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How are the AP testers holding up?

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How are your AP students holding up in preparation for exams starting next week?


Sailor Dude just left the house for a quick hike. It is his first down time in weeks of working until 2 am. He is taking tests at three different schools and the only one that has been problematic is of course ours in that we can't seem to get our hands on the ID stickers so the other schools can put them on his tests.


He has English Lit next week and then Biology, Stats, and Macroeconomics the following week.

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DD has four exams.  She is busy preparing for Chem and Calc BC for next week.  The following week is AP Language and AP Latin.  She is working all the time right now.  I think her biggest concern is Chem. She is definitely ready for a break.

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Dd just has one this year--Human Geography--on the very last day.


Next year will be another story :eek: :lol:


I will happily share with you what we learned this year about overscheduling AP classes. :tongue_smilie: Sailor Dude's GPA might take a bit of  a hit and it may very well not be all fives on the exams, but the boy will never again think an "optional" study guide for an AP class is really optional. He also now knows how to utilize most every spare moment to study.


Good luck to your dd on Human Geography.


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DD has four exams.  She is busy preparing for Chem and Calc BC for next week.  The following week is AP Language and AP Latin.  She is working all the time right now.  I think her biggest concern is Chem. She is definitely ready for a break.


That is definitely a tough load. Did she self-study for Chem or is she taking a class?


Will her classes all be done after the exams? My son was rather pained to find out that  there would be an AP Biology final exam the week after the AP tests as the class is through the public school and goes until mid-June.


Good luck to your daughter. Hopefully, she can go do something fun when it's all over.


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Mine have had the crashing realization that the tests are all next week (as are finals in Latin, lit and pre-calc).  I think it mentally felt farther away because it was in May and May was soooo far off.


I know they would love to have the exams farther away.  By the same token, they would be just as busy and it would be just as hard to carve out study time.


I'm not loving the way that moving cut into out year.  My mental image of what European History was going to be like (with lots of time for museum trips and movies and art videos) pretty much got smashed to pieces.


We will see how much our frequent family dinner conversations about history will help support the exam questions. . .


Counting the days and hours until May 13, the first day with no exams.  I'm thinking we'll go out for pancake breakfast.

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Well, I seem to be a lot more uptight then the test-takers.


Dd in school is taking AP Comp Sci and AP Spanish.  I think she's pretty well prepared; she's just a little worried about the speaking portion of the Spanish because she's just generally a quiet kid in any language, and gets a bit uptight speaking on the fly.  However, it worries me just a tad that there has been zero actual targeted test prep in the Spanish class (the teacher I think considers herself to be teaching above the level of the test), and the AP prep book I bought lies untouched on the table...


Homeschooled dd has now punted both her PA Hsers class; I will definitely never bother to sign her up for another asynchronous online class, no matter the rave reviews.  Got her a tutor (other dd's AP Spanish teacher) to keep working on the Spanish - dd is confident although she also has not touched the prep book.  She says she got a 5 on the German AP last year, so she knows how the language AP tests are formatted, and I should quit bugging her.


She has been doing a lot of test prep for the AP Bio exam, and she's also going to take the Bio SAT2 tomorrow.  Again, she feels good about it.  Any studying, though, has been done out of my sight, she doesn't want me to interfere or ask about it, and it seems to me that she has a lot of free time for someone who's got these exams coming up.


So...  I'm going to be on the edge of my seat till the scores come back.  According to her, I should  :chillpill:


Next year , dd in school will take two APs, Calc AB and Physics C.  Homeschooled dd, I'm hoping will be able to take the AP English Lit - there's a live prep class at MIT, but there's a lottery to get in, and we won't know till she's in class if the teacher's any good (the class is taught by MIT undergrads, so their teaching ability, IME, can vary).  The rest of her classes will have to be at the CC - too hard to find live prep classes, and I don't think she'd have the self-discipline to self-study all year (and I'd probably get an ulcer).

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Mine has 3 AP tests and one final in differential Equations- a college course.  He seems to be taking it in stride.  He is also dealing with a toenail that fell off and we found out he has a benign tumor underneath it.I think he is handling it all better than I would have at age 16.  

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That is definitely a tough load. Did she self-study for Chem or is she taking a class?


