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Migraines.... help me, I need tips.


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Ok I've had bad migraines for years. I see a neurologist and a chiro. Thats not my question...

I wanted to compile a list of things I could try to help with the pain, after I get a migraine. I'm having them about every other day and i cant get into the doctor for another few days... So I need some tips and tricks.

What sorts of things help you with your migraines?

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My doctor gave me a presciption for Imitrex. Don't know if you have tried that route yet, and I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone. I'm not big on taking medications in general. However, my migraines would last for two days straight. I got to the point where, as I told my husband, I would literally feel like I was going crazy. Anyway, the Imitrex works well for me as far as relieving the migraine, however it does have some strange side effects for me. My dh commented that the medicine made me 'reflective', like I'd sit and stare into space, then after a while, I'd ask him some 'deep' question. I do admit that it really feels like it does something strange to my brain, and for that reason, I do not like to take it. It makes me feel...wierd.


As far as other things, I have found that alternating ice packs and a heating pad, applied to the back of my head/top of my neck area, sometimes helps. As well as, of course, being in a quite, dark room. However, that sometimes just allows me to concentrate more on how bad my head hurts...


Also, not sure of your opinion of this, (so please pardon if you do not agree), but I have found that prayer is very helpful to me personally. I will pray, or ask my husband to pray over me, or even call a friend in our fellowship to pray for me. If/when I do take medication, it is always after prayer.


Blessings, Bethany

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There was a period of about a year where I don't think I could have survived without my daily migraine medication. It slowed the progression enough for me to get some Advil Migraine (which I worship) or extra caffeine in my system before I could get knocked on my butt.


I don't take the daily meds anymore, but I keep Advil on the first floor of the house, the second floor of the house, in my purse, and in my car. A couple of times a month, I'll feel one coming on and my Advil and caffeine can hold it off if I chug right away. If I wait a few minutes too long, there is nothing that helps me until the pain wears my body out and gives in to at least a 3 hour nap. If I don't take the Advil and get a damp cloth before passing out, the nap may not even help.


If it were legal to marry a drug, I'd drop dh like a hot potato for Advil Migraine. Seriously.


Big hugs to you. While I've been fortunate enough to avoid having a doozy for quite a while, I'll never, ever forget the real desire to decapitate myself, or to try and convince my neighbors to turn over their heaviest pain meds! I'd rather give birth to triplets every day of my life than deal with that kind of pain.

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Assuming you've tried most of the OTC pain meds, here's some other ideas.

For me sometimes doing exercise with stretching will help if I start it before the pain becomes too bad.


I've also had some good results from taking a shower where I alternate going from tolerably hot to cold on my head. Again, this works best if you can do it when the pain is first coming on.


I also use imagery to help fight the pain. I imagine the pain as a very tight rubber band(s) stretched & hooked across the painful part of my head. Then I imagine releasing the bands, one by one off those hooks & that my scalp is releasing & relaxing at the same time. Sometimes I have to imagine the same band over & over before it begins to release. Another image I use is similar of very tight straps that I must unsnap. This can help make the pain manageable even when it's bad. Again if you try it when the pain is young it's even better.


When really bad I can get some relief by either pulling moderately on a section of hair where the pain is or using a bristly hairbrush pushed against the scalp. Experiment with rubbing with it or pushing. I really hate doing these but when I'm desperate they help.


Finally, have you read the book "Heal your Headache" by David Buchholz? It's by a neurologist that specializes in headaches. He lists extensive migraine triggers, more than the typical caffeine, cheese, red wine stuff. Ever since I've read that book & cut down (I never have been able to totally eliminate all the possible triggers) several trigger foods I have had fewer & much less intense migraines. I used to get them at least monthly & last up to 5 days. Now it's more occasional & 1 maybe 2 days.


I sure hope you find something from the collective mind that helps.



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If I am able to catch it in time I'm usually able to get rid of them doing this (have to catch it early though or it doesn't work):


A couple of Excedrin Migraine or other pain reliever, pour yourself the most caffeinated beverage you have, lay in a bath tub with the water as hot as you can possibly stand. You do not have to stay in long but it's important for the water to be as hot as possible without scalding yourself - the heat will help pull your blood down away from your head. Rest in the tub as long as you can with an ice pack on your head and another one at the back of your neck, and sip your drink.


I usually feel much better within 30 minutes - an hour.

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I get horrible migraines too, and have for years.


