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I survived AFSA, mostly because I went to the regular office supply aisle instead of the School Supply Special Isle of Terror.  Whole Foods was out of my favorite sweet potato chips, so I walked out empty-handed.  Garden was watered.  Pet/garden supply corner has been reorganized and cleaned.  Second load of laundry was started.  I thought I'd done it hours ago but I must have forgotten to start it.

We had BLTs for dinner with garden tomatoes.  So yummy!

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Our car is very, very sick and is in the "hospital" for a couple of days for observation.  The suspected diagnosis is that it needs a new transmission.  If that is the case, we may be looking for another vehicle.  😞

One of the girls suggested that she should make a get well card for the car...

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1 minute ago, Junie said:

Our car is very, very sick and is in the "hospital" for a couple of days for observation.  The suspected diagnosis is that it needs a new transmission.  If that is the case, we may be looking for another vehicle.  😞

One of the girls suggested that she should make a get well card for the car...

I first read "car" as "cat" and was trying to figure out what euphemism "transmission" stood for.  :biggrin:  

Sorry about the car.  Our van is fading fast and we are hoping it will hang on until spring.

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23 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

When I was driving to the Big City this morning.... holy cow. I was driving 70 on the freeway and people were passing me like I was standing still. I couldn't believe it.

I would have loved it if I could have gone 70. Traffic was so backed up we were going less than 20 mph on the freeway. 

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6 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I first read "car" as "cat" and was trying to figure out what euphemism "transmission" stood for.  :biggrin:  

Sorry about the car.  Our van is fading fast and we are hoping it will hang on until spring.

Nope, no cats here.  I am extremely allergic to them.

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WARNING: Edpo!  Avert yer eyeballs!

I am feeling very uninspired about history this year.  SOTW 3  (1600-1850).  I love SOTW, I'm just having a hard time getting excited about literature/historic novels for dd10 & dd12 and corresponding read-alouds.  And I really need to get a move on because we start school in 3 weeks.  Any awesome suggestions are welcome!  (Dd16 and ds14 will be in on the read-alouds, if that matters, though they are doing their "official" literature through a tutorial.)

Carry on.

Edited by Susan in TN
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30 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

My kids’ bath sink plug came out. It and the drain are covered in slimy moldy looking stuff! Y’all know how to clean that out. It stinks!

And any tricks for removing 3M stuck on handle locks without damaging the door or finish? The ones I put on the doors at Church are actually preventing the doors from being opened even though I triple checked before I peeled and stuck them on.

You know, when we were studying California history, we learned that the Northern California Indians, when their houses got too gross, they just burned them down and started over. That may be an option for you!!

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

WARNING: Edpo!  Avert yer eyeballs!

I am feeling very uninspired about history this year.  SOTW 3  (1600-1850).  I love SOTW, I'm just having a hard time getting excited about literature/historic novels for dd10 & dd12 and corresponding read-alouds.  And I really need to get a move on because we start school in 3 weeks.  Any awesome suggestions are welcome!  (Dd16 and ds14 will be in on the read-alouds, if that matters, though they are doing their "official" literature through a tutorial.)

Carry on.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!





(maybe I shouldn’t reply.....😂)

It’s a quality literature booyah!

Edited by Another Lynn
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28 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:


Have you already looked through Sonlight and Bookshark lists for that period?

No, I haven't!  What is wrong with me?!?  (I have books written down in the SOTW table of contents, but a lot of the books are just too young for the girls now, 4 years later lol.)

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39 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

  We ended up bringing three dgc home for the night, and will get three more in the morning.  I left long enough to get chicken feed and go to the AFSA.  We had restaurant leftovers for supper.  Since they will be here all day tomorrow, I guess we will go to the pool.  Ds35 and ddil are helping ddil's sister and family move out of town.  

I'm sending Gymnast over to join all of you!

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

WARNING: Edpo!  Avert yer eyeballs!

I am feeling very uninspired about history this year.  SOTW 3  (1600-1850).  I love SOTW, I'm just having a hard time getting excited about literature/historic novels for dd10 & dd12 and corresponding read-alouds.  And I really need to get a move on because we start school in 3 weeks.  Any awesome suggestions are welcome!  (Dd16 and ds14 will be in on the read-alouds, if that matters, though they are doing their "official" literature through a tutorial.)

