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In Tears Because I'm Locked Out of my Computer


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And my book is due to the publisher this week and the only copy is on the hard drive of the computer.


I have no idea what to do. According to everything I've read on the Internet this happens sometimes after a Windows 10 update. Unfortunately I've not stumbled across anyone with an answer to my problem.


I feel sick. And, yes, I know I should have had a back up.

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There was a recent thread here where folks were talking about how they went back to their original operating system after the windows 10 update. Maybe you can get some tips from that thread?

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How locked out are you?

It will not accept my login password at all. It will accept the password of every other person's account but not mine. I'm the administrator so none of my files can be accessed by the other accounts. I can't do anything to reinstall or use a previous loaded version because it all requires a password.

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There was a recent thread here where folks were talking about how they went back to their original operating system after the windows 10 update. Maybe you can get some tips from that thread?

She would have to get into the computer to do that. :(

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It will not accept my login password at all. It will accept the password of every other person's account but not mine. I'm the administrator so none of my files can be accessed by the other accounts. I can't do anything to reinstall or use a previous loaded version because it all requires a password.

Oh no. I'm so sorry. I have no idea what to do about that. :(

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Have you contacted Microsoft?



From everything I've read online, Microsoft tells you good luck and take it to a tech person. The tech person has to wipe and reinstall everything.


Oh no! Do you have any techy friends or family? My brother in law saved the day for me when my laptop locked me out. I hope you find someone to help.

Possibly a BIL. I'll give him a call tonight and see if he can help.

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Can you go to the website and reset your Microsoft Live account password there?



I tried my Live password but I didn't try resetting it.



Hate to ask an obvious question but have you restarted the computer? I got locked out recently but after I restarted the computer did accept my password.

Yep, that worked the first time earlier today when it happened but now it doesn't help.

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From everything I've read online, Microsoft tells you good luck and take it to a tech person. The tech person has to wipe and reinstall everything.



Possibly a BIL. I'll give him a call tonight and see if he can help.


Don't wipe the drive. There must be a way to do an external boot (I'm guessing).


If you can boot externally, you should be able to read the drive. Do not wipe the drive.



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I tried my Live password but I didn't try resetting it.



Yep, that worked the first time earlier today when it happened but now it doesn't help.


When I log in to Windows 10, I have two options, PIN or my Microsoft account. Try going to the website, resetting your Microsoft Live password, and using that to log in. If that doesn't work, there are some very complicated options to reset your password by fiddling with the BIOS and the registry, but if you aren't a techie person, I'd take it to someone.

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I know this won't help in the moment, but just an idea for the future. When I have a manuscript in progress, my "back up" is to email the work to myself, usually 1-3 chapters at a time (not as an attachment but actually cut and paste into the body of the email). That way it is accessible from any computer and also serves as a poor man's copyright.


I hope you get help quickly, and gain access to everything you need.

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Don't wipe the drive. There must be a way to do an external boot (I'm guessing).


If you can boot externally, you should be able to read the drive. Do not wipe the drive.



In the past (pre-Windows 10, so this may not be relevant), DH was able to access files on computers with messed up Windows installs by using a Linux live boot CD or USB. If you have a techie friend with Linux experience they might be able to do this for you (assuming Windows 10 doesn't prevent this sort of thing from working somehow). Good luck! Edited by kirstenhill
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If this was my everyday computer, I'd follow the advice here or elsewhere online.


If I had as much at risk as you do, I'd stuff the machine in the passenger seat of my car and drive to the nearest Best Buy, or tech squad, or other computer repair specialist in data retrieval. Costs money. Saves the butterflies. Rescues manuscripts. (Priceless)

Edited by bolt.
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If this was my everyday computer, I'd follow the advice here or elsewhere online.


If I had as much at risk as you do, I'd stuff the machine in the passenger seat of my car and drive to the nearest Best Buy, or tech squad, or other computer repair specialist in data retrieval. Costs money. Saves the butterflies. Rescues manuscripts. (Priceless)


I wouldn't go with Geek Squad. Some of them don't even have their A+ certs, and that's basically the "I know how to turn on a computer" test. The OP should find someone with a ton of experience and good reviews.

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I have no idea if this works on newer computers and programs or not.  It shouldn't, because it is a silly loophole around passwords.  I know it works on older computers because I have have done it to recover files in the past. I would not expect this to work, but the newer laptops in our house are upstairs in bedrooms, and I don't really want to wake someone to try it out.