A few things that sometimes help...


taking a warm shower (not too hot) often helps


getting DH to massage the base of my skull, right where it joins the neck


sometimes a cold pack on the back of my head is helpful


decongestant along with pain meds


staying away from bright lights, computer glare, sunlight or wind




massaging the top of my nose, right between the eyes


applying gentle pressure to my eye sockets using my cupped hands


And of course, meds

Michelle T

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If I am able to catch it in time I'm usually able to get rid of them doing this (have to catch it early though or it doesn't work):


A couple of Excedrin Migraine or other pain reliever, pour yourself the most caffeinated beverage you have, lay in a bath tub with the water as hot as you can possibly stand. You do not have to stay in long but it's important for the water to be as hot as possible without scalding yourself - the heat will help pull your blood down away from your head. Rest in the tub as long as you can with an ice pack on your head and another one at the back of your neck, and sip your drink.


I usually feel much better within 30 minutes - an hour.


Yes, I do this too - lucky enough that the house came with a hot tub. When we lived in a condo with an indoor pool & a hot tub, I used to alternate swimming underwater & the tub with an icepack....


Also, I've got some relief from Robaxacet Platinum. I think once a migraine starts for me, it really triggers a lot of other pain in my neck which feeds into it more so the muscle relaxant helps somewhat.


If all else fails, sleeping pills & a dark cool room.

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Well, my migraines usually start as a tension headache so YMMV.


Regular walking with pumping arms helps. Putting my feet in hot water (draws the blood down there instead of to your head). Sniffing cayenne pepper numbs the painful nerve. You can get the same effect with a powdered pepper and putting it as far as you can in your nose with a toothpick and sniff. Taking a hot shower to relax muscles, then switching to cool water on my head, and letting my hair air dry so it gets really cool. Making snow angel motions on the floor. www.tapping.com only using the points not around the painful area. Fresh air helps, especially below 50 degrees. Brownie mix (really) and chocolate icecream. Ice pack on my head. Finding the tender spot on my head and massaging very hard (sometimes even end up with a bruise, but it numbs the nerve causing the pain. OH, just thought of one. Water soluble magnesium.


My doc prescribed something that contained Advil and Benedryl put together. I alternate between this and 2 Bayer Asperin. It seems if I stick to one thing it stops being effective. Caffeine is addictive. I would not recommend it if you get migraines very often. My mom had to go to rehab in order to get off of caffeine. It causes rebound headaches and you need more and more of it in order to prevent them. It usually does not work as well as Benedryl for me anyway.


If you only try one of my suggestions, add Benedryl to any pain medication you take. Makes all the difference for me.

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I pretty much do all the things listed all ready so I will just give you hugs and hope that it passes soon. Migraines are the worst, I havent' had one in a long time(knocking on wood), but would get them 2 or 3 tmes a week since the birth of oldest till 2 years after youngest, I think mine had to do with hormone he**. Get some rest in the dark if you can.

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My migraines are coming back so they're every other day, and I get a regular headache on the off-days. I had them this bad a few years ago, then I got normal for about a year and a half. I don't know why.


Last time I was desperate for meds I went to the Primecare (little quickie non-critical emergency care walk-in place... I don't know what they're called elsewhere). I laid it out for them: I need drugs. I was surprised how easily they wrote out prescriptions for me.


Percogesic (an OTC med) works okay, if only because it puts me right to sleep and I can sleep through it. The problem with Percogesic, for me, is that I wake up with the same headache I went to sleep with. That's not a bad short-term option if you don't have little kids or other commitments that require your attention. I don't know of any OTC meds that work like Percogesic does (Walmart has a generic brand, Genesec, that does the same thing.)

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I started to have hormonal migraines in between pregnancies. I found that caffeine helped. I was starting to take progesterone to see if it was going to work, but ended up pregnant.


A homeopathic product called Migraine by NaturalCare was helping some. I got it at our local hfs.


Otherwise, dark room, no noise, no computer screen.

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Sorry you are going through this. I have suffered from them for years...since I was 5...now the only thing that gives me some relief is taking 3-4 ibuprofen, drinking a full glass of water, a can of coke (I said 'can', not 'line'!) and sleep in a dark quiet room. Oh and a cold wash clothe over my eyes.


My ds7 also suffers from them and the cold wash clothe works well for him.


I hope you will find some relief soon! :grouphug:

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Ick! I sympathize with you. Everyone's different, but here's my experience:


Being on a BC pill helps me SO much - anything that can help regulate my hormones, as mine are hormone related.


I get the "aura" before the actual headache, so I make sure and take 2 Excedrin Migraine AS SOON as I sense the aura coming on. (And I'd rather be safe than sorry.) This doesn't divert the headache completely, but can lessen the blow. I carry the Excedrin with me everywhere!!!!


