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I am having a low level anxiety attack tonight


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And just when I thought the night couldn't get any worse, I got a phone call from my husband that he hit a deer and our car is totalled. He was driving back from volunteering in Nevada, since our home state is not in play. Thankfully, he is ok. And that's the most important thing.


I still can't wrap my head around the fact that so many people in our country voted for someone who publicly mocked a disabled person and never showed any remorse. It's simply unbelievable to me.

I'm sorry! That's awful. Glad your husband is ok anyway.

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Trump supporters know what they are getting. They know he’s offensive. They know he’s under-informed on policies. They know he pays as little in taxes as possible. They know he uses bankruptcy laws when needed. They know he ignores facts that are inconvenient to his message. They just don’t care. They want to push the monster into Washington D.C., close the door, and let him break everything that needs to be broken. Demolition is usually the first step of building something new. And Trump also knows how to build things when he isn’t in monster mode.


Anyone who believes this is going to be in for a big surprise. For one thing, anyone who has actually studied his business practices knows that he doesn't build anything. He borrows huge amounts of money, defaults on the loans, and stiffs the businesses that do the actual building.


People are going to be very very surprised at which things get "demolished" and which are left standing. Rich people like Trump and the Koch brothers are not going to dismantle the very institutions that have made them rich. This election wasn't won by the "little guy," it was won by the Koch brothers and their ilk. Anyone who thinks otherwise wasn't paying attention.

Edited by Corraleno
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Anyone who believes this is going to be in for a big surprise. For one thing, anyone who has actually studied his business practices knows that he doesn't build anything. He borrows huge amounts of money, defaults on the loans, and stiffs the businesses that do the actual building.


People are going to be very very surprised at which things get "demolished" and which are left standing. Rich people like Trump and the Koch brothers are not going to dismantle the very institutions that have made them rich. This election wasn't won by the "little guy," it was won by the Koch brothers and their ilk. Anyone who thinks otherwise wasn't paying attention.

Which is why sometimes people should really listen to the intelligentsia. I am stunned that on a board dedicated to education people don't recognize this.

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Frances, I am so sorry for your husband and about the car. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


There was a Republican analyst on the NPR coverage whose commentary has made me stop and try to sift through the various pieces. I can't remember if it was this thread or another one where Arctic Mama said the reasons for voting for a particular candidate are more complex than we are giving them credit for. The analyst for NPR said that it was evident by both the amount of liberal support for Bernie and the support for Trump over the more traditional Republican candidates showed the deep dissatisfaction many Americans feel with our politics/government. Many votes were cast on both sides as protest votes. However, the analyst said, for the first time we have someone is openly expressing sentiments that we as a society have said are not acceptable. By saying them out in the open ( "Grab 'em by the p***y") or by mocking the disabled, we have legitimized those viewpoints and given them more weight, more acceptability. This in turn, drew out voters that are, well, in support of those viewpoints.


Maybe I have this all wrong, but I think we are looking at very different subsets of voters who voted for the same candidate for very different reasons. That makes it difficult for me to paint one half of our country by hateful labels. However, I do believe in owning your vote. If I vote for someone that I know is a war hawk, I can't really be surprised if my sons get shipped off to fight in another country.

In the same way others don't legitimize lying under oath, questionable special interest coloboration, misuse of charity funds, corruption. I thought things were over for Hillary when she called Trump voters "deplorables". Edited by ifIonlyhadabrain
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Shred Betty, I hope you stay.

Thank you :) I really really hope so too! I need this hive, big time! I really struggled when I tried to kill my account. I felt like I had to after all the hate and bullying being peddled in general and being directed at me as well. I felt like I had to when people did not see me, they saw a Hateful Racist Xenophobe.

