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I could not get my peanut butter jar open this morning.  I tried and tried.  I hit it repeatedly with a butter knife.  I used the special jar opener tool.  I contemplated hitting it with a hammer and picking out the glass pieces.  (Got to have my peanut butter.)  I finally had success!  (not with a hammer) Woo hoo!  But now my hands hurt.  The price of crunchy delicious peanut butter.  Going to have some now with my banana.

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I could not get my peanut butter jar open this morning.  I tried and tried.  I hit it repeatedly with a butter knife.  I used the special jar opener tool.  I contemplated hitting it with a hammer and picking out the glass pieces.  (Got to have my peanut butter.)  I finally had success!  (not with a hammer) Woo hoo!  But now my hands hurt.  The price of crunchy delicious peanut butter.  Going to have some now with my banana.


I feel your pain, Jean.  My dd9's hands are stronger than mine.


And I often decide my pain reliever of the day based on which bottle I can open.  Ouchie.

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I'm starting a conference wishlist any ideas? So far I have...


  • Pathway Readers
  • Developing the Early Learner (he doesn't like BTS)
  • Singing Made Easy for both kids
  • "Indestructible" books for Molly
  • The new Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization*
  • A few books on castles and horses and other essentials


Can I use Galloping The Globe as a fun resourse guide or would that only work as a unit study? The book is only $25.


*There's not a price on this yet so it might be a pipe dream. It has a new section on speeches.

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I mean, I do have summer done, but only because I did it when I planned for last year... :lol:

I'm still up in the air on what I want to do for writing for next year. It isn't going to be CW Maxim (as I've said, I don't think the literature choices are appropriate for my boys and their reading level. Not to mention that I might have to feed myself bags of chocolate chips to get through the Autobiography of Ben Franklin!) On the other hand, I really, really like the progymnasmata. I'm taking a look at CAP's Chreia/Proverbs to see if it might suit me. It looks like it might be a little too easy, but it's easier to make something a little more challenging than it is to take things down a notch.

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[*]The new Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization*



We have this, though we don't use his "memory system/chart". We just work through the poems at story time and review on occasion. I have swapped out some of the poems for others that I prefer; a couple in level 3 and several in level 4. I despise the cd recording - his voice is annoying and he has some weird inflections. Edited by Susan in TN
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I also have Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization. I did use it for years 1 and 2 almost according to the book, but now we just pick poems and learn 'em. After lunch we get a cup of tea and a little treat, say our new poem, review an old one and generally have a good time. Like everything else in my life, I simply can't just go by the book. :mellow:

CAP has French now. Cool that!

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Eeeek.  No planning going on here yet.  We still need to see how far we get with what we've already got.  And find the missing 1st grade MIF text. 


Honestly, though, planning should not be hard.  I like what we are using (or adapting for our purposes) and will probably just need to move up a level for everyone, replacing workbooks and other consumables.  I like my Planner/Journal method of tracking what we've done, so I only need to print out a new one for next year.  I think we'll keep on with CC, so I may want to collect songs and other supplements for Cycle 2.  And I like our spaces, just the way they are.


I do want to Tackle Eating.  Or more precisely, the Cooking that Eating requires.  






Huh.  Guess I can now say I've planned for next school year.  Go me. 

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Openhearted, you go girl!


Jean, that's the most awesome cane I've ever seen.  Kind of makes you want one just because it's so cool. 


As far as planning for next year goes, I never make lesson plans, I choose resources.  And I'm always thinking about resources, lol.  Usually by October or November I start a new spreadsheet with columns for the last couple years, the current year and potential future year (for the younger 3 kids), to see how things look from a big picture view.  Later I may add columns to consider different combinations of options.  And on one sheet I keep a list of things I might want to look at when I go to the home school conference. 

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I don't intend on using Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization as written, or buying the CDs. I have this image in my head of all of my kids sitting on a hand made quilt under an oak tree while we do our Bible, poetry and academic memory work followed by my reading books about geography, history, science and literature aloud while fairies braid our hair before they go off and do their independent subjects. I have the CC foundations guide and I want Living Memory and LDTPM to use at our leisure.


