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So here it is...3:30 AM...lol.  I'm waiting on one last load of laundry so I can fold all of it and put it away.  The kids were all, "Mom!  We have no clothes in our drawers!"


That's because the laundry fairy has been busy...dahlings.  


I hung some whites out today. Here in Upstate NY, sunny days are a rarity from, oh...November through the end of March.  So the kids' karate outfits were all dingy.  And I had some clay stains to try and sun out of their baseball pants.  Which reminds me...I need to buy a pair for DD.  


Why the heck do they require baseball pants to be white?  What moron thought of that?  Obviously it was a guy...not in charge of laundry.  Next year DS moves up to the Majors.  I'm requesting whatever team that is that has the black pants.  



Gwyneth hatched another chickie baby!  I moved her, the already hatched chick, and the two unhatched eggs into the house so I could keep an eye and make sure she doesn't abandon the late egg.  2nd Chickie hatched about an hour or so ago.  Cute little brownish thing.  I have NO idea the genetics of this one.  Pretty sure it hatched from a silkie egg.  But the rooster could have been our silver partridge rooster, or it could have been our BCM rooster.  (side note...if you call them roosters on the Backyard Chickens Forum...certain "old-timers"  get all angry old.gif.  Because it's not the correct term.  Whatevs dudes).  It will be interesting to see how this chick feathers out.  Doesn't look to have a silkie top knot...doesn't have the silkie toes.  But it does have feathered shanks . Will it have silkie feathers?  Or smooth feathers?  We shall see!  


Gwyneth pooped a massive, smelly broody turd within seconds of being placed in our brood box in the house.  DH was all, "GET.IT.OUT"  



Hmmm...other baby stats...I don't remember lengths..they were all average...19-20 inches or so.  


DD..7lbs 6 oz, unsure of actual due date...one ultrasound said 12/28, other said 1/10...she came 1/3.  She was a HOSS for her entire babyhood and toddlerhood though.  Whoah, was she ever a chunk-a-munk.


DS1...10 days early, self-induced with castor oil (under Midwife guidance, of course)...he was due Christmas Day and I was NOT spending DDs first Christmas in the hospital.  He was 8lbs 2oz and was also a chunk-a-munk for his babyhood.  He's short for his age.  


DS2...planned C, two weeks early to avoid any possibility of labor.  8lbs 4oz.  He was nursed the longest of all of my kids (9 months) and he was the skinniest of all of my kids.  He is still shorter than average.  


DS3...planned C, a couple of days early.  8lbs 10oz.  Poor kid was my propped bottle baby.  I just didn't have enough hands with the toddlers and whatnot.  He was probably my fattest toddler.  My lord...the rolls.  He had rolls for many years.  He's going on 7 now and I *think* most of his rolls are finally gone.  





On the subject of twins...


DH has identical twin sisters.  They even sound the same.  I would have liked to have had twins...with the first pregnancy.  But the other pregnancies were so close together, the thought of having twins made me quite anxious...lol.  I mean...DD was only 11 months old when DS1 was born.  And she was only 3 1/2 when the 4th kid was born.  Imagine if there'd been twins?  GAH!  Plus...where the heck would I have fit a second baby?  


It was almost like twins as it was...having a non-walking 20+lb one year old and a newborn.  Except...one of them could crawl away and get into stuff.  




Ok...I think I caught up...except, I haven't gone back yet and read from the very beginning.  Sorry!  

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It was almost like twins as it was...having a non-walking 20+lb one year old and a newborn.  Except...one of them could crawl away and get into stuff.  





A friend had four children in a short amount of time. All four were slow to walk, so at one point three out of four still needed to be carried/put in strollers. She had to take a babysitter with her when she went out. o_0

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I slept pretty well. Had a lot of dreams, but managed to control some of them, and that was better. I dreamed I adopted another kitten. This one looked a little like our current kitten, but was a bag of bones, fleas and worms, probably had ringworm from the hair coat, and sported an umbilical hernia and a large abscess over the right thorax behind the arm. I know, because it oozed on me when I picked the poor thing up. I have very detailed dreams.


Now I've got to motivate two unmotivated enfants to get with it today.


PS: My boys would love more chickies. However, given that all I heard this morning was, "cleaning the chicken house takes forever, Mom!" , I'm not sure they are ready for more chickies. :glare:  For the record, it takes 26 minutes. I timed it.

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Good Wednesday Morning! I almost typed Tuesday morning! Easter vacation is going by too fast. I'm having trouble waking up, too many allergy drugs last night. We had wind on Monday, which means allergies on Tuesday. Ugh! I'll check in later when the coffee has kicked in!

