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*******************Dental Alert******************





Black belt babysitter was here again this afternoon.  She made GFCF brownies with the girls while I took oldest to the oral surgeon for his pre-op consult.  He needs to have his wisdom teeth out and the gums exposed so that his 12 year molars can come in.  This now makes two kids who will have maxed out their dental benefits in the first four months of the year.

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I took max. pain relievers and was able to sleep for an hour in my armchair.  I am in mucho loco pain today because I pushed myself physically yesterday because someone hinted that perhaps I was underestimating myself and could do a lot more.  And I thought that perhaps they were right and I was indeed a malingerer.  Apparently not 

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This is why I never shop at TJ Maxx or Ross or Marshall's.


Ross is the only place I can get decent clothes that actually fit me - like jeans that don't just reach to my butt crack - at a decent price. And, there are never a lot of people there.

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I went to target dressed in a red shirt and kaki pants. 3 people asked me for help. I could answer all 3 of them. :leaving:


Eta: This was not today, it just seemed to fit the conversation well.

Edited by Slache
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I took max. pain relievers and was able to sleep for an hour in my armchair. I am in mucho loco pain today because I pushed myself physically yesterday because someone hinted that perhaps I was underestimating myself and could do a lot more. And I thought that perhaps they were right and I was indeed a malingerer. Apparently not

. :grouphug:
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I went to target dressed in a red shirt and kaki pants. 3 people asked me for help. I could answer all 3 of them. :leaving:

When I worked at Lowe's, I would shop HD on my days off if I needed something. HD customers would always ask me where things were or general questions, because they also shopped at Lowe's and knew I would be able to help them.

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Once I asked the serial number. The guy senses I knew what was up so he went on "reading" numbers and letters for like 100 digits. Might have even been pi from digit 3 to 103 or so. At the end I said, "nope, off by one number, you must have the wrong house" and hung up. I hope he also got a laugh.


Prank the phisher booyah!


I want to be you!!!!

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I took max. pain relievers and was able to sleep for an hour in my armchair.  I am in mucho loco pain today because I pushed myself physically yesterday because someone hinted that perhaps I was underestimating myself and could do a lot more.  And I thought that perhaps they were right and I was indeed a malingerer.  Apparently not 


:grouphug: :crying:

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My mother is moving in with exbf from high school. I can only imagine how that sounds *but* she has somewhere to stay and she doesn't have to worry about bills or the dogs or anything until she gets back on her feet. She really screwed up and she's lucky to have such a generous friend willing to help her. She sounded very relieved over the phone and was kinder than she's been in months. So, crisis averted. And she won't be near us.

Edited by Slache
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Waaaaaay back when I was on the Pill....I could tell you to within a half hour, when I would get my period (Monday around 3:30).  Made things much easier.   


I was never on the pill and still had af like clockwork. Sorry for those who don't.

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Baby girl's fever was last measured at 102.  I don't want to give her any meds yet because I think they would re-upset her stomach.  I have a cool rag on her forehead and offering crushed ice and water.  Thank goodness for my Mom staying with her while I took ds and dd to their games!


ds's team lost their bball game. 


dd's team won their soccer game. 

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Baby girl's fever was last measured at 102. I don't want to give her any meds yet because I think they would re-upset her stomach. I have a cool rag on her forehead and offering crushed ice and water. Thank goodness for my Mom staying with her while I took ds and dd to their games!


ds's team lost their bball game.


dd's team won their soccer game.

It's almost bed time, right? Will you be able to before she goes down?
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It's almost bed time, right? Will you be able to before she goes down?


It's 9:00, so yes, bedtime.  She just took the washrag off, so I'm going to take her temp again in a minute.  I'm hoping to wait until tomorrow to give her any medicine.  She's trying to eat something now, so I may change my mind. 

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It's 9:00, so yes, bedtime. She just took the washrag off, so I'm going to take her temp again in a minute. I'm hoping to wait until tomorrow to give her any medicine. She's trying to eat something now, so I may change my mind.

K. I just thought it would be nice to get some Tylenol in her. 102 is a little too high for my taste.
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K. I just thought it would be nice to get some Tylenol in her. 102 is a little too high for my taste.


Okay.  I did it.  She seemed okay after a little bit of food and I let her smell the med first to make sure it didn't smell bad to her.  She took about half a dose. 


eta:  she was still 102 when I took her temp.


Edited by Another Lynn
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Okay. I did it. She seemed okay after a little bit of food and I let her smell the med first to make sure it didn't smell bad to her. She took about half a dose.


eta: she was still 102 when I took her temp.


Are you going to the doctor?
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Just got back from my administration testing at the church. (Btw, this whole interview process is in depth. I don't think my husband's high security job is this intense!!  :lol: )


I think my typing was subpar - nerves, new computer, cold hands, and more nerves. But, I was able to figure out how to create a form (using tables), and was able to figure out more things that I haven't had exposure to yet. The HR assistant was really nice, so that helped a lot. 

The test isn't a "make or break" type of deal, more just to see where you are, so that helped ease the nerves, too. 


Apparently, this position and several others were being tested for today. Also, most of the positions are brand new positions. There are no assistants right now, so it's all new territory. 

I don't think anyone else was there testing for my position, though. So, fingers crossed, prayers rising, hope floating... what else can I do? lol



Oh, should I shoot the assistant a "thank you" email? She was so nice, helpful, and honestly made it a relaxed situation.  I know you're supposed to send thank you notes when you have a real interview, but what is the protocol for this scenario?


Yes to thank you email.