Will her classes all be done after the exams? My son was rather pained to find out that  there would be an AP Biology final exam the week after the AP tests as the class is through the public school and goes until mid-June.


Good luck to your daughter. Hopefully, she can go do something fun when it's all over.


The only class we did together at home is the Language and Comp.  She is taking AP Chem through Chem Advantage. Her classes are done after exams.  That stinks about your son having to do more work after AP Bio exam.  That's a tough AP too, isn't it?  It's one of my daughter's classes for next year that we're doing together.


Good luck to your son on his exams! 

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Counting the days and hours until May 13, the first day with no exams.  I'm thinking we'll go out for pancake breakfast.

I feel the same way about May 15th.  DD's first test is the first day of testing in the morning, and her last test is the last day of testing in the afternoon. I think we will celebrate Friday night... I cannot wait.  :)


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Just dropped them off for Subject exams. Both are somewhat conjested, could be cold or allergies. So fingers crossed.


Dd hasn't prepped for he AP calc beyond a review (she took the class over a year ago) so starts doing that seriously later this afternoon. She is planning three more subject exams in June, two of which need major work to be ready for.

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Ds is in SAT Chem right now. I'm waiting at a Starbucks. He has Chem on Monday and Calc on Tuesday. He seems OK, but I'm stressed enough for the both of us. Life happened this year, so he's not as prepared as I'd like (as in we will actually be finishing the courses over the summer). But there is nothing important riding on these scores. If he ends up having to take the classes in college, he'll be incredibly well prepared.

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DD has subject tests in June too. Seems like it never ends! Good luck to your kids! :)

Ds is taking the SAT in June. I really wish it wasn't an either/or. He needs to take the SAT one more time, but that means the other SAT subject tests he needs will have to be in Oct. I really wish we'd be done with testing in June. (Of course, he might dump those colleges that require another subject test off his list come fall.)

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Just dropped them off for Subject exams. Both are somewhat conjested, could be cold or allergies. So fingers crossed.


Dd hasn't prepped for he AP calc beyond a review (she took the class over a year ago) so starts doing that seriously later this afternoon. She is planning three more subject exams in June, two of which need major work to be ready for.


Hmmm.  I missed the boat regarding Subject exams.  Maybe I should have had him do both???  My oldest did....


DS is studying hard for 4 exams - Physics C (both tests), Calc BC and Human Geography.


Trying to find  out how he can get a Photo ID.  His Birth Certificate is with his passport application and won't be back for a few weeks.


Best of luck to all of your kids!

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Hmmm. I missed the boat regarding Subject exams. Maybe I should have had him do both??? My oldest did....


DS is studying hard for 4 exams - Physics C (both tests), Calc BC and Human Geography.


Trying to find out how he can get a Photo ID. His Birth Certificate is with his passport application and won't be back for a few weeks.


Best of luck to all of your kids!

Can you order another copy of his birth certificate in time to get State ID?


Both think the exams went well. They got a room and proctor all to themselves because everyone else was doing the main SAT exam which surprised me.


The cut off for sign up on the June subject exams is May 8 so there is still time! ;) We still need to decide if ds is going to take one or not. He would rather not but that leaves him with a couple of heavy test days in the fall especially if his math ones didn't go as well as he thinks today. Two is realistically his limit because he tires quickly. Also need to decide if dd is going to do all three. She wants to do both Latin and German in one go because they are not offered again until late fall. Would like a high score off Latin with respectable on German. She did three fine today but not multiple languages....These tests exhaust me and I am not the one taking them! :lol:

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SAT Subject tests.


I'm not seeing the exact breakdown for 2015-16 but I thought modern Lang exams with listening were only offered once a year (Oct?) Latin is only offered twice (this year it was Dec and Jun).

Dd is doing the languages without listening. French and Spanish are offered frequently, I think. She did French this morning. Latin and German (without listening) are twice a year. I don't think the schedule is out.


Both kids need 3 SAT or AP exams with high scores for University admission. She missed the AP exams other than Calculus which she is fortunate to be taking....special order of exam. Dd is hoping to accumulate a nice assortment of SAT subject exams (more than needed but we think she might need them for program admission later) before December and wants to get her foreign languages out of the way.