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A friend had four children in a short amount of time. All four were slow to walk, so at one point three out of four still needed to be carried/put in strollers. She had to take a babysitter with her when she went out. o_0

We weren't quite that difficult, lol. I did have later walkers, but only ever had two non-walkers at a time. And...other than my oldest, we started potty training very early and only ever had two in diapers at a time.


Still though...it wasn't like it was helpful to have a toddler who could walk. That was upping the ante, lol!


It was rare for me to take the kids out alone when I had four littles. Two in the double stroller...oldest walker holding the hand, youngest baby in a Maya wrap, or Bjorn...backpack on for the diaper bag.


It was insanity. They are so much easier now.

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Gwyneth hatched another chickie baby!  I moved her, the already hatched chick, and the two unhatched eggs into the house so I could keep an eye and make sure she doesn't abandon the late egg.  2nd Chickie hatched about an hour or so ago.  Cute little brownish thing.  I have NO idea the genetics of this one.  Pretty sure it hatched from a silkie egg.  But the rooster could have been our silver partridge rooster, or it could have been our BCM rooster.  (side note...if you call them roosters on the Backyard Chickens Forum...certain "old-timers"  get all angry old.gif.  Because it's not the correct term.  Whatevs dudes).  It will be interesting to see how this chick feathers out.  Doesn't look to have a silkie top knot...doesn't have the silkie toes.  But it does have feathered shanks . Will it have silkie feathers?  Or smooth feathers?  We shall see!  




So what's a rooster if not a rooster?  Inquiring minds want to know.

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PS: My boys would love more chickies. However, given that all I heard this morning was, "cleaning the chicken house takes forever, Mom!" , I'm not sure they are ready for more chickies. :glare: For the record, it takes 26 minutes. I timed it.

One of my students (her mom, really) bought two ducklings at Tractor Supply - total impulse buy. And she asked me at her lesson if we want to have them in the summer because she is only planning to keep them for 4 months. And since we have chickens already, might as well throw in a couple of ducks, right? Somehow I don't think it's going to work out.

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So what's a rooster if not a rooster? Inquiring minds want to know.


Hmmm...I'm not sure the word is allowed here...



No pass. We homeschool moms call that "homework," dear.


Get crackin'.


I know! I know! I'll get to it this summer!



One of my students (her mom, really) bought two ducklings at Tractor Supply - total impulse buy. And she asked me at her lesson if we want to have them in the summer because she is only planning to keep them for 4 months. And since we have chickens already, might as well throw in a couple of ducks, right? Somehow I don't think it's going to work out.

Gotta love TSC impulse buys! My sebright hen is a result of TSC. I've been good though, and not purchased ducks. Or turkeys. Not yet anyways.



You know, Gwyneth was pretty good about letting me handle her all while sitting on her clutch. But now that she has chicks? It's Beast Mode!

Edited by Sweetpea3829
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I have raised ducks twice for someone with a pond. I did have two ducks with the chickies for a while. Very messy, nasty cleaning job. And the ducks liked to intimidate the chickens. So didn't go well, nope.


ETA: Beats me why anyone would buy poultry without an exit plan. Boggles my mind, really. It's why I won't get straight run chicks. I simply don't feel comfortable selling or eating the extra roosters because I'm a wimp that way. I'd rather limit my chance of getting a rooster, so that if I do get one, I can dote on the fellow instead of serve him up with gravy. :laugh:

Edited by Critterfixer
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One of my students (her mom, really) bought two ducklings at Tractor Supply - total impulse buy. And she asked me at her lesson if we want to have them in the summer because she is only planning to keep them for 4 months. And since we have chickens already, might as well throw in a couple of ducks, right? Somehow I don't think it's going to work out.


You didn't say yes, did you?

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Who would buy animals intending only to care for them for a few short months? That REALLY irritates me.


It's all about the exit plan. I was happy to care for ducks for four months because that's the fun (if messy) part, and they were moving on to a pond setting when they were old enough. Or if you were planning to eat them, or sell them. 

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Awww, Renai!  We're SHAWTY twins!  I'm 4'11, too!  (and 3/4"...because every bit counts).  



