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Why is the search feature so awful?


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I am trying to find my previous post about making scarves and I have searched 4 different ways and can't find it.


I just wanted to update and say that I found a fabulous thrift store that had all sorts of scarves and bought 10 of them.  I won't need to make them afterall, at least not right now.


But the search feature is terrible.  I even went to "my content" and stuff popped up from 4 months ago, but not that thread!



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You're right - the search function doesn't work properly.


Here's a workaround to find your content, at least for the past year:

  • Click on "View New Content" in the upper right hand side.
  • Then on the right hand side bar Choose "forums", "for the past X", "items I participated in".
  • Voila!  My content, without using the "my content" feature.
And if you want to search the site, google is your best bet.  You can easily do this by adding "site:forums.welltrainedmind.com" to your search term.  (Don't use the quotation marks.)
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I am trying to find my previous post about making scarves and I have searched 4 different ways and can't find it.


I just wanted to update and say that I found a fabulous thrift store that had all sorts of scarves and bought 10 of them.  I won't need to make them afterall, at least not right now.


But the search feature is terrible.  I even went to "my content" and stuff popped up from 4 months ago, but not that thread!




I asked that question on the tech board and never got an answer. It's terrible. You can't find anything.


ETA: I asked on the Site News and Discussions board.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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The way to find stuff here with Google:


Into your Google search bar, type site:welltrainedmind.com followed by your search term. If you want an exact term or phrase, put it in quotes.


For example, site:welltrainedmind.com "scarves" (or just scarves DawnM)


You can even search by board, if you'll go to one of the boards here to get the address and type it into Google the same way. (use site:___ and leave off the www. or http://)



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It's weird.  Search has never been great, but the last several times I've tried it it thinks November was the most recent posting - for everyone.  I always end up using google instead.  


I agree. I feel like it was working better for awhile--I was doing research on a couple of issues and actually finding exactly what I was looking for. But just the other day I was looking for a thread and couldn't find it anywhere, so I guess it's back to status quo? 


The method Tibbie outlined is really best. I can just never remember how to do it when I need it. I'd better bookmark this post :lol:

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Also, hilariously, I just did a quick search to see if could find the scarves thread, and this thread was the first in the list! After that, there was nothing until February 2016  :blink:


ETA: Ooh, I found it!



Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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You're right - the search function doesn't work properly.


Here's a workaround to find your content, at least for the past year:

  • Click on "View New Content" in the upper right hand side.
  • Then on the right hand side bar Choose "forums", "for the past X", "items I participated in".
  • Voila!  My content, without using the "my content" feature.
And if you want to search the site, google is your best bet.  You can easily do this by adding "site:forums.welltrainedmind.com" to your search term.  (Don't use the quotation marks.)



That only shows me the last 5 threads I participated in.  The scarf one is more than that.

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It's weird.  Search has never been great, but the last several times I've tried it it thinks November was the most recent posting - for everyone.  I always end up using google instead.  


For me it's February 2016. It doesn't matter if I search by keyword, phrases, or a member name, the most recent threads I get are from February. 


The way to find stuff here with Google:


Into your Google search bar, type site:welltrainedmind.com followed by your search term. If you want an exact term or phrase, put it in quotes.


For example, site:welltrainedmind.com "scarves" (or just scarves DawnM)


You can even search by board, if you'll go to one of the boards here to get the address and type it into Google the same way. (use site:___ and leave off the www. or http://)


I'm going to have to switch to this method. I suspect it will be much less frustrating.

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That only shows me the last 5 threads I participated in.  The scarf one is more than that.

Some troubleshooting-type questions ...

(1)  Are you first hitting the "View New Content" button located under the search box and under the terms of use and forum guidelines links?

(2)  If so, did you try playing around with the "Time Period" options on the right hand side of the results of the "new content"?  What about playing around with the "Other" section?  Is "Items I started" the only highlighted option?


And FWIW - I can't find your post either .... using the WTM advanced search or even when I follow my own advice and use google.  :P  So take my advice with a grain of salt.  :D  

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Some troubleshooting-type questions ...

(1)  Are you first hitting the "View New Content" button located under the search box and under the terms of use and forum guidelines links?

(2)  If so, did you try playing around with the "Time Period" options on the right hand side of the results of the "new content"?  What about playing around with the "Other" section?  Is "Items I started" the only highlighted option?


And FWIW - I can't find your post either .... using the WTM advanced search or even when I follow my own advice and use google.   :p  So take my advice with a grain of salt.   :D


Thanks.  That brought a few more!

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I've had to start threads on topics that I know are already out there, but since I can't find them, I'm forced to start something new. It's frustrating.


I use the google trick now, but sometimes I wonder if that catches everything.

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OP - apparently you're a master of stealth on this board.  You're our board ninja!!   :lol:


Not even close!


That is just more of MY posts.  I have been searching for another thread for 3 days.  I did't post on it.


More of a board idiot.

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Yes. Searching is a chore sometimes. If I know I posted sometimes I check my email because I get email notifications and never we hardly ever declutter my inbox.


I have never been able to use the search feature to find a thread. Also, this forum will not let me load an avatar pic. Although once it let me load a different pic, but then, never again....

It is not saying exceeds size, is it? That's all I've got as a reason. I had to delete old pics to make room to post a new one once. But you only ever posted one so unless it was huge I do not understand the reason.

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It was good before the board change a few years ago -- when it looked more like the standard template you see anywhere else. If someone posted a thread and didn't add their kid's age or something, you could very easily see all their recent posts in chronological order to be helpful without having to ask for information and wait for them to respond. It was also a lot easier to find stuff. 


It's useless now. I don't bother. I can't even find threads I know I started using my content. 

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Yes. Searching is a chore sometimes. If I know I posted sometimes I check my email because I get email notifications and never we hardly ever declutter my inbox.



It is not saying exceeds size, is it? That's all I've got as a reason. I had to delete old pics to make room to post a new one once. But you only ever posted one so unless it was huge I do not understand the reason.

I am not given a reason as to why I can't post an avatar pic. I tried and tried and it would act like it was working, but then, no pic. DH, who has a degree in computer engineering, couldn't figure out why it doesn't work either. The only picture I posted was one where we posted beautiful pictures of where we live. That pic was in a post.

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I've had to start threads on topics that I know are already out there, but since I can't find them, I'm forced to start something new. It's frustrating.


I use the google trick now, but sometimes I wonder if that catches everything.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't.  Recent stuff often seems to go missing, and I haven't seen how to set a time period on a search using "site:welltrainedmind.com".  It's really frustrating when you KNOW it was something discussed within the past 6 months, but most of the google hits come from 2010.

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I'm pretty sure it doesn't.  Recent stuff often seems to go missing, and I haven't seen how to set a time period on a search using "site:welltrainedmind.com".  It's really frustrating when you KNOW it was something discussed within the past 6 months, but most of the google hits come from 2010.

You can filter your search results in google using a custom time range (but I don't know how to arrange them in descending/ascending order) ....

Between the search box and the first results, there will be a line of preset filters named "all ... shopping ... images ... videos ... news ... more ... search tools".  Choose "search tools", this will open up a line below it with preset time frames and the option to make a custom range.


BUT --- you're right, some recent threads are invisible to both WTM & Google.  


EDIT:  AFter finishing my post, I decided to ask google about advanced google searching, and I (re)discovered a more powerful interface.  duh.  https://www.google.com/advanced_search  It'll let you search URLs too, so if you knew a keyword was in the title, that might be a feature you could utilize.   But all this, and I still can't find OP's scarf thread even using google's advanced search.  :P


Edited by domestic_engineer
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