Carry on.


Run away from home. To Hawaii. 


Oh, and take me.


You're welcome. 

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So, remember last year or so when I was moving books and had 3-4 boxes that I put in the closet to go through later? I kinda went through them, but mostly just looked for specific books.

Today, I am sorting books from "the bookcase" and then decided to get the books from the crates that are pretending to be a bookcase and from the crate that gave up trying to be a bookcase. I was making good progress. I went to the closet to hang up a bunch of hangers I know Gymnast must have knocked down while playing...and there saw the four boxes of books. I had totally forgotten about them. I mean, after a while during the year (or so, maybe 2), I had felt I had books missing, but totally forgot about these four boxes of books!

This is going to extend my project a bit. I'm not even touching the other shelves yet, but I think I need to go through these boxes to see what I'm giving away, and finish some book sets to sell. Which reminds me: I need to set up a date and time at the library for the Annual Book and Curriculum Exchange.

My living room is filling up with stacks of books. We can still walk and see the floor though, so things must be okay....

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Morning Happy Sunday.   Last day of the fair and we're pretty much just heading over to pack up.   Attendance has been super light with the heat, dd had a really rough day yesterday for a combination of reasons, and I'm not feeling well.  My asthma has kicked up and I'm just tired.  

This week I have two tutoring sessions of an hour each, one day of camp and that's it for scheduled activities.  The rest of the time will be spent cleaning house, setting up school plans, and working on science center plans.  

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Morning. I went to bed with a killer headache, and I still have it this morning, but I'm not dead. ITT regs. I think this one is from a combination of driving and then not taking any time off of writing yesterday. Just got home and went right to the laptop.  One and a half more weeks! Then I get a little break. Only light WIP work and website stuff to work on for August. Oh, and maybe more character stuff. And school stuff.

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Good morning!  

We went to early service as usual and then had social time outside with fruit and pastries and coffee, etc.  When we were at the pediatric oral surgeon, we saw an areal photo of our downtown from 1950 - there was actually a house between our church building and the street in the spot that we now have a patio.  That must have been a very narrow house!

The two youngest went to spend the afternoon with friends, so now I get to do a couple things.  Or nap.  Or make my quiet escape to Hawaii.  I'll get the stealth 'copter fired up and pick up JJM and anyone else on the way.

More coffee!

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Good Morning!!!

I forgot to check in earlier, we went to first service, the girls stayed for Sunday School and DS, DH and I came home to get packed and ready to go, it’s a 3.5 hour trip to camp in the Santa Cruz mountains, Temps there this week are supposed to be in the 70’s and 80’s. Here at home I see 104, 105 and 107 degrees in the forecast. I am so glad to get out of here,

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Happy Sunday, ITT.

I went to Distant Church this morning. I invited DS to join me, but he preferred to be at home with DH. I'm glad he turned me down, because I was bored in the service myself. :( Not the first time, TBH--it feels like a lot of the content I'm getting there is more of a lite/entry-level feel, and while it might be helpful and enlightening for people who are new to the faith, that's not what I need at this point. I'm going to look into the Sunday night programming there for DS, but at least for now, I'll spend Sunday mornings at Oddball Church. We really might turn out to be a three-church household.

I'm wondering if my being an INFJ is contributing to the amount of work all this is taking. Maybe that's why I feel tired: in addition to doing all the things, I'm reinventing quite a few of them. I don't know what else to do. When you swim upstream, you're tired and your times look lousy... but I need to go in that direction.

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Ok, we are going to eat lunch and go.

I’m telling y’all this because y’all are my besties and I know you won’t judge me. I’m taking 8 pairs of shoes. I’m sorry. I like to have options. I would never make it backpacking across Europe. Unless I had an entourage to help out with the baggage.😂😂

Oh, and I decided to stretch myself a little..... I signed DH and myself up for beginning mountain biking.😱

Edited by KrissiK
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Hi friends!  I'm home!  Did you miss me?  Here's what the last week looked like for us.....

Sunday - USA swim meet in Louisville (last chance to get state cuts)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 3 day end of conference swim meet for "fun" swimming.
Thursday - flat tire and banquet for summer/fun swim team with awards for high point (dd) and 110% (ds) and spirit cup (dd).
Friday - drove back to Louisville for USA Long Course state swim meet.
Saturday and Sunday (today) - dd swam.  She just aged up in July, so nothing exciting except getting a medal with her relay team.  