People were asking me by week 24 if I was having multiples.  By week 30, I'd get, "Almost there!"  And I'd be all, "Nope..10 more weeks!"  And they'd be all...ep.gif  


With my second pregnancy, I couldn't drive anymore after 4 months (or was it 5?). I couldn't reach the peddles. Dh had to drive me to work and pick me up everyday. A friend of mine who had been around when I was pregnant with dd16, saw an fb picture of me at around 37 weeks and her encouraging words were, "wow, you're way bigger with this one." Gee, thanks. Funny, I didn't feel bigger. It was a great pregnancy, other than always being tired. I laughed at the drop of a hat - everything made me laugh. Like a maniac. I was doing daredevil stuff like climbing fences (and then calling dh to get me down...). It was great.  :lol:



Hmmm...other baby stats...I don't remember lengths..they were all average...19-20 inches or so.  



DS3...planned C, a couple of days early.  8lbs 10oz.  Poor kid was my propped bottle baby.  I just didn't have enough hands with the toddlers and whatnot.  He was probably my fattest toddler.  My lord...the rolls.  He had rolls for many years.  He's going on 7 now and I *think* most of his rolls are finally gone.  





On the subject of twins...


DH has identical twin sisters.  They even sound the same.  I would have liked to have had twins...with the first pregnancy.  But the other pregnancies were so close together, the thought of having twins made me quite anxious...lol.  I mean...DD was only 11 months old when DS1 was born.  And she was only 3 1/2 when the 4th kid was born.  Imagine if there'd been twins?  GAH!  Plus...where the heck would I have fit a second baby?  


It was almost like twins as it was...having a non-walking 20+lb one year old and a newborn.  Except...one of them could crawl away and get into stuff.  




Ok...I think I caught up...except, I haven't gone back yet and read from the very beginning.  Sorry!  


Gymnast was my chunky, too. I remember my mil telling me I couldn't breastfeed past 6 months because the milk turns into water.  :huh: Gymnast got really fatty water - you gotta love them rolls.  :lol:


My dh also has identical twin sisters. They may be mirror twins because one is right handed and the other is left. I kept thinking I wanted twins (ever since having dd16), but then after Gymnast, I thought the same as you - where would another baby fit??!!?? I'm left wondering if it would be easier to have twins or have two close together.

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So what's a rooster if not a rooster?  Inquiring minds want to know.



Hmmm...I'm not sure the word is allowed here...


Serious musings here:  Why is it people have no problem saying "cock" in reference to a gun but get in a tizzy about calling a bird a "cock"?


ETA:  We teach our kids to say "cock-a-doodle-doo" so why is "cock" by itself bad just because some people misuse it? 

Edited by ikslo
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Serious musings here:  Why is it people have no problem saying "cock" in reference to a gun but get in a tizzy about calling a bird a "cock"?


ETA:  We teach our kids to say "cock-a-doodle-doo" so why is "cock" by itself bad just because some people misuse it? 


She may have been more concerned about language filters on the site than any sensitivities.

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My 4 godchildren were born in 5 years. Chelsea was 16 when the first was born. It's remarkable what a good mother she is. Cool kids.



Talk me into or out of getting a Kindle Fire and 3 or so on immersion books for John. The Kindle would be a family tool, not a toy for him to play with, but we would honestly not even be considering it if not for him. He has had another cognitive leap and I think he would thrive with this. I am anti-screen for the most part so I'm a little iffy about this. I would want the cheapest Kindle.








I only have to take them before bed because I don't handle being horizontal well. I'm sort of grateful because they put me to sleep and I'm not sure I would sleep well without them.

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baby duck season has started early at the wildlife rehab. They're cute but need an army of volunteers to keep them clean. 

No kidding about the keeping clean part. The boys and I cleaned multiple loads of "duckie diapers" for what felt like an eternity when we were raising ducks.

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She may have been more concerned about language filters on the site than any sensitivities.


Oh, I wasn't trying to insinuate that Sweetpea was in a tizzy.  I was figuring she was worried about people who would get in a tizzy if she used the proper word.


Personally, my feeling is that even if flagged by a filter, the moderators should be able to see that it was used in a correct/legitimate context, and move on.  A Well Trained Mind should be able to discern the difference without giggling like a grade schooler or conversely, being offended, no?

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Oh, I wasn't trying to insinuate that Sweetpea was in a tizzy.  I was figuring she was worried about people who would get in a tizzy if she used the proper word.


Personally, my feeling is that even if flagged by a filter, the moderators should be able to see that it was used in a correct/legitimate context, and move on.  A Well Trained Mind should be able to discern the difference without giggling like a grade schooler or conversely, being offended, no?


Wait, isn't that what we do here anyway?

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I wouldn't buy the Kindle Fire 3.   I would get an iPad instead.  I would download the kindle app onto your iPad, and then use Voice Dream Reader. Younger ds is visually impaired, and so we use immersion reading a fair amount for him to lessen eye fatigue.   The iPad will allow you to do much, much more over time. You could get the DreamBox app for him for math, you can do voice-to-text for narrated stories, and you can easily access downloaded audio files.


