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We have a Bradford Pear out front that I love because it turns to fall colors around my birthday. It shades the house from the Southern sun, and is the only climbable tree on our property. When a tornado went through our yard, it missed the bradford and uprooted the tree right across the street. Dh hates it because about 4 days before buds form, he suffers from some of the most miserable allergies which continue until the leaves start coming out. The allergies hit dd17 and dd9 when the flowers bloom.

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I'm having painful false contractions and more violent vomiting and bathroom problems and horrible migranes. Happy 3rd trimester to me! I think I have 74 days left.

I don't know if this would be helpful to you, but I had really bad false contractions in several of my pregnancies, and soaking in an epsom salt bath and taking extra magnesium helped. Magnesium is a smooth muscle relaxer.  Sorry things suck for you right now. 

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Oh honey. That's miserable! Hope you can find some relief.



I don't know if this would be helpful to you, but I had really bad false contractions in several of my pregnancies, and soaking in an epsom salt bath and taking extra magnesium helped. Magnesium is a smooth muscle relaxer.  Sorry things suck for you right now. 


Sorry for complaining. Here's a picture of Mooies. :)


That one's not very cute. Here's another.

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I just got off the phone with drunk mother. I can't stand drunk mother. She's very critical, tells you what to do and gets angry when you say no. Today's conversation included...



1. Matt should quit his (VERY GOOD) job and work for Kroger.


2. The reason John isn't reading chapter books fluently is because we aren't using phonics (we are).


3. We need to stop reading uninteresting books to him so he will be more interested in reading. Little boys are not interested in tornadoes, cowboys or jungles fyi. Why he keeps asking me to read them over and over again if he's not interested is something I'm just to stupid to understand I guess.

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I would set a boundary not to talk to drunk mothers. 


She would never admit it but she hates the kids. As soon as I put them on the phone or start talking about just them she gets a call on the other line. It's easier than arguing and doesn't hurt her feelings.

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Wow Slache, you're having a shitty evening. Hugs.

Tex, hope your power is back soon.


My iPad was determined to autocorrect Tex to Rex so we had a bit of an argument about that. I think I convinced it but iOS is wily.


Also, I'm not a fan of the tapatalk app. It's not intuitive for me. Or should that be "to me"? I find prepositions in idioms are tricky.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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It's not intuitive to me.  But it wouldn't have raised any flags if you had left it as for me.  I would have just considered it a regional difference.


Hornblower, your English is excellent and I would have never, ever guessed that English is not your first language.  You mentioned it several pages ago or I would have never known.


What other languages do you speak?

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We immigrated when I was 10.

I don't have an accent in English and I still speak Polish but my Polish vocabulary is horrible and I know I make grammatical errors. I don't speak it much anymore because even gossiping with my parents is usually in English.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Good Morning ITTers!  If I'm scarce the next few days, don't panic.  I'm partying with geeky homeschoolers!  I'm sure I'll find a few dull seminars for checking in here. 


I'm really far behind, too.  I used to make large scrapbooks for every child every year.  Well, the last books I made were in 2009, the year before dd5 was born.  Which means that I need to make 30 scrapbooks to catch up...   :svengo:


Ain't nobody got time for dat.


We are currently powerless and lost two trees to heavy straight line winds. Bradford pears. Never liked them. But in spite of the fact that we are on over four acres, the trees fell across our driveway and blocked us in. So Dh got the chain saw.

No estimate on our power restoration. Sigh.


Hope power is back on!  Don't take unnecessary journeys!


I'm having painful false contractions and more violent vomiting and bathroom problems and horrible migranes. Happy 3rd trimester to me! I think I have 74 days left.




Sorry for complaining. Here's a picture of Mooies. :)


That one's not very cute. Here's another.


Telling us how you feel and what's going on is NOT the same as complaining.  :toetap05:


I would set a boundary not to talk to drunk mothers. 


Amen to that! 

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We immigrated when I was 10.

I don't have an accent in English and I still speak Polish but my Polish vocabulary is horrible and I know I make grammatical errors. I don't speak it much anymore because even gossiping with my parents is usually in English.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

My dad is a Polak. But he's from Cheektowaga. I think it was his grandparents who came over.

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We immigrated when I was 10.

I don't have an accent in English and I still speak Polish but my Polish vocabulary is horrible and I know I make grammatical errors. I don't speak it much anymore because even gossiping with my parents is usually in English.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Hubby is an immigrant, too.  He came from Azores as a 3 yr old.  His first language is Portuguese, but because he developed fluent English so early, he does not have a Portuguese accent at all.  His sisters do, though.  


I strongly suspect that his bilingual home had a role to play in his difficulties with learning how to read.  Being dyslexic was hard enough, but adding in the confusion of both languages...


Just my own hypothesis, though.  



It will be interesting to see how he does speaking Portuguese when we visit his family next week.  He hasn't spoken Portuguese hardly at all in the 5 years since we left RI.  

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Good Morning.

I slept poorly and had nightmares.


Slache, hugs. Lots of hugs. Yes, that bp is low. Low enough to cause you to feel tired and bad. Get up slowly. Do not start moving quickly. If you are lying down, sit up a bit before standing. I have experience with drunk a mother, don't waste your time. More :grouphug:


Lynn, I hope you have a safe and wonderful time, and your house is spotless when you come home. Check in as you can. Have fun.


