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TMI - peri ?


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The only thing I can say that's been certain for me is.... uncertainty. Sorry! Nothing is predictable, nothing is like it's ever been. I just kind of live my life,take my herbs, and not think about things too much. A couple months ago I was having hot flashes constantly, now... none. AF comes when she wants to, every couple months or so, or maybe not, and stays or goes. Moodiness.... sometimes, but the herbs have helped the extremes of those. The only thing that is constant.... the weight gain and inability to shed more than a pound or two. Now that I can count on.

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Me too. I have not had a cycle in 5 months even though several times I had symptoms where I thought I was going to start. Moodiness, irritability, insomnia, hot flashes...not fun. There is something wrong when taking a pregnancy test and needing reading glasses to see the result. :-)


And God has a sense of humor to have me going through peri/menopause and my children going through puberty at the same time.

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Yes, that happened to me and boy was I bummed when it came back.  :P


I was traveling in South America when I got the first period-that-wasn't-a-period.  Talk about being worried all the time.


Now that I've gotten used to the unpredictability, it seems better.

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Me too. I have not had a cycle in 5 months even though several times I had symptoms where I thought I was going to start. Moodiness, irritability, insomnia, hot flashes...not fun. There is something wrong when taking a pregnancy test and needing reading glasses to see the result. :-)


And God has a sense of humor to have me going through peri/menopause and my children going through puberty at the same time.

:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:


this is what I was wondering.  I've been skipping for awhile, but the last few months I've had symptoms - and then usually nothing. and sometimes as soon as I stop, I start up all over again.   :tongue_smilie:  I wonder when things are in my head.   and my hot flashes have been raging lately.  my family hates me when I have them in the winter, not that dh doesn't come up and shut the windows even when I'm the only person in the room!


yeah - I was pg (who says you can't get pg while in peri?) while dealing with hormonal teen boys . . . (and college age girls)

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After I had my youngest... at 33 almost 34 I never had a regular cycle. He was born in 2008. Between that year and 3013 I had maybe a dozen cycles. Half of those in the first 18 months after he was born. I had hot flashes. That was it. I am not 40 and haven't had a cycle in over 2 years. I went through the change early... I am not upset about that.

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I've gone nine months and had them restart.


I have even heard of them coming back after a year.


Ideally, you should have it checked out if it's been that long, but it's almost always just a variation on normal.


Speaking of normal, big hugs to those of you who are simultaneously dealing with peri and hormonal kids--intellectually, I know that's a lot more normal than having grown, self-sufficient adults and cute little charmers, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around how you normal people manage.


You must be very brave.

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There seems to be nothing predictable about this stage of life, other than its unpredictability.  I even installed a period tracker app on my phone, so that I don't sit there wondering if it really HAS been 2 months since my last period, or if it really was just two weeks ago.  (both of which seem to be perfectly acceptable to my cranky uterus.)

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Wrong!!! Not fair!!!


(I'm having a tantrum for you! :-))



Thanks; bleeding is seriously the least of my worries, though, the other stuff makes it easy to stay calm about minor laundry issues.

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There seems to be nothing predictable about this stage of life, other than its unpredictability.  I even installed a period tracker app on my phone, so that I don't sit there wondering if it really HAS been 2 months since my last period, or if it really was just two weeks ago.  (both of which seem to be perfectly acceptable to my cranky uterus.)


so did I.  I feel like I track them more closely now than when I was younger. I have to look at the log and ignore the "you're due in __ days". 

I'd been in peri - then had dudeling.  it was like *everything* was reset.  I'm past the average age of menopause . . . . still waiting.  the longest I've gone is not quite four months.  my doc won't test hormones until cycles are at least a 90 day average. . . . . the thing I hate the most, is it's like if I go that long - I'm extra heavy.  I still get the cramping  and bloating - and sometimes more frequently, and then nothing.  that's tiresome.