My other advice is to get nothing at all.  Save your money.  Math manipulatives add up, and for us, they have been a good investment.  

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Wait, isn't that what we do here anyway?


True :lol:


But I grew up feeling not knowing the actual terms for things because no one wanted their kids to say them.  And I think that is wrong.  So it's kind of a thing with me.  LOL  Sorry.



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Hello, friends.  I am ketched up.  I have tales to tell!  (Are y'all surprised???)


So I had a migraine last night.  It is stormy plus I had taken up trying to eat avocado again.  It was almost midnight so I took an imitrex and went to bed.  Imitrex needs to be taken on a full stomach or I throw up.  My thyroid pill needs to be taken on an empty stomach or it doesn't absorb.  So that was fun at midnight when I ate half a chicken sausage and four tortilla chips as a compromise.  I woke up at 4 am with a start and ended up with the gut-kneading cat awake until about 7 am.  She bit my achilles and kneaded my armpit, which tickles.  


My rash still itches, but it looks better.  However, I am still getting tiny bumps spreading ever further from the original site.  I am puzzled. I am on day 2 of step down to 20 mg of prednisone.  I might stay on this dosage for a day or two more.




Edited by texasmama
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True :lol:


But I grew up feeling not knowing the actual terms for things because no one wanted their kids to say them.  And I think that is wrong.  So it's kind of a thing with me.  LOL  Sorry.



I use the real words with my kids, particularly for body parts.  That's from years of working with sexual abuse victims.

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The teacher in this homeschool is displaying a certain. . . goatiness. . . in her demeanor.  I think that she should be sent to time-out alone but with a pint of peanut butter chocolate ice cream. 


Oh, definitely.  Can I be in time-out, too?

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I wouldn't buy the Kindle Fire 3.   I would get an iPad instead.  I would download the kindle app onto your iPad, and then use Voice Dream Reader. Younger ds is visually impaired, and so we use immersion reading a fair amount for him to lessen eye fatigue.   The iPad will allow you to do much, much more over time. You could get the DreamBox app for him for math, you can do voice-to-text for narrated stories, and you can easily access downloaded audio files.


My other advice is to get nothing at all.  Save your money.  Math manipulatives add up, and for us, they have been a good investment.  

The Kindle is $50, the iPads start at almost $300. I was told we could only do immersion reading with an actual Kindle. Is this old information? Or are we talking about 2 different things? Mama wants a Samsang Galaxy Tab A 9.7 but she's waiting until after she moves so she can have lots of money saved. :smilielol5:  Can we do immersion reading on the Samsung?

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I use the real words with my kids, particularly for body parts.  That's from years of working with sexual abuse victims.


Oh, yeah.  I swore that any child of mine would know the proper names when I had to put an 8 or 9 year old girl (it's been a while) on the stand and the only word that she knew for her private part was the c word.



This approach is not without its risks, however. After a bath when she was about 2, DD proudly announced to her dad that, "I'm a girl.  I have a bagina and long hair.  You're a boy.  You have a peanut and short hair."


That's a family legend right there.

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(With the exception of checking in on the ITT thread lest we begin to worry.)

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Oh, yeah.  I swore that any child of mine would know the proper names when I had to put an 8 or 9 year old girl (it's been a while) on the stand and the only word that she knew for her private part was the c word.



This approach is not without its risks, however. After a bath when she was about 2, DD proudly announced to her dad that, "I'm a girl.  I have a bagina and long hair.  You're a boy.  You have a peanut and short hair."


That's a family legend right there.


Also, I could qualify her as a witness before she turned four.






I might be a wee neurotic.

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Also, still processing last night's open gym massacre*, you never know how functional your family is until you see how dysfunctional some other folks are. :leaving:




We're going back on Thursday.  Maybe I should pack heat.*  :huh:


*also hyperbole.  I do not have a CCL.

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So I had a migraine last night.  It is stormy plus I had taken up trying to eat avocado again.

This is like the opener of a weird novel. "It was a stormy night and I had taken up trying to eat avocado again." 


Your kids sound so great, and thank science for Imitrex & I hope you're all better & don't have that wooozy post headache feeling. 


Your basketball story  is all  :ohmy:   I'm on team 25yo son taking dad down a peg & standing up for his younger bro.  I hope the wife gave her dh a stern talking to as well because whoa. 

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(With the exception of checking in on the ITT thread lest we begin to worry.)


Uh, Queen Ellie?


Have you ever considered a co-regent?

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