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47 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

So I'm going to whine again. 

Went to exhibit check-in for the fair, was squatting down to put something on the racks and my knee popped out.  I was able to pop it back in but it feels very sore and achy.  Even with a achy knee, I did 8413 steps in the 4 hours I was at the fairgrounds, then had to drive home for 45 minutes and it was my right knee.  

Now I have a camp tomorrow for 5 hours, then have to go back for judging.  

This all happened after spending 4 hours at the lake and dropping a kayak on my left big toe.  I think I may have broken the nail.  It's very tender to the touch.  

And my back still aches and I'm still coughing.  

Boo hoo.  


You deserve chocolate.


Lots and lots of chocolate.

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Good morning!

How are you doing this morning, Toto?

Ds24 went through a pretty severe case of pun addiction his first couple years of music school. I’m pretty sure the whole school was in on it. 

More organizing today. Might tackle lesson cubbies. Never got to the pet supplies yesterday. 


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8 hours ago, JoJosMom said:


You deserve chocolate.


Lots and lots of chocolate.

Yes, yes I do.   Instead I came home and had scrambled eggs with a little cheese since I never had dinner.  I lost 2 1/2 pounds out in the heat but I'm sure it was water weight.

1 hour ago, Another Lynn said:

(((Toto)))  Do you have a brace you can wear on  your knee for awhile?  

Dh has a knee brace and I was planning to use that but evidently my oldest dd borrowed it a couple months ago.    I'm going to see if she can drop it off.  If not, I'm going to buy one.   It's about the same today, sore and a little stiff.  I'm going to baby it and hope it keeps getting better.  Then I'm going to start doing the exercises I was given 35 years ago to help this issue.  

I'm having youngest dd come with me to the camp today to help out.  At least she can retrieve stuff.  

We have severe thunderstorm warnings for this afternoon (remnants of Barry), then excessive heat warnings through the weekend.  Perfect for spending all day outside.  At least I'll be in a shady tent the whole time.  We're going to have to bring ice packs for our snake so she doesn't get too hot.

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Writing hard and revising hard today. Talked a little by email with my agent yesterday, and that always gives me energy for the revision push. Two more weeks of hard work, and then I can rest for a few weeks, and just play with poems, character work, and the ideas for two new novels.

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12 hours ago, Slache said:

Me: Did you have fun at the pool?
Alex: Yeah.
Me: What was the best part?
Alex: I was in the donut and I didn't drown.

Smart kid.


12 hours ago, Where's Toto? said:

So I'm going to whine again. 

Went to exhibit check-in for the fair, was squatting down to put something on the racks and my knee popped out.  I was able to pop it back in but it feels very sore and achy.  Even with a achy knee, I did 8413 steps in the 4 hours I was at the fairgrounds, then had to drive home for 45 minutes and it was my right knee.  

Now I have a camp tomorrow for 5 hours, then have to go back for judging.  

This all happened after spending 4 hours at the lake and dropping a kayak on my left big toe.  I think I may have broken the nail.  It's very tender to the touch.  

And my back still aches and I'm still coughing.  

Boo hoo.  

You need a long trip to the ITT Island. With all the benefits and pampering...

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2 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

Toto, I'd be dead. No way I can spend a day outside in weather that snakes need ice packs for.

To be fair, she's a NJ native species not a hot desert species.   And if she weren't in a tank (if there was more air flow) we probably wouldn't worry about it as much.

Dh is picking me up a brace at lunch and bringing it to me.  Evidently what I did is called subluxation.  The knee/patella feels like it's back in place but I do have a semi hard bulge along the side of my knee.  Could just be swelling. And the knee cap feels jiggly when I touch it.   yuck.  

I"m doing camp sitting on my desk chair, wheeling around the room.  It doesn't hurt too bad (although Advil so....), it just feels delicate.  And I"m super afraid of doing it again and it not popping back so easily.  Way back in the dark ages when I was 18/19 years old, I did the same thing but it pinched a nerve going back.  Any time I moved anything from my toes to my hip for about 2 weeks it was excruciating pain.   Really don't want to do that again.