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In the same way others don't legitimize lying under oath, questionable special interest coloboration, misuse of charity funds, corruption. I thought things were over for Hillary or at when she called Trump voters "deplorables".

i like your user name. :)

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Frances, I am so sorry for your husband and about the car. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


There was a Republican analyst on the NPR coverage whose commentary has made me stop and try to sift through the various pieces.  I can't remember if it was this thread or another one where Arctic Mama said the reasons for voting for a particular candidate are more complex than we are giving them credit for.  The analyst for NPR said that it was evident by both the amount of liberal support for Bernie and the support for Trump over the more traditional Republican candidates showed the deep dissatisfaction many Americans feel with our politics/government.  Many votes were cast on both sides as protest votes.  However, the analyst said, for the first time we have someone is openly expressing sentiments that we as a society have said are not acceptable.  By saying them out in the open ( "Grab 'em by the p***y") or by mocking the disabled, we have legitimized those viewpoints and given them more weight, more acceptability. This in turn, drew out voters that are, well, in support of those viewpoints.


Maybe I have this all wrong, but I think we are looking at very different subsets of voters who voted for the same candidate for very different reasons.  That makes it difficult for me to paint one half of our country by hateful labels.  However, I do believe in owning your vote. If I vote for someone that I know is a war hawk, I can't really be surprised if my sons get shipped off to fight in another country.


appreciate the graciousness of your post (I really do)


But the bolded is invalidated by the Jay-Z and Beyonce concert for her.  To me, his lyrics do more to "legitimize those viewpoints"  

Edited by debinindy
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Oh, get over yourself. I left that group too, because I couldn't stand another poster, and he was making it hard for me to play by the rules. It's not for everyone, but it's OPEN to everyone.


If you can't play by the rules, you leave. Like I did. And I'm a raving liberal - so much for your bias.

You can't see how I'd feel ashamed if people were talking about how I was undeniably a Hateful Racist Xenophobe? You were never labeled that way here.

Edit for spelling

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In the same way others don't legitimize lying under oath, questionable special interest coloboration, misuse of charity funds, corruption. I thought things were over for Hillary when she called Trump voters "deplorables".


Except they've just demonstrated, once again, that they are.

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A Republican friend of mine recently posted on Facebook about the difficulty of explaining this outcome to her biracial adopted daughters. Her sister, also a Republican, chimed in to say, "There, there, it's not so bad." My friend proceeded to explain to her sister, in excruciating detail, all the ways that her family and her daughters are hurt by the normalization of bigotry and racism. She talked about having to hold her daughters as they bawled after being called niggers in their central Florida community. She talked about all the ways she's had to prop up their self-confidence when everything from their skin color to hair texture is seen as less desirable by their classmates. She talked of being warned by neighbors to arm themselves just in case. I salute those of you who can wake up the day after and see no real change in your lives. There are many of us, however, who cannot be so sanguine. America has just told us that bigots rule and we are not welcome. It's extraordinarily painful. I guess the one thing I'm pleased about is that I do not have to explain that to my own siblings.

I'm so sorry for them.

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I would recommend making very few moves in the short term.  The initial market reaction is due to uncertainty, much like the Brexit reaction. 


I don't see that uncertainty ending anytime soon and, quite frankly, I don't want my DH to serve under Trump. I don't want my kids to see his face all over base offices. I want nothing to do with the fiasco. The sooner we can get out of the way of this train wreck, the better. DH is eligible to retire in 18 months.

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I don't see that uncertainty ending anytime soon and, quite frankly, I don't want my DH to serve under Trump. I don't want my kids to see his face all over base offices. I want nothing to do with the fiasco. The sooner we can get out of the way of this train wreck, the better. DH is eligible to retire in 18 months.


Good luck.  On the plus side, we have a shot at impeachment at some point.


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I don't see that uncertainty ending anytime soon and, quite frankly, I don't want my DH to serve under Trump. I don't want my kids to see his face all over base offices. I want nothing to do with the fiasco. The sooner we can get out of the way of this train wreck, the better. DH is eligible to retire in 18 months.

