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Greyhounds are awesome. If I had a dog, it would be a greyhound or a papillon.


Tex, our kids must be on the same wavelength. I was thinking Wilson Hill for geo, but he really loves doing aops at WTM. I am still undecided on the alg 2 vs geometry for next year. I think it is because it is different from the normal sequence. As homeschoolers, we already do so much that is different from the rest of the world, lol, that I sometimes get a little apprehensive.


High school feels so permanent :lol:


DO looks great though...

It's good for ds13 to have someone on his wavelength.  He's usually off by himself.  lol


Tex, this is for you.




If I knew your address, I would send this to you as a gift. Especially after your day yesterday. :D

I love this so much.  :D


I didn't read the thread about the messy ponytail thing, but I also disagree that should go away.


Sorry. :hat:

If it helps you feel better about me, I rarely do it in public - only when rescuing dogs and lying to save their lives, which took up all of my allotted time for personal grooming.  However, I did shower.


I saw it too, but didn't care enough to respond. I knew we weren't going away just because someone was JEALOUS they weren't in on the ground floor to be a part of it. 

I know, right???

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Who even does this???


So many people.


It is so common that when we lived in military housing, we would see military TV (I already forget what it's called... for forces in Europe and Asia) and they had seriously traumatizing commercials about not leaving your pets behind locked in the house or running the streets. Like this was such a major issue they made not one announcement, but regularly ran these on TV.


And when my mom's neighbors moved, they left their cats. "They can stay with the house." My mom thought if she opened her mouth she'd scream or cry so she just took the cats.


People are amazingly callous and self-justifying.

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Teach them to cook young. Then, if they want to eat everyday, they have to do it themselves. Otherwise, self-imposed diets for all. :lol:

This is our house. I have so many wonderful friends who love to cook and bake. Not I, said the Heather. So in order to survive, my guys needs to be adept at fending for themselves. I call it marriage training :lol:

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We are schooling at the library.  My hair is still wet from the shower.  I don't even have a messy bun.








I go to work every day with wet hair and a pencil, chopstick, or knitting needle in my hair.



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So many people.


It is so common that when we lived in military housing, we would see military TV (I already forget what it's called... for forces in Europe and Asia) and they had seriously traumatizing commercials about not leaving your pets behind locked in the house or running the streets. Like this was such a major issue they made not one announcement, but regularly ran these on TV.


And when my mom's neighbors moved, they left their cats. "They can stay with the house." My mom thought if she opened her mouth she'd scream or cry so she just took the cats.


People are amazingly callous and self-justifying.


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The day...in which it is discovered (by the boys) that math on a beautiful sunny afternoon in February is almost insupportable. 

Yet another reason why we do math in the morning when it's cold, guys! :glare: Guess old Mom-Head isn't such a dummy when it comes to making a schedule? :lol:

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My hair is dry, but dull and frizzy, and I am wearing the pants of all sinfulness.



I too am wearing the pants of sinfulness. We must be a cult :lol:


My hair looks like carp and I have to actually leave the house today, so I must go put in just a bit of effort. A comb and lipstick should do the trick.

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One of our  new rats has weird neurological problems. (well technically he's adult dd's but I <3 him) 

I took him to the vet today (dd had labs & lectures all day & couldn't come but it was the only appt we could get for ages so I grabbed it) & had the interesting experience of watching (a rat experienced vet) sit and stare at him slack jawed for a while. Yup, we're all a bit stumped by him. But he's sweet & his name is Keith & we're starting him on some meds.  

It's a good thing there are no penalties here for over-using parentheses. (or are there?) 

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Me too. Let's stress together over high school planning, JoJosMom, with chocolate.  I picked up some at Target today on 50% off.


My kids all woke up highly dysregulated. I knocked the big 5 off of my to-do list, though.


Yay!  You've planned much more effectively than I. Super-YAY, you!



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So many people.


It is so common that when we lived in military housing, we would see military TV (I already forget what it's called... for forces in Europe and Asia) and they had seriously traumatizing commercials about not leaving your pets behind locked in the house or running the streets. Like this was such a major issue they made not one announcement, but regularly ran these on TV.


And when my mom's neighbors moved, they left their cats. "They can stay with the house." My mom thought if she opened her mouth she'd scream or cry so she just took the cats.


People are amazingly callous and self-justifying.


AFN - Armed Forces Network. I remember those commercials too. That, and the "don't shop when you're hungry. No, no, no!" There's a youtube channel of the old commercials, except my aforementioned all-time favorite.

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I too am wearing the pants of sinfulness. We must be a cult :lol:


My hair looks like carp and I have to actually leave the house today, so I must go put in just a bit of effort. A comb and lipstick should do the trick.

As long as your hair doesn't SMELL like carp (or any other fish) I think you are A-OK.



