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Link to Article Condemning Candidate I Do Not Support

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Coming in extremely late with nothing original or important to say but posting multiple times quoting other posters and adding :iagree: in an attempt to look more politically informed than I actually am (and of course to drive up my posting numbers so I can be a Queen Bee).


Offering the helpful suggestion that you may need to get your board addiction under control. ;)

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Native jackrabbit culture was all but wiped out by Basketful of Fluffy Bunnies Coalition (BFBC). If one gives a dastardly evil domestic terrorist organization a cutesy emotionally-appealing name, Americans will blindly offer their support. I know this because my pet Holland lop's uncle's neighbor's cottontail was a guerilla fighter in the BFBC.


As the poster-formerly-known-as-threeLOPS, I'd like to point out that none of you really understand the plight of the rabbit. The only other person that I've seen on this thread who might understand is NevadaRabbit, but I fear that you've chased her off for good with your hate-filled speech.


Now you know the real reason I changed my name. I couldn't take the prejudice on this board.

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Thank you so much for saying that. It is important and now that you've set those other people straight they can start living right, will support the right candidate, and we will have peace on Earth. You are such a great communicator. :001_smile:


How are you doing today (defining you as the field of jackrabbits)? The resolution is to make sure to set people straight and start living right, support the right candidate and have peace on Earth.


I will take a minute to define key words in the resolution.


"The"...that which is


"resolution"....the sharpness at which your cable provider offers digital programming


"make"...a tool used to gather up dead leaves and otherwise tidy up the place


"sure"....a deodorant for all those stinky posts




"straight"....the opposite of crooked


"candidate"...that which I would feasibly take out to dinner if my mother said I could a date


"peace"....a fractional part of sanity, not unlike a portion of pie


"Earth"...dirt necessary for the sustenance of Jackrabbits


Now on to my plan....





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Coming in extremely late with nothing original or important to say but posting multiple times quoting other posters and adding :iagree: in an attempt to look more politically informed than I actually am (and of course to drive up my posting numbers so I can be a Queen Bee).


:iagree::iagree:(The more smilies you post, the more politically informed you are...not sure anyone knew that yet.)

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Rushed to the laptop upon waking (and showering, and making a phone call) to reread this thread with fresh eyes and have come to the conclusion that society is on it's way to hell in a Longaberger and have decided to take dd to a pumpkin festival 45 miles away from this hate-mongering diatribe.


*flipping hair and huffing off to find coffee....*

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Nope, it's not the goverment. It's a collaboration of rabbits placed at high levels throughout the world. They meet in a field in Germany. I know it for a fact. My grandfather knew an armadillo who knew one of these rabbits and they are slowly taking over, little by little. They've been working on the Plan for the last 329 years and it's just about ready for implementation.


We must band together and elect My Choice because he's the only one with the insight to extract us from the nightmare of the Plan.


Oh for crying out loud.




Rabbits don't even have thumbs. Especially those German ones.

Provides link to article detailing differences between European and American rabbits with highlighted material detailing circuitous route of connections between European thumbless conspiratorial rabbits and the candidate I do not support.

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Suggestion in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS to get out those tinfoil hats and stock up Rabbit Repellant.


Suggestion in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS that Soph the Vet is really not a vet at all or she would surely know that tinfoil hats are useless in fending off a really serious rabbit attack.

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How are you doing today (defining you as the field of jackrabbits)? The resolution is to make sure to set people straight and start living right, support the right candidate and have peace on Earth.


I will take a minute to define key words in the resolution.


"The"...that which is


"resolution"....the sharpness at which your cable provider offers digital programming


"make"...a tool used to gather up dead leaves and otherwise tidy up the place


"sure"....a deodorant for all those stinky posts




"straight"....the opposite of crooked


"candidate"...that which I would feasibly take out to dinner if my mother said I could a date


"peace"....a fractional part of sanity, not unlike a portion of pie


"Earth"...dirt necessary for the sustenance of Jackrabbits


Now on to my plan....






