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Prayers for MedicMom and baby this morning

Halftime Hope

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Congratulations on Caden!

Thank you all for your prayers.

Caden Matthew(which means little warrior, gift from God) was born at 0840 this morning. We were really hoping for another four weeks, but my body gave up and went into labor around 6 am. Caden weighs 3 pounds, 1 ounce and is 15 3/4 inches long. He cried immediately on delivery and actually had a better apgar score than either my other two with the perfect pregnancies, go figure. :-)

He was born at 28 weeks, 6 days.

He is currently on the second to lowest setting on the nasal cpap and has oxygen saturations in the high 90s. The NICU staff is amazed by his lung function and dark red color. I can't get a picture linked here because I'm on my phone, but he is a lovely baby. He has had no episodes of apnea or bradycardia. Hopefully I will get to hold him this week.

28 weeks is still very early. Please pray against infection and brain bleeds. I will post more later but I am truly exhausted right now. I bled a lot and am totally wiped out. :-). Thank you all for everything!


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MedicMom, is it standard practice to keep preemies in the hospital until they reach what should have been their due date? I keep trying to figure out how Simon, born mid September but due mid-December, was placed with us in mid-October. Caden has a whole extra pound in his favor, so I keep hoping he can come home early.


Keep strong, Big Guy!

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MedicMom, is it standard practice to keep preemies in the hospital until they reach what should have been their due date? I keep trying to figure out how Simon, born mid September but due mid-December, was placed with us in mid-October. Caden has a whole extra pound in his favor, so I keep hoping he can come home early.


Keep strong, Big Guy!

I think they tell you due date to not get your hopes up. For Caden it will be when he can breathe completely on his own(minus maybe some small supplemental oxygen), can nurse/bottle feed okay, and hold his own body temperature. For him it will likely be a minimum of eight weeks here in the hospital, and we are preparing for twelve.

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MedicMom, is it standard practice to keep preemies in the hospital until they reach what should have been their due date? I keep trying to figure out how Simon, born mid September but due mid-December, was placed with us in mid-October. Caden has a whole extra pound in his favor, so I keep hoping he can come home early.


Keep strong, Big Guy!

I am not sure buty youngest was born at 36 weeks with apgars of 5&6 and they sent her home to me (foster care) at 48 hours old. She should NOT have come home as she was losing weight and had no sucking reflex. I think they released her early as she was going to foster care and I think they wanted the birth parents out of their hair.

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I am not sure buty youngest was born at 36 weeks with apgars of 5&6 and they sent her home to me (foster care) at 48 hours old. She should NOT have come home as she was losing weight and had no sucking reflex. I think they released her early as she was going to foster care and I think they wanted the birth parents out of their hair.


That's interesting, because my experience was the opposite.  DS was born at 38 weeks, small for gestational age (5 lbs) but apgars of 9 and 10, and no issues in the hospital.  They kept him 5 days, before releasing him to foster care, where he spent 11 days before coming to me (adoptive placement).  The social worker was told that the reason they kept him was because they didn't trust foster parents the way they trust biological parents.  

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That's interesting, because my experience was the opposite.  DS was born at 38 weeks, small for gestational age (5 lbs) but apgars of 9 and 10, and no issues in the hospital.  They kept him 5 days, before releasing him to foster care, where he spent 11 days before coming to me (adoptive placement).  The social worker was told that the reason they kept him was because they didn't trust foster parents the way they trust biological parents.  

Not to detrail this thread but this hospital must have been desperate to get rid of the bio parents (highly likely in this case) or really trusting of me.  They basically handed her over to me and let me walk out with her.  NO infant CPR training, none of those videos birth parents must watch, etc.  They just gave me an extra package of diapers and some extra formula, etc.  She was my FIRST newborn as I had no bio kids.   I had had other infants, but never a newborn, esp. not a 36 weeker.

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Keeping you and that dear baby in my thoughts. I saw his FB debut. :) I have a friend with twin boys named Caden and Matthew, so his name makes me think of my friend. :)


P.s. I am no help with photos here. It stymies me every time.

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Okay, I give...how can I upload photos to a post?


The only way I've found is to post them on a website.  We choose photobucket.  Then you can right click on the picture and choose something like Copy Picture.  Right click on your post where you want the pic to be and put it there.  It should show up - not a link.


ALSO... Chrome won't do it on my computer.   :glare:   I have to switch to hubby's computer and use Firefox.  I think it can't be a password protected site either.

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