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This is going to drive me nuts!  I was contacted by a mom regarding camp registration.  Answered her questions.  She said that one of her sons has come before but didn't give me his name!  I don't tend to know last names of the kids (we just have lanyards with their first names on them) and most of the kids' last names are different from their parents' / guardians' anyway.  It's not a big deal.  If she enrolls him we will get all the paperwork including his name, but it's one of those things that is going to drive me nuts until I know! 

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Dd8 helped me make chicken pot pies and fruit salad for dinner.

We did a gentle introduction to Spanish.  :)

Then dd8 and dd11 wanted to watch Magic School Bus in Spanish.  The dialogue is so fast in that show.  I'm still not sure exactly what happened...  :)


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3 hours ago, Where's Toto? said:

I need to get serious about starting a language with my kids.  We've done pieces in the past but never stuck with it for long.  Ds is starting high school so I feel like we need to get serious.  Probably Spanish since fil is from Puerto Rico and it's definitely the most useful around here.

Whichever language or curriculum you use, the important thing is using the language. If you already know some Spanish, you can choose one routine and start using what you know! 

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Good Friday Morning!  Coffee is brewing.  I got to sleep in a little bit.  Tomorrow I get to pick up 2nd ds from Governor's Scholars - YAY!!!!!

Jean, I'm thinking of the Mark Twain quote - I think the reports of your death were greatly exaggerated!  (Hope you're feeling better!)

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Good morning!

There is a fly buzzing around my room but it's too fast to catch and feed to Tiger the Bullfrog.

I have a quick thing at the church this morning, then back home to do some work.  I think I will make tomato bisque today.  The two Middles get home from their youth group trip tonight.  Apparently, they were on the team that was demolishing and hauling off a double-wide trailor.  This morning they go rafting.  I'm a little nervous about that.  Rivers will be high and fast due to all rain.  Gotta stretch.


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Morning, Happy Friday!

I've slept in a little the last few days and I'm not sure that's a good thing.  If the sun/heat/humidity are too kicked in when I get up, I feel crappy since my benedryl has worn off by that point.   I'm not sleeping really late, not like I used to, but even 8/8:30 seems to be crossing a line.  

Dh is taking the kids to his parents and the beach this weekend.  I'm staying home with the dog.  Which is good because I have a ton of cleaning to do.   The bad part of it is he takes my car and I get his car when he goes down there.  His car has no air conditioning.  Blech. 

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9 hours ago, Renai said:

Whichever language or curriculum you use, the important thing is using the language. If you already know some Spanish, you can choose one routine and start using what you know! 


I plan to have them watch some of their favorite cartoons (yes, they are 12 and 14 and still have favorite cartoons) in the language we choose.  I know some Spanish, but basically from high school which was more years ago than I want to think about.

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Today I'm doing laundry because ds informed me that he doesn't have any clothes for the weekend.   I just bought him shorts, sweatpants (all he wears) and a bunch of tshirts.   Walmart doesn't have his favorite fandoms but they have lots with sarcastic sayings and he likes that too.  

I'm pretty sure dd has enough clothes for the weekend.  I guess I should ask/start packing so I know for sure.

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EdPo Warning!!

This weekend I also have to set up school for the kids.  I want to have the rest of the summer planned out and at least the first two months of the school year.   I have a break every eight weeks plus holidays from the science center so that will be a good time to plan the next chunk of school, and I can adjust as needed.

I'm thinking I'm going to use an index card system.   Each subject/day assignment is written on a card.  The kids will have a page of library pockets - dd by day plus one for things she can do any day, ds by subject (he plans out his week better than she does).    When they do an assignment, they turn in the card and paper from that assignment.   I will reuse the index cards by crossing off one assignment and writing on another.   I will have the cards set up in a file box, sorted so I can set up school easily each week.  

I just bought them new organizing binders with pockets, three rings, dividers, etc.  All their worksheets will be in there, with their page of library pockets, pencils, pens, etc., background information they may need, etc.  

I'm hoping by being really organized, school will go better this year.  It wasn't awful last year and they did progress quite a bit.  I just felt like it wasn't all it should be. 

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I only have three weeks of camp that the registration deadline hasn't passed already, and one deadline is Monday.  That makes it feel like summer is almost over.   NOOOOOOOOOO.

Next week I have no camps, workshops or anything, just possible jury duty and cleaning.   The following week I'm doing one day of camp (one student, may advertise "still space available" to see if I can get more), then three weeks of camp and summer is done.   

I need to get to work on that long to-do list. I was thinking after vacation, after 4-H fair, after birthdays I would still have lots of time.   Not exactly lots.

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And THERE'S a Booyah for ya!

This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends.
People started posting not knowing what it was,
And they will keep on posting here forever just because...
This is the thread that never ends
You'd best come join it with your friends
'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze
And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days

This is the thread that's always there
They'll cheer you up so don't despair
The group is growing well as more people start checking in
And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive

This is the thread that never ends
It's better than a Mercedes Benz
It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too
Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you

This thread keeps going on and on
with record-setting length and fun
It started forty-eight months ago from curiosity
and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be

This is the thread that never ends...
And the place where one finds special friends,
the kind that have hearts that are strong and true
Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 

This is the thread that never ends
Yeah, it's superior to other trends
Friends start out scratching their head in confusion, perhaps
But then the laughter strikes and they gratefully tip their caps... 

This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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I'm supposed to go to the river today. This morning sometime. I have two chapters to revise, and the boy has a water safety stunt to do in a place where the water isn't so deep or murky that he can't see what's happening down below the kayak. He's got a sail rigged, and I told him that he needs to tip it in full open mode, to see that he can get clear of the rigging, and right the ship, so to speak. He's been grumpy with me ever since I suggested it.