Frankly, if pie is not a part of this plan, I don't even want to hear it.

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Frankly, if pie is not a part of this plan, I don't even want to hear it.


:iagree: with Zelda!


:lurk5: (that's for in case pie is back on the menu; then I'm willing to hear the plan)


:bigear: (ditto explanation above)


:tongue_smilie: (that's for me eating the pie if it's put back into the plan)


:auto: (that's for me driving away from this plan if there's no pie)


:lol: (that's for me; I'm so gosh-durn funny!! In fact, one just ain't enough:) :D

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Pseudo helpful but snarky post all about media bias, insinuating you're all too stupid to not be manipulated and that's why you're not supporting my candidate.


Non sequitur promoting rescue rabbits as house pets and reminder to spay and neuter all your animals. And maybe some of your relatives.

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Hyperlink to article from reputable news source indicting candidate I do not support.



After carefully reading all 16 pages (ha!) I do believe we're missing a careful analysis of why "reputable news source" is totally and completely biased. (IMHO;))


Maybe somewhere in pp. 3-5 of the thread?

Edited by OhM
of, not or
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Pseudo helpful but snarky post all about media bias, insinuating you're all too stupid to not be manipulated and that's why you're not supporting my candidate.


Oddly placed, obtuse reference to "sheeple."



...And maybe some of your relatives.



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Lurking smugly, refusing to jump into the all out brawl, I'm above that kind of behavior, but reads every single post and is aghast at what is being said about candidates and gives dh an earful when he gets home. Can you believe some people actually think this?!?! There is no hope for this country.

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Disclaimer stating that I am not intending to cause trouble but am just providing very important information.


Hyperlink to article from reputable news source indicting candidate I do not support.


Passive/aggressive comment about hypocrisy of said candidate and those who support him. :D


Commentary on sad state of affairs of our world when anyone would lend their support to said candidate.:tongue_smilie:


Unbridled support of candidate I do support.


Spot On!!

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Lurking smugly, refusing to jump into the all out brawl, I'm above that kind of behavior, but reads every single post and is aghast at what is being said about candidates and gives dh an earful when he gets home. Can you believe some people actually think this?!?! There is no hope for this country.



:lol::lol: So true! :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree:

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Still lurking in invisible mode, desperately hoping to see teeth-gnashing lamentatious posts bemoaning the loss of dear sleepy, who has left the boards forever. as in forever-and-ever. as in never to return. gone for good. why is no one sobbing? :confused:

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Rushed to the laptop upon waking (and showering, and making a phone call) to reread this thread with fresh eyes and have come to the conclusion that society is on it's way to hell in a Longaberger and have decided to take dd to a pumpkin festival 45 miles away from this hate-mongering diatribe.


*flipping hair and huffing off to find coffee....*


You are such an elitist! I resent the implication that we should all be riding Longabergers on our way to, uh, well, you know, the bad place. I'm just an average American who lives on a budget. And the budget has gotten much tighter lately with the state of the economy. The baskets at Michael's are much cheaper and just as good as Longabergers, anyway. :glare:

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Has anyone heard from Sleepy? I hope she won't let the rudeness of a few posters keep her away from these boards foreverrrrr. Sleepy, if you're reading, please know how much we love and miss you!


(Secretly thinks Sleepy is acting like a 2 year old having a tantrum)


whacky061.gif Unfortunately, I am still lurking in invisible mode and will therefore be unable to respond to this kindhearted post... Hey, wait, that last bit really stings! sad025.gif

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As the poster-formerly-known-as-threeLOPS, I'd like to point out that none of you really understand the plight of the rabbit. The only other person that I've seen on this thread who might understand is NevadaRabbit, but I fear that you've chased her off for good with your hate-filled speech.


Now you know the real reason I changed my name. I couldn't take the prejudice on this board.


Don't you think you're being a wee bit oversensitive, hon?