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Well, I'm home from messing with the bees. They were all in good moods today. That was good. We are under a burn ban and couldn't light a smoker. Now I'm going to take the dogs for a nice walk in the pleasant evening breeze and have a restful night. That's the plan anyway.

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I am stressing over high school planning.



Oh Lordie, woman, you should come over. Misery loves company:-)


Which part?


I think I have decided to trust Roger Ruszych and go with Alg 2 (aops) at WTM next year for ds. So our high school sequence will look like this:


9th - Alg 2

10th - geo

11th - 1 semester Intermed Alg book per regentrude's cutting plan, 1 semester Pre-Calc book

12th - Calc


I was concerned that the bridge to pre-calc, algebra-wise, would be too great. But the geo is pretty hard core and has lots of algebra. Plus, tacking on those necessary pieces from the Intermed book will be a bridge. I am concerned about my ability to handle 11th, as that will be more customized. But there is time to get there and I can always pick up a different pre-calc, if necessary


My line up next year is:


Alg 2 (wtma)

Physics (conceptual physics... I am freaking a bit on this one)

German I (wtma) :hurray:

History (tog year 1)

English (tog lit and LTOW 1)

AP HUG (freaking here too)

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So what's the deal with Keith? What exactly does he do that is jaw droppingly psycho?


sort of a cross between tourette's and break dancing


hyperactivity with numerous behaviors that look like tics or stereotypies; severe neck arching, general falling over, bilateral circling. Periods of utter stillness.


There's a phenotype mutation called stargazer which cropped up in lab Zucker rats which this sort of looks like but the mutation becomes apparent by the 3rd week of life & he supposedly was normal before this - but I don't know how much to trust the reports of the people who had him previously as they were not knowledgeable rat people. Plus he's a bald rat & I'm not sure that stargazer has ever been observed in balds. It would be extremely rare. 


There's a slight chance this is ear infection or meningitis. Usually ear infections present as circling and head tilt & this is really nothing like that but....


Or he has a brain tumor. 

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sort of a cross between tourette's and break dancing


hyperactivity with numerous behaviors that look like tics or stereotypies; severe neck arching, general falling over, bilateral circling. Periods of utter stillness.


There's a phenotype mutation called stargazer which cropped up in lab Zucker rats which this sort of looks like but the mutation becomes apparent by the 3rd week of life & he supposedly was normal before this - but I don't know how much to trust the reports of the people who had him previously as they were not knowledgeable rat people. Plus he's a bald rat & I'm not sure that stargazer has ever been observed in balds. It would be extremely rare. 


There's a slight chance this is ear infection or meningitis. Usually ear infections present as circling and head tilt & this is really nothing like that but....


Or he has a brain tumor. 


Add this to the list of weird stuff I've learned on the forum...

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Oh Lordie, woman, you should come over. Misery loves company:-)


Which part?



Which part?  The whole stinkin' thing!


We will for sure be homeschooling, at least in part.  Our local charter school is open to DD enrolling as an "online student" which usually means K-12.  After looking at what we do, though, the curriculum advisor and the principal are pretty much okay with us doing whatever we want and giving us credit.  The advantage of this would be easier, subsidized access to dual enrollment down the road and access to more social opportunities.  The downside is that I am deeply skeptical of government schools and I am REALLY not sure that I want my kid socializing there.  Also, the possibility of going this route, whether now or later, would force me to meet all of our state's requirements.  Which isn't bad necessarily, but it would not be easy to coordinate with the 4-year history cycle, which I want to follow.  I am going to let Jo try a SAT II test after American History.  If she does well, I may use SAT IIs as a way to test out of things that they require but that I wouldn't necessarily do their way.  I dunno.


There is a co-op that I need to look into.  It would be two classes, one day per week.  The advantage would be social interaction.  The downside is that it would be academically weak and we would lose a whole day at home.


Currently, most of DD's social life revolves around Awana and the youth group at the same church.  They really want to suck us into the church (in a very nice, loving way), but they are way more reformed and conservative than I am comfortable with.  The kids in the group, however, are a WONDERFUL (but small) group.  It has been a huge blessing for us.


So that's the big picture "what are we going to do" part.


Then more small picture, I am fussing over what to do next year.  Which is a bit stalled because of the openness of the part 1 question. 


So there you have it.  I am spinning about what to do next year, because I don't quite know what to do for all four years. :wacko:





I would love a chocolate and w(h)ine party! 

Edited by JoJosMom
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sort of a cross between tourette's and break dancing


hyperactivity with numerous behaviors that look like tics or stereotypies; severe neck arching, general falling over, bilateral circling. Periods of utter stillness.