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I had a low grade headache yesterday. I woke up this morning with it a little worse. I haven't had migraines in a long time and didn't want one to start, so I took 2 extra strength Tylenol. Those never worked on a migraine, so was hoping it could stave it off before it hit migraine status. I got to the school, and Tylenol hadn't yet touched what I had in 45 minutes. Thus, I went to the school nurse and asked for ibuprofen. We don't keep ibuprofen in our house because of allergies, yo. Took 400 mg of ibuprofen. It took a while for the pain to go down, and there was only a brief flash of intense pain after about 3 hours, but otherwise I had no pain, just pressure. But holy batman was I drugged out of my mind. And it was picture day. Der.


Good news is, I haven't had to take any more meds all day. I think the 1-2 punch worked. I did get home and go straight to bed and napped.


In other news, I hate Panda Express. We went there to eat anyway the other day. I dug out the fortune cookie from my purse after I awoke from my nap a little while ago and it reads, "AVOID UNCHALLENGING OCCUPATIONS - THEY WASTE YOUR TALENTS." Guess that means I should quit my job. Oh, wait. That's been pretty challenging.

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K. I just thought it would be nice to get some Tylenol in her. 102 is a little too high for my taste.

I only "worry" (i.e. give meds or use other measures to lower fever) when it is over 104.  Being dehydrated from throwing up can cause fever, though not that high.  Fever by itself won't hurt anyone unless it gets over 105 or even higher.  It's just your body mounting a defense against whatever is making you sick.  I treat symptoms of pain with ibuprofen but do not treat fever.


Only one of my four kids has ever gotten so dehydrated from throwing up that he needed medical attention.  He was 18 months old at the time and could not even keep down breastmilk.  I knew when it was time and took him to the kid's hospital ER, where he got an IV for a few hours and nursed in the room and was released.  


You sounded concerned so I wanted to throw that out there.  

Edited by texasmama
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(((hugs))) to Jean and Renai


Jean knows that she is not a wimp because I told her so.  Other people need to be informed of this fact so they will not push her. :glare:   I know some slackers, and Jean doesn't even qualify on a slow day.


I have done the meeting, addressed scary bee stories, made it to the grocery store, and lived to see another day.   :coolgleamA:

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I only "worry" (i.e. give meds or use other measures to lower fever) when it is over 104. Being dehydrated from throwing up can cause fever, though not that high. Fever by itself won't hurt anyone unless it gets over 105 or even higher. It's just your body mounting a defense against whatever is making you sick. I treat symptoms of pain with ibuprofen but do not treat fever.


Only one of my four kids has ever gotten so dehydrated from throwing up that he needed medical attention. It was ds13, who was 18 months old at the time and could not even keep down breastmilk. I knew when it was time and took him to the kid's hospital ER, where he got an IV for a few hours and nursed in the room and was released.


You sounded concerned so I wanted to throw that out there.

I know. I've only been a mom for 5 years. I'll probably be more relaxed in 10 more. It's funny how I'll bring myself to near death to avoid the doctor but take my kids at the first sign of a cold. Okay I don't really, but I always worry about kids more.
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Well, I stuck with it and churned out my 2,500 words for the day. Took me all afternoon, mind. Things kept needing attention: dogs wanted food and walkies, cat needed cuddling and eye drops, chickens wanted snacks, and those silly boys of mine wanted feeding.

I'm sitting pretty at 14,727 on my word count 7 days into NaNo camp. And it's good stuff, yo. 

Sometimes I love living in my writer's world, I really do. Sometimes I just want to stay there. But then there are all these critters that need fixing and boys than need schooling and chickens that need pampering and so on and so forth.

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I know. I've only been a mom for 5 years. I'll probably be more relaxed in 10 more. It's funny how I'll bring myself to near death to avoid the doctor but take my kids at the first sign of a cold. Okay I don't really, but I always worry about kids more.

It does kind of work that way. :lol:   I was talking to you from the "old mom" perspective.  

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I know. I've only been a mom for 5 years. I'll probably be more relaxed in 10 more. It's funny how I'll bring myself to near death to avoid the doctor but take my kids at the first sign of a cold. Okay I don't really, but I always worry about kids more.

That was me when we first got the boys. Can you say, "freak out about everything"? Fortunately, I had a friend who was quite a ways ahead of me in the "Mom Game" and had... Well, 4 kids at the time, now she has 6. I'd call her about everything! " uhhh... J.... He has a 102 fever. Do I call the doctor? Do I take him in?" "How long has he had it?" "An hour". " well, give him some ibuprophen and see what that does." "Oh. Ok". Generally it was some rogue fever that went away in a couple of hours. But it was so nice to have her around!
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That was me when we first got the boys. Can you say, "freak out about everything"? Fortunately, I had a friend who was quite a ways ahead of me in the "Mom Game" and had... Well, 4 kids at the time, now she has 6. I'd call her about everything! " uhhh... J.... He has a 102 fever. Do I call the doctor? Do I take him in?" "How long has he had it?" "An hour". " well, give him some ibuprophen and see what that does." "Oh. Ok". Generally it was some rogue fever that went away in a couple of hours. But it was so nice to have her around!

I don't have one of those. I just have the hive. ;)


Le booya.  :coolgleamA:

Edited by Slache
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I only "worry" (i.e. give meds or use other measures to lower fever) when it is over 104.  Being dehydrated from throwing up can cause fever, though not that high.  Fever by itself won't hurt anyone unless it gets over 105 or even higher.  It's just your body mounting a defense against whatever is making you sick.  I treat symptoms of pain with ibuprofen but do not treat fever.


Only one of my four kids has ever gotten so dehydrated from throwing up that he needed medical attention.  It was ds13, who was 18 months old at the time and could not even keep down breastmilk.  I knew when it was time and took him to the kid's hospital ER, where he got an IV for a few hours and nursed in the room and was released.  


You sounded concerned so I wanted to throw that out there.  


104 is when I would get excited too.  But Slache talked me into it. 







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