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We're all facing the same problem I think:

List of things needing our time, energy and attention: enough to fill ten forty hours days each week.

Actual time available in a week: seven twenty-four hour days.

And we do have to sleep and eat, even if showers get neglected.

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Goodnight all. I've been up since 4 am editing, and I am tired. Got a lot done, though. A few more days and then I get to sleep and probably clean the kitchen. Because I'm kind of tied up in editing, I haven't cared that much, and so the counters are covered with gourds that are coming in and being turned into birdhouses for this spring. It's not that bad actually. Kind of pretty to live in an art house. But it does make kitchen prep work a little hard. 

Oooh! An insomnia booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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1 hour ago, whitehawk said:


Also Latin is not going, and Duolingo doesn't have it, and I'm not sure whether to squish it into the schedule harder or admit defeat. It feels like we're working about to capacity.


I think duolingo just added Latin recently.

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Cooked up another storm tonight!

Tonight's dinner was chef salad plus leftovers.

I also cooked several meals for the freezer:

2 dozen meatballs (probably 3 or 4 meals)

2 batches ground Italian sausage (for spaghetti sauce)

2 batches fajita steak strips

a large container of rice (4 c. uncooked) for making fried rice (maybe 2 meals.  maybe.)


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39 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

EdPo / Rant:

Oldest did well in school for me today right up until math (of course, it's math again). No LD here, just straight up lack of motivation. I've literally moved to a whole different curriculum a full year behind to help him review and master his weak areas. He still is digging his heels in because he doesn't want to write anything on paper. He HAS to write on paper or he doesn't retain the information or remember how to solve the problems. I refuse to be his scribe at an age where he is fully capable, just unwilling, as this will hurt him rather than truly benefit him in the future. DH came to the rescue and took over math and low and behold, Oldest completed 2 full R&S math lessons ON PAPER including the worksheet for each lesson plus 2 speed drills in just over an hour! I am torn between wanting to jump up and down and cheer or cry because he won't do that kind of work for me.

Can you do math before breakfast?

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10 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Absolutely not! Neither of us are fully functioning that early! Breakfast is at 7am. School starts around 8. I've tried having math be his first class but that doesn't go well at all. I usually wait until Youngest is down for his nap (right after lunch) so we have no distractions and can work 1:1.

So sorry to offend!

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I’m here, I’m exhaustified. Had a carpy day. It’s been a carpy week. Poor DS, I’m dropping him off at school and I asked him if he had his soccer uniform and he said, “yeah, I pulled it out of the hamper.” Yesterday I was so busy I forgot to wash it. So, he had to wear a dirty uniform and dirty socks to his game today. Now, yes.... he could have reminded me, or done it himself, but I still feel bad.

We went out to dinner tonight with my parents for my birthday which is tomorrow, my BFF sent me a birthday card in Spanish. Renai needs to translate for me,

I am in my fuzzy jammies, face washed teeth brushed so in case I fall asleep, I don’t have to get up and do any of that.

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9 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I got a huge check from the mortgage company. Those people are idiots. About 10 months ago they raise our mortgage payment significantly because they say our taxes went up. Blah blah blah. And now we get a refund because we paid too much in taxes.

I volunteer as tribute!

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8 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I’m here, I’m exhaustified. Had a carpy day. It’s been a carpy week. Poor DS, I’m dropping him off at school and I asked him if he had his soccer uniform and he said, “yeah, I pulled it out of the hamper.” Yesterday I was so busy I forgot to wash it. So, he had to wear a dirty uniform and dirty socks to his game today. Now, yes.... he could have reminded me, or done it himself, but I still feel bad.

We went out to dinner tonight with my parents for my birthday which is tomorrow, my BFF sent me a birthday card in Spanish. Renai needs to translate for me,

I am in my fuzzy jammies, face washed teeth brushed so in case I fall asleep, I don’t have to get up and do any of that.

Sure, what does it say? I bet you could read it. I know you pretend you don't know much...

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3 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

My brain automatically went to Hunger Games, "may the odds be ever in your favor." 

Now I'm hungry, but nothing looks good.

I'm going to the thyroid Dr this morning while DH starts school with Oldest. Huh, he decided to knock out our most difficult class FIRST.... Math!!! They won't be starting before breakfast, but close enough. Slachie, you're a prophet?!


