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I just read a blog post by a woman who says that her boss didn't understand that AF does her own thing & we can't control it. 

He thought it was like having to go to the washroom: something you could largely control the timing of. 

He was aghast to discover that it wasn't so. 

How does a man rise to a supervisory position and yet be so confused about things like this? 

It's a period booya(h). :laugh:  :leaving:

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Well, none of my bosses, male or female, ever were aware of the timing or existence of my AF.  So I'm assuming that she had major problems with it. 

To be clear, this wasn't about the timing of the cycle. He thought that we control flow. Which makes no sense because hello, tv ads for products. 

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To be clear, this wasn't about the timing of the cycle. He thought that we control flow. Which makes no sense because hello, tv ads for products.

Maybe he just thinks we're really lazy? I know a guy that thought that pads and tampons existed because we were too lazy to go to the bathroom to pee.
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Speaking of the nasty devil wench...


Guess who reared her wenchy head today?  You guess it.  I called it last week.  Stupid stupid stupid AF.  Day before a big trip....check.  


At least today is the worst day though.  It would have really sucked to have been on the road for 7 hours during "Day 1".  

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Speaking of the nasty devil wench...


Guess who reared her wenchy head today? You guess it. I called it last week. Stupid stupid stupid AF. Day before a big trip....check.


At least today is the worst day though. It would have really sucked to have been on the road for 7 hours during "Day 1".

I used to be on the pill. "I don't want my period this Tuesday. I think I'll have it Friday." It was great.


Nobody lecture me. I don't care.

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I used to be on the pill. "I don't want my period this Tuesday. I think I'll have it Friday." It was great.


Nobody lecture me. I don't care.



Waaaaaay back when I was on the Pill....I could tell you to within a half hour, when I would get my period (Monday around 3:30).  Made things much easier.  Planning my wedding?  Oh...we don't want to have it THAT week...


Honeymoon?  Let's time it for THIS week.  


Vacation?  Let me look at my calendar!  


None of this hoopty doo on when it's coming and I swear to high heavens...it's like AF does this on purpose.  I mean, c'mon!  I was due THREE weeks ago!  

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Ikslo, when would you start If The Wolf Were An Octopus?


Had I heard about it sooner, I probably would have used the K-2 as soon as we started homeschooling.  The stress-free, no writing discussions of the book really got my DS into reading.  He hasn't liked all of the books we read this year, but he finished them so that we could have the discussions. :001_wub: But I haven't seen the K-2 book, so I don't know.  3rd-4th could probably be started in 2nd grade with a good reader.  My DS was not one of those in 2nd. 

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yes. I had trouble with the vowel there. 


I thought it was another candidate for a band name, but this would be a feminist punk band. 

 Oh, my.  I had to think about that a bit before I realized what you guys meant!  Get your brains out of the gutter!!!!

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 Oh, my.  I had to think about that a bit before I realized what you guys meant!  Get your brains out of the gutter!!!!


I had trouble with that too.  But, in my defense, my brain is only in the gutter because of Public School.  A lot of garbage was taught in the hallways between classes.  

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So, my city has a huge book sale this weekend that I'm contemplating going to. Apparently paperbacks are .50 each. I definitely have no more shelf space for books, but I'm still contemplating going.  Because, books.  I'm thinking of giving my kids $5 each and a box and telling them to pick what interests them.  

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So, my city has a huge book sale this weekend that I'm contemplating going to. Apparently paperbacks are .50 each. I definitely have no more shelf space for books, but I'm still contemplating going.  Because, books.  I'm thinking of giving my kids $5 each and a box and telling them to pick what interests them.  


As I said to someone this evening:  "There is always room for more books."  :)

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The smell of vegan cheese makes me dry heave, apparently. My desire for pizza continues, but is dimmed somewhat by the experience of considering making a GFCF pizza.  The kids couldn't palate the smell either, so I have a $5 bag of "cheese" in my fridge minus 5 shreds.



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I can't decide what books to get dd17 and ds20. I may work on boosting ds20's collection of young children's books, since we didn't start giving end-of-year books until he was in about 5th grade. He does have the Winnie-the-Pooh collection and Where the Wild Things Are.


In other news, I need a shower.


::passes Susan a shower cap, a bar of soap, and a washcloth::

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GFCF is really hard.  I've been gluten-free for almost 8 years.  When dd5 was a baby, we realized that she could not tolerate dairy, so I had to go GFCF for a few months until she outgrew it.


I knew that I should try to give up dairy to see if it helped me, but I was unable to do it until I had to.  I could not listen to dd5's little screams.  She was in so much pain.  :(  I gave it up for her; in the process, I realized that it didn't improve my health at all.  I was really happy when I could add dairy back in.

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Y'all, my head is hardly here. Friday is the hula show. We leave at o'dark hundred Saturday to go to the Emerald City to see the daughter, the dsil, and the grandchild. On Tuesday we fly down to LaLa Land, and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday we'll visit the Mouse. Saturday we drive over to the orchards to see Dancer DD and dsil, then back to LaLa Land on Monday. We fly home on Tuesday. I've been taking care of things that must be Taken Care Of before we leave, including announcing a used book sale (involved updating the website with book sale info, setting up a JotForm for payment, after finding out that when my computer crashed back in December and I lost 1000 contacts and all my Outlook Notes, including the one with all log-in information for everything that I had printed out...but not the one for the website, so I had to contact the web host support and get that information...) to several homeschool groups.


