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Teen driver insurance estimate- State Farm?


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DH plans on calling our agent at some point, but he's so busy at work and I'm working on my "to-do" list for us.  :)  Could someone who has State Farm insurance comment on how much your insurance went up when you added a student driver?  DS is 15 and we are thinking ahead to driver's ed.  I've heard the amounts can be atrocious!  Any advice would be appreciated.

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I don't have State Farm, but our insurance rates don't go up at all with the addition of a student driver.  They only increase when the teen actually gets their driver's license.  For us, it is going to be about a $1,000/ year increase.  I suspect a lot may have to do with what type of cars you have and how nice they are.  We have older cars.

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I shopped around a lot when ods got his license and when I told Geoco I was leaving them for another company because they quoted me a $1500 increase, they suddenly 'found' a better rate. My son only pays about $600/year for his car. Unfortunately he now has a speeding ticket so it will be going up - tough lesson to learn!


But as a PP said, there should be no increase until he actually gets his license, not just his learner's permit.

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For my kids (21 and 17) they were about $60/mth when we added them and a car for each, for full coverage.  They are added to all the cars and we have 4 in our name, so each car goes up a bit each time we added one.  They are driving an O1 Volvo and an 2000 VW, but they are also on my 2015 Subaru.  We have our house and life insurance through them too so we get a multi policy discount as well as safe drivers, good grades and drivers ed. 

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DH plans on calling our agent at some point, but he's so busy at work and I'm working on my "to-do" list for us.  :)  Could someone who has State Farm insurance comment on how much your insurance went up when you added a student driver?  DS is 15 and we are thinking ahead to driver's ed.  I've heard the amounts can be atrocious!  Any advice would be appreciated.



We just did it last week - with State Farm.  $67 per month on a vehicle with liability only.  Vehicle is 1999 Chevy.  He bought it last summer for $1200 so that we would have a vehicle to put liability on for him only to save $$.  (Well, and cuz he's awesome.) ;)   This includes the discount for the little safety video AND the discount for good student.


However, as our oldest DD is getting removed from our policy, we have to switch from State Farm for the first time in 27 years.  (One accident her fault, one not.) So we checked out USAA and they were less expensive across the board - but only for previous military.  We did not find Progressive to be less. 


Now, what I can't remember is if it is $67 MORE than what we were paying (around $30) or if it's $67.  We haven't gotten the first bill yet.  And yes, it's outrageous.  It's more than DD.


And it might depend on state, but here, no, you don't change your insurance until he has his official license.  You can double check with your agent.  Ours was more than happy to supply us with the info, but then again, we adore her.  It's going to cause all of us pain to leave. :(  (Who in the world gets attached to their insurance agent?  Only us apparently.)

Edited by BlsdMama
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State Farm has good student discount. They also have a new driver workbook log that can get you a discount if you complete it within 90 days of licensure I think.


Check what kind of insurance you have. We have "no cancel" policy. State Farm doesn't sell them anymore. So, we've added drivers, but we've never changed our policy type--on the chance one our kids turns out to get into accidents the company will never cancel us. I've known some families who had trouble getting insured anywhere after a teen had one accident. So it seemed like a good idea to keep this policy.

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I don't have State Farm, but our insurance rates don't go up at all with the addition of a student driver.  They only increase when the teen actually gets their driver's license.  For us, it is going to be about a $1,000/ year increase.  I suspect a lot may have to do with what type of cars you have and how nice they are.  We have older cars.


It also depends on whether or not your teen has his "own car". If you have 3 cars and 2 parent drivers, your teen will automatically be assigned as primary driver of the third car, whether that's literally true or not.


We have an ancient Honda Odyssey, with liability coverage only. I am the primary driver and DS16 is the secondary driver. Adding him added maybe $40 month? But that low number is due to the low value of the Odyssey, the lack of more than basic insurance coverage, and the fact that he is not the primary driver yet.


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We have State Farm. When our dd got her license, it was about $110 a month to add her. It went down to $75 after she did a safe driver program they had and turned 21, then went back up after she got a bunch of speeding tickets. 

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We have State Farm and I remember being pleasantly surprised that it wasn't that much. I was a little ticked with them though that because he was homeschooled, they wouldn't accept GPA as evidence for the good student discount like they do for traditionally schooled. I had to bring in proof that he scored in the 80th percentile or higher on a nationally standardized test to get it. Luckily, he had just squeaked by that on the Iowa that year.


The GPA requirement isn't that high, 3.0, but the 80th percentile seemed tougher to me. I bet there are a lot more kids getting 3.0 or more than scoring in the highest 20th percentile. (A quick search suggests half of high school students graduate with a 3.0 or higher.)

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I don't have State Farm, but our insurance rates don't go up at all with the addition of a student driver.  They only increase when the teen actually gets their driver's license.  For us, it is going to be about a $1,000/ year increase.  I suspect a lot may have to do with what type of cars you have and how nice they are.  We have older cars.


