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I don't give tylenol or ibuprofen for 102F.  A fever is the body's natural defense mechanism for fighting off germs.  Oftentimes if I just let the fever run the course, they don't even really get sick. It's fever + an afternoon or day on the couch and we're done.


My kids naturally run high fevers. I don't blink until it hits 104F.  At 104F, I give meds, if it goes down, no worries. If it doesn't go down, then we go in. 9/10, it's an ear infection or something else viral.


I had to take littlest in for rehydration last year, but that was after 12 hours of vomiting, and she was dry heaving and listless. Norovirus bites. It was 2 weeks of the illness after that, and we went through a ton of Zofran.


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I must be a bad mom. Fevers didn't bother me, even as a new mom. I figured the body was trying to kill something off with a high temperature, which is pretty much what is happening. In fact, the one time I did try to kill the fever with meds, the fever kept coming back and the sickness lasted a day or more longer. So, I stopped treating fevers.


There was the one time when dd16 was 11, Gymnast was about a month old, and the older got ill in the middle of the night. About 103 degree fever, was complaining of bad aches including in the neck, and could barely move. I treated that fever and had her lay on the mattress in our room. An hour later I checked, and her temp had gone up. Dh had to carry her to the car. Receiving guy in the ER thought she was being a dramatic teenager. :glare: Turned out she had pneumonia (at first they thought it might be meningitis).

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Speaking of cat hair balls, I wish our older cat would finally hack up one. Or something. She keeps heaving and hawing like something is going to come up, but it never does. I guess that and losing her meow means she's getting old.

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I had a scary 104.8 degree fever one night while I was in high school.  My mom gave me meds and called the doctor.  He told her to put me in a tub of cool (it felt freezing) water for 15 minutes.  If the fever hadn't budged (which it hadn't) I was to sit in refreshed cool water for 15 minutes more.  If the fever still hadn't budged (fortunately, it started coming down) the next step was the ER.


I never got sick and we never figured out what triggered it.

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I give Tylenol if their temperature gets to 99. :chillpill: :leaving:

With us it depends on the situation and child. If ds11 won't get off the floor and his temp is only 99.8, he gets Tylenol. Dd9 gets Tylenol for a headache even if there is no fever. I take something if I feel crappy.


Tex, that is gross. I'd better not have hairball nightmares tonight.


Lynn, hoping for rest for you and dd and no fevers tomorrow!

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**********************************************cat hair ball warning**********************************************************


The gut kneading cat hocked up a huge hair ball, BTW. I am so weird that I examined and squeezed it. :leaving:

That's nasty, yo.

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I let my kid decide on the meds. He's very good at evaluating how he feels. He also knows how the different meds make him feel. When he was much younger, obviously I got to decide. 102 gets evaluated first for allergies, then for other.


We go through a whole lot more Benadryl than Tylenol.

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I might get chance to post tomorrow, but after that maybe not until we get back from the trip. In case I don't get chance to tell you tomorrow, I'll tell you tonight: I'll be thinking about you all. Well, maybe not when I'm visiting the Mouse for three days, but yeah, other times. Love you. :001_wub:

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When I was a kid I got a super high fever of 107.  So high that they thought that I might be brain damaged because I was hallucinating and waving my hands like I was autistic.  They didn't want to move me so the doctor came out to the house every day and gave me shots in my butt.  #Isaidbutt.  This was back in the dark ages though and in another country besides.  About a week later I saved my brother's life by discovering that he had collapsed due to a gas leak.  My mom had to resuscitate him.  That was a really bad couple of weeks for my mom.  But we were both ok in the end. 

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I actually have a recipe bookmarked but I haven't made it yet. I know people who have & they like it. I'm really tempted by it because I'm not a huge fan of cashew based cheeses (& sauces) because they're so high fat. 


So here you go: nut free, soy free, coconut free. Cuts, grates, melts. 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7- RgLABm_U



Also consider ordering from Vegan Essentials. Miyoko gets consistently rave reviews but it's even more expensive by the time it gets to Canada & I haven't tried it yet.  https://store.veganessentials.com/cheese-alternatives-c6.aspx


I just subscribed to that channel. Thank you.

Edited by Renai
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**********************************************cat hair ball warning**********************************************************


The gut kneading cat hocked up a huge hair ball, BTW.  I am so weird that I examined and squeezed it. :leaving:


Speaking of cat hair balls, I wish our older cat would finally hack up one. Or something. She keeps heaving and hawing like something is going to come up, but it never does. I guess that and losing her meow means she's getting old.