I don't think the 2015/2016 schedule is out yet. Several are not available everytime like physics. We are trying to plan so both kids can take on the same dates and get this done before bad weather....test location is 2 hours away.

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Ds is prepping for AP Calc AB and both AP Physics C exams.  He is such a laid back kid that nothing stresses him too much...lol!  He took the SAT today, but this is the first year he does not have to take a corresponding SAT subject test (he took Math II in the fall and he Physics subject test last spring).  

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This is DS15's first AP - he's taking Comp Sci. He's nervous, but also excited because he's really rocked the past couple practice exams he took. I think we're both looking forward to going out to lunch to celebrate after his exam on Thursday! :)

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My ds has AP Chem tomorrow morning; he is prepared for it...not at all nervous about it...and should do just fine.


Then he has AP English Lang & Comp next Wednesday morning. The polar opposite from chemistry. That exam could very well be a total disaster. :-( Ds writes well, argues well, etc. etc. but he requires time (and activity...like bouncing a ball against a wall) to formulate his thoughts . Obviously, time is not on his side for the AP Eng. exam, and I doubt his proctor is going to let him walk around and bounce a ball! lol! Oh well...the class itself has been just awesome and has helped him in so many ways. If his score is lower than we had hoped, then like another poster said...he will be very well prepared for college comp. 


Good luck to all!! 

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Ds just got through with a big physics final and last lab.  He is frantically trying to cram some more in for the AP Lit test this week.  I think he is just about fried with school.  He will be done May 22- Whoo Hoo!! and off to college in the fall.  It has been a long year.

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The only one being taken this year is after we get back from TARC. So, my job is to bring that kid down from the "high" of competition, get him rested up, and focused so he won't bomb it. After that, we are free and clear. I'm not doing any AP's next year because we have so much trouble finding testing sites, so will be going with online community college classes from the good CC about an hour and half from here. Calc 1 and 2 for ds next year, and a history class for the other ds instead of the AP World History.


I just need to get P through it this year.

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I'm really nervous about the testing conditions in one of our locations.  I didn't know anything about the school and was just happy to have a counselor who was organized, friendly, and willing for my dd to take the AP Human Geo with them.  I guess pre-admin was pretty crazy - like 400 students in one auditorium for it.  It is a super large school and it was chaotic.  I'm hoping the testing conditions aren't horrible :crying:

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Best wishes to everyone's students for successful and minimally stressful testing this week and next.


And of course I have to add now that we are finishing our second year with them, Pennsylvania Homeschoolers still rock!


Although I will still need to bake cookies for ds's curmudgeonly AP Biology teacher as he rocks too!  On one of the student review sites, more than a few of his students said that the AP Biology exam was a relief after trying to survive his unit exams, so I really hope that is the case.

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Best wishes to everyone's students for successful and minimally stressful testing this week and next.


And of course I have to add now that we are finishing our second year with them, Pennsylvania Homeschoolers still rock!



I second PA Homeschoolers AP classes.  They do rock!!!

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Best wishes to everyone's students for successful and minimally stressful testing this week and next.


And of course I have to add now that we are finishing our second year with them, Pennsylvania Homeschoolers still rock!


Although I will still need to bake cookies for ds's curmudgeonly AP Biology teacher as he rocks too!  On one of the student review sites, more than a few of his students said that the AP Biology exam was a relief after trying to survive his unit exams, so I really hope that is the case.



I second PA Homeschoolers AP classes.  They do rock!!!



I really want to use PA HS for AP English Lit next year but DH said no way...he says I can spend money on DE but not both.  :banghead:  I guess I will be submitting a syllabus and puttering my way through grading papers again.  The things we do for our children. 

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Best wishes to everyone's students for successful and minimally stressful testing this week and next.


And of course I have to add now that we are finishing our second year with them, Pennsylvania Homeschoolers still rock!


Although I will still need to bake cookies for ds's curmudgeonly AP Biology teacher as he rocks too!  On one of the student review sites, more than a few of his students said that the AP Biology exam was a relief after trying to survive his unit exams, so I really hope that is the case.

Yay for your son having an awesome AP Bio teacher.  I feel the same way about DD's AP teachers.

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My daughter went to charter school for AP Psych and test coordinator ordered her a LATE TEST! She is in PAH class and completed 2 weeks review with 5s on practice tests. I seriously had a meltdown- not so visible but shaking. How many emails and even coming in 2x to be sure we were good to go!