Tomorrow is laundry day (linens, miscellaneous clothing), and I have to do some gardening stuff (because the plants were there at the nursery, and they might not be there when we get back). Friday after the show, I'll pack everything that can be packed, pay any bills, touch bases with the neighbor who will be taking care of the house while we're gone.


That is all.

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GFCF is really hard.  I've been gluten-free for almost 8 years.  When dd5 was a baby, we realized that she could not tolerate dairy, so I had to go GFCF for a few months until she outgrew it.


I knew that I should try to give up dairy to see if it helped me, but I was unable to do it until I had to.  I could not listen to dd5's little screams.  She was in so much pain.   :(  I gave it up for her; in the process, I realized that it didn't improve my health at all.  I was really happy when I could add dairy back in.


I started the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) back in July. It initially eliminates all grains, dairy, seeds and nuts, eggs, and nightshades. After a month or so, you begin reintroducing different foods to see if you react. At that time, I did not notice any difference in how I felt when I eliminated dairy or when I reintroduced it (although I know that I'm definitely less snotty when I eat less dairy, but that has nothing to do with allergies or anything; dairy is a mucus-causing food for everyone except baby cows). When I had bronchitis in February (or March??), I was dairy-free and egg-free for two weeks...and my hands stopped hurting. So when I was feeling better I had my measly little dairy: heavy cream in my hot tea, one cup a day. And after three days, my hands started hurting. So, no dairy for me. I suspect that I could have, say, ranch dressing on my salad once a week and I'd be fine, but it's gone on a regular basis. I had no problems with reintroducing eggs.

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The smell of vegan cheese makes me dry heave, apparently. My desire for pizza continues, but is dimmed somewhat by the experience of considering making a GFCF pizza. The kids couldn't palate the smell either, so I have a $5 bag of "cheese" in my fridge minus 5 shreds.

Which brand did you try? We eat a fair bit of vegan cheese.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I bought this book at a book fair this evening. It is a beautiful book. And I don't even like chemistry.

I bought this one and the companion book, "Molecules", recently. They are stunning books.




Well our goal was to leave at 5am but my "real" goal was 6am. It's now juuuuust about 6am. So we're on track. Yay! It will be a literal miracle if we get there and get back without forgetting anything.

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Good Morning!


I slept some. I only woke up 3 times. So I feel more rested than I did yesterday.


I have to take my mom to the Dr this afternoon. It is just a regular check-up, I think.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Safe travels, sweetpea, and hope you and your family have a good trip.

Edited by Openhearted
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I didn't sleep well. Neither did old cat. She was up and down a lot last night. That means she is seeing well enough to go where she wants, but she woke me up multiple times. So I got up multiple times, too.

I don't know what all I have planned today. There is school, but it is light today. I have some housekeeping I could do. There is writing. I ought to cook. But someone wants me to also come out and look at bees. I think I'll just start at the beginning and see where I end up at by 3.

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Jean reminded me to take benadryl last night so I took two.  I note no difference.  I don't know if I am supposed to note an immediate difference or if I should keep it up for a few nights.  My online medical team will need to advise.


I dreamed that a lady who was babysitting let a baby fall into a swimming pool and wasn't going to save her.  So I dove in to save her, but I kept floating to the top.  I was able to make my way to the bottom of the pool and save the baby.  Then I went to a waterpark attached to a topless bar and a car rental place with an online friend and forgot sunscreen.  It was dirty, and we were all wearing dirty socks.  Our bbal friends were there across the pool.  Also, a young lady I volunteered with from the Humane Society, but her hair was really different, all wild and sticking out even though it was wet.  Then I went into a small house looking through bags for sunscreen and saw my pastor.  I thought about telling him I had saved a baby, but I didn't want to be braggy.


It's kind of interesting being me between the hours of midnight and 8 am.   :lol:


School, wash hair (because it did not dry right two days ago), maybe get supplies for geometry project (he has most stuff), baby one kidcwith a cold, and run the troop meeting talking about how bees don't want to murder you in spite of the bad reverend beekeeper stories and also the Humane Society and our experiences fostering animals for them.  


Right now, I raise a cup of coffee to the ITT.


ETA:  It's a mixed media mostly odd dream booya(h)!

Edited by texasmama
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My Alien children woke up at 5:30 (not 5 as they had originally planned), went running, came back, did showers etc. and ds is now at work.  I'm not sure that I can handle being the mom of Alien children. 


(I am not complaining about them.  I am intensely proud of the young people they are becoming.  But 5:30 am!  :scared: :svengo: :scared: )

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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My Alien children woke up at 5:30 (not 5 as they had originally planned), went running, came back, did showers etc. and ds is now at work.  I'm not sure that I can handle being the mom of Alien children. 


(I am not complaining about them.  I am intensely proud of the young people they are becoming.  But 5:30 am!  :scared: :svengo: :scared: )

They can be decent folk at 9 am. :lol:

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