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The neighbors got evicted and left their dog behind. He is a beautiful one year old Pitbull cross. He is sweet and kind and wonderful with the kids. He's sitting by their door crying. Does anyone want a sweet, kind and wonderful pitbull that is great with kids? I would love him. I would so love him.

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2 minutes ago, Slache said:

The neighbors got evicted and left their dog behind. He is a beautiful one year old Pitbull cross. He is sweet and kind and wonderful with the kids. He's sitting by their door crying. Does anyone want a sweet, kind and wonderful pitbull that is great with kids? I would love him. I would so love him.

The people who owned our house before us left their cats.  Abandoning pets is illegal here and they had to come back and get them.  The cats were *not* happy.

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Good morning!

I ignored my alarm this morning because I knocked my glasses to the floor in the night and didn't want to go feeling around blind for them.  Also I had a really bad tummy ache in the middle of the night - I think it was the soy milk that dd21 used to make us milk tea.  It was yummy, but my tummy doesn't like soy milk, apparently.  A couple of Tums helped.

Church friends are coming over tonight for a couple hours.  I'm going to make some reuben casseroles for the freezer.  We are out of regular milk, but People will just have to use almond milk until I can get to the store which will probably be tomorrow.


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6 minutes ago, Junie said:

The people who owned our house before us left their cats.  Abandoning pets is illegal here and they had to come back and get them.  The cats were *not* happy.

They wouldn't come back. They are crackheads who were constantly fighting and damaging the inside and outside of the property. They would often park in our spot and then argue with us telling us that it was theirs. They never took their trash to the dumpster, just set it at the front of the walkway, left the majority of their furniture behind and we have a stack of carts from every time they went grocery shopping. They're not going to come get the dog.

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Happy Birthday Krissi!

Happy Friday!   Other than the snow make-up classes on Monday that dh is handling, I'm done with the current session.  Monday I'm doing a bunch of school assemblies, 4 assemblies for 80 kids each.  Then Monday night 4-H, Tuesday afternoon a robotics workshop at someone's house about 40 minutes away, then the rest of the week I"m off.   

When we start up again, my Friday's get busier.  Instead of two classes, I'll have three.   

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2 minutes ago, Slache said:

They wouldn't come back. They are crackheads who were constantly fighting and damaging the inside and outside of the property. They would often park in our spot and then argue with us telling us that it was theirs. They never took their trash to the dumpster, just set it at the front of the walkway, left the majority of their furniture behind and we have a stack of carts from every time they went grocery shopping. They're not going to come get the dog.

I'm sorry about the dog.  I hope that he finds a wonderful new home.

The owners sound like the people who lived here.  😞  They did come back to get the cats, but they were only successful in retrieving some of them.  There was a lot of yowling, scratching, and cursing going on. Animal Control came to get the others.  I think that they came back to get them because they were afraid of losing money from the sale of the home.  Their realtor was mad.

The neighbors were very welcoming when we moved it.  I remember one neighbor exclaiming "You're normal!" after she had talked with me for a few minutes.  "Normal" is not a word that I hear often when people find out that we have six kids and we homeschool. 😉



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Good Morning!!!!



Happy Nirthday to me!

Thank you so much for the Nirthday wishes. Renai, I will share the card later. I don’t want to walk back and get it right now.

Today is the last day of the semester with the school I work for. The kids get the day off, I get to do grades and finish up paperwork.

i fell asleep at 8:30 last night. I was so beat. Didn’t wake up in the middle of the night. I feel much more rested this morning.


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Happy Nirthday, Krissi!

I'm up, but not happy about it. It's been so cold, the cats have been complaining (as in walking down the hall and yowling to come in the bedroom at three in the morning). Well, they were so bad these last few days, last night we just let them in. Not like they don't have their beds in the living room, which is mostly the warmest room in the house. They were ecstatic, and while they left DH alone, they crawled on and off me all night long, just to make sure I knew how happy they were to see me.  Then they evicted me this morning to steal the sun spot. 

So I'm tired. But still need to edit my chapters and stay on target. I'm right where I need to be, and read through to the end last night so I could see if there were any glaring errors. Didn't find any, but found a few places I want to rework slightly.