Fitness question: If I work out my abs that will work out my lower back, correct? If you have any tips on strengthening my lower back I'll take them.


Mooies question: I need workbooks for her. I'm planning on getting her some coloring books, what else should I get? I don't mean educational, just something that resembles school. I'm sure you can imagine why.

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Okay, then you definitely need the Draw Write Now books, imho.  I did not think I could draw anything, and even I can produce something that actually resembles what it's supposed to.  All of my kids have liked them at different times - both those who draw well and even those who don't.


Also, as far as workbooks - what about Kumon? - they have mazes, as well as more school-y ones. 

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Okay, then you definitely need the Draw Write Now books, imho.  I did not think I could draw anything, and even I can produce something that actually resembles what it's supposed to.  All of my kids have liked them at different times - both those who draw well and even those who don't.


Also, as far as workbooks - what about Kumon? - they have mazes, as well as more school-y ones. 

The DWN books are $100!! I shall get them, but not today. She's not ready anyway. I think the Kumon books sell at our local educational store. I'll check 'em out.

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Okay, I think I am up to speed.


Busy day here - odd father, friend with dd with cancer, children, phone calls, making food, doing laundry, etc.


MIL story to add to the mix:  We found a bag of several books, a used, odd bracelet, and a Kohl's gift card in it on the front porch this morning.  I assume the gift card is for my bday.  It had no writing on it.  The books included a huge volume on treating diseases related to aging, a book on Alexander Hamilton, and one about people who were in the Olympics but got stuck on a boat or something.  I didn't read that one too carefully.  The bracelet went directly into the goodwill box.




Edited by texasmama
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Don't get all the DWN books at once.  Just get Book 1 to start with.  It will keep her busy for a long time.  If you like them, get 1 or 2 each year. 


Virtual Instructor - I bet it's great.  My one who likes art the most has an art class at her co-op this year.  And I am not doing a lot of extras this year.  :)

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Okay, I think I am up to speed.


Busy day here - odd father, friend with dd with cancer, children, phone calls, making food, doing laundry, etc.


Made an orthodontist appt for ds15 who has popped a wire.  Friend with dd with cancer coming over to talk to me about nutrition and medical stuff this week.  Texted former coworker who is kinda mom-ish to me who is down with Crohn's really bad currently offering to help.  She has no kids.  Called and made dh and me appointments to be cryotherapied because the hairdresser said it was the bomb and there was a Groupon. :leaving:


I need to grade English class assignments and plan for Friday.  My roots need to be dyed but I cannot even.  


MIL story to add to the mix:  We found a bag of several books, a used, odd bracelet, and a Kohl's gift card in it on the front porch this morning.  I assume the gift card is for my bday.  It had no writing on it.  The books included a huge volume on treating diseases related to aging, a book on Alexander Hamilton, and one about people who were in the Olympics but got stuck on a boat or something.  I didn't read that one too carefully.  The bracelet went directly into the goodwill box.


Planning for 2016-2017 to add to the mix:  I am almost completely planned. :laugh:  I am a planner.  Also, in high school, with outsourced classes, folks make you register early.  Ds's are already registered for Landry Spanish 2 and ds15 is registered for Jann's Algebra 2.  Folks force this stuff, I tell you.  Co-op registration is not until April, but I have a sneak peek at the classes and schedule because I'm special so I already know the line-up and what the boys will be taking.  Do not hate me.  I need to know all of this now.

Yes, this is true.  Youngest two are registered for CC's Foundation for next year and next week I'm taking in registration for 14yo ds for Challenge 2.  (12yo dd's co-op will post stuff around May or June.)


I like DWN books.  I did not like Drawing with Children.



Me too!  I have Drawing With Children because it's a resource I was required to get as a Classical Conversation's tutor years ago.  But I've never used it for anything except the "mirror image" exercises. 

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Slache, she's an idiot. 


The thing about John is that he doesn't want to read easy readers, he wants to read books he likes and books Matt and I read together so he makes lots and lots of mistakes. I think he might appear to be a bad reader to people who don't understand that. I never made a big deal out of it because it doesn't bother him. Because is just harder than cat, but I don't want him to not read because just because it's not a kindergarten word.


We can do the DWN books out of order, then?

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