There's a phenotype mutation called stargazer which cropped up in lab Zucker rats which this sort of looks like but the mutation becomes apparent by the 3rd week of life & he supposedly was normal before this - but I don't know how much to trust the reports of the people who had him previously as they were not knowledgeable rat people. Plus he's a bald rat & I'm not sure that stargazer has ever been observed in balds. It would be extremely rare. 


There's a slight chance this is ear infection or meningitis. Usually ear infections present as circling and head tilt & this is really nothing like that but....


Or he has a brain tumor. 


Poor little guy! :sad:


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I don't even want chocolate. I have a splitting headache and all I'd like to do right now is sit with a couple of girlfriends on someone's patio on a summer day with a big bowl of chips and homemade salsa and iced tea and a lot of gossip and laughs. Everyone in this house is annoying the holy heck out of me, the dishwasher is broken, the kitchen sink is broken, the house is a mess, the kids are fighting, the neighbor came over and told me my almost 12 year old boy was saying highly inappropriate things to her 5 year old daughter (nothing to be scared of, but it's like, use your brain child and monitor what is coming out of your mouth). I have had it! I really have!

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Which part? The whole stinkin' thing!


We will for sure be homeschooling, at least in part. Our local charter school is open to DD enrolling as an "online student" which usually means K-12. After looking at what we do, though, the curriculum advisor and the principal are pretty much okay with us doing whatever we want and giving us credit. The advantage of this would be easier, subsidized access to dual enrollment down the road and access to more social opportunities. The downside is that I am deeply skeptical of government schools and I am REALLY not sure that I want my kid socializing there. Also, the possibility of going this route, whether now or later, would force me to meet all of our state's requirements. Which isn't bad necessarily, but it would not be easy to coordinate with the 4-year history cycle, which I want to follow. I am going to let Jo try a SAT II test after American History. If she does well, I may use SAT IIs as a way to test out of things that they require but that I wouldn't necessarily do their way. I dunno.


There is a co-op that I need to look into. It would be two classes, one day per week. The advantage would be social interaction. The downside is that it would be academically weak and we would lose a whole day at home.


Currently, most of DD's social life revolves around Awana and the youth group at the same church. They really want to suck us into the church (in a very nice, loving way), but they are way more reformed and conservative than I am comfortable with. The kids in the group, however, are a WONDERFUL (but small) group. It has been a huge blessing for us.


So that's the big picture "what are we going to do" part.


Then more small picture, I am fussing over what to do next year. Which is a bit stalled because of the openness of the part 1 question.


So there you have it. I am spinning about what to do next year, because I don't quite know what to do for all four years. :wacko:





I would love a chocolate and w(h)ine party!

I can see why we are both :willy_nilly:


I went through the whole, "Do we put them in for high school?" thing last year and decided I can do more here. I want some social, but not school social, so I hear ya there. It gets harder to find that as they get older. And the coops in our area are the same. Weak academics, nice people. I just know with our course load, coops would have to be a serious academic boon for us to go that road. We had to stop one we were in because I couldn't lose a day.


I just need to be more fun, lol.


The yout group sounds nice, but ikwum about the church thing. I have been in that same situation.


Chocolate and whine it is..



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High School Plans


Math -- Saxon Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Advanced Math (Lessons 1-90) using Saxon Teacher CDs


Science -- Apologia Physical, Biology, Chemistry, Advanced Biology using DVDs for Bio and Chem


History -- homemade U.S. History 1, homemade 20th Century America, homemade Political Science, Abeka Economics, Abeka Government, homemade History of War, homemade State & Family History


Literature -- homemade American Lit, homemade Brit Lit, homemade World Lit, homemade Fairy Tales & Myths


Writing  -- WWS 1, WWS 2, WWS 3, UNKNOWN


Spanish -- homemade levels 1 and 2 (using a mix of curricula and Duolingo); Community College for anything higher


Cooking -- homemade using Food for Today and lots of cooking labs


Consumer Math -- Bob Jones


Bible 9th -12th -- Bob Jones


Keyboarding -- Abeka


Computer Skills -- Technowonderland


Music Appreciation -- Bob Jones



I think that's just about everything. :hat:  That wasn't so hard, was it?  :laugh:


ETA:  Creative Handicrafts 


Not all of my kids will take all of these classes, though they will take most of them.  History of War, for instance, is an elective.   :D

Edited by Junie
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sort of a cross between tourette's and break dancing


hyperactivity with numerous behaviors that look like tics or stereotypies; severe neck arching, general falling over, bilateral circling. Periods of utter stillness.


There's a phenotype mutation called stargazer which cropped up in lab Zucker rats which this sort of looks like but the mutation becomes apparent by the 3rd week of life & he supposedly was normal before this - but I don't know how much to trust the reports of the people who had him previously as they were not knowledgeable rat people. Plus he's a bald rat & I'm not sure that stargazer has ever been observed in balds. It would be extremely rare.