Anyhow. Someone didn't show up and she got to take their test. Her answer key info was filled out 2 weeks ago. I can't wait for her to come out and tell me how it went. She was so upset while we waited for all test takers to come. OF COURSE the homeschooled was the only order screw up.


She has govt next week but I double checked the office computer to be sure they didn't mess it up again....

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My daughter went to charter school for AP Psych and test coordinator ordered her a LATE TEST! She is in PAH class and completed 2 weeks review with 5s on practice tests. I seriously had a meltdown- not so visible but shaking. How many emails and even coming in 2x to be sure we were good to go!


Anyhow. Someone didn't show up and she got to take their test. Her answer key info was filled out 2 weeks ago. I can't wait for her to come out and tell me how it went. She was so upset while we waited for all test takers to come. OF COURSE the homeschooled was the only order screw up.


She has govt next week but I double checked the office computer to be sure they didn't mess it up again....


That stinks!  I hope it went well for her despite all the screw ups. 


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Just picked up a seriously glazed-over AP Chem finisher. Good luck to all!


ETA: And top marks to Mr. Moskaluk at Chemadvantage. The class was fantastic, and ds was very well prepared.


Our thoughts exactly.... Mr. Moskaluk did a fabulous job! DD said there were no surprises at all on the test, and there was plenty of time to go back and check work.  Mr. Moskaluk rocks!!!!


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The only class we did together at home is the Language and Comp.  She is taking AP Chem through Chem Advantage. Her classes are done after exams.  That stinks about your son having to do more work after AP Bio exam.  That's a tough AP too, isn't it?  It's one of my daughter's classes for next year that we're doing together.


Good luck to your son on his exams! 


one of our dds took AP Chem this morning, having done Chemistry thru AP Pennsylvania homeschoolers (and chem advantage :).  


one down, one to go (AP ENG. Lang).  


next year will be AP Calc and AP US history (and maybe AP music theory... time will tell ;)


there is a high school about 30 minutes away that offers almost all the AP exams, and their staff have been incredibly helpful.  so glad to just have one testing site!


will feel better once its all done!


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Another AP Chem (Mr. Moskaluk) tester today. Dd said it went well. She felt good about it. Yay! 


Ds took the Env. Sci class (Molly Olson) at PA Hs'ers, and took the test today. He said he thinks he got a 100%, lol. He said he was way over-prepared. All courtesy of Ms. Olson, because he never does more than asked (in school work), lol. 


Three more tests for my Senior DD (Comp Sci and English Lit this week . . . and Wolrd Hist next week.)


I'll be so glad when it's all over!!

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Dd and Dh left before 5am this morning to get to her test site for AP Calculus. Stormy weather made them move up their departure. My birthday girl seemed pretty confident about it. She finally had a chance to take a practice exam yesterday. We think she did well but aren't positive which she found really frustrating. We discovered Barron's didn't really have a scale in the book for how many points for each grade. Hopefully the one I found online is reasonably accurate.

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Dd is exhausted and so glad she doesn't have two exams on one day (would that even be possible). Calc went well...

Glad it went well for your dd. My dd just returned and is pretty confident she did well on the Calculus AB also.

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Dd is exhausted and so glad she doesn't have two exams on one day (would that even be possible). Calc went well...


Yes, it's possible to take two exams on one day. My son is taking Physics C -- Mechanics and E&M on Monday and then Microeconomics and Latin on Friday. Wednesday he has Stats and Thursday Microeconomics. He has six exams that week. The exams that are math heavy shouldn't be bad but Latin…that is a different story.


He is taking his final exams at school this week which is helping him study for the AP exams.


Good luck to everyone!

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one of our dds took AP Chem this morning, having done Chemistry thru AP Pennsylvania homeschoolers (and chem advantage :).  


one down, one to go (AP ENG. Lang).  


next year will be AP Calc and AP US history (and maybe AP music theory... time will tell ;)


there is a high school about 30 minutes away that offers almost all the AP exams, and their staff have been incredibly helpful.  so glad to just have one testing site!


will feel better once its all done!



Ann, you are so lucky to have one test site. We have three and of course two of the four tests are at the school that is the furthest away.


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