained Friends! :D) and hold onto your signs both McPalin and Obiden.


And if you hate this site, for heaven's sake don't click anything else but this otherwise perfectly harmless link! LOL Or else please don't complain to ME if you do. ;)

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It turns out that someone went around in our neighborhood and stole lots of McCain signs. Now I would be outraged by anybody who was pulling out any legal signs anywhere. I support your right to have an Obama sign and would never be a party to stealing, destroying, defacing, or any other vandalism against political expression.

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Someone just sent me an email that Obama signs in my area were being stolen and replaced with confederate flags--ooohh, that would make me furious!!! But, one of the women responded that her neighbor was driving, had an Obama sticker on his car, and three men in a pickup truck pulled him over and beat him up really bad!!! This is why I won't put anything on my car. What a sad world :(

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Here in Indiana....it is BAD!!! So many reports of McCain/Palin signs being vandalized. They are talking criminal prosecution here.


Why can't they just leave us alone??? :glare: I do not vandalized Obama signs either. I just put ours (McCain/Palin)out yesterday so we will see how long it lasts. It better last because we live in the boonies (middle of nowhere but on a main highway).



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Astrid et. al., here's a science project to protect your sign. Forgive the source (it's a logical fallacy to dismiss the truth of a message because you dislike the source, Well-Trained Friends! :D) and hold onto your signs both McPalin and Obiden.


And if you hate this site, for heaven's sake don't click anything else but this otherwise perfectly harmless link! LOL Or else please don't complain to ME if you do. ;)


That wouldn't work in our neighborhood, since the thieves do not take the sign holder, just the cover. But, it is a splendid idea!


The McCain/Palin signs get stolen about every 3 days around here. Somewhere there is a huge pile of those things, since this is McCain/Palin country (5 of their signs for every 1 Obama sign).

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CNN ran a story about vandalized signs yesterday. The RNC is offering a reward of $500 for one thief that took a McCain/Palin sign off someone's yard (they have video footage of it). Here in Georgia, both parties' signs are being stolen or defaced. It's a terrible day in America when we don't preserve one another's right to freedom of expression. We are becoming so divided in this great country. I fear for our future when we become so hateful toward another political party. That goes for both sides.



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