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Come to think of it, I don't think I had Celery copy any workbook stuff in 3rd grade either... I think I started having him copy stuff in a separate notebook in 4th grade (maybe even not until the 2nd half of 4th grade, I think). 

Edited by luuknam
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Celery is advanced, right?  Please tell me he is so I can stop feeling like my kid is behind.



Celery is all over the place, advanced in some things, behind in others, on track in, er, nothing? Broccoli is pretty uniformly advanced. Which is why he's both 6 and legally in 2nd grade (born just before NYS's Dec cut-off) and practically mostly 3rd grade-ish.

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Warning:  Complaining ahead.  Feel free to skip.


I feel like I should add this line to my signature:





I am so tired of these headaches.  They started once a month in Spring 2015.  In December 2015 they became nearly daily.  In Spring 2017 they became nearly constant.


No OTC meds seem to help.  I won't take opioids.  I tried several preventative meds and they helped but caused terrible side effects.


Maybe I need to try essential oils.   :blink:


My next stop is massage.  Then maybe a chiropractor.  Then maybe Botox (which people keep suggesting to me).


After doing some reading this week, I'm beginning to think that the headaches might be caused by arthritis in my neck. 



Venting over.  :)





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Nothing helped mine, really, when I had two or three years of daily migraines. The best massages for them were from our aesthetician. We had one in our office. She would massage my shoulders, neck, and back of head while I was lying on my back. Versus on my belly at the masseuse, which just made me feel worse. Hugs to you!!


Yes, this is the kind of massage that I get.  I just need to schedule it more often.  And the young lady is wonderful.  I'm friends with her mom and I've known her since she was 9 or 10.  She's very relaxing and I feel very comfortable with her.

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Procrastination is what always gets me in the end...  :leaving:


Junie, if you think it might be arthritic, would arthritis meds maybe help?


I'm on arthritis meds (a weekly injectable).  I'm wondering if they can do an x-ray or an mri to see if there is arthritis progression in my neck and if so would a chiropractor help.  I need to call my rheumatologist to find out if she can do anything.

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Warning:  Complaining ahead.  Feel free to skip.


I feel like I should add this line to my signature:





I am so tired of these headaches.  They started once a month in Spring 2015.  In December 2015 they became nearly daily.  In Spring 2017 they became nearly constant.


No OTC meds seem to help.  I won't take opioids.  I tried several preventative meds and they helped but caused terrible side effects.


Maybe I need to try essential oils.   :blink:


My next stop is massage.  Then maybe a chiropractor.  Then maybe Botox (which people keep suggesting to me).


After doing some reading this week, I'm beginning to think that the headaches might be caused by arthritis in my neck. 



Venting over.  :)

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I'm on arthritis meds (a weekly injectable).  I'm wondering if they can do an x-ray or an mri to see if there is arthritis progression in my neck and if so would a chiropractor help.  I need to call my rheumatologist to find out if she can do anything.


They can absolutely do X-rays or MRIs on your neck.  BTDT. :)


ETA: Booyah

Edited by kbeal
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Oh, I wanna be like luuknam! I'm going to open a new tab and start from the beginning.


I'm mostly asking because things are difficult in my house at present, and my comments will probably reflect that, and I don't wanna be the downer of ITT, ya know?


Thanks for the rundown. Can't wait to meet the staff. 🤘



This is a place where you can come and get hugs when you are feeling down.  Here are some for just because:   :grouphug:  :grouphug:



Rodrigo!  Bring Bookworm a welcome basket!  Don't forget the chocolate!

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I'm having Amy's kale & quinoa soup for lunch.  If I don't report back, it's because I died.  I kinda once said I would die before I would eat kale soup.  The pantry is emptying out, though, and I have been avoiding pasta & bread again.



Obviously you will report back.  Because RULES.   :toetap05:  :toetap05:  :toetap05:



Bookworm, that's another rule: no dying.

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Why is it that the more behind I am, the more time that I spend here? :glare:



We have discussed this before, after my own failed experiment with leaving ITT for a while.  You come here for sanity, friendship, and because without ITT your life will spiral out of control even faster.  ITT grounds us, centers us, and helps us deal with all of the behind and everything.




