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Because DH is making spinach bacon quiche for our Easter breakfast and the smell is making me queasy. I haven't actually been sick with morning sickness yet, but smells are bothering me so much and I have horrible food aversions. Yesterday at our big family Easter dinner I could eat the saur kraut with Polish sausage, but not the beautiful spring mix salad my mom made.



Anyone want to commiserate and share your weird pregnancy food issues?

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The weirdest smell to set me off when pregnant was a large mat covering much of the floor of a hallway I had to pass by on the way to the restroom where I used to work. The rubbery odor was so overwhelming it made me nauseated. Another time I went to lunch with coworkers and one person ordered fish. No one knew I was pregnant yet, and my reaction almost gave me away.

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When I was pregnant with dd, I ate a lot of granola bars in the mornings to help stave off the nausea.  It took me about 6 years after she was born to even be able to *think* about eating a granola bar again.  The associations were just way too strong!


When I was pregnant with ds, we bought dd (18 months old at the time) a baby doll for Christmas.  It was one of those ones that is really strongly scented, with a baby powder smell or something like that.  With my "morning" sickness, the smell just made me want to toss my cookies, and it was so strong, that I ended up confiscating my poor dd's doll until after ds was born!  (Thankfully she wasn't super attached to it at the time!)

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When I was pregnant with dd, I ate a lot of granola bars in the mornings to help stave off the nausea. It took me about 6 years after she was born to even be able to *think* about eating a granola bar again. The associations were just way too strong!


I have that association with peppermint tea.

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It's so funny how your body associates certain things with feeling sick. One of my kids had a toy that played music when I was pregnant with #6. It broke after the baby was born, but recently (over 6 yrs later) we were at a friend's house and as soon as I heard that music coming from that same toy we had, I got this overwhelming sense of nausea/morning sickness/feeling like complete garbage. So odd!

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Two stories. One, when I was pg I could never stand the smell of meat, especially raw meat, as in I couldn't even walk down the meat isle in the grocery store. So my wonderful husband deicides he is going to do Atkins. After a week of sitting on the porch I finally told him it was either Atkins or me. If he wanted to do Stkins I was moving in with my dad until he was done.



Second one is not food related but when I was pg with #2 I would put Bear in the Big Blue House on for dd and I would sleep. Fast forward 3-4 years. We were at Disney and DH went to get the rental car and the kids and I stayed in the hotel. I turned on the Disney Chanel and Bear was on. I thought, great, this is a cute show. I got so nauseous as soon as the theme song started paying. As soon as the show was over I was fine.

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With my first, I got that book out right away, What to Eat When You are Expecting.  I made a big bowl of chicken salad that sounded good at the time.  It involved mangoes, green onions, yogurt, and curry powder.  The next morning, the mere smell of it threw me into a loop!  I threw the whole thing out, including the bowl.

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I remember craving bacon so badly I *had* to have it. I made pan fried two lbs. After it was cooked I couldn't eat any of it. I couldn't even stay in thr house with it. Just the thought of bacon made me ill. Thankfully, I can eat bacon again!



EtA: Ignore the lack of editing. I can't edit on my phone and it is impossible to type on. I will come back later and at least make the post readable.

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I'm not saying that I'm glad anyone else went through this, but it's nice to know I'm not alone. My poor DH doesn't know what to do with me. I can't figure out what I want to eat other than really random cravings (instant mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy at the moment) that I might not actually want to eat once I have them.

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Peanut butter and Ranch Dressing with all of them.  Especially if I went to wash it off the spoon, the smell with the PB or Ranch mixed in water...... I could eat it just not smell it.  Oatmeal when it was thick and sticky, once sugar and milk was added I could eat it on toast but otherwise, no way.


With my last pregnancy all I wanted to eat was takeout Chinese.

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It's so funny how your body associates certain things with feeling sick. One of my kids had a toy that played music when I was pregnant with #6. It broke after the baby was born, but recently (over 6 yrs later) we were at a friend's house and as soon as I heard that music coming from that same toy we had, I got this overwhelming sense of nausea/morning sickness/feeling like complete garbage. So odd!