I was interested in how hair balls form, and I wanted to see. ðŸ˜

Ok, people! Could we change the subject now?
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And just because ya'll asked, 

1. My kids are only allowed to jump on our queen sized bed that sits on the floor. The sofa cushions slip and someone will fall and kill themself if they jump on the sofa. Dd1's bed is on an old frame I'm afraid will break, and dd2's bed is cheap plastic.

2. Dd1 was able to act a fool and still understood read-alouds, whereas dd2 is off on another planet if she's doing anything other sitting next to me while I'm reading. I think. She may be better now...nah.

3. I don't know any more Korean now than I did before the spam started. I can still say hello. If I could remember.


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Well, I stuck with it and churned out my 2,500 words for the day. Took me all afternoon, mind. Things kept needing attention: dogs wanted food and walkies, cat needed cuddling and eye drops, chickens wanted snacks, and those silly boys of mine wanted feeding.

I'm sitting pretty at 14,727 on my word count 7 days into NaNo camp. And it's good stuff, yo.

Sometimes I love living in my writer's world, I really do. Sometimes I just want to stay there. But then there are all these critters that need fixing and boys than need schooling and chickens that need pampering and so on and so forth.


So you're a chicken spoiler, too?


Its bad here. If I step out my back door, 17 heads pop up, see me, and come running. If they've ranged out of sight and I call for them, 17 birds flock from aaaaaall directions. It's kind of hilarious. Not hilarious is when they come directly to our glass french doors and tap on the glass demanding treats.




And I hear you on the constant needing of attention. It's why I can never get things done.

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I let my kid decide on the meds. He's very good at evaluating how he feels. He also knows how the different meds make him feel. When he was much younger, obviously I got to decide. 102 gets evaluated first for allergies, then for other.


We go through a whole lot more Benadryl than Tylenol.


I can't do this with mine because they WANT to take the meds! They've made those meds too tasty.


I only treat a fever in DS7 (8 tomorrow!). He's the guy in my profile pic. He had a series of seizures as a toddler (febrile) and after the second one, his personality dramatically changed. And not for the better.



With the others, I closely monitor anything over 102, and treat if it hits 104. Otherwise, I do comfort care.

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SIL woke me up at 4:30 and I'm still up.


I had a dream Tex and I were arguing about the best way to teach math to an adult genius from a television show I believe we were going to teach together. I've had lots of strange dreams lately.


I think I'll have breakfast now.

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Good Morning!


Dd is 99 now and ate some applesauce, but says her tummy still hurts.  We were up a little during the night, so we slept in.  Dh gets home tonight and his sister comes.  We need to do school and clean up the girls' room for her to stay in.  (Don't wanna.)


Ellie - hope the hula show is great and your trip wonderful!!!  We will be quite lost without you!


Sweetpea - hope you have a great time being pampered and made gorgeous! 

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Well, I'm off to go see my regular hair stylist, Edward, who is fabulous and I've missed him terribly. Hokey towns like mine do not have good curly girl stylists, and I've only cut twice in the last five years.


Later gators!

Would his last name be ..... "Scissorhands"?
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Yesterday we roadtripped it about 2 hours away to buy a tractor implement.  I apologize for missing the fever discussion, because I am certain that many of you are on pins and needles wondering about my approach.  Here, we must use a "treat the symptoms, not the number" approach.  When DD is glassy-eyed and dull, I give her ibuprofen.  I have seen her react this way when her temp is just around 100 degrees and I have seen her punky but fever-symptom free at almost 104.  I don't know why this is so, but there ya go.


Oh, and Slash, I totally agree with you about treating the fever more aggressively at night.  Circadian rhythms are real; if all heck is going to break loose medically, 9 times out of 10 it will be after the sun goes down.

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Yesterday we roadtripped it about 2 hours away to buy a tractor implement. I apologize for missing the fever discussion, because I am certain that many of you are on pins and needles wondering about my approach. Here, we must use a "treat the symptoms, not the number" approach. When DD is glassy-eyed and dull, I give her ibuprofen. I have seen her react this way when her temp is just around 100 degrees and I have seen her punky but fever-symptom free at almost 104. I don't know why this is so, but there ya go.


Oh, and Slash, I totally agree with you about treating the fever more aggressively at night. Circadian rhythms are real; if all heck is going to break loose medically, 9 times out of 10 it will be after the sun goes down.

I believe her behavior difference is because her behavior depends on her sickness, not her fever. I don't think fevers have anything to do with how we feel unless they're really high for the most part. So really sick = cranky Jo while sort of sick = non cranky Jo. The fever is irrelevant because it's a symptom, not a cause.



Does anyone here break fevers with hot baths?


What does that old saying "starve a cold, feed a fever" mean? I'm not going to not eat or not feed my kids due to sickness. That sounds dumb.

