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People who pray, and people who send positive affirmations, I could use some help.

Anne in CA

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We are getting ready to open a new sandwich shop. It is hard work. The pre-opening party is on Friday and I am exhausted already. Today is actually an easy day. I need to make five huge batches of cookies (six dozen each) and go to an employment fair to get a new waitress and breakfast cook and baker. Also, I should clean dd's room because she has company when she gets back from Disneyland. My sister and her family are coming to visit and coming for the party. Mostly this project has been a lot of fun, but the work never quits coming, and I have a lot of people depending on me to think clearly, be friendly and be responsible. So all the positive vibes you could spare would be awesome.


Anyone who wants to come to the pre-opening party message me and I will get you in.

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Thank you ladies, I still have a batch of cookies to go, and dd's room to clean, but other than that I am almost caught up, and I had a great time at the employment fair. I didn't get a baker, but I met some young people who might work out very well for service, and the woman next to me was a real sweetie and we had a fun time. Now all I need to do is get off the computer and get back to work, lol.

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