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Proud mom - can't contain it any longer! :)

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That's awesome!  And if you sig is correct, you're in quite the populated province as well!!!  




Thanks for sharing - I love sharing in our Hive kid successes!


My sig is correct but she entered in Manitoba instead of Ontario. :)  Her vocal teacher (she entered a vocal composition with piano accompaniment) is registered as a music teacher in Manitoba and part of the rules were that you had to enter under the province in which your teacher is registered.  I imagine her composition will come up against MUCH stiffer competition at the national level. :)  She received a written adjudication from the provincial adjudicator which was great in providing feedback and she even won $75! :)  I tried to convince her that she should share it with me since DH and I are the ones that pay for all the lessons, music books, exams, etc. ;)  She said, "No." :D


She's looking forward to continuing on with her composing, as well as with her piano and voice.  She'll be heading to music camp this summer - one week of music composition camp and one week of piano camp.  I'm looking forward to see what she creates for next year's competition! :)

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Wow! I was just recalling the video you had shared with us with DS last night, about the way your DD seemed to be calming herself before playing. DS sometimes needs a reminder to take a deep breath and make sure his bench is in the right spot (long legs) etc before he starts playing. And now your news...such a lovely coincidence!


Congratulations from the both of us!

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Wow! I was just recalling the video you had shared with us with DS last night, about the way your DD seemed to be calming herself before playing. DS sometimes needs a reminder to take a deep breath and make sure his bench is in the right spot (long legs) etc before he starts playing. And now your news...such a lovely coincidence!


Congratulations from the both of us!


:D  We worked on that a looooooooooooong time.  When she was younger, she'd almost run up to the piano, plunk herself down, and just start playing. I started getting her to do performance "run-throughs" at home where I would sit on the couch and play the part of adjudicator.  I would call her name and she would have to walk up to the piano SLOWLY :D, sit down, take the time to adjust the bench, take some deep breaths, and then remember to LOOK AT ME before she started playing. :D


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  • 3 months later...

Update!! (I'd also update the thread title but I can't figure out how. :) )


DD just received word today that she placed third (honourable mention) in her category at the National Competition!!! :D  She received great feedback from the national adjudicators and says she most definitely wants to enter again next year. :)


DH and I are so, so proud of our girl!!!!

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