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Spark Joy?


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I have used the KonMari method of tidying up and what struck me most was the phrase "Spark Joy".  It resonated with me because I realized that it is not something I allow myself enough in life.  There are too many "have to's" and the feeling that for each decision I must choose the responsible choice.  I have a very tough life and my oldest children are not well and moan and scream a lot.  


I have been doing little things for myself that spark joy:


 I reorganized some of my clothing and possessions and got rid of some stuff that did not spark joy that I might have kept in the past.  

I bought some new clothes.

I bought various lip glosses.

I have begun buying myself flowers every few weeks.

I made myself brownies.

I tried a few new recipes.

I have singing and dancing sessions with the children.

I do fun things with my youngest son.

I have been taking the time to make my bed every morning and apply body lotion.

I watch videos online at night or browse Pinterest if the boys are screaming.

I choose good novels to read to my boys.


What else can I do to create more joy in my life?

Unfortunately, there are limits.  I cannot decorate the walls of my home because my special needs kiddos literally pull the pictures off the walls and eat them.  Candles are scary in my home.  I'm not in the mood for a bath and the drain stopper is not working.  I don't really have time to go anywhere.  I used to read books and go for walks but that has just not happened lately.  I bought yarn and knitting needles but have not got around to learning.


So, I guess I need ideas for more little things.  What little things do you do that spark joy in your life?  


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I finally got to pick a paint colour. It's been 18 months and still makes me feel happy. I took some nice pictures of my boys and put them up where I can see them, and they make me smile. My mom bought me some lovely chai tea and I make myself a fake chai tea latte that tastes just how I like it, and it's my treat while studying. I peek in at my kids while they're sleeping and give them kisses on their soft cheeks and sniff the tops of their heads.

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MamaBear I'm so sorry things are so difficult for you. I really admire you having the energy and determination to do these things to spark joy! My favorite things are getting into my soft fuzzy dressing gown, having a nice hot cup of tea (I'm British), reading a good book, nice hot buttered toast with my tea. Honestly my favorite comfort thing is  drinking a cup of tea. I hope you can find many more small pleasures to add in to your days and bring you joy. I really think the small things are the answer rather than the big lavish things. 

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It really is the little things that perk me up the most.

Comfy pajama pants

My big heavy green blanket

A fancy coffee

Giving myself a manicure or facial

Getting lost in a good book

And, weirdly, homeschool planning.

These are the things that bring me joy.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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I love homeschool planning! it gives me something to get excited about.



It really is the little things that perk me up the most.

Comfy pajama pants

My big heavy green blanket

A fancy coffee

Giving myself a manicure or facial

Getting lost in a good book

And, weirdly, homeschool planning.

These are the things that bring me joy.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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Good for you MamaBearTeacher! It is so important to look for the joy in life.


I love having comfy things. My robe and slippers must be supper comfy. I recently bought a pretty and very comfy throw blanket for myself too. I love to joke around with my kids, take an evening walk with dh, and get myself special chocolate or other treat ever so often.

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These are some of the things that work for me. We don't have a lot of money, so they have to be fairly inexpensive (well, the dollhouse hobby isn't, but I usually have quite the backlog so I can find something that I already have materials for).


Handmade girly-smelling soaps (Not the DIAL soap my dh uses)

Painting my toenails

Working in/on my dollhouse - I think your knitting would be similar, just any hobby that you get to spend some time and love on

Getting to read in the bathtub

Having something repaired that has been annoying me ie: a light bulb burned out or hole in the drywall- DH is not one to notice such things so it's a big deal when these little things get done here

Having one space cleaned ala Flylady (love, love, love when my counters are clear or my sink shines or one space that doesn't make me sigh and think "I should do that")

Rearranging the master bedroom furniture - I have one child who hates having the furniture moved, so I only do it in the master bedroom, but it makes it seem fresh and new even though it's all the same stuff


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I rarely get the time but I enjoy painting ceramics. I did paint one recently. It was a Christmas ornament I found for $1 in the dollar store. It came with paint but I used my own. They never give you enough colors, anyway lol. I actually tried to find them again but they were gone. I don't like to keep everything I paint so I try to find things I can gift. I gave the ornament to my parents and they put it on their tree.