Laying down does NOT help (makes it worse) but sitting up and closing my eyes is a better solution.


Imitrex makes me physically ill :tongue_smilie:


I notice that when I am exercising regularly, I tend to get less or less severe migraines


I've heard that increased water intake is good, but haven't noticed a difference.


Stay away from camera flashes, flashing lights, strobe lights, etc. I even have to watch my computer screen exposure.


Coke & M&M's is a nice treat, too.


Hope something here helps!

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Thank you all so much. I cant take the triptans because my migraines are a type of mini stroke. (Imitrez, Zomig, maxalt, Relpax etc.) I havent been on any preventative meds recently because of my pg and breastfeeding so my dr just gave me Percocet and Phenergran. I'm now out because my migraines have been really frequent since my Hysterectomy 2 weeks ago. The funny thing is I kept my ovaries so the dr told me my migraines wouldnt be affected at all... well he was wrong.

Well I'll try some of the suggestions. I already do no light, no sounds, and hot and cold on my head. I just havent tried the eating an apple (I'm usually throwing up so eating probably wont help.) and the cayenne pepper "line" lol.

Ouch, but it's worth a shot!

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Thank you all so much. I cant take the triptans because my migraines are a type of mini stroke. (Imitrez, Zomig, maxalt, Relpax etc.) I havent been on any preventative meds recently because of my pg and breastfeeding so my dr just gave me Percocet and Phenergran.


My mom has mini-strokes and vomiting when she has a migraine. She had to go to rehab three times due to her body's dependency on medications. At least one of those trips involved constant vomiting...


Benedryl works almost as well as Phenergen but for me it has less side effects. I really recommend you try it!


I also want to tell you there have been studies that keeping the head cold reduces the effects of strokes.


Oh, and my mom says that drinking a full container of Gatorade and eating a banana sometimes helps her.

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My migraines were very severe in high school and college. I was on major drugs. Since I became a mother, they are less severe and I try to manage with OTC. The ice packs work for me. Excedrin sometimes works. Lately, I have noticed if I eat something very cold like ice cream, popsicle or snow cone, it helps a lot. Take drugs and then use ice packs and eat something very cold (before you get nauseated). Think about freezing your whole head.:glare: Also, sometimes benadryl will help. A nurse told me to take benadryl while I was pregnant and had a migraine. It helps you to relax. If you can fall asleep, it will help.



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Try finding out what triggers your migraines.


Here are some things to watch for and see if you get a headache after using or eating any of them.





Cheddar Cheese

Yeast in certain breads


I was able to cut my migraines down to a few hormonal ones a month, from 3-4 week by cutting these things out of my diet. It did take a while to nail down what the triggers were. Chocolate and Cheese don't bother me, but any trace of aspartame or MSG will put in bed for days.

Hope some of this helps.

I swear by Alka Seltzer if I catch a headache right at the beginning.

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Thank you all for the great suggestions. I did finally break down and psyched myself up enough to try the Cayenne pepper "sniffer" lol. I think it helped! I'm going to try it on my next migraine before I believe it though lol. Oh my it BURNED! I also couldnt stop sneezing. I had the Aura and I couldnt see... I also had numbness in my hands and teeth. After I tried the cayenne all those symptoms disappeared within as few short minutes.

I'm excited it worked so well last night.


I'll be trying the alka seltzer next.

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I went through a period of migraines just about every other day. Just as I'd be clearing off from one, another would strike. It is horrible. One thing to be aware of is rebound from pain medication can trigger a headache which can trigger another migraine. Once you get into a pattern of frequent migraines, you are more likely to start triggering them rebounding from the medication.


I have two type of migraine medications - Imitrex and Maxalt. The imitrex is great if I can catch the migraine in the first 30 minutes. The maxalt is great if it is going to be a big bad migraine instead of just a migraine. If i have to take the maxalt, I spend the next day feeling like I was kicked in the head. I tell my doc that it is like curing a headache with a sledge hammer, but the maxalt is the only thing that works on the big bad migraine. If the migraine seems like it is going to be small, I try to take nothing and wait until I can sleep - usually a little migraine will go away with sleep.


When the migraines get out of control and too frequent, I take Topamax. It is a daily anti-seziure medication that will reduce the number and severity of migraines in about 60% of the sufferers, but it takes about 4-6 weeks to be effective.