Seconding most of this. Student driver's do not increase insurance unless they get a ticket or get into an accident. Once they get a license...it depends on your vehicles. Unfortunately, we have 3 cars, the one's DH and I drive regularly plus an old SUV that we use to haul the trailer and scouts, etc. Turns out that if you have 3 vehicles and 3 licensed drivers, they must all be primary on a vehicle.

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Turns out that if you have 3 vehicles and 3 licensed drivers, they must all be primary on a vehicle.


That's not the case for us. We have three cars and three drivers. I am primary on one, dh is primary on two, and dd is secondary on one.

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We have State Farm, & the kids get Safe Driver & Good Student Discounts.  We have old vans, so it's about $30/month added on.  Insurance is only needed after they get their license.


ETA = we live in a low COL, rural area with 1991 Previa with 300K on it. ;-)  Secondary driver.

Our older son pays more like $90/month with his 1994 Civic, as owner/primary driver.

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Wow, I'm surprised how low some of your premiums are. I was happy when I was quoted the additional $1000 because I had heard others say it could be quite high, but some of you are paying a lot less than that. Our newest car is a 2005 with 225,000 miles on it.

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State Farm has good student discount. They also have a new driver workbook log that can get you a discount if you complete it within 90 days of licensure I think.


Check what kind of insurance you have. We have "no cancel" policy. State Farm doesn't sell them anymore. So, we've added drivers, but we've never changed our policy type--on the chance one our kids turns out to get into accidents the company will never cancel us. I've known some families who had trouble getting insured anywhere after a teen had one accident. So it seemed like a good idea to keep this policy.



It's an excellent policy and it is what we have BUT they can "not renew."  So, while they can't cancel anyone, once a year, they can choose to not renew you.  It is the exact scenario we are finding ourselves in right now.

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That's not the case for us. We have three cars and three drivers. I am primary on one, dh is primary on two, and dd is secondary on one.


This is true for us as well.  Only one person can be the "primary" driver by definition.  We have five vehicles.  DD is primary on hers, DS is primary on his, DH is primary on the commuter and work truck, and I am primary on van.  

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It wasn't much, about $50/month. Full coverage as the vehicle was still worth something decent if it got totaled (and it did, then it went up about another $30/month). When we added second son, there wasn't an additional increase until we added a 4th car. For awhile, both were sharing a car.

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It probably depends on your area too. For just DH and I, with clean driving records, we pay just over $200. Both of our cars have liens on them, but even when we owed nothing on our cars, we paid $175 a month.


I don't even want to think about adding our sons. ðŸ˜

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It all depends on the state, not the insurance company, because the company itself will have different policies based on the driving habits and statistics of teens in each state, whether or not the state is a no fault insurance state, etc. We have State Farm and around here rates go up about $200.00 per month to add a licensed teen driver.

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True about the state differences.


Mine is in OK.  We have house insurance, two life insurance policies, full coverage on a 2007 crossover, and  a 2015 F150, and liability on a 2003 Eclips.  All for $250 per month.  My XH has ds16 on his policy in AR and for a 2012 Prius with $1000 deductible it is $144.  But that Prius amount was the same for OK....I checked.

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Holy smokes!  I'd simply refuse to let my teens drive if I had some of your costs.


We have State Farm and have added two teen drivers during the last several months.  With the first, we had her assigned to the oldest vehicle (2000 minivan), raised the deductible on the other vehicle to $1,000, dropped collision/comprehensive on the minivan, had her take a drivers ed course for the discount, had her do the specific State Farm safe driver program (essentially a paper log on several driving trips), and submitted her report card for the good student discount.


Our insurance cost went DOWN.  I don't remember the exact amount but it went down a few dollars a month.  I was very pleasantly surprised but DD was already 19 so I figured I'd really get nailed when we added younger DD.  A few months later, we went back and added DD16 to the same vehicle.  She also had the same discounts.  Cost went up $18 a month. *whew*



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Holy smokes! I'd simply refuse to let my teens drive if I had some of your costs.


We have State Farm and have added two teen drivers during the last several months. With the first, we had her assigned to the oldest vehicle (2000 minivan), raised the deductible on liability to $1,000, dropped collision/comprehensive, had her take a drivers ed course for the discount, had her do the specific State Farm safe driver program (essentially a paper log on several driving trips), and submitted her report card for the good student discount.


Our insurance cost went DOWN. I don't remember the exact amount but it went down a few dollars a month. I was very pleasantly surprised but DD was already 19 so I figured I'd really get nailed when we added younger DD. A few months later, we went back and added DD16 to the same vehicle. She also had the same discounts. Cost went up $18 a month. *whew*

What do you mean raise the deductible on liability? Liability doesn't have a deductible.


My son got the good student, steer clear and drivers Ed discount. But the cost to insure him includes not only adding him but also a newer ish car. Before he had his license it was $44 a month....so adding him was another $100.

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What do you mean raise the deductible on liability? Liability doesn't have a deductible.


Oops. You are correct.  We raised the deductibles on the other vehicle.  I'll edit and correct my post.

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Oops. You are correct. We raised the deductibles on the other vehicle. I'll edit and correct my post.

Ok...I thought I had missed a big thing or something....LOL.


We have high deductibles on ours too. And we don't file,claims unless it is something big.

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