Not dead yet of the sun and the summer. But I woke up in an awful mood, and a thunderstorm this evening would sure be nice. Don't think we'll get one though. The cicadas are so loud that I can hear them screaming inside the house.

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Another sort of EdPo but not really, more a KidPo...

Ds needs to get more exercise.   The theory was that dh would take him to the Y each day but it's been hard to do that between all the crap he's doing for his parents, dd's TKD schedule, my class/tutoring schedule, etc.    He definitely doesn't want to go back to TKD.    So we are looking into options for what he can do at home.   When he's at the science center, I can make him take walks and hit the heavy bag (I plan to go over routines with him) and maybe even some yoga.

We have a Wii Fit, which is his idea.   Walks can happen.   I do plan to tell him to do x minutes of x on Wii Fit.  But I also want him to set a goal for a number of steps each day.   Probably start at 6,000 or so then move up from there.  

So I would like suggestions for a relatively inexpensive step counter that is easy for him to wear (he wears a watch 24/7, even in the shower and to bed), would keep an accurate count and he wouldn't be able to trick it.   I would go with just the inexpensive Fit Bit (I think it's called a Zip, the one with a clip on thingy) but I think it would get lost too easily.   I think a wristband would be better but it needs to be thin and lightweight.  Waterproof would be good but not essential.   I really don't want to spend over $100 on the Fitbit.  Is there anything else like that?  Doesn't need to do anything but track steps. 

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1 minute ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

It's a boy! Board book #5 is a confirmed male, and NOT shy for the camera. Our anatomy scan was the best one we've had yet. We could see our baby waving his hands around and opening and closing his mouth. He's a mover, but I already knew that because O can feel him.

Now we need a name, but we've already used the boy names I like. Wanna play a round of Name That Baby?

Middle name will be Duane, for Dave's late grandfather. Our other kids are Adabella, Abraham, Brian Mark, and Lucas. Right now I like Levi, but I don't love it. Dave would be happy to use Duane for a first name. I have 19 weeks to come up with something.

I admit I'm a tiny bit disappointed we're not giving Belle a sister, but she's happy she doesn't have to share her room. 🤷‍♀️

Isaac and Travis. I want an Isaac and an Emily. Our boys are John and Matthew (Alexander) so my husband wants a Mark and a Luke. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Mary. So very no.

None of our children are named after Biblical figures.

I like Levi. Owen. Thomas (Tommy). William. I like Duane. Duane William, Duane Scott. It works.

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5 hours ago, Where's Toto? said:

Another sort of EdPo but not really, more a KidPo...

Ds needs to get more exercise.   The theory was that dh would take him to the Y each day but it's been hard to do that between all the crap he's doing for his parents, dd's TKD schedule, my class/tutoring schedule, etc.    He definitely doesn't want to go back to TKD.    So we are looking into options for what he can do at home.   When he's at the science center, I can make him take walks and hit the heavy bag (I plan to go over routines with him) and maybe even some yoga.

We have a Wii Fit, which is his idea.   Walks can happen.   I do plan to tell him to do x minutes of x on Wii Fit.  But I also want him to set a goal for a number of steps each day.   Probably start at 6,000 or so then move up from there.  

So I would like suggestions for a relatively inexpensive step counter that is easy for him to wear (he wears a watch 24/7, even in the shower and to bed), would keep an accurate count and he wouldn't be able to trick it.   I would go with just the inexpensive Fit Bit (I think it's called a Zip, the one with a clip on thingy) but I think it would get lost too easily.   I think a wristband would be better but it needs to be thin and lightweight.  Waterproof would be good but not essential.   I really don't want to spend over $100 on the Fitbit.  Is there anything else like that?  Doesn't need to do anything but track steps. 


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I tried to kill what looked like a kissing bug by grabbing it with toilet paper, throwing it in the toilet and flushing it because I don't like crushing bugs. In the time it took my hand to get from dropping the toilet paper to flushing the toilet the bug swam out from underneath the toilet paper and flew away. I prefer this not be how I die.

I did kill 2 millipedes (phone's suggestion was I did kill 2 people, so that's nice).

Someone has got to get my eyebrows under control. I dealt with the ants and the millipedes. Someone else do my eyebrows.

My geography spine is over a week late. They're sending another. I have 6 weeks until school. Maybe 7. I need to get this done!

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  • Christopher Duane
  • Elias Duane
  • Isaac Duane (If we'd had a 2nd boy, he would've been Isaac James.)
  • Nathaniel Duane
  • Nicholas Duane

Isn't there an if-you-like-these-names-consider-this-name website?

I would probably avoid another A, B, or L just to keep other people from mixing them up. I once in three consecutive years taught three siblings whose names were so alike, I don't remember what one of them was. (Along the lines of Milo Michaels, Miles Michaels, Myra Michaels. But not really with M.)

Edited by whitehawk
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4 hours ago, whitehawk said:
  • Christopher Duane
  • Elias Duane
  • Isaac Duane (If we'd had a 2nd boy, he would've been Isaac James.)
  • Nathaniel Duane
  • Nicholas Duane

Isn't there an if-you-like-these-names-consider-this-name website?

I would probably avoid another A, B, or L just to keep other people from mixing them up. I once in three consecutive years taught three siblings whose names were so alike, I don't remember what one of them was. (Along the lines of Milo Michaels, Miles Michaels, Myra Michaels. But not really with M.)

I like Nathaniel too!  

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