Another thing I enjoy is cross stitch, but sadly I haven't made the time for that, either. I really like to be left alone to do that. I really need to be left alone to paint as well. Dh tried to watch the kids while I painted but they were hopping around and shaking the floor which made my hand unsteady. I was having to stop every so many minutes and remind them to not do that. I also didn't get around to doing touch ups when it was dry and spraying it. Ideally I'd paint when it's not too cold so I could go outdoors. I don't like using paint indoors as we can't open these windows.


So my short answer is have you considered cross stitch or painting? lol

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I bought yarn and knitting needles but have not got around to learning.



Has videos to help you learn to knit. If you have trouble then you might try the continental method, which they also have videos for, some do better with English and some do better with continental.


I learned to crochet from youtube. :lol:


It is easier if you think about what you want to knit and what you want it to look like


ravelry.com is a great source for patterns and has an extensive library of free patterns. Just pick something out and when you come across something that you don't know what it is, look up the video on knitting help or youtube and it will show you what it means.


I do knit quite a bit, I have attention issues and like keeping my hands busy while doing other things.

Edited by Slartibartfast
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Little things that spark joy for me:


Drinking my favorite tea from my favorite cup

wearing my favorite clothes even if I am just at home

using really nice soap to wash my hands

using a dishwashing liquid whose smell I love

making a special space for beautiful items in my bedroom (some people call it an altar; I don't like all the connotations of the word)

taking time to read poetry every day

buying a package of black wooden pencils that are mine; they are kept sharp and don't migrate to kids' rooms

preparing foods that make me feel good

Edited by regentrude
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If you can't have art on the walls, can you have the walls become art?  Making them the colors you want or having a mural painted?  That might add some life to your surroundings...


I am really happy when my office is (as much as it can be) just as I want it, and when it is orderly and tidy AND useful.   I have arranged my prayer corner with the icons and so on, but on a second shelf, I have little things that spark memories of specific friendships and happy times, or are just beautiful in themselves.  


I got a comfortable chair to sit in.  It's a relief to sink into it at the end of a busy day.  


Is there somewhere you sit where you look outside?  Could something beautiful go there, something that would substitute for the art you can't have in the house?  I got a  glass birdbath and put it outside my window and when the birds are not there, it just sits there and looks nice...and when the birds ARE there, it is entertaining as well. 


This is a good topic for me at the moment.  thank you for bringing it up.  


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I got rid of my "college kid" pajamas of old race tee shirts and pajama pants and bought new pj sets.  It brings me more joy than anything I can remember in the recent past!


the occassional starbucks latte


a new book


lighting a candle!  I stopped buying them when my kids were babies, because they got dusty, I kept forgetting to light them.  Now I buy pretty ones for my mantle and when I'm wearing my matching pj's with my fancy candles I feel like royalty. :lol:

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My resolution this year is to do things for myself that bring me joy. :) Last year I tried to focus on being joyful without actually DOING anything to bring me joy. I expected to basically manufacture joy in a vacuum. ;) It didn't go very well. This year, I have a list like yours of things that make give me joy, and I'm making sure I do them, at least a little, each day. As a mom, my life is totally wrapped up in my kids, and that's not good for me or for them. :)

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Doing something creative that lasts, like quilting, makes my heart sing!


Me too. I just started sewing again last fall after 30+ years.


After my first quilting class in December, I was hooked. I love the challenge and creativity. Sewing clothes is OK, but quilting is more fun. I try to do a little 3-5 times a week, mostly after dinner when I don't feel like doing anything else. DH's taste in TV doesn't match mine, so set up my work on the adjoining kitchen table so we're at least close by.

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Thanks so much for these resources!




Has videos to help you learn to knit. If you have trouble then you might try the continental method, which they also have videos for, some do better with English and some do better with continental.


I learned to crochet from youtube. :lol:


It is easier if you think about what you want to knit and what you want it to look like


ravelry.com is a great source for patterns and has an extensive library of free patterns. Just pick something out and when you come across something that you don't know what it is, look up the video on knitting help or youtube and it will show you what it means.


I do knit quite a bit, I have attention issues and like keeping my hands busy while doing other things.

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I don't know if anyone suggested a loom as another way to help knit. Dh took up knitting recently out of the blue. Knitted a scarf for ds in one sitting with a loom. I thought are you for real? Then started doing something with a different shaped loom (I think making socks for one of us lol). Jo Anne's had a bunch of looms 25% off last time I went in there.

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