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[emoji322][emoji512]Happy Birthday, Susan's DD [emoji512][emoji322]


I did not do any planning for this week, so I spent the morning doing that. Everything in the schedule is so uncertain; it makes me crazy. I can't just say, "I'm going to do Y and Z on this day." Because before I can do Y or Z, X needs to happen. And X is out of my control. So basically, I just have to wait and then try to fit everything in. I hate that. I'm much too type A for this.


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I'm slowly getting through the day's school work. I caught up French vocabulary cards and Latin cards, did my lessons and now I get to play with some grammar during lunch. Housekeeping in going. Almost caught up with the laundry. I put the boys in charge of one unload/load on the dishes per day. Because eating more makes more dishes.

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I keep procrastinating balancing the checkbook and paying bills - I think because I cannot stand to be interrupted and I can never find a time when I can rule out interruptions.  Like I really want everyone else to leave the house before I work on it.  


Do y'all have any tasks like that or quirks about doing tasks you don't like that become an obstacle to getting it done?  


(Not asking you to solve my problem, just commiserate.....)  




Satan invented filing.

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I don't like making phone calls, and yet I'm happy to do it, and prefer to do it when I need answers to questions. BUT, if I'm going to be required to remember a date or deal with numbers, I really, really, really hate making that call. I get a block on dates, and if they are not written down in front of me, I will be paralyzed on the phone. It's truly ridiculous.

Yes, I have to write down specific or important information before I make a call. You think it's because of different parts of the brain for remembering vs communicating or something.

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Yes, I have to write down specific or important information before I make a call. You think it's because of different parts of the brain for remembering vs communicating or something.

I think it is because some part of me is still rebelling against learning dates and strings of numbers. :D

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We survived the dentist!!


The littlest mouth has two more cavities.  She will need sedation to get those filled.  #uncooperative


We had pizza for lunch, including gf extra green pepper for me.  :)


And I have a massage scheduled for tonight.


Right now, though, I need a nap.

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Maybe it wasn't in the food at all. Maybe it was just some roach allergy or something else environmental. 


I very rarely break out in hives. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with food. I am allergic to everything in the environment though - dustmites, tree and grass pollen, mold spores, anything with fur or feathers, and probably some other stuff I'm not currently thinking of. It's not as bad since I've had allergy shots (the allergies in general... the hives are really random, and like I said very rare, but don't seem to have changed in frequency, I think). I should probably move to Mars or something.


How old were you when this started? I would've thought DS would react to something more obvious sooner (we have a long-haired cat, live directly beneath enormous pine trees, etc.) if it were environmental. But I've never had hives in my life, so I don't know much about this.

The ped said go directly to an allergist. I'll confer with DH about insurance and then set something up.



Hugs to little WeaponX. Maybe time for some holiday and cultural studies, such as The Muppets' Christmas Carol?

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How old were you when this started? I would've thought DS would react to something more obvious sooner (we have a long-haired cat, live directly beneath enormous pine trees, etc.) if it were environmental. But I've never had hives in my life, so I don't know much about this.

The ped said go directly to an allergist. I'll confer with DH about insurance and then set something up.



The hives? Probably as a teen. When I say "really rare", I mean it... like maybe once a year or so on average, maybe even less. For all I know, they could just be stress or who knows what. My normal allergy stuff is eczema and hay fever type stuff. 

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I have nothing to say. I’m tired. Got DS to the Student Center at church. They have “hang-out†time from 3-5 on Mondays. I want to work on my Christmas letter (I went to the post office this morning and got stamps when DS was at the orthodontist), but I have so much other stuff to do, like attack the mountain of laundry on my bed. 😩

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I have nothing to say. I’m tired. Got DS to the Student Center at church. They have “hang-out†time from 3-5 on Mondays. I want to work on my Christmas letter (I went to the post office this morning and got stamps when DS was at the orthodontist), but I have so much other stuff to do, like attack the mountain of laundry on my bed. 😩

If you put the laundry back in the hamper to be rewashed, then you can ignore it for a little longer. Not that I’ve ever done that. Edited by ikslo
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My eyesight got blurry at work today. If I mention blurry eyesight again in, say, the next six months, make me go get my eyes checked, okay? I think I’m just tired. Or the lights were bright. Or I have a tumor.

Or you need to get your blood pressure checked.

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DS is making dinner. (Yay for scouting requirements!) I took the pizza out of the hot oven for him, but now he's making salad and I've left the room.


I feel that really good bread doesn't need butter.

Edited by whitehawk
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Or you need to get your blood pressure checked.

It was, rather recently. It’s on the low end of normal.


My eyesight was bad for like thirty minutes. And then it was fine. It was really scary though. Because I basically could not focus the lower right quadrant of my vision. The distortion was curved, and kept moving around. Didn’t matter if I covered an eye - like it wasn’t either eye, but how my brain was processing stuff, if that makes any sense, lol.

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DS is making dinner. (Yay for scouting requirements!) I took the pizza out of the hot oven for him, but now he's making salad and I've left the room.


I feel that really good bread doesn't need butter.

I agree. However, I also feel that really good butter doesn’t need bread.
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I’m really struggling with negativity lately.

I was down all day. Like want to crawl back into the bed kind of down. I got a lot done, found the stuff I was looking for in my decluttering of one corner of my desk, and the boys were perfect little turtles today. No negativity out of them whatsoever. And I had to keep biting my lip all day to keep from saying something spiteful just because I felt bad. 

DH let me lean on him and promised me a foot rub. :001_wub:

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Better your hips than mine!

Well, I was really only saying that to make you feel better. I only had one slice. Well, it was half a slice of Pane Turano Italian bread, which equals about a normal slice. I also had steak and veggies and rice, so I’m rather full. Of course, the rice plus bread is probably just as bad for my hips as another slice would have been, so...

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