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Today is the third day in a row that kitty has hidden under the bed until DH left for work in case he has any more Behavior Problems. (He took her to the vet Tuesday, and she was Very Disappointed in His Choices.) In the evenings, she cuddles up beside him and purrs, confident that he is an Excellent Animal who never misbehaves at night.

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EDPO: It's early. Avert your eyes if you haven't had that second cup of coffee!

What do you all think about trigonometry for the final math course for the boys? They tolerate Algebra and are resigned to doing Algebra 1 (done) and Algebra 2 (because I said so), but when it comes right down to it, what both of them like is geometry, building things, drawing things (maps, ships, perspective, etc). I've had through Calculus 2, and calculus based physics, but have never studied Trig, and it looks really interesting. DH is an engineer, and has taken surveying, and so we've got a ready lab for application, and my dad is a forester, and trigonometry is how they measure trees (so another lab there).  It just seems both practical and enjoyable as math goes, and I think if they can get through it with the same interest they have in geometry, they'll have a solid math background. 

Keep in mind that my mantra is "go slow, build understanding, and rigor shouldn't end in rigor mortis".

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34 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

EDPO: It's early. Avert your eyes if you haven't had that second cup of coffee!

What do you all think about trigonometry for the final math course for the boys? They tolerate Algebra and are resigned to doing Algebra 1 (done) and Algebra 2 (because I said so), but when it comes right down to it, what both of them like is geometry, building things, drawing things (maps, ships, perspective, etc). I've had through Calculus 2, and calculus based physics, but have never studied Trig, and it looks really interesting. DH is an engineer, and has taken surveying, and so we've got a ready lab for application, and my dad is a forester, and trigonometry is how they measure trees (so another lab there).  It just seems both practical and enjoyable as math goes, and I think if they can get through it with the same interest they have in geometry, they'll have a solid math background. 

Keep in mind that my mantra is "go slow, build understanding, and rigor shouldn't end in rigor mortis".

Just throwing this out there - what if you dabbled in pre-calc towards the end of your trig study so they're slightly more prepared for calculus should they take it in college?  (And I'm kinda speaking out of turn because back in the day we had a year of trig after alg 2 and then went straight into calculus, so I'm not even sure what precalculus is beyond trig.  😂)

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2 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

Just throwing this out there - what if you dabbled in pre-calc towards the end of your trig study so they're slightly more prepared for calculus should they take it in college?  (And I'm kinda speaking out of turn because back in the day we had a year of trig after alg 2 and then went straight into calculus, so I'm not even sure what precalculus is beyond trig.  😂)

That's possible, but yeah, my feeling is that a solid grounding in trigonometry should be a good precalculus at a high-school level. DH also says the same: He went from Trig into calculus.

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46 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

Just throwing this out there - what if you dabbled in pre-calc towards the end of your trig study so they're slightly more prepared for calculus should they take it in college?  (And I'm kinda speaking out of turn because back in the day we had a year of trig after alg 2 and then went straight into calculus, so I'm not even sure what precalculus is beyond trig.  😂)

It may have changed but it used to be that Algebra 2 is the same as pre-calculus with some trigonometry thrown in. At least that’s what google had told me. But I am too lazy to google again 

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The school I attended did

  • Alegbra 1
  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2
  • Algebra 3/Trigonometry
  • Calculus.

I took geometry and Alg2 the same year. I think trig in high school is helpful, but statistics might be, too.


Oh hey, a mathy booyah. 🔢

Edited by whitehawk
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Older kids are at Lion King rehearsal.

Younger boys have been doing Prodigy math all morning.

I'm counting that as School is Getting Done.

I seriously love prodigy, my kids have done so many hours of math voluntarily because of that game. My oldest frequently complains about the fact that the game doesn't go past 8th grade math.

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1 minute ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I just discovered when looking for new homeowners insurance that lots of them won’t insure you if you have a Rottie or a German Shepherd. Guess what Juliet is?

A lab boxer cross. That's normally the lie to cover it up.

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4 minutes ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

Wait, then how did your neighbors get to keep him? Or are you talking about the new place?

Oh, there's no way that dog was on their lease! People like that never put dogs on their leases because then they have to pay pet rent and deposits.

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