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List view of 2016 Acceptances - copy and paste, and add your student here so we can celebrate!!!


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I hope mom and baby get stronger quickly.  I went back through the thread this morning and found where I missed some happy news from VaIRN and a couple other people.  


Obviously I'm not up to filling your shoes.

Thank you, I think I got ValRn's news updated, at least I hope I did. The list grew rather largely while I was gone, LOL, that's a good thing, but I'm under a time crunch to get caught up!

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Hoping those with newer news can log in and take a look at the list which I spent a good bit of time updating this morning to see what I've missed and then post here so I can fix it. Plus being the second Monday of January, it would not shock me if mailboxes contained more news today.  :hurray:

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Back from Egypt and I think just maybe I have all of the updating done to the original list, but for those of you that had new acceptances and announcements come in from Dec. 15th - Jan. 10th, please go look and post as soon as you can if I have missed someone. My grandson was born five weeks prematurely (dec. 29th), and though stable, my daughter is worn out. A friend of mine went to stay with her last week because we still weren't home yet and unable to come home when it happened - we were in a remote location - so I fly out tomorrow to go take care of her and Nathaniel since her hubby goes back to work in the morning. I would like to try to update any mistakes before then, and will try to find the time to update in a few days from Albany NY.





Congratulation on the new grandbaby - hope that he gains strength quickly and that your daughter recovers quickly. What a whirlwind!!


Hope that Egypt was amazing!!

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DD was accepted to UMass Amherst with the Chancellor's Award scholarship and invited to their Honors College (which was great news! We weren't sure if she'd be invited or not!).


It was nice to have some new news after weeks of waiting! Darn those holidays slowing everything down! lol



Edited by hopskipjump
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If I have counted properly, currently there are 104 acceptances from 93 colleges/universities. I tried to count our well trained students, but am practically seeing double as I am still so jet lagged, and keep getting it mixed up. LOL, some of us have kids who have several acceptances, and well, I just can't keep it straight at 9 o'clock at night. I'll try again another day!  :001_smile:

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DD was accepted to UMass Amherst with the Chancellor's Award scholarship and invited to their Honors College (which was great news! We weren't sure if she'd be invited or not!).




It was nice to have some new news after weeks of waiting! Darn those holidays slowing everything down! lol

Did she have a cover school or have to take the GED? (Just curious)

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Hi I thought I would add DD acceptances so far:


St. Scholastica

Northern Michigan University

Carthage College

Ave Maria University

Marquette University


We are waiting to hear back from others. Nice to know she has some choices. Now it will be a matter of figuring out what we can afford.

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Did she have a cover school or have to take the GED? (Just curious)


Nope - she's been homeschooled all the way through. I know about their ridiculous transcript issues with homeschooling, so we are being cautiously optimistic. Her final transcript will come to them from a local homeschooling "agency." It isn't a state-approved one (we don't have those here) - but it will be as official as official can be.


If, when the time comes, dd decides that this IS the place for her - if they maintain that she has to take the GED because of their antiquated policies, she will. If she decides their team is where she wants to spend a gazillion hours a week... I won't let a little red-tape stand in her way.  I will fight it tooth and nail until the verylastminute, however.


You'd think - since her transcript and classes were already put through the NCAA wringer - they'd be okay with it! :glare:


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Nope - she's been homeschooled all the way through. I know about their ridiculous transcript issues with homeschooling, so we are being cautiously optimistic. Her final transcript will come to them from a local homeschooling "agency." It isn't a state-approved one (we don't have those here) - but it will be as official as official can be.


If, when the time comes, dd decides that this IS the place for her - if they maintain that she has to take the GED because of their antiquated policies, she will. If she decides their team is where she wants to spend a gazillion hours a week... I won't let a little red-tape stand in her way. I will fight it tooth and nail until the verylastminute, however.