Best of all, I followed all ITT regs and did not die.  But my left eye has been twitching all week.  😂

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No judgment here. I still have my headache that started last night and I am miserable. Nothing is cutting the pain, light and noise are stabbing me like dull knives, and I can't get comfortable. Been crying simply from tear overflow. 

And I am trying so hard to get revisions done and be social this evening. Really I just want to take more drugs and cry myself to sleep and wake up okay.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Is foot pain contageous?  'Cuz I think I caught it from Slache.

I think so. I caught it last week and it comes back periodically. Like Slash, it's mostly when I'm barefoot, which didn't happen before.

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34 minutes ago, Renai said:

I think so. I caught it last week and it comes back periodically. Like Slash, it's mostly when I'm barefoot, which didn't happen before.

It's not when I'm barefoot. The opposite. I'm usually barefoot because it's better for me.

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Good Morning-ish!  I was just getting to sleep last night when dd woke me up (for no reason).  Then I was almost again, when dh woke me up.  Then of course it took awhile the third time.  🙄  Family - can't live with 'em; can't kill 'em.  Anyway, I'm up now with coffee.  I really think dd should skip swim today, but she's up and getting ready.  🙄  Guess I should find pantz.   

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12 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

We went to a local pizza place for dinner  - pizza looked good.  I had a small Greek salad, which was yummy.  

I've made progress on the literature list.  

Have you ever read The Scarlet Pimpernel?  I haven't.  I might give it a read - s'posed to be good.

Yes. I liked it.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

It's only supposed to be in the 80's this week.  Plus rain.  :smile:

So the heel pain I'm having sounds exactly like PF, so I am trying to stretch more.  And will try wearing shoes when I do my glider.  I have to leave in 5 minutes to bring the girls to choir day camp, then I get to spend some time all by myself at the library.  Then I get to spend some time all by myself at home before picking up the girls again.  My ikea bookshelves are coming this week, so I might spend some time taking apart the dilapidated & broken lesson cubbies and cleaning up that area.  Also, the back deck needs to be swept and tidied.



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Happy Monday.  I haven't slept well the past couple of nights after sleeping really well before that.  Maybe the lack of exercise since I was babying my knee.  Knee feels better but the muscles in my leg feel very tight, probably from keeping that knee bent for days.  I'm afraid to really stretch or do yoga or anything while the knee still feels weak, even though it's not painful anymore.   I may try some Tai Chi.  Very carefully.  

Today is youngest dd's birthday.  My baby is 12.   She's starting back up with Tai Kwan Do at the new dojo today.   We offered to take her out to dinner but she requested spicy chicken and shrimp at home (daddy is a REALLY good cook).   But then she did request to go to IHOP for lunch because she wants pancakes (and mommy is a REALLY bad cook).  

This evening I'll drop her off at TKD, go to the science center for a tutoring session, then home for her birthday dinner.   At some point in the next few days I need to go to the bank to deposit a check and to the library to return a book.   Probably tomorrow because I have nothing on that schedule except dd TKD.

Lots of cleaning to do.  We had a bunch of packages come in over the weekend and I have to open them, sort out the science center stuff from the school stuff/the stuff going to the science center from the stuff staying home, laundry, dishes, and the usual stuff as well.  

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After three weeks of 12 hour shifts, dh is going back to his normal schedule. Yay!

After weeks of ds having his car in pieces in the driveway, his car is working hopefully better than ever. 

Dd is off doing her usual. 

I am hoping that I can get everything and anything done around here. Maybe Juliet will follow me with a whip to keep me on task. 

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7 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:


After three weeks of 12 hour shifts, dh is going back to his normal schedule. Yay!

After weeks of ds having his car in pieces in the driveway, his car is working hopefully better than ever. 

Dd is off doing her usual. 

I am hoping that I can get everything and anything done around here. Maybe Juliet will follow me with a whip to keep me on task. 

Yay for TS!!!  🎉🎉🎉

(And yay for normal work schedules too!)

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2 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

Ellie, don't shout. Remember, it's Monday. 😂 Hehehehe.

It's also my actual birthday, but I'm going to celebrate in October as usual. 

I tried not to shout, but it didn't work. Sowwy.


And here's your birthday crown!


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