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So. . . ds's car stopped working last night.  He borrowed my car this morning, made a parts run, has gotten it to run (I can hear it very loudly out the window) but hasn't made it to work yet.  I'm really hoping that he can get to work without me since I have other things that I was really planning on doing but i will drop him off if needed. 

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2 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Toto, I went a couple of years having to pop my knees back into place multiple times a day.  Very very painful.  I am very glad that you are getting a knee brace.  I would keep up the Advil too - not just for pain relief but to bring down the swelling.

That's definitely the plan.  Although I feel like I've been taking tons of Advil lately since I"ve been taking it for my back for a couple weeks now.  Not every day but probably 3 or 4 days a week I'm taking at least one or two doses.  

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So...I asked my to-be-3rd grader what she would like to study for science. She shrugged and said the infamous words, "I don't know." Then she said, "Experiments." 

She wants to do experiments. Name some books, ya'll. We'll probably just do science on Thursdays or Fridays since those are the two days she's home all day. I was looking at maybe this: https://timberdoodle.com/collections/grades-1-3/products/exploring-creation-with-chemistry-and-physics I'm on Timberdoodle because we like their logic/strategy games, and decided to look at science.

Ready, set, go!

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IME every single book of science experiments has the exact same experiments and most of them are available for free on Pinterest or by Google.   

What concepts are you planning to teach?  I can probably give you a bunch of experiment ideas.  Or you can just look through my Pinterest boards.   https://www.pinterest.com/dottieanna29/


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18 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

IME every single book of science experiments has the exact same experiments and most of them are available for free on Pinterest or by Google.   

What concepts are you planning to teach?  I can probably give you a bunch of experiment ideas.  Or you can just look through my Pinterest boards.   https://www.pinterest.com/dottieanna29/



Concepts? No idea. Maybe I need different books with experiments to go along with them. This is not my year to plan anything elaborate. I'll go through your pinterest, too. 😄 

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10 minutes ago, Renai said:


Concepts? No idea. Maybe I need different books with experiments to go along with them. This is not my year to plan anything elaborate. I'll go through your pinterest, too. 😄 

Our library has tons of experiment books.  Anything from DK books with experiments, to Jan Van Cleave books, to Usborne books and all sorts of others. . . .

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4 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Our library has tons of experiment books.  Anything from DK books with experiments, to Jan Van Cleave books, to Usborne books and all sorts of others. . . .

I think I'm leaning more towards focusing on one concept at a time and doing experiments on that concept, rather than just random experiments. If that makes sense...

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8 minutes ago, Renai said:

I think I'm leaning more towards focusing on one concept at a time and doing experiments on that concept, rather than just random experiments. If that makes sense...

Look at Jan VanCleave books.  She has them sorted by concepts - either in chapters or in individual books (like her books on weather experiments or biology etc.)

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23 minutes ago, JoJosMom said:

I'm pretty sure that the transcript is going to kill me.


Sorry about breaking the rules.

Nah, it wasn't as bad as all that. You'll be alright. Maybe physically ill periodically, cuddled in the fetal position a few times, wondering about life itself perhaps. But, alright, nonetheless.

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1 hour ago, Paradox5 said:

With the amount he/you have spent on parts, it seems he could have bought a new car by now. Or this one practically is with all the new parts!

It is a 1979 classic car.  He's a "car guy" - belonging even to the local car club for this type of car.  Most people in the club don't do this kind of thing until they are retired and can do it as a hobby. . .   but not my son. . . .

It's a classic car booyah

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Good morning!

No dying allowed!  

Yesterday I made some progress on cleaning out.  Found a couple things I'd lost.  Threw away a whole lotta stuff.  I have to spend the morning arranging 16 worship songs for cello and violin.  I'm hoping I can get it done by 10:30 when we leave for the dentist.  Violin/viola lessons after that.  I may need to put ds14 in charge of making dinner.  


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Morning, Happy Thursday.

For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to make my mammo/US appointment for today.   I need to run to the store to pick up a strap to lock down the cockroach cage and bug spray, go to my appointment, pick up supplies for a kaleidoscope activity from the classroom as well as my business promotional materials (since I have a table for that too), then get to the fairgrounds by 4pm to set up our table.  We have one of the kids working it tonight so I need to be there.  Then the parade of clubs is at 7pm and we'll probably leave after that.  Dh and the kids are meeting me there since dh doesn't get out of work until 4pm. 