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Still lurking in invisible mode, desperately hoping to see teeth-gnashing lamentatious posts bemoaning the loss of dear sleepy, who has left the boards forever. as in forever-and-ever. as in never to return. gone for good. why is no one sobbing? :confused:



Er, I mean, :grouphug:, Sleepy.


Has anyone heard from Sleepy? I hope she won't let the rudeness of a few posters keep her away from these boards foreverrrrr. Sleepy, if you're reading, please know how much we love and miss you!


(Secretly thinks Sleepy is acting like a 2 year old having a tantrum)



Er, I mean, :grouphug:, LizzyBee. I miss her, too. :crying:


(What I really mean: Puh-LEEZ!:nopity:)



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Beansprouts looks over the tags and sees that people are getting creative. She considers posting a colorful tag of her own, potentially incurring the wrath of the Mod Squad, but so far resists the temptation. She also wonders how long the thread will be allowed to continue its downward spiral before TPTB steps in and locks or deletes it, and wonders why only the posts supporting her candidate are being deleted...

Edited by beansprouts
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Laughs at all this nonsense about poltics and wonders why Americans can't have political threads that are civil like the Canadian politic threads that turn to Hockey by the end of the first page. Mocks duration of American election process since ours is over on Tuesday. Added of course just to not feel left out.

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Cites single instance of said news source leaning begrudgingly the other way as proof that bias in this particular publication is perceived and not real. Immediately contradicts this statement with attacks on media across the board. Slams political blogs. Suggests only real way to get truly accurate news is from holding shells to your ear. Is not joking.

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Cites single instance of said news source leaning begrudgingly the other way as proof that bias in this particular publication is perceived and not real. Immediately contradicts this statement with attacks on media across the board. Slams political blogs. Suggests only real way to get truly accurate news is from holding shells to your ear. Is not joking.


Provides link to eight blogs providing information on buying or leasing news shells, various shell add-ons, and comparative analysis of shell service providers. Is not joking.

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Polish off bottle of Smirnoff (hic) and fall into bed because room is spinning. Lie awake feverishly pondering every single post for any possibility that I could be guilty of said behavior because obviously it's all about me, you know. Suffer nightmares of jackrabbits, jackhammers, the Church Lady, smilies, exclamation points, the mod squad, and campaign buttons.


Wake up to pm questioning my ability to interpret bias on board and spiral downward into despair convinced (or, gee, should it be convicted?) of my lack of Napoleon Dynamite skills. Contemplate starting a social group for those in doubt about their textuality.


Decide to spend the Saturday in frivolous pursuit of deep treatment of hair because that's easier than psychoanalyzing self and, besides, Tom Cruise says that psychiatry is bunk anyway and I defer to him and his scientology creed more than I do Madonna and her kabbalah mysticism because he has prettier celebrities in his group than Madonna does.


Satisfied with own logic and thinks all should bow down to Apiphobic's bee-fearing mantra, "Bee smart, support my candidate!"

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(Beansprouts seriously considers starting a spin-off thread to discuss further this alleged lagomorphic conspiracy....)


(Megsmachine seriously considers commenting on the abortion comment back on page 2 or 3. Thinks better of it because, in victim mode, knows she will just be attacked AGAIN.)

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I'm sorry people, but none of you have backed up your statements with statistics. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that 95% of us think 42% of women and 37% of men over age 40 are entangled in zero sum games at least 75% of their 16 daily nonsleeping hours. Hence one can only conclude (with a 2.85% standard deviation) that 56% of the remaining 5% only think on Tuesdays or Thursdays, particularly when the sun is not shining or when House is not being aired.


Is everyone clear now on the facts of the matter?

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I'm sorry people, but none of you have backed up your statements with statistics. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that 95% of us think 42% of women and 37% of men over age 40 are entangled in zero sum games at least 75% of their 16 daily nonsleeping hours. Hence one can only conclude (with a 2.85% standard deviation) that 56% of the remaining 5% only think on Tuesdays or Thursdays, particularly when the sun is not shining or when House is not being aired.


Is everyone clear now on the facts of the matter?


