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Creepy Proselytizing Dude


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For the record, if you want to share your love for Jesus with someone, do not follow them for two blocks despite them telling you no thank you, then scream at them that they're going to hell even though they have small children with them, and then sit outside their house for an hour in your car. *shudder* I don't think I'll let dd play alone out in the yard for a while.

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I had something similar happen to me once when we were in New York. Scary. I'm sorry you went through that. Did you call the police?

I did, but I hadn't realized he'd been outside my house until I had to go back outside and saw him creeping there an hour later, and when he saw me he took off. I'm still filing a police report though, in case he bothers anyone else. Dude is obviously unstable.

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This Christian is absolutely horrified by that behavior.


  I would call the non-emergency police number and ask them if there's anything they can do about making him leave if it happened to me. I'd let them know where he was because they may have the resources to send a patrol car around the area in hopes of catching him in the act with his next victim.

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Definitely unstable.  And scary.  I had a guy follow me once but I was quite a ways from home so I stopped at a friend's house and fortunately they were home.  He stuck around a long time obviously trying to intimidate me.  For some odd reason my friend was adamant that I not call the police (didn't want to get involved?) so I had to hang out there until he finally went away and even then I was looking over my shoulder the entire way home.  

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This Christian is absolutely horrified by that behavior.


I would call the non-emergency police number and ask them if there's anything they can do about making him leave if it happened to me. I'd let them know where he was because they may have the resources to send a patrol car around the area in hopes of catching him in the act with his next victim.

If I had known he was out there I definitely would have. I had guests and we didn't realize he was lurking out there until maybe an hour later, when we went outside and saw him. I'm filing a report though, just in case. Waiting on a cop to call back for the details.


I've had someone like him chase me and scream at me before, but this is the first time I've had someone sit outside my house. Creepy.

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If they know who he was, I'd file for a restraining order.

The law enforcement person I talked to didn't know who he was, but if they find him I'll certainly consider it. And of course dh is working all day today, so dd and I are here alone.

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The police called back, they drove around the neighborhood and looked around town and didn't see him. They said to keep an eye out for him and if I see him again to get the plate number and call 911. Hopefully he was just passing through and is gone now.

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What a psycho! Filing a police report is definitely way to go. If he does that to someone else there's a history established. Yikes.

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What a psycho! Filing a police report is definitely way to go. If he does that to someone else there's a history established. Yikes.


It was surprising because he looked so normal before he opened his mouth. Late sixties, clean, well-groomed, dressed completely normally. When he first came up to us and asked us if he could talk to us, I thought he was going to ask for directions or something.


Now that I type that, I'm starting to wonder if maybe he had dementia or something. :( Okay, now I feel kind of bad.

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For the record, if you want to share your love for Jesus with someone, do not follow them for two blocks despite them telling you no thank you, then scream at them that they're going to hell even though they have small children with them, and then sit outside their house for an hour in your car. *shudder* I don't think I'll let dd play alone out in the yard for a while.

I'm presuming you called the police? I would have. And I'd take a picture of him and his car (and hopefully the tag) with my phone.

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It was surprising because he looked so normal before he opened his mouth. Late sixties, clean, well-groomed, dressed completely normally. When he first came up to us and asked us if he could talk to us, I thought he was going to ask for directions or something.


Now that I type that, I'm starting to wonder if maybe he had dementia or something. :( Okay, now I feel kind of bad.

Crazy comes in all forms and ages.


And people don't stop being crazy bc they get wrinkles or grey hair.


Call the cops.

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It was surprising because he looked so normal before he opened his mouth. Late sixties, clean, well-groomed, dressed completely normally. When he first came up to us and asked us if he could talk to us, I thought he was going to ask for directions or something.


Now that I type that, I'm starting to wonder if maybe he had dementia or something. :( Okay, now I feel kind of bad.

Even if he had dementia and the best of intentions in mind, following someone, yelling at them, and then camping outside their home isn't okay at all. If he is mentally ill be needs help and some boundaries, at the very least. Don't feel badly, leave diagnosing or dealing with him to the pros.

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It was surprising because he looked so normal before he opened his mouth. Late sixties, clean, well-groomed, dressed completely normally. When he first came up to us and asked us if he could talk to us, I thought he was going to ask for directions or something.


Now that I type that, I'm starting to wonder if maybe he had dementia or something. :( Okay, now I feel kind of bad.

Feel badly for the man if you think he may have dementia, but also know that you absolutely did the right thing when you notified the police and protected yourself and your dd.


Even if he has dementia, that doesn't necessarily mean he is harmless. And the parking outside your house thing is just plain creepy. I would be looking out the window every five minutes for the rest of the night!


Stay safe, and if you see or hear anything even remotely unusual, call the police again. Don't take any chances or feel embarrassed to call because "it's probably nothing." The police want it to be "nothing," too, and they will be glad to come out and make sure of it. :grouphug:

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Are you guys still okay?  I'm a little worried about you.


Yup, we're still okay. He never showed up again, though dh is kind of hoping he does so he can freak out on him or something. :001_rolleyes:  Thanks for asking about us. :)

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Dh talked to our neighbor today, and apparently crazy dude stopped at their place too, and became extremely agitated when they wouldn't let him in to pray with them. O.o Our neighbor had to pry the guy's hand off his shoulder and had to slam the door in the guy's face. 

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