Tomorrow I work the info booth at 12:45 and have kids coming for our booth at 5pm so I'll be there most of the day.  

It's supposed to feel around 105 degrees for the next four days.  Hot and humid and gross.  Fun.

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After a discussion on here, I looked into swim tights/leggings.  I was looking for something that would be more comfortable while kayaking, with sun protection, but not too hot, and would dry quickly when wet.   I ended up buying these with a gift card one of my students gave me at the end of the year.  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MHGMWC1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 which had decent reviews, weren't too expensive, and came in larger sizes. 

I wore them to the lake on Tuesday and they were great.  I went swimming in them, or at least walking into the water, wore them sitting on the beach.  I usually get chilled easily in the water and they helped quite a bit with that too.   The only weird thing was they made a funky noise when walking (thighs rubbing together) but it stopped making the noise once they were wet.   I found them comfortable to sit around in both wet and dry.     They were definitely thicker than swimsuit material, they are actually wetsuit pants but I really like that.  

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Morning. It's so hot and humid outside that my glasses stayed fogged while I was out walking the dogs. It's also terribly sunny, which has me cringing inside already, but I have to get out in it in just a few hours. Art today, and then I have an errand to run, but I'm not running all the errands I planned to run. Maybe not even the one. It's going to be all I can do to get to art, do art, and then go home without spending the rest of day weeping because of the sunlight! Dark room curtains are already down to make the cave. But I understand there is some sort of a front coming through this weekend to cool things off. I might even be able to get out to the lake if there's enough cloud cover.

Today is my long revising day. I'm hoping to get three chapters done today! That would come close to catching me up with my chapter goal for this month. I'm on track with everything else. Plus, I have a short story to revise this weekend and my agent wanted to do some editorial feedback before I send it out, so I will be taking advantage of that for sure!

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Good Morning!!!!!


Friday Eve!!!!

I am meeting a new family for our Charter this morning. My first family meeting for my new job. I am nervous. She sounded perfectly nice on the phone, but of course in my mind... she’ll ask me all kinds of questions I can’t answer, I’ll spill my COFFEE all over the table, I’ll come across like a total dork and she’ll be wondering, “who IS this lady?” Already something went wrong. I was going to print her up a couple handouts, and then last night at 9:30 my printer is out of ink. And it never gave me a warning. It’s honestly not a big deal, I can email these things to her, but.... you know, I kind of wanted her to have something in hand.... I’m just nervous. And I know it will go fine and I will leave the meeting thinking, “why on earth did I even worry about this.”

Other than that, the rest of the day looks pretty empty. I will try to get housework done. 

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So, the forum has gone from Korean to Chinese, eh? I actually recognized about 3 of the characters. One means "country" ( 国) and another two together means "university" (大学, the first is "big" and the second has something to do with learning). Cool, eh?

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So, I live in a triplex. The neighbor smokes. It used to only be an issue of us being contaminated in winter since he'd smoke more indoors, which would seep into our apartment. 

He has unfortunately been diagnosed with lung cancer and has been undergoing treatment for a couple of months. You'd think the smoking would cut back. If anything, it's increased because he stays inside more.

I'm using an inhaler almost daily. I always have headaches. My eyes were burning this morning and my nose started to run as I was working. The smoke is starting to come in through the kitchen cabinets and not just the back room! This is getting ridiculous. 

We've lived here 15 years and it's never been this bad. I would like to say something, but it is his apartment. We've closed up every hole we could find already.

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Ugh, that stinks Renai.    I'd have to move, wouldn't be able to take it with my asthma.   I grew up with a mother who smoked and I just can't stand to be around it.

At my mammo appointment today, she offered a device that had a plus sign and a minus sign on it.  The idea is that you can hit the minus sign if things were getting too uncomfortable, or the plus sign if you were okay with continuing.  My comment was just "can't you just say Ouch?", although I understand some people may be reluctant to say anything.  I declined to use the little device.

So if you don't like to say anything in those situations, would you be more likely to use a device like that?  Or do you think it's ridiculous when you are in a room alone with someone and can just say something to use a device?

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