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cleaning filmy eyeglasses?


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I read of two techniques.  One involves making a paste of baking soda and then after using car polish.  The other involves using a Magic Eraser.  Has anyone tried either one of these?


I know, just go and get new glasses.  I hardly ever wear them so I'm hoping to try this before forking over for new ones.



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I use Dawn dish detergent and warmish water and follow up with an eye glass cleaning wipe.  Works wonders.


But . . . do they have an anti-glare coating?  That can "crack" after awhile.  Even new ones can do it under certain circumstances (like being exposed to too much heat).  And nothing can fix that.

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Well I've had them for over 15 years.  I bought them in another state. 


So this really is a last ditch effort before just breaking down and getting new ones.  I paid $500 for those damn things that long ago (my prescription is particularly expensive).


So I guess there is no harm in trying something.  Worst case it just does not work. 

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The first method sounds extremely harsh to me. I believe car polish would scratch the lenses badly. Have you thought about using Windex or something like that and then drying with a clean/soft cloth?   I wondered about how to clean the displays on our laptops and I think Blair support suggested Windex, and then drying with a clean/soft cloth and that would probably work on eyeglasses too.  My wife bought new eyeglasses and they gave her a kit to clean them with and she gave that to me, so now I am using that...

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I wouldn't use MEraser--it's microabrasion and would scratch the hell out of them, wouldn't it?


But yeah, go get a new script. And negotiate--no one should pay that much for glasses. Tell the place that you found $99 glasses at JCPenney and can they match it.


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I wouldn't use MEraser--it's microabrasion and would scratch the hell out of them, wouldn't it?


But yeah, go get a new script. And negotiate--no one should pay that much for glasses. Tell the place that you found $99 glasses at JCPenney and can they match it.

My specs cost almost $400 from Walmart - but then again I am super near-sighted and get trifocals and have major astigmatism... I spring for the thinnest lenses that can handle my prescription to be as lightweight as possible (otherwise I'd be wearing super think lenses). Sometimes, yeah, it gets $$$$$

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I wouldn't use MEraser--it's microabrasion and would scratch the hell out of them, wouldn't it?


But yeah, go get a new script. And negotiate--no one should pay that much for glasses. Tell the place that you found $99 glasses at JCPenney and can they match it.

I don't want to tell you how much DH's glasses are. Even if we order them from Zenni, they are well over 200.

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I wouldn't not try either of the ways you mentioned; they would scratch them.  You can purchase lens cleaner and a cloth anywhere they sell eyeglasses or as the others mentioned, pop in and ask to have them cleaned.  If I didn't have a bottle on hand, I would try the dish soap.


That said, 15 years is a very long time to wear the same script.  Depending on where you live, you might find a less expensive option.  My script is very expensive like yours, but I can get a better deal shopping around and going into one of those 1 day or 1 hour places.  (They never have my script and have to send out, but I'm willing to wait for a less expensive option.)

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My specs cost almost $400 from Walmart - but then again I am super near-sighted and get trifocals and have major astigmatism... I spring for the thinnest lenses that can handle my prescription to be as lightweight as possible (otherwise I'd be wearing super think lenses). Sometimes, yeah, it gets $$$$$


I am super farsighted.  No way I'll find glasses for $99.


Yes, I know I'm just being cheap here, but for something I literally wear for a few minutes a day I just can't see paying that much!

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The first method sounds extremely harsh to me. I believe car polish would scratch the lenses badly. Have you thought about using Windex or something like that and then drying with a clean/soft cloth?   I wondered about how to clean the displays on our laptops and I think Blair support suggested Windex, and then drying with a clean/soft cloth and that would probably work on eyeglasses too.  My wife bought new eyeglasses and they gave her a kit to clean them with and she gave that to me, so now I am using that...


Yeah I don't know.  I think it's worth trying as a last ditch effort since at this point really I have nothing to lose in trying. 


I was told Windex is a no no. 


That's just it though.  Everyone tells me something completely different!  LOL

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I am super farsighted. No way I'll find glasses for $99.


Yes, I know I'm just being cheap here, but for something I literally wear for a few minutes a day I just can't see paying that much!

