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Hive help me out please! Roasting brussel sprouts?


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Oh, yes roasted Brussels sprouts are wonderful! I have never put maple syrup on them but I just toss them with whatever dressing I want and spread them on a baking sheet without worrying about which side is up. I stir them a bit a couple of times and that's it. Yum!



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It was on "Worst Cooks in America", and I can't remember what episode so YIKES, I would have to spend way too long looking for it. Since everyone has said, toss and stir, I think I'll do that.


Just out of curiosity, what would you all say is your maximum roasting time? I am just getting used to my new range/oven and don't want to over due it. I hadn't realized that for the last few years the reason everything was taking too long to cook was that my heating elements were going bad. Since getting a nice new oven, I've been notoriously over baking/roasting and am trying to break myself of this, LOL!

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I roast my brussel sprouts cut side down, but I stir them about 3/4 of the way through. I also slit each half halfway up from the bottom for faster cooking time, if that makes sense. And if I roast them with maple syrup, I usually mix in some mustard :)


Maximum roasting time for Brussel sprouts? Um... maybe 25m at 350? But that might overdo them. I have to think about this.

Edited by Tanaqui
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The time varies so much with the size of the sprouts that I just keep an eye on them.  Or actually a fork on them.  I just taste one every few minutes until I think they are good.  I often have them in the oven with something else so the temp can vary from 350-425.  I prefer the higher temp as the outsides get a little crunchy before they are mushy.

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Okay, so they came out of the oven a few minutes ago, and were tossed with the butter and maple syrup. According to my boys, while not their favorite texture at all, they also do not mind them that way and would be okay with them being on the menu once in a while.


I can take that, LOL.

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We cut them in half, toss with olive oil, salt and a sprinkle of sugar to get them to sort of carmelize.I also often add broccoli, cauliflower and sliced garlic cloves. I throw all of this on two huge pans and roast. We love leftovers here. If I'm feeling bacon-ish, I'll throw on bacon, too.


Going to try maple syrup next time. :)

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OMG, they are so good roasted you'll never want any other veggie!  I don't roast with maple and have never heard of that recipe, but here is what I do:


Roll 'em whole in olive oil.  Fling them on a cookie sheet and lightly sprinkle salt and pepper on them.  Top with grated parmesean cheese.  Roast.


By the way, we do the same thing with cauliflower and broccoli; the veggies taste totally different roasted!

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I cook them in water in the microwave first, for about 7 minutes - after I discard the bottom, cut them in half, and throw away the outer leaves.  After they are softened, I put them under the broiler in a skillet, facing any which way.  I put dried parmesan and crumbled bacon on them.  

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I cook them in water in the microwave first, for about 7 minutes - after I discard the bottom, cut them in half, and throw away the outer leaves.  After they are softened, I put them under the broiler in a skillet, facing any which way.  I put dried parmesan and crumbled bacon on them.  


This sounds like a good idea.  They take a lot longer in the oven than most recipes claim. 

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My family has never liked brussel sprouts but we were watching a cooking show that had maple and butter drizzled brussel sprouts and their interest peaked. My problem? I have forgotten if the cook roasted them cut side up or down.


So which is it?


I roast a LOT of Brussels sprouts. This time of year it could be a couple pounds a week, easily. It's one of ds1's favorite vegetables.


it doesn't matter what side, just roast them.  None. And if you are coating them with oil before roasting take the time to make sure they are completely coated. I get my hands in there and rub the sprouts with the oil before tossing them on a foil lined baking sheet. It makes a difference in how well they roast.

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My Ds (vegetable hater) grabs roasted sprouts with his bare hands -- he wants to get as many as possible, lol. I usually toss the sprouts with olive oil and coarse salt in a plastic bag, then put on a half sheet lined with parchment (easy clean up). Roast about 15 min at 425 degrees, or until they can be pierced with a fork. If you undercook, they will still be good, but they won't be caramelized. If you overlook, they will still be good, but they will shrink, really shrink. You can vary the oven temp by at least 25 degrees either way, if you have other things in the oven or are in a hurry.


I always put cut side down, no particular reason. I have roasted whole sprouts when they are tiny, but kids don't like them as much - fewer surfaces to caramelized.


The first time I roasted sprouts, I used maple syrup before roasting. Then I realized that they were delicious with salt and olive oil.

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