Restart the computer in 'safe mode with command prompt"  (restart computer and hit f7 once each second as the computer is rebooting).  


When you get to the command prompt, type in the word "notepad".   It should bring up a box with windows style tabs. One of the tabs says files". If you open the files tab, it may grant you access to a part of the computer programming that allows you access to your individual files.  If you can access the files, you can move it to a disk or USB storage device (hard drive, cloud, phone, etc)

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I know awhile back I was locked out of one of my computers and I bought and downloaded iSunshare and it reset my password to nothing. Not sure if it works with Windows 10 and you do need another computer/thumb drive to download the program, but it did work for me and you may want to check it out.


Sent from my SM-T817V using Tapatalk

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In the past (pre-Windows 10, so this may not be relevant), DH was able to access files on computers with messed up Windows installs by using a Linux live boot CD or USB. If you have a techie friend with Linux experience they might be able to do this for you (assuming Windows 10 doesn't prevent this sort of thing from working somehow). Good luck!


This is what I was going to suggest and what Spy Car suggested is also on the ball.   If you can get (or make) a "Live CD" for a Linux Distribution and boot from that, hopefully you will be able to access the Data files on the hard disk drive and copy them to an External USB hard disk drive or into your Dropbox account or somewhere in the Cloud or to another box on your Home LAN..


There are "Rescue" Disks one can download and burn to a CD or DVD. 


Interesting that you can log into the other User Accounts, but not into your account, which is also the Administrative account.  You might Google for that.  I assume that you have double checked your password and that  your "CAPS LOCK" is not on.  


One thing I was cautious about, after ordering (to my surprise) a Windows 8.1 laptop for DD, was during the OOBE (Out of Box Experience or first run of the OS) NOT to have it login with a Microsoft Account. I set it up to Log In from a Local User account.  That will not help you at this time, but after you get past this time of stress, possibly you can configure your Windows 10 box to only use Local User logins.  



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Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!


Unfortunately nothing worked until this morning when dd12 remembered that she had gotten locked out of her iPod and the problem was that, for some reason, I guess due to an update, the last character of her iPod's password had become doubled.


She sat down at my computer, typed in my old password but with a doubled final character and it let her right in. We went in and changed my password back to the original and now is letting me in and out from the login screen with no problems. I'm still scratching my head over this one.


However I now have my book saved on a USB and in Dropbox, so if the whole thing crashes and burns at this point, I don't care!


OK, that is weird. But congratulations.


Sometimes you've just got to embrace the weirdness :D



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I started reading this thread yesterday, and when I got home DH had the computer open and it was downloading Windows 10.  I had been successfully declining (set my computer to require all changes to request approval, even opening programs like Word).  He swears he told it no, but...LOL  Anyway, I was too scared to try to log in afterwards.  Double end character.  Huh.  Good to know!  Maybe I will actually try to use my computer tonight.

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Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!


Unfortunately nothing worked until this morning when dd12 remembered that she had gotten locked out of her iPod and the problem was that, for some reason, I guess due to an update, the last character of her iPod's password had become doubled.


She sat down at my computer, typed in my old password but with a doubled final character and it let her right in. We went in and changed my password back to the original and now is letting me in and out from the login screen with no problems. I'm still scratching my head over this one.


However I now have my book saved on a USB and in Dropbox, so if the whole thing crashes and burns at this point, I don't care!


I'm so glad your book is safe, but as others have said, that is extremely weird! I don't understand why this would work on two different operating systems. 


Regardless,  :party: !

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Thank you for letting us know. I was worried about this all night, lol.


So, so glad there is a happy ending. 


Sometimes I long for the days of things that had to be typed out.  I remember a professor friend telling me about the cost of having your thesis typed up. There was an entire cottage industry of people who typed up PhD thesis for grad students. He needed multiple copies for his review committee. When he picked it up he was told to keep it in the freezer. The thinking was that if his house burned down the fridge was one of the things likely to survive with a minimum of damage.



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Kudos to your DD for figuring that out with her iPod.  Amazing, that it also worked on your Windows 10 box.  IMO your DD deserves at least one (1) Banana Split, if not more than one. Congrats on getting access to your User Account!  


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