I had this, too, but with a TV show. I never actually was sick when pregnant, but had severe nausea when I was pregnant with dd. Ds was only 18 months at the time, and I would lay on the couch while he watched Teletubbies. After dd was born, I would feel nauseous anytime I saw the show.

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With my second, the first trimester I lost 10 pound because nothing tasted good.  Everything had a metallic taste.  Except for the Roma tomatoes that grew out of my neighbor's compost pile.  Those were wonderful!  I ate anyway, but it didn't taste good.



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I couldn't stand the smell of coffee for a while when I was expecting ds. I don't drink coffee, but have always enjoyed the aroma. Not for those few weeks! I had to go sit on the porch at my father in law's house when they were making coffee, it was weird. I also had spells when I couldn't tolerate the smell of onions, and then there were a few times I couldn't deal with raw meat. 

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We had a lovely Indian family living in the apartment next to us. The grandmother was an excellent cook. At 6 weeks until the end of my pregnancy I couldn't stand the smell of Indian food! We shared a stairwell and the odor would seep in to our apartment. I used to hold my breath from the moment I opened the common entry door, run up the stairs and into our apartment. I was always afraid they would be going out while I was coming in and I would have to talk to them and try not to vomit, lol. I was so relieved when it went away after ds was born.

My two biggest cravings were prime rib and Whopper Jrs. I can understand the prime rib because that has always been a fave, but Burger King was never something I liked.

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I'm not saying that I'm glad anyone else went through this, but it's nice to know I'm not alone. My poor DH doesn't know what to do with me. I can't figure out what I want to eat other than really random cravings (instant mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy at the moment) that I might not actually want to eat once I have them.

I'm sorry. It's no fun at all. Luckily it'll eventually pass and you can look back and laugh about it.

Congrats btw!

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I was dreadfully ill for both pregnancies, but I had a really mean doctor who was opposed to anti-nausea medicine for my first pregnancy. The first sign that my DH was in for a rough road, though, was a weekend morning when DH was making eggs and bacon for breakfast. I was sleeping, smelled breakfast and immediately ran for the bathroom. The minute I could get my head out of the toilet, I yelled, "Are you actually trying to kill me!?!?!" Poor DH. I was so vexed with him. Crazy puking pregnant lady, fussing like wet cat. We ended up staying away from the house all day, and we had to run fans for days to get the smell out of the house. Eggs and bacon were banned for the rest of that pregnancy. 

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My worst nausea was with the twins. My dh would turn on the deep fryer at dinner and I would get off work hours later and still feel sick when I walked in the door. Needless to say they will be 11 in a month and the deep fryer is still living in the garage.

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When I was pregnant with dd, I ate a lot of granola bars in the mornings to help stave off the nausea.  It took me about 6 years after she was born to even be able to *think* about eating a granola bar again.  The associations were just way too strong!


When I was pregnant with ds, we bought dd (18 months old at the time) a baby doll for Christmas.  It was one of those ones that is really strongly scented, with a baby powder smell or something like that.  With my "morning" sickness, the smell just made me want to toss my cookies, and it was so strong, that I ended up confiscating my poor dd's doll until after ds was born!  (Thankfully she wasn't super attached to it at the time!)


Yeah, I used to like ginger cookies.  They didn't help at all, but I kept trying stronger ginger versions.  I think it was that I also threw up the ginger cookies that gave me the aversion.  My PG sickness was extremely bad.  One of those things I never thought I'd say.  "Throwing up water isn't so bad."   

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I used ginger candies to help with nausea when I was expecting number 1. Couldn't bring myself to use ginger with number 2 and 3.


Major seafood aversion with all 3.


Once, with my 1st pregnancy, dh brought home a jar of Alfredo sauce and a bag of already cooked chopped chicken to make an easy dinner since I wasn't feeling well. When he added the chicken to the sauce to heat up, it soon became obvious that the chicken was BAD. We got rid of it, took the garbage out and had to open all the windows and turn on all the fans in the middle of winter to get the smell out of the house. A couple years ago, dh came home with dinner ingredients and when he pulled an Alfredo sauce jar out of the bag, I flipped out!!!! His response: "still not over it, huh?" umm, no.

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