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Eastern Washington is about as exciting as Wyoming along I-80, and most of Idaho.  We did the great PNW tour last summer and were surprised by how far the desert extends.  



Yay, Mooies!

Yay, no cavities for Jean + family!


We were at the ped dentist again, got haircuts for the boys, and ran some errands. No one has died yet, but I'm feeling day 3 of no caffeine. 

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Eastern Washington is about as exciting as Wyoming along I-80, and most of Idaho. We did the great PNW tour last summer and were surprised by how far the desert extends.



Yay, Mooies!

Yay, no cavities for Jean + family!


We were at the ped dentist again, got haircuts for the boys, and ran some errands. No one has died yet, but I'm feeling day 3 of no caffeine.


Edited by JoJosMom
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Amen for yogurt! 

Go Mooies!

No one has died!


I got through my list: school, housekeeping, and dinner cooked. I think I've earned myself a movie tonight. :001_smile:


ETA for comma. Although sometimes I would like to cook the housekeeping.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I don't mind driving. I just don't like to do it every day.

I never got to my nap today, but I'm resting right now in bed and both boys are sprawled all over the end of the bed. My balloon crazy boy is reading Twenty-One Balloons aloud to us all.

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Rent a house on Airbnb, they said. It will be fun, they said.


When the home owner swears she changed all of the smoke alarm batteries but she missed the one in your star point guard's room, and it went off at 3:45 am the one night he stayed overnight and you and your husband ran in there in your pajamas and stood on chairs and googled it and went out and bought batteries at 4 am.


Late to the party but I bet you can get a partial refund. That really sucks.


We did Airbnb. Positive experiences all through.

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Hello, friends.


I am sorry I am unable to ketchup right now. I just finished hosting dinner number three for 30 people.


Let me ask you this, though. If your 12 year old (little brother of team member) was throwing up repeatedly most of the day, would you then bring him to the team dinner in which 30 people are crammed into a tiny house? I am speechless. Truly. These people all have to make long car trips tomorrow or Saturday and the team has another game to play. The younger brother could have been left with a 16 year old sister at the hotel.

I would have stayed at the hotel with my child.

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I saw that!!!  :thumbdown: 

Why ya keep tryin' to get me knocked up? lol 


I'm not pregnant. Sorry to bust your bubble. ;) I know you want another ITT baby. 


This is the culmination of 3rd quarter grades due tomorrow, needing to grade massive piles of papers, having something every afternoon (yay, today's got canceled, so I can work late and grade!), being gone the next 4 weekends, and feeling like I can't catch up at school or home. I've been feeling this way for about 3 weeks and it just finally enveloped me.

Plus, with being stressed, I haven't paid as much attention to my diet, so I've not been 100% gluten free. That makes my anxiety and weepiness shoot through the roof. 


So, yesterday, I said I was upset because I felt like I was being double reprimanded by my principal during collaboration. Well, at the end of school, she stopped me and made sure I knew that she was not aiming her comments to me. She said she was needing to address the situation with multiple teachers, but had talked to me about it since I was in her office. She apologized for not giving me a heads up that she would be bringing it up. 



Today is MUCH better, though. I don't feel minutes away from a panic attack. 


Yes. (to the stress)


That is all.

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After two days without a headache, it came back this morning.  :thumbdown:


I went back to bed for an hour and now it's gone!  :thumbup:


Nice. I've had a few just-a-little-more-sleep headaches. Those are a whole lot better than migraines.

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Today is the Great Missouri Read-In day, plus our 3rd quarter academic celebration. 
This means 1) the kids are insane and 2) aside from classroom management, I don't have to do anything today. Wahoo! 

This little girl. I hearts her a lot. 

She also wore the mask into Walmart and roared at everyone walking by.  :lol:

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Not ketched up.


But I miss my ITT, so I need to do a morning drive by.


Tex, :svengo: at the barfing kid scenario. How many ways can I spell "duh"...


Eastern Wash is a sleeper. And I prefer to drive. I agree with Jean, I feel like I can control the car. That is good, especially in the mountains. Heights absolutely kill me. Which is really weird because that started only after I had kids. I used to go cliff diving (short cliffs into a river, but still.) No problemo. But now? I even dread high bridges. The Grand Canyon, while awesome (in the truest sense of that word) was my own little version of hell. (Although driving switchbacks in the Rockies is the absolute worst!) I spent most of the time we were there with a lizard on my arm, showing it to some German folks, who (I think) thought I spoke German because I would say "Ja" a lot. I didn't realize I was doing it until Dh came back :lol: I think they were more impressed that I just picked up a lizard and walked around with it. I don't think you see that much in Deutschland.


Yesterday, I tool a dress for nephew's upcoming wedding to the tailor for some adjustments. Remember the Dolce I found a few months ago? The black lace overlay? Well, I found one similar that I won't have to mortgage my house for:-) boys got haircuts. One chose a David Beckham do, one wanted Tom Cruise in his long wavy days. Both look nice.


Today, it's bio lab and tennis. And we start getting the laundry room ready for tile, wooohoooo!


I want the cookie Tsuga had too much willpower to eat :hurray:

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I'm up with the chickens - not to take ds to work like planned, but to call him in sick to work again.  This will be his 4th day home from work.  I had to call because he has absolutely no voice and no one would be able to hear him on the phone.  And now it looks like he's woken up with pink eye.  He's already on antibiotics so I figure that will work on the yellow stuff he's coughing up.  (Sorry, tmi).


He's worried that he's going to get fired.  But I guess I'm at the point where if they do, they do, because he's just too sick to even do his 4 hour shift.  In his case, it's not like he's trying to support a family or even himself since he's still at home.  I hate this kind of dilemma.

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Hi Heather!


Ooooo, it's a Howdy Heather Booyah!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

Edited by Susan in TN
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I'm up with the chickens - not to take ds to work like planned, but to call him in sick to work again.  This will be his 4th day home from work.  I had to call because he has absolutely no voice and no one would be able to hear him on the phone.  And now it looks like he's woken up with pink eye.  He's already on antibiotics so I figure that will work on the yellow stuff he's coughing up.  (Sorry, tmi).


He's worried that he's going to get fired.  But I guess I'm at the point where if they do, they do, because he's just too sick to even do his 4 hour shift.  In his case, it's not like he's trying to support a family or even himself since he's still at home.  I hate this kind of dilemma.


It's beyond sucky that so many people have to worry about their jobs when they are sick.  I worked a few jobs like that, and it beats you down.  I am overly grateful now that I can take sick days (and be paid!) without worrying about my job. 


:grouphug: to your DS, and to you as well.  The worrying is sometimes worse than the illness.





ETA:  Really glad my post missed being a depressing Booyah. :sad:

Edited by ikslo
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*This post is not meant to be political - it's about my awesome kid :) *


We were watching the debate last night in lieu of schoolwork, and my DS9 was playing with Legos at the same time.  I was just starting to think, "This is boring.  Maybe I shouldn't have ditched schoolwork tonight.  He's not even paying attention,"  when Kasich responded to a question about the Tiananmen Square massacre.  Part of his response was, "We should have the heat on them to work in North Korea to get rid of that guy and the things that he's doing, number one."


DS looked up, and then said to me, "Does he mean Kim Jong Un?  Does he not know the guy's name?"


I guess he was paying attention after all. :hurray:










Typo. :(

Edited by ikslo
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