Go to the eye doctor. You may find that you have really changed and don't realize it yet. FWIW- my nephew's glasses for being very farsighted were much cheaper than my SIL only used at night no frills near sighted glasses. And she got a basic frame. Edited by itsheresomewhere
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I bought a box of wipes for glasses. They were in the clearance bin at Wal-Mart. I gave a pack to my in-laws and FIL saw it as a tech cleaning tool lol. They aren't the best quality or brand I guess, but I got them for under $2 and the box has like 60. I've used another brand before as well.


Yeah I have one of those boxes too.  Sure beats what they charge for them in eyeglass places.

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Yeah I have one of those boxes too.  Sure beats what they charge for them in eyeglass places.


Ok so you have tried wipes. If I was going to apply something it would probably be one of those monitor cleaning sprays and a cloth wipe made for glasses. But I don't know if that would help you more than what you have already tried.

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 And negotiate--no one should pay that much for glasses. Tell the place that you found $99 glasses at JCPenney and can they match it.


There are circumstances under which glasses are very expensive. I have an extremely strong prescription and $500 is a reasonable price to pay for my glasses. I just did it last month, as a matter of fact. My lenses cost far more than my frames do, it is not something I can skimp on. My glasses can never be made in the store, they must be sent off to a lab, and not all labs will make them. Additionally, I pay quite a bit more than others do for my contact lenses because they are made to order. It isn't just that places are out of stock, it's that the manufacturers do not make them until they are sold because the prescription is so strong and there is so little demand for them. I wait about ten days for contact lenses to arrive, whereas others can simply have them overnighted or walk out of the optician's with them. 


So yes, there are circumstances where $500 is reasonable. 

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My specs cost almost $400 from Walmart - but then again I am super near-sighted and get trifocals and have major astigmatism... I spring for the thinnest lenses that can handle my prescription to be as lightweight as possible (otherwise I'd be wearing super think lenses). Sometimes, yeah, it gets $$$$$


I'm right there with you! I can't imagine how heavy my glasses would be if I didn't use the lightweight material. As it is, I have to choose frames that can hold thick lenses. Back in the day, before lightweight lenses were out, I really did have glasses that were as thick as the bottom of a coke bottle. Now, with stronger lenses and the lightweight materials, my lenses are just a little bit shy of being as thick as the bottom of a bottle. 


I also pay for the scratch resistant treatment because I only purchase glasses every 5 years or so and I don't want to look through a scratch for that long! 

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There are circumstances under which glasses are very expensive. I have an extremely strong prescription and $500 is a reasonable price to pay for my glasses. I just did it last month, as a matter of fact. My lenses cost far more than my frames do, it is not something I can skimp on. My glasses can never be made in the store, they must be sent off to a lab, and not all labs will make them. Additionally, I pay quite a bit more than others do for my contact lenses because they are made to order. It isn't just that places are out of stock, it's that the manufacturers do not make them until they are sold because the prescription is so strong and there is so little demand for them. I wait about ten days for contact lenses to arrive, whereas others can simply have them overnighted or walk out of the optician's with them. 


So yes, there are circumstances where $500 is reasonable. 


Yeah.  And ouch.


I am being cheap, but really it's a big ouch to have to pay several hundreds of dollars for something I'll use for literally a couple of minutes per day (tops).  If I weren't so blind I could get away with none at all.  But I'm so blind I can't walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night without them.


Plus I wear contacts because hello coke bottle lenses from hell. 

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Yeah.  And ouch.


I am being cheap, but really it's a big ouch to have to pay several hundreds of dollars for something I'll use for literally a couple of minutes per day (tops).  If I weren't so blind I could get away with none at all.  But I'm so blind I can't walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night without them.


Plus I wear contacts because hello coke bottle lenses from hell. 




Because I have to wait so long for my contact lenses when I order them, I keep a pair of glasses I can drive in. But yeah, making it to the bathroom without tripping or running into something without glasses, not gonna happen! Also, if my glasses aren't where I expect them to be, or if they accidentally fall on the floor, I have to have someone else find them because I can't see them! 