:svengo: I feel sick. too. many. numbers.....

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Well, as I was on Sinai getting this link I had a nice chit chat with a phophet holding tablets who again soldified that this link has no bias other than the right one.... and so this link should be taken as the gosple truth.... and I myself have no bias or agenda in posting said link other than I got it on Sinai and..... I really wasn't on Sinai to get any links but.... This link is pure and clean and will enlighten you beyond question if you will only read it :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry people, but none of you have backed up your statements with statistics. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that 95% of us think 42% of women and 37% of men over age 40 are entangled in zero sum games at least 75% of their 16 daily nonsleeping hours. Hence one can only conclude (with a 2.85% standard deviation) that 56% of the remaining 5% only think on Tuesdays or Thursdays, particularly when the sun is not shining or when House is not being aired.


Is everyone clear now on the facts of the matter?


Link, please?

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Laughs at all this nonsense about poltics and wonders why Americans can't have political threads that are civil like the Canadian politic threads that turn to Hockey by the end of the first page. Mocks duration of American election process since ours is over on Tuesday. Added of course just to not feel left out.


Having turned off the computer and gone to watch TV after posting twice on the first page, I come back and read every. single. post. Beansprouts made the comment I wanted to make:glare:. Having dual citizenship, I snarkily choose to agree with my fellow Canadian, but am careful to use lots of smilies to make it look like I'm not at all sorry to have missed all the action last night and to have missed making many hopefully whitty posts, even though secretly knowing I've never been in the funniest group of posters on the board.


Hyperlink the one I really think should be running for president, since not only did he and his family manage to pay back every single cent of a debt they didn't actually incur knowingly, he can keep it in his pants, two qualities the candidates on this thread here fail to have http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfIg2073-eg&feature=related No slight to rabbits of any kind intended. Smart-alec comment suggesting people don't correct my flagrantly poor grammar because my dc are yelling at me to get off the computer now and go outside.

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(Beansprouts seriously considers starting a spin-off thread to discuss further this alleged lagomorphic conspiracy....)

Impressed that Beansprouts recognizes rabbits as lagomorphs and not RODENTS thereby distancing herself and exhibiting much more intelligence than the unsuspecting candidate of the OP obviously does.

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Stooping to numberism, are we? We have seen sexism and racism in this campaign, but now numberism! I protest!


I still haven't seen a link to support your assertions. Apparently the information isn't valid because if it were you'd have posted a link by now. Hmmph.


It's not as though we have lives apart from these boards or something.

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Impressed that Beansprouts recognizes rabbits as lagomorphs and not RODENTS thereby distancing herself and exhibiting much more intelligence than the unsuspecting candidate of the OP obviously does.


It's just semantics. No need to be so nitpicky. You knew what the rest of us meant even if we can't use big words like Beansprouts.

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It's just semantics. No need to be so nitpicky. You knew what the rest of us meant even if we can't use big words like Beansprouts.

Feeling the need to be everyone's friend and hence recognizing LizzyBee's wonderful choice of adjectives in "nitpicky". Letting her know this in a condescending manner of course.

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Feeling the need to be everyone's friend and hence recognizing LizzyBee's wonderful choice of adjectives in "nitpicky". Letting her know this in a condescending manner of course.


Digression into semantics. Needing to feel intelligent after a day spent mediating juvenile disputes I pointlessly bring up the fact that I learned the difference between lagomorphs and rodents when many of the parents on this board were too young to have realized that anyone might lump cute little bunnies with scary looking rats.


Secretly wonder if vet stands for veteran instead of animal doctor:tongue_smilie::D

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I still haven't seen a link to support your assertions. Apparently the information isn't valid because if it were you'd have posted a link by now. Hmmph.


It's not as though we have lives apart from these boards or something.


Assert vehemently that Jane has her degree in mathematics and is therefore completely qualified to recognize numberism when she sees it, regardless of whether or not anyone has even started a website on it. Back my statement with a totally-unrelated-to-the-OP history of isms that existed long before the internet did.

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