You'd think - since her transcript and classes were already put through the NCAA wringer - they'd be okay with it! :glare:


Well,keep us posted. My son was accepted t o the honours school, too, but he went elsewhere so we never tested that ged policy. We had yearly approval letters from our public school system. You,d think that would be enough but a series of emails with admissions seemed to indicate otherwise. I,m curious about whether they would have ignored theor policy when it came time to matriculate him or whether they would have refused without that ged. What they were asking for (transcript signed by school department) is not how homeschooling works, legally, in Mass. I did ask our school dept. to sign it and they declined, saying their lawyer (they actually checked for me) said that the approval letters should be sufficient. They were, for other schools, both private and public.


Just curious...


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My son received his third acceptance today!!!  This is sort of the big one we've been hoping he'd get into.  It's to the BSc program!  This has been so exciting for us to see that a kid homeschooled by a mere high school graduate can get into these programs!!!!


Congrats to everyone else, too!

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My son received his third acceptance today!!!  This is sort of the big one we've been hoping he'd get into.  It's to the BSc program!  This has been so exciting for us to see that a kid homeschooled by a mere high school graduate can get into these programs!!!!


I love what Hive kids do.  It sure beats seeing some of the kids at school who opt to create designs or write swear words on their state mandated tests... not that I've been seeing this lately while overseeing state testing (sigh).


Homeschooling really allows one to tailor an education to a student's interest and ability.  Ps works for many, but not all.


Of course, I don't know that the students I'm seeing would do better homeschooling.  I doubt their parents care.  Caring parents make all the difference.


Kudos to Hive parents!

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I love what Hive kids do.  It sure beats seeing some of the kids at school who opt to create designs or write swear words on their state mandated tests... not that I've been seeing this lately while overseeing state testing (sigh).


Homeschooling really allows one to tailor an education to a student's interest and ability.  Ps works for many, but not all.


Of course, I don't know that the students I'm seeing would do better homeschooling.  I doubt their parents care.  Caring parents make all the difference.


Kudos to Hive parents!


Amen!  My kids may have done better by not homeschooling, but our goal was never purely academic.  I wouldn't change a THING!  What a wonderful and amazing path it's been!!!!  Pretty incredible that I first found WTM and SOTW 13 years ago. 


(One college junior, one high school senior, both homeschooled all the way through high school.)


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Dd has a couple more acceptances:


Salem College with Merit Scholarship

Meredith College -scholarship info pending

College of Wooster with Merit Scholarship

University of Mary Washington-no details yet


and a couple edits to the original list

Purdue-honors college and merit scholarship

Washington College-Presidential Fellows

Sweet Briar-Honors College

Edited by JumpedIntoTheDeepEndFirst
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Dd has a couple more acceptances:



College of Wooster with Merit Scholarship






If you and your dd have any questions about Wooster feel free to ask me or Jane in NC.  My ds is graduating this spring and has just loved it. Jane's ds graduated a couple of years ago and also loved it -- he was the reason we even looked into the school in the first place.

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If you and your dd have any questions about Wooster feel free to ask me or Jane in NC.  My ds is graduating this spring and has just loved it. Jane's ds graduated a couple of years ago and also loved it -- he was the reason we even looked into the school in the first place.

Thank you very much!  I really appreciate the offer.  Congratulations to your son-he must be very excited!

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Congratulations on the birth of your grandchild, Faith. I can imagine how very exciting that must be.


I don't see a couple of acceptances of DS on the last list, so in addition to what's there,


University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) - ds of ValRN, Centennial Award/Scholarship

Kettering University - ds of ValRN, Presidential Scholarship

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I only found this site this past year, and didn't post much,  but I gained some invaluable information from these forums!  My daughter applied to 7 (or 8?) schools, was accepted with Presidential scholarship to her safety school, University of New Haven, and yesterday got accepted to her 1st choice, University of Pittsburgh!  The rest will likely come in the spring. 