You're not alone. There will likely be a mass exodus in the State Department. Some senior officers will undoubtedly stay to try to stabilize things, but I expect very few people want to serve under that odious monster.

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No one should be treated as subhuman  AND nothing T has done or said has ever indicated anything of the sort...that's just inflammatory and causes fear.


However:  now to really get this shut down...but I must...


Perhaps it's the morality that hopes to have a Supreme Court (or the states) says that it's NOT OK to rip a baby apart limb by limb from the womb

*sigh* Lady, that doesn't happen. And even if it did, I don't think avoiding it would make imploding a country (if not a world) worth trying to stop it. Seriously. Do some basic research.

Edited by bibiche
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That was my entire point in reposting the crook and monster blog entry. Oh, and quoting Phil Vischer:



The world isn't ending, half of our friends and neighbors aren't actually monsters voting for Hitler, and the disappointing ugliness seems to be most on display in the words and actions of those claiming they hold the moral high ground.


Deep breaths, prayers for the next president to be wise and prudent, and remembering we aren't one another's enemies in this process are all good and prudent things. I maintain neither of these folks were good choices, but I'm not surprised at what spawned both of them either.

It's not ending for YOU because it's your religion which will be codified into law. On the other hand, it's MY family about to lose basic human rights.

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You're not alone. There will likely be a mass exodus in the State Department. Some senior officers will undoubtedly stay to try to stabilize things, but I expect very few people want to serve under that odious monster.


This makes being stationed abroad infinitely more difficult. DH works on a freaking base in the middle east and the new boss man made all kinds of horrible statements about the people and religion of our host nation, you know, the one that allows us access to these very strategic facilities. It's insane. 

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No one should be treated as subhuman  AND nothing T has done or said has ever indicated anything of the sort...that's just inflammatory and causes fear.


However:  now to really get this shut down...but I must...


Perhaps it's the morality that hopes to have a Supreme Court (or the states) says that it's NOT OK to rip a baby apart limb by limb from the womb


THAT's not inflammatory?!?!?


We'll see what a Trump presidency does to the abortion rates.  

Edited by 8circles
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appreciate the graciousness of your post (I really do)


But the bolded is invalidated by the Jay-Z and Beyonce concert for her.  To me, his lyrics do more to "legitimize those viewpoints" 


I'm lost.  Jay-Z and Beyonce are performers, not presidential candidates.


What I was trying to convey, and I did it poorly, was that analyst's breakdown stopped me from painting half the nation with a broad, ugly brush.


I am really trying to hold to what Arctic Mama said, that we are all, for the most part decent people and am trying not to panic that we have opened Pandora's box out not only on to our nation, but on the world.  For those of you that believe our system will hold our new president in check, allowing him to fix what needs to be fixed without destroying the good, I truly hope you are right.


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No one should be treated as subhuman  AND nothing T has done or said has ever indicated anything of the sort...that's just inflammatory and causes fear.


He who thinks of women as grab-able pus*ys has never treated anyone as subhuman?


I want so much to go high when some go low. I really do. It's so freaking hard to right now.

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Here's one thing I'm doing about this because I have to do something about this awful feeling. Refugees are one of the groups that has been blamed and lied about throughout this campaign. If you're not sure about refugees, educate yourself. Advocate for them to be resettled in the US, especially Syrian refugees. I'm always posting resources for this on the Facebook page in my signature or you can look here http://refugeeresettlementassistance.blogspot.com


I'm planning adding more resources for political advocacy now since there's no point in donating to resettlement agencies if refugees are banned.

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Here's one thing I'm doing about this because I have to do something about this awful feeling. Refugees are one of the groups that has been blamed and lied about throughout this campaign. If you're not sure about refugees, educate yourself. Advocate for them to be resettled in the US, especially Syrian refugees. I'm always posting resources for this on the Facebook page in my signature or you can look here http://refugeeresettlementassistance.blogspot.com


I'm planning adding more resources for political advocacy now since there's no point in donating to resettlement agencies if refugees are banned.