It is the mark of a healthy mind to turn here when behind.  So, good girl!

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No.  Cuz I have an irrational dislike of Marie Kondo but like CM. 


:laugh: I would love to see Konmari's philosophy evolve after having a husband and children.  I'm pretty sure she doesn't even have a dog or cat.  


But owning/providing quality items to these real little persons that actually spark joy in the learning process... I don't know, maybe their ideas may intersect there? 

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I have had 3 productive mornings in a row.  I've tweaked my schedule and am now doing this round-robin thing where I do a mini kitchen chore - then a laundry chore  and then a school or grading chore.  (You can see the actual accomplishments on my tackle thread but that's not the point of my post here.)  The point is that I'm dying here even while I'm really pleased at being productive.  This really isn't that hard or strenuous but I'm seriously fatigued and in pain doing that much.  I'm going to do what I did yesterday at this point - get some lunch and then rest for an hour and a half.  I really really really hate fibro.  Dh and I got in an argument yesterday about fibro where he touted a local doctor's opinion that if people with fibro just sucked it up and did more aerobic conditioning and strength training, that they would be just fine.  I never swear (I have Spudz as my designated swearer) but I actually swore a bit in that conversation. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



HECTOR!  Go explain to Jean's DH about fibro.  Firmly, but nicely.  Yes, you can use the taffy.

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Trigger warning! Edpo! Reported!


Celery finished the Beginning Outlining book AND the Great Courses Cybersecurity lectures today. And I had him write a review of the latter. We obviously need to work on how to write a review, but, it was an opportunity to practice his typing skills irl (as opposed to typing lessons and Burning Cargo). 


As a side note, since I have two kids, I keep having Celery write answers to workbook questions in a separate notebook, but let Broccoli just write in the workbook. Wondering if I should change that. I think it's good for Celery to practice writing answers in a separate notebook, but I'm basically denying Broccoli that learning opportunity. That said, I don't know that there's a need to work on that at 6yo. #overthinkingthings (brought to you by the fact that Broccoli is on page 10 of that Beginning Outlining book Celery just finished (which is for grades 3-4, so remedial for Celery, who will continue with the Outlining book for grades 5-8 next week... but it really stands out when they're both working in the same book at the same time and one needs to copy and the other just writes in the book... I could have Broccoli just copy it as well, but I think he'd struggle too much if I did that... fairness vs practicality... at least Celery isn't complaining (thus far)))



:hurray:  :hurray:   Good job, Celery!

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Warning:  Complaining ahead.  Feel free to skip.


I feel like I should add this line to my signature:





I am so tired of these headaches.  They started once a month in Spring 2015.  In December 2015 they became nearly daily.  In Spring 2017 they became nearly constant.


No OTC meds seem to help.  I won't take opioids.  I tried several preventative meds and they helped but caused terrible side effects.


Maybe I need to try essential oils.   :blink:


My next stop is massage.  Then maybe a chiropractor.  Then maybe Botox (which people keep suggesting to me).


After doing some reading this week, I'm beginning to think that the headaches might be caused by arthritis in my neck. 



Venting over.  :)



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Maybe you should have your head examined?  Well, that didn't come out right.


Maybe you have a tumor.  No, I don't have a tumor!  (Movie reference)


Head imaging?



Though I do recommend massage....

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:laugh: I would love to see Konmari's philosophy evolve after having a husband and children. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even have a dog or cat.


But owning/providing quality items to these real little persons that actually spark joy in the learning process... I don't know, maybe their ideas may intersect there?

Or being poor. Does this coat spark joy? No, it's hideous. Then throw it away. Are you crazy? It's November! I won't have money for a new coat until 2019!
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I had this thought that it's not even 4:00 and the afternoon is going so well! And then I remembered that I cancelled all lesson-related activities for the afternoon, including story time. Go Me!



:hurray:  :hurray:

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Yes, this is the kind of massage that I get.  I just need to schedule it more often.  And the young lady is wonderful.  I'm friends with her mom and I've known her since she was 9 or 10.  She's very relaxing and I feel very comfortable with her.



Obviously you need more of this!

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