Hornblower, I had an aunt that was polish. She took care of me a lot when I was little.

I loved her like a mom. She was very special. I talked about her a bit a few hundred pages back. Her name was Virginia. She could cook so many yummy things. I still think about her food. So good. She died unexpectedly when I was about 9.


Tex, I hope power is back, and the storms are over.

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Hardly slept and awoke to a text that power in our area had been restored. However, we have no power. Reported it again. And again, they said they have no idea when it will be back. We are one of the few spots remaining without power. I could manage just fine except for my extensive cold food. We are at 14 hours and counting now with no power to the fridge or garage freezers. Garage freezer should be ok, but stuff in the fridge will start to go bad. Since I am a food hoarder, this is significant.

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Hardly slept and awoke to a text that power in our area had been restored. However, we have no power. Reported it again. And again, they said they have no idea when it will be back. We are one of the few spots remaining without power. I could manage just fine except for my extensive cold food. We are at 14 hours and counting now with no power to the fridge or garage freezers. Garage freezer should be ok, but stuff in the fridge will start to go bad. Since I am a food hoarder, this is significant.

Do you have any heavy sleeping bags or blankets that you can wrap around the freezer/fridge? Can you buy some bags of ice to keep foods cool until power comes back?

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Lynn, have fun at the convention.  I always mean to get to the homeschooling convention, but something always seems to happen that week:  moving to a new house, *dentist trigger* the baby needing to have a tooth extracted *end dentist ;) , very late standardized testing -- always something.


Maybe I'll get to go this year...



Dh and I went to a small convention while we were dating.  He wasn't quite on board with homeschooling, so we went to see what materials were available.  It was funny because at every display people asked us how old our kids were.  We had to explain (over and over again) that we didn't have any children, were not married yet, and were really just looking.   :D

Edited by Junie
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I hope you get power back soon, Tex. I'd probably cry right now if we lost power for 48 hours. In preparing for writing camp, I've stocked the fridge with meals for the next three to four days, and I have delicious turkey stock in there that is going to be chicken and dumplings and potato soup next week. Actually, I need to boil that stock today to keep it good and fresh for the weekend cooking.

It's storming here right now. Very dark outside. I'd go back to bed, but I have to teach school. 


No nightmares last night. Plenty of fragmented and strange dreams, but nothing stuck in my head as horrible.

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I'm jealous of Lynn.


Every time MIL's power goes out she calls me and has me call them to find out when it's coming back on and then calls me over and over until it does. This has only happened twice, but she's left me messages asking me to call so. many. times. She "doesn't have the time."


Ok, I understand my mom's reasoning about why Matt should lose 1/2 of his pay and benefits. She quit her job with no savings and massive debt and is understandably very stressed. If Matt quit his job with no savings and debt then that would mean it wasn't a completely idiotic thing for her to have done. I think she needs that. I explained that we couldn't afford the pay cut and with the pregnancy we can't lose the benefits and she became very angry. I didn't understand, but I think that was her reasoning.


I want a Pina Colada. Can I get just the mix and blend it with ice? That would be like a slurpee, right? I think I'll have Matt get some. We need apples so he needs to stop anyway. Telling these kids they don't get apples with breakfast is akin to committing suicide.

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Hardly slept and awoke to a text that power in our area had been restored. However, we have no power. Reported it again. And again, they said they have no idea when it will be back. We are one of the few spots remaining without power. I could manage just fine except for my extensive cold food. We are at 14 hours and counting now with no power to the fridge or garage freezers. Garage freezer should be ok, but stuff in the fridge will start to go bad. Since I am a food hoarder, this is significant.


Bummer, Tex.  This is one of the reasons we have generators.  I think living in the country requires food hoarding, but living in the country can mean really loooooooong power outages.  :sad:

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:grouphug: , Slash.  I hope today is a better day.


BUT I would rather you look up a healthy mocktail version of the Pina Colada and put it in the blender.  Most of the mixes are vile.


ALSO, I need to speed up the adoption proceedings.  You need a non-drunk, less crazy mom.  It's for the children.

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Hardly slept and awoke to a text that power in our area had been restored. However, we have no power. Reported it again. And again, they said they have no idea when it will be back. We are one of the few spots remaining without power. I could manage just fine except for my extensive cold food. We are at 14 hours and counting now with no power to the fridge or garage freezers. Garage freezer should be ok, but stuff in the fridge will start to go bad. Since I am a food hoarder, this is significant.

Dry ice?  If everyone else has power, you should be able to get some.

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Went to Sonic and got ice for the coolers and put what I hope to save in them. Can take stuff to a friend's house soon. We will lose some fridge stuff but probably not much.


We're not out so far we need a generator. Our side of the street just loses power when the wind blows. Always been this way. Folks across the street and down the street never even lost power.


I was a food hoarder when I was a city gal. We are suburban with a bit of acreage.

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But, it is not a party if the police doesn't get called, otherwise it is just a get-together. :D



(Yes, I used to be a bad girl)

A whole lotta hoot, and just a leeeetle bit of nanny.


And there you have it, folks - a Hootenanny Booya!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

Edited by Susan in TN
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so thinking ahead, how long after you kids 'finish' can one stay on a homeschooling board and not have it be weird? 


Cause if necessary I can hold my ds back. "Sorry son, you can't graduate and go to college. I need my cred on the wtm boards." 




The fact that you graduate your son from homeschool is enough cred for a lifetime.

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