Amira, I will do what I can do to help. But much as I admire this initiative, I think in this political climate it is, sadly, a lost cause.  :(

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Amira, I will do what I can do to help. But much as I admire this initiative, I think in this political climate it is, sadly, a lost cause. :(

I agree, but I also know that the majority of Americans do support refugee resettlement so I have hope that individuals and communities and religious organizations can work together to make a difference.

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I'm horrified by tonight's results but there is no way that anyone's religion is going to be codified into law. He has no religion. He'll probably throw a few bones towards his religious supporters but he's not in their camp.

Agreed. That's what I was getting at in response. Neither he nor Clinton would have done much on that count for any religion in particular or religious liberty in general.

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My particular concern is environment. We all share one planet, and now the "Leader" of the Free World is someone who thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax.

Yes. The US has done so much to damage the environment. We were finally starting to turn that around and take responsibility for that, and now this.

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I'm lost.  Jay-Z and Beyonce are performers, not presidential candidates.


What I was trying to convey, and I did it poorly, was that analyst's breakdown stopped me from painting half the nation with a broad, ugly brush.


I am really trying to hold to what Arctic Mama said, that we are all, for the most part decent people and am trying not to panic that we have opened Pandora's box out not only on to our nation, but on the world.  For those of you that believe our system will hold our new president in check, allowing him to fix what needs to be fixed without destroying the good, I truly hope you are right.





I meant to comment about the hypocrisy of H's outrage with what T has said (which is disgusting) to her support and desire to have them sing and represent her.  Not very eloquent...too tired. 

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I think this is kind-of like "I won't mention that your husband cheated on you because that would be mean". they made me promise not to"

No, my comment was in kind with the character of the one leveled at me and I decided it would be nicer to not fight back with someone who is probably speaking from a place of distress more than logic. I think it's reasonable to hope most of the ugliness on this thread is emotions in the moment and not the real way these posters think about those around them.


I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially when it has been a really shocking night to a lot of the country.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Here's what I'm thinking:


8 years ago, half of the United States thought the world was toppling. We had elected the antichrist. Life as We Know It was coming to an end.


We're still here.


I don't think the world is ending this time either. This country isnt set up for a dictatorship and it isn't going to become one.


I feel like this election has been about anger and hurt, and...I don't doubt there will be more of that.


But I think we'll be OK. I think there are a lot of decent folks, in Washington and around the country. All of us here are decent folks, right? We're not suddenly going to morph, we're going to stand up for decency and goodness. And we're going to encourage our friends and neighbors to do the same. And that's going to make a difference.


The political pendulum swings. It always has.


I refuse to face the future with fear.

Edited by maize
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I'm watching the victory speech right now, and it is extremely conciliatory.  


Yes and we should remember that every elected president had made statements and "promises" that were tempered by reality once he was in the White House. We heard a lot of rhetoric, it's time to go to bed now. :)

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Here's what I'm thinking:


8 years ago, half of the United States thought the world was toppling. We had elected the antichrist. Life as We Know It was coming to an end.


We're still here.


I don't think the world is ending this time either. This country isnt set up for a dictatorship and it isn't going to become one.


I feel like this election has been about anger and hurt, and...I don't doubt there will be more of that.


But I think we'll be OK. I think there are a lot of decent folks, in Washington and around the country. All of us here are decent folks, right? We're not suddenly going to morph, we're going to stand up for decency and goodness. And we're going to encourage our friends And neighbors to do the same. And that's going to make a difference.


The political pendulum swings. It always has.


Yeah, well, the last time there was a loser his supporters weren't emboldened to call minorities racial epithets. The candidate who won wasn't calling service members losers. And his surrogates weren't talking about their enemies list and seeking retribution. We/They are not all decent folks. Not by a long shot. This is different and I don't know that all of us will be OK. You know the fastest way to unite a country? Ask GWB...you start a holy war...and send someone else to fight it.

Edited by Sneezyone
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