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I did some of the things (cleaned out the freezer, did an errand that's way out of my way, vacuumed out my car--no sense in washing the exterior during The Pollening--and put in a grocery order for Monday).

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8 hours ago, 73349 said:

I did some of the things (cleaned out the freezer, did an errand that's way out of my way, vacuumed out my car--no sense in washing the exterior during The Pollening--and put in a grocery order for Monday).

I want to learn to do ham radio in like 2 weeks & take the technician's exam before the $35 fee is in place. Much studying to do.


O hey, an "I CERT, therefore I ham" booyah.   📻

What exactly is “ham radio”? I mean, I kind of know in a very vague, “saw it on some tv show with a teenage boy in his bedroom and a bunch of wires” sort of way. But I don’t really know what it is.

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Good morning!  It's Saturday!

doo doo doo...istanbul not constantinople...do do doo

Just dropped off the girls at the Scout meetup - they are going mountain biking for the weekend.  It will be very quiet around here.

Nothing much else to report.  I'm going out to lunch with the boys.  Dd19 has a spring dance with her classmates tonight.


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9 hours ago, KrissiK said:

What exactly is “ham radio”? I mean, I kind of know in a very vague, “saw it on some tv show with a teenage boy in his bedroom and a bunch of wires” sort of way. But I don’t really know what it is.

Here's a long Wiki article about it.

Here's another one.

The short story is that it's amateur radio.

Now. Wasn't that helpful? 🙂

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D Out on the patio this morning. It’s a nice morning. A tad bit chilly, but the fluffy robe helps.  I slept till 8:30. Work is killing me. At least I didn’t work 60 hours like I did last week. This week it was only 50.

Housework, laundry and some seed planting on the docket today. Why spend $4.28 for a red pepper plant from the Afsa, when you can spend $1.79 for a whole packet of red pepper seeds??

I bought a terracotta pot from the Afsa last night. I have a lovely Martha Washington geranium that needs a lot of attention, so I am going to clip that and put some of the clippings in a pot to start another. That’s one thing I like about geraniums, they are very easy to propagate. I love propagating plants from cuttings.

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13 hours ago, KrissiK said:

What exactly is “ham radio”? I mean, I kind of know in a very vague, “saw it on some tv show with a teenage boy in his bedroom and a bunch of wires” sort of way. But I don’t really know what it is.

Amateur radio (as opposed to commercial stations or first responders). It still requires FCC licensing. I don't want to spend a lot of money or space on it, but within the next year or so I'd like to be advanced enough to help with emergencies that affect utilities.

1 hour ago, Junie said:

My dh and my dfil both have amateur radio licenses.  Dh got his when he was in high school.  It's kind of like social media in some ways.  :)

I read about nets and thought, "Oh, these people were already doing Zoom meetings with cameras off!" 😄

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We are back from lunch - ate at a "deli" (i.e. breakfast/lunch place) in the Small Town (I had a panini grilled cheese and tomato basil soup) and came home and picked up sticks and folded up the gaga ball pit and raked a few leaves and pulled a couple weeds and now I am finally not freezing.  And the heat has finally kicked on.  Now that I'm not cold. 🙄

Ds17 is mowing the lawn.  Imma read my book (I started The Monogram Murders - I really like it so far). Chester is whining because his ball is under the coffee table and he thinks I need to get it out for him, lol.

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I planted the snapdragon in a pot with some oregano and added some alyssum.  It is pretty now. I cut back my Martha Washington geranium and poked the clippings into a pot of soil. I cleaned the fountain out on the back patio. I think we will have dinner out there tonight.

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I had a nice evening out at a Mexican restaurant with some of the ladies from the Iglesia.  I understood maybe 50 percent of the conversation -- it was hard because there were sometimes multiple conversations and background music -- it was hard to hear.  I did cheat and speak to the waitress in English because of my severe food allergy -- I was not quite confident enough in my Spanish-speaking ability to keep myself safe.  But, I had a really nice time and the food was so, so good! :)

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Morning, Happy Sunday.

I basically just took it easy yesterday and got not much of anything done.  I was feeling somewhat light-headed I think from allergies/ear fluid.    It's better today.

I need to plan classes today, then get plans going for next week as well since we are going away for the weekend next weekend.  We are going to meet old friends of dh's down in Shenandoah.   We're staying at a nice little cabin on the Shenandoah River.   Should be a nice, relaxing weekend. 

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I guess that I didn’t post yesterday. 

I had my butt worked off by the Xena wrangler yesterday. Only not literally. Unfortunately most of my weight is still in my tummy and I am still fat.

Had a really tough night from pain and central nervous system stuff as a result of the hard workout. Even though I took pain relievers. Don’t know the solution to that so I guess that I should just ignore it and carry on. 

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It's 62* in my bedroom but 70 elsewhere, so not too bad.  I'll have to call the hvac company in the morning.  I baked all the frozen biscuits and made little sandwiches out of them for the kids for lunch and we'll have baked ravioli for dinner - our oven is super felpful heating the whole house, lol.

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I have all of this week planned, so now I can take the evenings this week to plan next week so I don't have to do anything while we are on vacation next weekend.

I'm trying to do laundry but the water valves on our washer are going wacky again.  They don't stop water from going into the washer when it's full.   So clothes are staying soaking wet.  But it won't run a rinse/spin without the water turned on.  So I'm trying to catch it as the rinse is done and turn off the water before the spin so it doesn't fill up again.   It's crazy and I'm not doing any more laundry once I get this load done.  

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It’s 90 here. 90!!

I made dinner for a friend who just had a baby Thursday. She’s a vegetarian so that made it a challenge. I made a veggie soup with a bunch of veggies, beans, wild rice, and cut up meatless meatballs along with biscuits. DD made tuxedo cookies. I hope they like it.

I think we will have sloppy joes- what else can I do with 2lbs defrosted cow? I would rather DH grilled.

School lesson plans for the week are printed and clipped to the dry erase board. I was super happy last week that the kids finished all their assignments as written. I’m hoping for a repeat.

I played with Little Man shooting NERF darts at the “aliens” on his chalkboard. I’m a terrible shot-kept hitting wide. He also wanted to do 12 pages of his new McRuffy prek book! I’m good with that. Watching Thomas the Tank Engine with him now.

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MIL signed into my Apple ID today and had all of my messages sent to her email. She signed into my Facebook several months ago so I changed the password so she used my email to change it again so I changed every password I had but forgot about Apple because I haven't used it in years. She also tried to cancel our phone plan online a few months back. So much joy.

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Slachey needs the ENB - stat!      
Bazooka! Flamethrower! Duct Tape! Laser Glare of Certain Impending Death!

Because Krissi is a having a senior moment?  Is she going to use the bazooka, flamethrower, duct tape and laser glare of certain impending death on Krissi?  Should I make them sit on the couch and hold hands?  Inquiring minds (ok - just my inquiring mind) wants to know. 

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