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I can't do this with mine because they WANT to take the meds! They've made those meds too tasty.


Yeah, I get it.  If mine were like that, I would override it, no doubt.  But most of the time he doesn't want anything "because they make him feel funny."  He'd rather put up with the headache or fever or reaction than have a medicine make him feel loopy/strange/whatnot.  And he hates the taste of all medicines.  Although he has been doing better with the Walgreens Diphenhydramine HCl tablets.  He'll at least take those at night when he is feeling really bad.

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I believe her behavior difference is because her behavior depends on her sickness, not her fever. I don't think fevers have anything to do with how we feel unless they're really high for the most part. So really sick = cranky Jo while sort of sick = non cranky Jo. The fever is irrelevant because it's a symptom, not a cause.



Does anyone here break fevers with hot baths?


What does that old saying "starve a cold, feed a fever" mean? I'm not going to not eat or not feed my kids due to sickness. That sounds dumb.




All that would do would be to increase the child's internal temperature.  Depending upon the temperature, that could seriously endanger the child.

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SIL woke me up at 4:30 and I'm still up.


I had a dream Tex and I were arguing about the best way to teach math to an adult genius from a television show I believe we were going to teach together. I've had lots of strange dreams lately.


I think I'll have breakfast now.

Awesome.    :D


I dreamed that the kids'  dentist (Dr. McDreamy) filled a cavity for me, and I was completely in love with him.  Dh was there, and we were stuck at his office due to a terrible flood, and people had peed everywhere but I didn't care because I was in lala love with the kids' dentist.  Also, we visited my friend from high school (Jeff) and his family at their ranch in Houston, and I remarked on their horse which was about 19 hands high.  In reality, that horse was 24 hands high and unreal and impossible.  My friend does not have a ranch in Houston, btw.


I believe her behavior difference is because her behavior depends on her sickness, not her fever. I don't think fevers have anything to do with how we feel unless they're really high for the most part. So really sick = cranky Jo while sort of sick = non cranky Jo. The fever is irrelevant because it's a symptom, not a cause.



Does anyone here break fevers with hot baths?


What does that old saying "starve a cold, feed a fever" mean? I'm not going to not eat or not feed my kids due to sickness. That sounds dumb.

Not baths.  I have used cool, wet cloths on the neck.  Not freezing because that backfires and makes folks shiver, which increases body temp.

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I really have nothing of substance to contribute to the fever conversation, but I'm feeling a little left out, so I'll just say when my kids have a fever I alternate between Tylenol and ibuprophen and it goes away. Usually my kids just get these rogue fevers that last for a couple hours and go away. They never get sick.

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JJM, it's okay. I promise not to put my children in hot baths. I asked because I've done it to myself more than once and it worked. That whole thing about being near death to avoid the doctor, remember?


I'll do things myself or let myself get sicker than my kids because I'm older and I know myself. I can't trust my kids to know when to go to the doctor so we just go. I'll treat my ingrown toenails, fevers, UTIs, all sorts of stuff, but the second I knew Mary had a UTI we were off. I am good with cold and flu, but the doctor can't help there anyway.

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JJM, it's okay. I promise not to put my children in hot baths. I asked because I've done it to myself more than once and it worked. That whole thing about being near death to avoid the doctor, remember?


I'll do things myself or let myself get sicker than my kids because I'm older and I know myself. I can't trust my kids to know when to go to the doctor so we just go. I'll treat my ingrown toenails, fevers, UTIs, all sorts of stuff, but the second I knew Mary had a UTI we were off. I am good with cold and flu, but the doctor can't help there anyway.


Dear Slash,


Don't do it again.




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For a fever, slather skin with salted butter and roll in a tub filled with poppy or sunflower seeds.


For a cold, alternate swinging (on a swingset) vigorously for 10 minutes and laying face down on a wooden plank.


Might work, might not.




Silly Susan.


You treat both with duct tape.  Duh.

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For a fever, slather skin with salted butter and roll in a tub filled with poppy or sunflower seeds.


For a cold, alternate swinging (on a swingset) vigorously for 10 minutes and laying face down on a wooden plank.


Might work, might not.



Leeches. Aren't you supposed to put leaches on people? For something? Edited by KrissiK
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For a fever, slather skin with salted butter and roll in a tub filled with poppy or sunflower seeds.


For a cold, alternate swinging (on a swingset) vigorously for 10 minutes and laying face down on a wooden plank.


Might work, might not.




I only have margarine. I hope that would work.  You'd look like a bagel at the end. 



I'm glad you clarified "on a swingset" because someone might have mistaken the instructions and called up that couple that is so very very very friendly with other couples... 

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