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Can I keep 2.5yr old from dropping his nap?

Noreen Claire

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My 2.5yr old seems to be dropping his nap. He only naps once every couple of days now. I've always nursed him down to sleep (he only nurses at nap & bedtime) and don't have another method (besides car ride) to get him to sleep. Any BTDT moms have recommendations on how to keep him napping?


My 4yr old gave up his nap just shy of 3, and he suddenly seems like he needs to nap again! Afternoons are killing me - I *need* the quiet that naptime brings and the boys' *need* the rest!

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I tried to keep my daughter napping past 2. It was a losing battle and in retrospect I wish I hadn't pushed it.


I agree with the others. Institute a quiet time. The boys need to stay in their rooms and either rest or play quietly. I would have lost my mind without quiet time.  :)


This stoplight timer was very helpful in letting my daughter know when quiet time was over. There are lots of other similar timers available, too.

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My 4yr old used to be great at quiet time- he would play for hours by himself -until we brought the 7yr old home to homeschool. They want to play, but that is never quiet! We will be transitioning after the holidays to using quiet time for the 7yr old to do history/language arts work (had a baby mid-oct, so we've pushed these subjects off until then), so I need the 4 & 2yr old to be able to be quiet on their own during that time.


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I've not dealt with that yet, but my friend has her kids trained to take a quiet time instead of nap time. She gives them books, the olders get books on tape and headphones, but they all know that they are not to get up. 

Maybe that would be an option? (Super hard with a 2.5 year old, I know.) 


7yr old loves to listen to books with headphones! 4yr old is hit-or-miss with headphones, but I'll try to find some new playaway books from the library.


Mine barely made it to two.  If they had at least an hour of outside time in the morning after lunch and a read aloud they would settle down for an hour or two of quiet play.


I have two hours of active time (recess!) built into our school day, but it's been really hard to get 4 kids, one a newborn, dressed and outside. I'm too tired and it's been too dreary outside to make it happen. They've been following along with yoga dvds instead, but it's just not the same thing!

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I just kept sticking them in their beds. I put a small lamp on a timer, such that it turned on at the time I selected (usually an hour). The kid was welcome to get up when the light turned on, but not before. And the light didn't wake a sleeping tot, so that was great.


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Yes! I mean maybe not your kid specifically, but both of mine kept trying to give up a nap and u just kept putting them back down and projecting that I expected a nap. They'd go like two weeks without a nap but then get right back to it! They napped to, and through, six years old, respectively.

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Yes! I mean maybe not your kid specifically, but both of mine kept trying to give up a nap and u just kept putting them back down and projecting that I expected a nap. They'd go like two weeks without a nap but then get right back to it! They napped to, and through, six years old, respectively.


Did they have a later bedtime or would they both nap and go to bed at a reasonable hour?  Past the age of two if mine took an afternoon nap, they'd be up until 10 or 11 pm.  Without a nap, they were in bed and asleep by 8 pm.    At 10 pm, I wanted to be in bed myself, not trying put children to bed.

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My rule for quiet time is you don't need to be in bed and they could even do something quietly with their siblings but they got no second chances if they broke the quiet aspect of the rule. If they did they were immediately sent to finish quiet time in their room. It has been wonderful. Sometimes they all build blocks or trains together and sometimes they do their own things.

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Mine all tried to nap strike at 2.5 but I pushed past. I had stopped nursing to sleep before age 2, though, so not as much association.


My baby stopped napping at 3. She probably would have gone to 4, but she could stay up the hour that the others stayed down for quiet time, and they could not be quiet afterwards. She would have needed a 2 hour quiet time consistently to help her go back to napping after 3.


Mine always went to bed at 7, 6:30 if tired, but up at 5:30 in the morning. My current 4 year old sleeps 8-8 but no nap. I miss the nap!

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I wouldn't give in yet. Sometimes they have a disrupted patch then it comes right. At 16 months I thought ds7 was going to be done by 18 months. I admit though I think he was done by 2.5 though. Ds9 kept it up much longer AND slept better at night. Different kids different needs.

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Yes. I find you have to push through this phase, sometimes napping with them. ;)


In all seriousness we have a read or sleep rule. My 6yo, 5yo, 3yo, and 2yo all still take naps daily. I DO try to get them outside every morning for at least an hour though and I'm sure that helps. We also stick to a good routine. They also know pretty much everyone else is headed off to lay down as well, so there is no real option to just stay up.

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Did they have a later bedtime or would they both nap and go to bed at a reasonable hour? Past the age of two if mine took an afternoon nap, they'd be up until 10 or 11 pm. Without a nap, they were in bed and asleep by 8 pm. At 10 pm, I wanted to be in bed myself, not trying put children to bed.



They have always woken up early no matter what time they go to bed at night, but when they were napping bedtime was 8 in summer and 7 in winter.


If anything they slept more at night when they napped. They've always been sleep begets sleep kind of kids.

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As an aside, my ADHD kids were my best nappers. I figure they were my earliest risers and busiest bodies so they just drop in the afternoon. They were also my shortest nappers, but huge mood improvement.


My ADHD kid napped so hard!  He napped until he was 4.  BUT when he dropped the nap, we continued rest or read, and he went from a 5:30 wakeup to a 7:00 wakeup, so I didn't fight it a whole lot.


My dyslexic child napped until he was 6.  I think he was using up so much mental space that he just needed the break.  He is my mini husband, though, and that man will drop off any time he gets still.  He can't make it past 8pm most nights.  lol

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None of my three girls would nap past age 2.😩And quiet time...wasn't. Now that they are older we have rest time where they play on the iPad so mama can catch a break.


We don't have screens for the littles at home. I have tried to borrow tablets from the library for the 4 & 7 yr old for quiet time (with headphones), but they end up fighting over them after the 2nd day. Grrrrr....


My rule for quiet time is you don't need to be in bed and they could even do something quietly with their siblings but they got no second chances if they broke the quiet aspect of the rule. If they did they were immediately sent to finish quiet time in their room. It has been wonderful. Sometimes they all build blocks or trains together and sometimes they do their own things.


Oh, how I wish that my kids could play together quietly. Pick any two kids, put them together over any toy (legos, blocks, trains, play dough, whatever, and a screaming fistfight will break out in under 20 minutes. *sigh*


My ADHD kid napped so hard!  He napped until he was 4.  BUT when he dropped the nap, we continued rest or read, and he went from a 5:30 wakeup to a 7:00 wakeup, so I didn't fight it a whole lot.


My dyslexic child napped until he was 6.  I think he was using up so much mental space that he just needed the break.  He is my mini husband, though, and that man will drop off any time he gets still.  He can't make it past 8pm most nights.  lol


This is my husband. He has a second job so, on the days that he is home in the evenings, he is usually napping before dinner and in bed right after the kids go down. Poor guy.

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