I found that I had at least three types of migraine triggers - food, tiredness, stress. MSG, corn (corn starch, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup), cinnamon, almonds, sodium nitrate, soy all cause migraines for me. To find this, I went on an allergy elimination diet. I basically ate rice and sweet potatoes and drank water for a week, then gradually started adding stuff in. It was hard, but I was very desperate at the time. Now I rarely eat anything unless I or someone I trust cooks it. Cutting out the food-trigger migraines allowed me to get back some control over my life.


I'm sorry you are going through this.

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Funny you mentioned the diet. I am now on day 1 of my elimination diet. So it's rice, beans and potatoes for me. I'm going to order a book... whats it called? I think it's called "The Migraine Diet." I've got to do something soon, these are horrible.

I too have taken Topamax. I dont think it helped my migraines but I never went back to the dr to get my dosage increased because I got pg. I've also been on Depakote and that caused me tremors and I lost my hair! It was pretty scary... and I've tried Inderal. I guess I need to start trying all the different preventative meds again. Theres got to be one that helps me.

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I get horrible migraines too, and have for years.


A few things that sometimes help...


taking a warm shower (not too hot) often helps


getting DH to massage the base of my skull, right where it joins the neck


sometimes a cold pack on the back of my head is helpful


decongestant along with pain meds


staying away from bright lights, computer glare, sunlight or wind




massaging the top of my nose, right between the eyes


applying gentle pressure to my eye sockets using my cupped hands


And of course, meds

Michelle T



I could have wrote this as well. It is teh same with me. ((hugs)) on the migranes. I stayed in from church today with one and nothing was kicking it.

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"The migraine diet" was I the basics for my diet experiment. Plain and boring. It took me a long time to add in enough things to be able to quit cooking seperate meals for myself. Sweet potatoes are good for breakfast. Those preventative medications are very strong drugs. I would not take them if I was still planning to have more kids. If I am very careful with my sleep and my diet, I can now go about 4 weeks or more between migraines. I usually get sloppy with my food and eat something I shouldn't then remember why I don't eat whatever it was.


We went on vacation - the first in years, because last time we went I away I had clusters of migraines. Of course this time, I had many and I am back to one or two migraines a week again - so I'm back on the prevenative stuff for a few months.


Hopefully, you will find your triggers and get the migraines under control. It always seems less scary to me when I can point to something and know that it caused my pain.

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Oh your fine.. I'm ok with it. My migraines are a bit complicated. In between children and breastfeeding they are usually few and far between. When I'm finishing up breastfeeding or under extreme stress (like a death.) my migraines are horrible. They've never been this frequent though. When I'm in my "normal" pattern I would get 1 every 6 weeks to a month.

Altitude change will cause them... so do smells, bright lights, flashing lights, foods, sleep disturbances, and barometric pressure changes.




I'm just so tired of these. I kept my ovaries, but I was still hoping the hysterectomy would have helped with my migraines...I never thought it would make them worse.

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I'm on my way to bed after a very long weekend, so I haven't read the other responses. If no one esle mentioned it, you might want to try feverfew. My dh suffers from cluster migraines which are different than typical migraines. He can have as many as 3 migraines in a single day. Feverfew does help prevent it if he remembers to take them during trigger times (high stress and certain pollens, etc)



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That is bad. Hopefully the migraine diet can help. Maybe some kind of bc pill to stablize your hormones. I just hate it when they are out of control and running your life like that. When mine are frequent, I wear sunglasses in the house, it gives the kids a visual clue that momma is not okay.


You will get back in control of them.


Have you tried feverfew? I can't take it because I am allergic to ragweed, but I have friends that swear by it. My Grandma always swore by bourbon for hers. I have tried it, when I was out of pain meds, but don't mix them.

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Sometimes, high glutamate causes migraines. GABA can oppose glutamate and reduce it. If your migraines are glutamate-related, GABA capsules during auras (or any pre-migraine warnings) may help.


I have only had a few migraines in my life. The last two times I felt one coming on, I had visual auras. I took 500mg of GABA, and the headache never happened.





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Karen, I used to wear sunglasses in my old house. It was a much brighter house. Everyone would laugh at me! When dh and I looked at this current house, I told my hubby I wanted this one because it was so dark lol. The builder was actually complaining about the way this house faces, little did he know it's perfect for a migraineur.

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Here is an interview on NPR with the guy that wrote Heal your Headache. He is big on controling migraine triggers and reducing rebound. One of his big points is that migraine sufferers have a "migraine threshold". It is an interesting read and might give you some ideas.




Thanks Karen! This article makes sense to me... especially about the thresholds. I haven't been able to isolate triggers, but the concept that several environmental, dietary, and hormonal triggers could amount to enough together to push it over your personal threshold is very helpful.

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