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There is an "Extra" I've watched on TV when viewers in the USA are seeing commercials, about "Vertically integrated" companies (direct sellers). The name of one company selling eyeglasses direct begins with Warby.  I googled it. Warby Parker.  https://www.warbyparker.com/eyeglasses/women  Before I had my LASIK surgeries in November 1997 I had severe Myopia and Astigmatism and my lenses were not only expensive, they were hard to make correctly.   Once, after I got a new pair of eyeglasses, with a new prescription, I was having problems and called the office of my Ophthalmologist. Their message was to try them for another week or two. I did and then I went in to his office for an appointment. The Optical Centers of the lenses were *NOT* in the center...   When I went back to the Optical place they told me they'd been inspected for quality control, several times. I said, well, that didn't work this time.  They made the lenses again and then they were fine.  I have the same pair of reading glasses I got after the LASIK surgeries, but I only use them if I sit down to read a book.

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Because I have to wait so long for my contact lenses when I order them, I keep a pair of glasses I can drive in. But yeah, making it to the bathroom without tripping or running into something without glasses, not gonna happen! Also, if my glasses aren't where I expect them to be, or if they accidentally fall on the floor, I have to have someone else find them because I can't see them! 


I am amazed my glasses held out this long.  I have found them on the floor in the morning a zillion times.  LOL


I almost can't wear contacts because for awhile there weren't many brands that came in my prescription.  I was shopping around on-line today and discovered several more brands now carry that prescription.  I always wanted to do the dailies (although after seeing the price I don't know), but they didn't have my prescription.  They do now! 

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I used to wear contacts for, like, 20 years, until I suddenly became allergic to them. 


Now I can only wear glasses, so I go around in a blurry world most of the time and only wear them to drive or watch tv.  Funny thing, I'm near sighted, but can't see close up with the glasses on.  I guess that must mean I'm due for bifocals?


About five years after I developed my contact allergy my sister also developed one.  She got Lasik.  I wish I could afford it!

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There is an "Extra" I've watched on TV when viewers in the USA are seeing commercials, about "Vertically integrated" companies (direct sellers). The name of one company selling eyeglasses direct begins with Warby.  I googled it. Warby Parker.  https://www.warbyparker.com/eyeglasses/women  Before I had my LASIK surgeries in November 1997 I had severe Myopia and Astigmatism and my lenses were not only expensive, they were hard to make correctly.   Once, after I got a new pair of eyeglasses, with a new prescription, I was having problems and called the office of my Ophthalmologist. Their message was to try them for another week or two. I did and then I went in to his office for an appointment. The Optical Centers of the lenses were *NOT* in the center...   When I went back to the Optical place they told me they'd been inspected for quality control, several times. I said, well, that didn't work this time.  They made the lenses again and then they were fine.  I have the same pair of reading glasses I got after the LASIK surgeries, but I only use them if I sit down to read a book.


Yeah the eye glass industry is basically a monopoly.  Most are owned by Luxotica.  There are a few super cheap options.  My insurance is of course through Luxotica.  It is an absolute racket though.  They basically just set everything up in such a way where you get a tiny discount.  The same discount they give anyone who walks in there without insurance.  I bought glasses for my younger kid.  He is 20/20 in one eye and 20/25 in the other.  So we are talking almost no prescription at all.  After the "insurance" the glasses still cost me $165.  Ridiculous.


I probably won't bother with the insurance when I go next time.  It's pointless.  They don't even include breakage protection.  You have to pay extra for that and it is so much that it's pointless.

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I am amazed my glasses held out this long. I have found them on the floor in the morning a zillion times. LOL


I almost can't wear contacts because for awhile there weren't many brands that came in my prescription. I was shopping around on-line today and discovered several more brands now carry that prescription. I always wanted to do the dailies (although after seeing the price I don't know), but they didn't have my prescription. They do now!

I am in the Coke bottle club and love my dailies. Watch for the rebates as they are a good deal.

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I used to wear contacts for, like, 20 years, until I suddenly became allergic to them. 


Now I can only wear glasses, so I go around in a blurry world most of the time and only wear them to drive or watch tv.  Funny thing, I'm near sighted, but can't see close up with the glasses on.  I guess that must mean I'm due for bifocals?


About five years after I developed my contact allergy my sister also developed one.  She got Lasik.  I wish I could afford it!


I'm afraid to get Lasik.  My sister worked for a doc who did it so she saw all the good, bad, and ugly.  She had some horror stories.  So now I'm too scared.

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I am in the Coke bottle club and love my dailies. Watch for the rebates as they are a good deal.


