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Tex--was the book The Boys in the Boat? I had to read that for book club. Put that in the thrift store pile too. Half the book club loved it, but the entire first half of the book is about a poor abandoned starving college student who goes to rowing practice. The last half of the book is about how they start winning rowing races and end up in the Olympics.  Reading that book was a painful experience for me. There are few books I outright dislike, but that's one of them.


Slache--The first four of my kids did Developing the Early Learner. I'm starting my last kid on it this coming fall.  DEL was what helped me figure out that one of my kids had functional vision issues and that another had auditory processing issues. The series is actually quite good viewed from an OT perspective.  I add in some Kumon books for extra cutting practice, and we do an around the world type of curriculum that I threw together. I do not like Galloping the Globe because there are so many resources that you have to throw together.  I'd die if I had to either buy that many books or go to the library that often. Instead, I bought Children Just Like Me, the companion Celebrations book, and the companion Our Favorite Stories book.  I add some good story books and some bits from Sonlight's curricula (back from 2005) and that's what my curricula for my 4-5 year olds looks like.

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The thing about John is that he doesn't want to read easy readers, he wants to read books he likes and books Matt and I read together so he makes lots and lots of mistakes. I think he might appear to be a bad reader to people who don't understand that. I never made a big deal out of it because it doesn't bother him. Because is just harder than cat, but I don't want him to not read because just because it's not a kindergarten word.


We can do the DWN books out of order, then?


Yes, you can.  There is no order, more like categories of things to draw.  We have one book - #4 or something.

Tex--was the book The Boys in the Boat? I had to read that for book club. Put that in the thrift store pile too. Half the book club loved it, but the entire first half of the book is about a poor abandoned starving college student who goes to rowing practice. The last half of the book is about how they start winning rowing races and end up in the Olympics.  Reading that book was a painful experience for me. There are few books I outright dislike, but that's one of them.

Yes!  That was it.  Thanks for the advice.  She is really random.

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I'm a little scattered here, so I will make myself a list of things to do to prepare for my English class.


Send parents an email - done

grade homework turned in last Friday

look at Jill Pike syllabus

plan Frankenstein character discussion using Sparknotes and maybe Shmoop - also, plan discussion questions beyond character.


If I have energy and time after doing all of that, look at the following week's plan to get ahead.


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I'm a little scattered here, so I will make myself a list of things to do to prepare for my English class.


Send parents an email - done

grade homework turned in last Friday - DONE

look at Jill Pike syllabus - DONE

plan Frankenstein character discussion using Sparknotes and maybe Shmoop - also, plan discussion questions beyond character.


If I have energy and time after doing all of that, look at the following week's plan to get ahead.

I finished reading Frankenstein, too.  Go me.


Character discussion is done.  On to major and minor conflicts and then a story diagram, and that is all we shall have time for.  Even then, we are pushing it at one hour.

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I bet ya'll never knew that a small rock thrown at a basketball lodged between the rim and a tempered glass backboard could completely shatter said tempered glass backboard.


You do now!


Mama got a call from Sr. L after lunch recess today confirming this. Sigh! Seventh grade boys. Seventh grade boys' brains. Sigh!

Edited by KrissiK
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I get ya'll never knew that a small rock thrown at a basketball lodged between the rim and a tempered glass backboard could completely shatter said tempered glass backboard.


You do now!


Mama got a call from Sr. L after lunch recess today confirming this. Sigh! Seventh grade boys. Seventh grade boys' brains. Sigh!

Uh oh.  You have to throw another ball at it or get a really giant person to jump up and pop it out, neither of which 7th grade boys are likely to know.

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Uh oh. You have to throw another ball at it or get a really giant person to jump up and pop it out, neither of which 7th grade boys are likely to know.

Yes, we had that conversation on the way home. "So, sweetie, what would have been some better choices of getting that ball loose? Did we learn a lesson in all this?"
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I have DWN #2 which I bought at a library sale. It is weather, autumn, and Christopher Columbus I think. We used it for the first time last week. They drew a picture of a boy sledding, and then they wrote a sentence about snow. I like it. I would love to have others. But I agree one is enough to start with.


Rod and Staff have good preschool books. We used counting with numbers, inside and outside and another one I think. Cheap too, $3-$4 each.


Appointments are done. I got aggravated. I'm better now. Ready for bedtime since I slept badly last night.


I will plan soon. Just not today or tomorrow probably. Maybe next week. Or the next. :D

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I'm a little scattered here, so I will make myself a list of things to do to prepare for my English class.


Send parents an email - done

grade homework turned in last Friday

look at Jill Pike syllabus

plan Frankenstein character discussion using Sparknotes and maybe Shmoop - also, plan discussion questions beyond character.


If I have energy and time after doing all of that, look at the following week's plan to get ahead.

I've gone into the weeds with Frankenstein, but there is a lot of meat on those bones.  Mary Shelley's life reads like a Greek tragedy.  Did you folks know that the original novel was published in 1818 but we mostly read the 1831 version, which is much darker because by that point she had lost her husband (the author of one of my fave poems "Ozymandias") AND three of their four children were dead.  Life was hard in the 1800's, yo.


Now I think I only need to do the plot diagram.

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Uh oh. You have to throw another ball at it or get a really giant person to jump up and pop it out, neither of which 7th grade boys are likely to know.

My DS always asks me for my shoe. My shoe. Not his, which he could remove and toss up there. Mine. Sigh.


Sometime just shaking the pole works at the park near us, too.


Oh, and once DS actually climbed the pole. I have a climber. But it was a little too much work for a repeat when the ball kept getting stuck. So he went back to my shoe.

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Duck was here and is running out of likes again.  And time.  Outta that too. What happened?  We had such a great stride at the start of the school year, and in spite of cutting back on things, I am consistently get less and less accomplished while working harder and harder.  My feet hurt.


I did institute Rest Time today.  Not that we haven't done it before (we have), but it's never been a daily event.  I threw together Rest Bins for each kiddo on a whim of desperation after lunch, tossed dd3 into ds1's crib (because ds1 takes his nap in MY room, because two-bedroom house), laid down some very stern ground rules in a very stern voice followed by "Isn't this JUST SO COOL!  I mean, LOOK at those BINS!!!"....... and they bit.  Hook, line, and sinker.  (I love that we are still at the age where I can convince them that naps are second only to Christmas.)   


So, eeeeenyhoooo.... I got 1.25 hours of peace; long enough to eat a very late lunch and prep for CC tomorrow.  So there's that.  We shall see how long Daily Rest Time lasts.  I hope forever???  




In the meantime, I likety-like all my ketchup posts above, except for the bad/sad ones, and am distributing hugs and/or ninja services for the latter even as I type.  


And now, because I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep, I must depart.


So That. Is. All.  (Unless I procrastinate again after I track down some chocolate to lift my beleaguered spirits.)    :hat:


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