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Ds got a call from the director of music admissions at Duquesne University, where he auditioned last weekend.  He passed his audition and has been accepted to the Mary Pappert School of Music!  Financial information will follow by mail.  He had previously received notice that he met Duquesne's academic requirements, and I suspect formal notification for the university and school of music will arrive together.


Getting notice of ds's academic acceptances has been so awesome, but preparing for the auditions and the waiting afterwards for the acceptance/rejection to the music programs is SO hard!  More auditions ahead, but this was sure a boost to his confidence going forward.  Especially given he has an audition this weekend and he's been sick all week.  Right now he's so excited he can barely focus on his practice.


Tallest rooftop, where are you?  I want to SHOUT!


Nancy in NH

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Some honors college updates for dd:


University of Alabama - dd of Teacher mom, dd of Katilac -scholarship, ds of mjbucks1 - dd of hopskipjump: scholarship, honors college

University of Central Florida - dd of hopskipjump - scholarship, honors college


University of Massachusetts Amherst - dd of HopSkipJump - scholarship, honors college




And two more acceptances - we are done stalking the mailman until March!



University of Oklahoma (waiting on scholarship info)


Nova Southeastern University - scholarship


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It is with great joy and with no small amount of tears that I can finally participate in one of these threads and announce:


Sailor Dude has been accepted to Allegheny College with a Trustee Scholarship!


My two older kids chose not to go on to college and my parents have given me grief about homeschooling from the very first day.  My relief is overwhelming and so is my gratitude to this amazing board, SWB, and all the lovely boardies who've offered their wisdom, support, and friendship through the years.


:cheers2:  to you all!


Sailor Dude sends his "thanks" as well. His dimples are getting a workout this morning.

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It is with great joy and with no small amount of tears that I can finally participate in one of these threads and announce:


Sailor Dude has been accepted to Allegheny College with a Trustee Scholarship!


My two older kids chose not to go on to college and my parents have given me grief about homeschooling from the very first day.  My relief is overwhelming and so is my gratitude to this amazing board, SWB, and all the lovely boardies who've offered their wisdom, support, and friendship through the years.


:cheers2:  to you all!


Sailor Dude sends his "thanks" as well. His dimples are getting a workout this morning.

So happy for you guys!  Congratulations!! :hurray:


Nancy in NH

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It is with great joy and with no small amount of tears that I can finally participate in one of these threads and announce:


Sailor Dude has been accepted to Allegheny College with a Trustee Scholarship!


My two older kids chose not to go on to college and my parents have given me grief about homeschooling from the very first day.  My relief is overwhelming and so is my gratitude to this amazing board, SWB, and all the lovely boardies who've offered their wisdom, support, and friendship through the years.


:cheers2:  to you all!


Sailor Dude sends his "thanks" as well. His dimples are getting a workout this morning.


I wish I could have "liked" this about 10 times! Congratulations to you both.

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It is with great joy and with no small amount of tears that I can finally participate in one of these threads and announce:


Sailor Dude has been accepted to Allegheny College with a Trustee Scholarship!


My two older kids chose not to go on to college and my parents have given me grief about homeschooling from the very first day. My relief is overwhelming and so is my gratitude to this amazing board, SWB, and all the lovely boardies who've offered their wisdom, support, and friendship through the years.


:cheers2: to you all!


Sailor Dude sends his "thanks" as well. His dimples are getting a workout this morning.

I am crying tears of joy for you :party:


Congratulations to Sailor Dude!

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It is with great joy and with no small amount of tears that I can finally participate in one of these threads and announce:


Sailor Dude has been accepted to Allegheny College with a Trustee Scholarship!


My two older kids chose not to go on to college and my parents have given me grief about homeschooling from the very first day. My relief is overwhelming and so is my gratitude to this amazing board, SWB, and all the lovely boardies who've offered their wisdom, support, and friendship through the years.


:cheers2: to you all!


Sailor Dude sends his "thanks" as well. His dimples are getting a workout this morning.

I am so happy for you!!!

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