Yeah I think I would love it.  No more overpriced solutions!  I can't tolerate the generics either.  So it's like $12 for a bottle of freaking solution.


Maybe overall it would not be more expensive thinking about it that way.

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Yeah the eye glass industry is basically a monopoly. Most are owned by Luxotica. There are a few super cheap options. My insurance is of course through Luxotica. It is an absolute racket though. They basically just set everything up in such a way where you get a tiny discount. The same discount they give anyone who walks in there without insurance. I bought glasses for my younger kid. He is 20/20 in one eye and 20/25 in the other. So we are talking almost no prescription at all. After the "insurance" the glasses still cost me $165. Ridiculous.


I probably won't bother with the insurance when I go next time. It's pointless. They don't even include breakage protection. You have to pay extra for that and it is so much that it's pointless.

Check out Zenni for glasses. We don't have vision insurance but for DS's glasses he needs to wear to see it was 180 for the frame, lens with transitions and anti glare. I even paid for the ultra light lens. DD needed reading glasses for therapy and it was 11.40 shipped.

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Check out Zenni for glasses. We don't have vision insurance but for DS's glasses he needs to wear to see it was 180 for the frame, lens with transitions and anti glare. I even paid for the ultra light lens. DD needed reading glasses for therapy and it was 11.40 shipped.


Yeah I just don't know how to do the measuring.


I doubt I'll get glasses for that price, but possibly cheaper anyway.

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I thought I was the only one who reacted to the solutions.


Nope.  And it took me awhile to figure that out.  I thought I was having vision problems.  Someone told me it could be the solution.  So I bought the expensive stuff and after about a week no more problems whatsoever.  I even tried the cheap stuff again and had the same problem.  *sigh*

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I am amazed my glasses held out this long.  I have found them on the floor in the morning a zillion times.  LOL


I almost can't wear contacts because for awhile there weren't many brands that came in my prescription.  I was shopping around on-line today and discovered several more brands now carry that prescription.  I always wanted to do the dailies (although after seeing the price I don't know), but they didn't have my prescription.  They do now! 


I have "disposable" lenses, but not dailies. I change them out every month. They are 94.00 for a box of six at Costco and it takes four boxes to get through the year (two boxes for each eye). I actually found a slightly better deal ordering through Walgreens the last time because they had a 25% off code for the first order. I wear ProClear Toric XR lenses (made by Cooper Vision) and they are very comfortable. I'm always worried every time my Rx changes that I won't be able to get the right lenses, but the manufacturer seems to be keeping a step ahead of me, yay! 

Edited by TechWife
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I have "disposable" lenses, but not dailies. I change them out every month. They are 94.00 for a box of six at Costco and it takes four boxes to get through the year (two boxes for each eye). I actually found a slightly better deal ordering through Walgreens the last time because they had a 25% off code for the first order. I wear ProClear Toric XR lenses (made by Cooper Vision) and they are very comfortable. I'm always worried every time my Rx changes that I won't be able to get the right lenses, but the manufacturer seems to be keeping a step ahead of me, yay! 


Mine are two week disposables. 


Now what exactly are toric?  I see that, but have no idea what that is for.

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I'm afraid to get Lasik.  My sister worked for a doc who did it so she saw all the good, bad, and ugly.  She had some horror stories.  So now I'm too scared.


I'm the same way - Lasik is risky. I'll wait for cataract surgery to correct my vision, thank you very much! 

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Mine are two week disposables. 


Now what exactly are toric?  I see that, but have no idea what that is for.


Toric lenses correct astigmatisms. If you don't have one, you won't need toric lenses, which give you more options. The combination of toric and the high power prescription can be hard to find, although it is more common now. 

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Toric lenses correct astigmatisms. If you don't have one, you won't need toric lenses, which give you more options. The combination of toric and the high power prescription can be hard to find, although it is more common now. 


Ah.  My husband has that.  He has never tried contacts though.  Doesn't want to.  His vision is not so bad though.

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I once had a very odd thing happen.  For whatever bizarre reason my eye doctor ordered gas permeable lenses.  I thought this meant they let more air into the lens.  Uh no.  These are also known as hard contacts.  They are smaller and harder.  I have no idea why on earth she did that.  I was not even willing to try them.



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