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I am right there too. Last week I was sure it was coming. All the signs were there and I have been every 28-30 days for the past few years...... Nothing. A week later, still nothing.


My oh so helpful friend suggested I could be pregnant..... I told her that was not an option. I just turned 45 last week and after 23 years of infertility now is not the time for that to change.


So I wait.....

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I'm post, but yes. I would get all the symptoms, then...nothing. And when I did menstruate it was completely unpredictable (I was regular all of my life so that was a huge change). Months with nothing, sometimes symptoms, sometimes not. Then twice in one month. Rinse and repeat until the time in between got longer and longer and finally stopped.

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I am right there too. Last week I was sure it was coming. All the signs were there and I have been every 28-30 days for the past few years...... Nothing. A week later, still nothing.


My oh so helpful friend suggested I could be pregnant..... I told her that was not an option. I just turned 45 last week and after 23 years of infertility now is not the time for that to change.


So I wait.....


45 isn't too old.  your hormones start changing again.  unless you have pg symptoms most or all the time, I'd assume it was peri.

I know whereof I speak . . . . #4 was 12 1/2 when dudeling was born . . . . I didn't use BC for 10+ years.

I have a friend who has four adopted boys because she and her dh both had diagnosed fertility problems . . . then she hit peri and had a little girl.



I'd been in peri - then after he was born, it was like everything reset.

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Right there with you.  Last cycle was 73 days, then it was like someone pulled the plug on Hoover Dam.  Sheesh!  Of course, I wasn't anywhere near home that day.  What a mess.


I have hot flashes like crazy for awhile, then none for weeks.  No predictable cycle.


I'll be glad when this is just OVER!  I'm 52.  Don't need it anymore.



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After I had my youngest... at 33 almost 34 I never had a regular cycle. He was born in 2008. Between that year and 3013 I had maybe a dozen cycles. Half of those in the first 18 months after he was born. I had hot flashes. That was it. I am not 40 and haven't had a cycle in over 2 years. I went through the change early... I am not upset about that.


Interesting.  I had almost the opposite experience.  At age 38, I had irregular cycles, TERRIBLE PMS, sudden seething anger, excruciatingly painful br@asts, hot flashes, the whole works.  It seemed to be perimenopause, which was okay with me, and I got great results managing my symptoms using natural progesterone cream.


Then I became pregnant at age 41 and had dd#3 at 42.  After that, my cycles became totally normal, and predictable, and easy!  She cured me!  


Of course, she's now 10, and I'm 52, and I'm totally ready for this whole thing to just go away.  I'm definitely going through peri now, but I don't have those terrible symptoms I had before.  Just some minor hot flashes and irregularity and  l---o---n---g  cycles.

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45 isn't too old. your hormones start changing again. unless you have pg symptoms most or all the time, I'd assume it was peri.

I know whereof I speak . . . . #4 was 12 1/2 when dudeling was born . . . . I didn't use BC for 10+ years.

I have a friend who has four adopted boys because she and her dh both had diagnosed fertility problems . . . then she hit peri and had a little girl.


I'd been in peri - then after he was born, it was like everything reset.

Ok, now you are scaring me. We're infertile, too. For no apparent reason, though we didn't pursue treatments, so I'm sure there's a reason. We adopted 5 children. And sometimes it does cross my mind.... Ugh! Don't want to go there!
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Ok, now you are scaring me. We're infertile, too. For no apparent reason, though we didn't pursue treatments, so I'm sure there's a reason. We adopted 5 children. And sometimes it does cross my mind.... Ugh! Don't want to go there!

You know, 15-20 years ago I would have welcomed a baby.  We didn't do much testing at all and anything is always possible but we have our 3 adopted and one foster.  I really wouldn't want to go there either at this stage................we usually try to be a tiny bit cautious but after 20+ years not too worried............but..............


Then again I have no symptoms of pregnancy so I assume it will just come and surprise me at the most inopportune time :-)

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