There's a slight chance this is ear infection or meningitis. Usually ear infections present as circling and head tilt & this is really nothing like that but....


Or he has a brain tumor.


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I don't even want chocolate. I have a splitting headache and all I'd like to do right now is sit with a couple of girlfriends on someone's patio on a summer day with a big bowl of chips and homemade salsa and iced tea and a lot of gossip and laughs. Everyone in this house is annoying the holy heck out of me, the dishwasher is broken, the kitchen sink is broken, the house is a mess, the kids are fighting, the neighbor came over and told me my almost 12 year old boy was saying highly inappropriate things to her 5 year old daughter (nothing to be scared of, but it's like, use your brain child and monitor what is coming out of your mouth). I have had it! I really have!


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I don't even want chocolate. I have a splitting headache and all I'd like to do right now is sit with a couple of girlfriends on someone's patio on a summer day with a big bowl of chips and homemade salsa and iced tea and a lot of gossip and laughs. Everyone in this house is annoying the holy heck out of me, the dishwasher is broken, the kitchen sink is broken, the house is a mess, the kids are fighting, the neighbor came over and told me my almost 12 year old boy was saying highly inappropriate things to her 5 year old daughter (nothing to be scared of, but it's like, use your brain child and monitor what is coming out of your mouth). I have had it! I really have!





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I'm at the salon getting a hair cut and highlights. I don't like the other stylists. They're having a loud obnoxious convo among each other. They sound like teenagers....




I'm using the tapatalk app thingy which I hardly ever do and don't know how to use really...


At the place where I used to take ds15 for his haircuts, all of the stylists talked loudly in Korean (I think).


I asked ds15 if he wanted to take a Korean elective so that he could sit quietly in the chair and then say something pleasant to them in Korean after listening to all of their gossip.   :D


He declined; in fact, I now cut his hair because he really hated that place.


I charge $15 per cut, which feeds directly into my homeschool budget.   :thumbup1:   (Dh pays for the haircuts.)

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I am back.  We met with a family (well, the mom) about dd having a weekly babysitting gig.  Besides babysitting stuff, we talked about how she's thinking of homeschooling their 6th grader next year.  I never know how to advise people about homeschooling.  I said that I go a lot of eclectic stuff.  I referred her to the Well Trained Mind book and to our local homeschool consignment shop. 


Edited because I had the grade wrong.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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For reals though (it's taken me an hour to type this out as I watch Worst Cooks on Netflix with dd16 :lol: ):


She was considered to have passed 9th last year at her charter, even though her grades were abysmal. I never would have counted a D as passing, but they did. We did not repeat that year, so oh well.


This year 10th (working through the summer):

Math - Integrated math - includes a good chunk of mediocre-done geometry and a basic college math text

Science - Chemistry - Apologia Chemistry and Conceptual Chemistry. Since she did enough math in the Apologia to almost kill her, I'm keeping the title "Chemistry"

History - Ancient History

English - Ancient literature (both mostly from MFW)


That's what I've got so far.

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High school planning no longer scares me.  It only scared me before we actually did high school.  But we have it easy in that we live in a state that is very low regulation and in a county with a great CC system.  I am not varying much off the primrose path. 




Edited by texasmama
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sort of a cross between tourette's and break dancing


hyperactivity with numerous behaviors that look like tics or stereotypies; severe neck arching, general falling over, bilateral circling. Periods of utter stillness.


There's a phenotype mutation called stargazer which cropped up in lab Zucker rats which this sort of looks like but the mutation becomes apparent by the 3rd week of life & he supposedly was normal before this - but I don't know how much to trust the reports of the people who had him previously as they were not knowledgeable rat people. Plus he's a bald rat & I'm not sure that stargazer has ever been observed in balds. It would be extremely rare.


There's a slight chance this is ear infection or meningitis. Usually ear infections present as circling and head tilt & this is really nothing like that but....



Or he has a brain tumor.

All of this in a rat? I never knew a rat could be so complex. Reminds me of "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH".

Edited by KrissiK
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Took dd to the dr today. She agrees that the dairy is probably the culprit for the allergies/post-nasal drip and constipation. 
We're going to do a week elimination diet (soy, corn, gluten, dairy, sugar), then slowly add each item back in to see which are affecting her. (I'm placing my bets on gluten and dairy.) 

We also have an appointment with our allergist to check on her egg allergy, so we'll discuss testing for environmental allergies as well. 

So, now I'm looking up egg/soy/corn/gluten/dairy/sugar free lunch and snack ideas to send with her to preschool. Wish me luck. haha
I'm also going to call the preschool director and see if there's anything else we need to do to make it easier at school. 

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