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Nobody is taking this thread seriously!!



An hour and a half?? Nobody is taking this thread seriously!


I finished The Ukrainian and Russian Notebooks (or something along those lines) by Igort. Depressing read, btw. I returned it to the library. I went to the store. I made 'dinner'... cinnamon rolls with buttercream icing, and cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing. In my defense, I at least fed everyone *something*, and at a reasonable hour at that. DW spent 4 hours playing Pandemic with the kids while I did that, and while I put away dishes afterward, and did dishes, and put away dishes, and cleaned up a little.


And now I've been researching the TPMS light on the car and whether it's going to be an issue for inspection, etc (it's not the low tire pressure light... it's a different light). It looks like it should not be an issue for inspection in NY (but, allegedly would be an issue, in say, CT), but since we're planning on putting on 2 more new tires and rotate the remaining two, it probably would make sense to replace the sensors while they're doing that, since it should be trivial, labor-wise, if you're replacing the tires anyway (apparently the batteries of the TPMS thing die after 8 or so years according to the internet, and they're not replaceable... have to replace the entire sensors). That would likely take care of the light (it's a 2009 model, so, odds are it is the batteries of the TPMS sensors). The internet seems to suggest that a set of 4 sensors (one for each tire) is about $160? So, with 2 more new tires, and rotation, I'm guessing $350-$400? 

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Oh, and I spent some time reading The House Husband, which is less depressing. For one, it's fiction. For two(?), many fewer people die. 


ETA: I haven't finished it yet though, but it's a detective novel or w/e... not comparable to pre-WWII Soviet Union reality.

Edited by luuknam
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I decided that today would be the day to switch out summer clothes for winter ones.


Each week I have a different child in charge of the kids' laundry.  This week was dd13's turn.  


Dd13 did 9 loads of laundry today!  WILLINGLY!!


After about the sixth load I told her that the rest could wait until next week and someone else would finish it.  She said that she wanted to finish it herself.


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


Does she like to travel?

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Good morning!


Busy day today. Ds12 is playing cello for church services for the first time - we'll see how it goes. I'll be right next to him with the violin so can keep any eye on him. :D Right after the second service we have to drive to The Big City for a cello lesson. Then he has been invited (with the girls) to play at a friend's house for a little while.


Must find Pantz and have some breakfast and



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Good morning!


Busy day today. Ds12 is playing cello for church services for the first time - we'll see how it goes. I'll be right next to him with the violin so can keep any eye on him. :D Right after the second service we have to drive to The Big City for a cello lesson. Then he has been invited (with the girls) to play at a friend's house for a little while.


Must find Pantz and have some breakfast and



No string instruments in choich. It's unbiblical. Back when Brazilian missionary friend was a minor she played a guitar for a special or whatever you call it when someone sings alone. We had a couple walk out and never return. They had been church members for like 30 years. They go to the legalist church now.

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Good Morning!!


About the laundry:  It took about 12 hours.  She just get rotating it through.


Two of the loads of laundry were summer clothes.  I put those in storage bags.  The rest of the laundry is in the hallway waiting to be put away.  We don't fold clothes here.  Clothes either get hung up or shoved in drawers.  :)


And now dd9 is complaining that she doesn't have anything to wear.  Dd13 just gave her the what for.

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No string instruments in choich. It's unbiblical. Back when Brazilian missionary friend was a minor she played a guitar for a special or whatever you call it when someone sings alone. We had a couple walk out and never return. They had been church members for like 30 years. They go to the legalist church now.

They say there was a sacred chord

That David played, which pleased the Lord,

But you don't really care for music, do ya?


That's kind of intense.

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No string instruments in choich. It's unbiblical. Back when Brazilian missionary friend was a minor she played a guitar for a special or whatever you call it when someone sings alone. We had a couple walk out and never return. They had been church members for like 30 years. They go to the legalist church now.

But doesn't the Bible talk about making music on the harp and the lyre? I think those are stringed instruments.
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Ya know, I'm trying to imagine how many hours it takes to do 9 loads of laundry.... 



About 21 hours (for the washing part... so, 22 hours if you include drying that last load, so, maybe about 22.5 hours for all done). Of course, I also don't know how one would find enough stuff for 9 loads, unless there was an outbreak of lice or something and EVERYTHING needed to be washed. 


More realistic scenario is that some loads were delicates or w/e, which take less time. But still. That's a lot of loads, and more loads than I average per week (DW does her own laundry, but even if she didn't, I still wouldn't average 9/week). 

Edited by luuknam
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No string instruments in choich. It's unbiblical. Back when Brazilian missionary friend was a minor she played a guitar for a special or whatever you call it when someone sings alone. We had a couple walk out and never return. They had been church members for like 30 years. They go to the legalist church now.


Wait, where in the bible does it ban those?


Well, I was going to reply, but I made the mistake of reading the other replies first.


I'm guessing that "Try not to commit murder today" is not exactly in keeping with the tone of the thread.


Please do. Some posts have gotten too much into whether things are methods, convictions, or philosophy.


Even pianos have strings. They are just sneakier about it.



I don't recall ever seeing a piano in a church though. Organs, yes, pianos, no. Organs don't have strings. They are really old though... much older than I would've guessed (they were around in biblical times). 

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About 21 hours (for the washing part... so, 22 hours if you include drying that last load, so, maybe about 22.5 hours for all done). Of course, I also don't know how one would find enough stuff for 9 loads, unless there was an outbreak of lice or something and EVERYTHING needed to be washed. 


More realistic scenario is that some loads were delicates or w/e, which take less time. But still. That's a lot of loads, and more loads than I average per week (DW does her own laundry, but even if she didn't, I still wouldn't average 9/week). 


About 30 minutes for the washer and about an hour for the dryer.  Just keep moving the laundry through.


The only reason we had that much laundry is because we took all of the kids' winter clothes out of storage.  I like to have them washed before anyone wears them.

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I'm overweight! Yay!


(I was trying to look up how much I weighed a few years ago, and found something from 4 years ago where I wrote that I wanted to weigh less than 174 (191 at the time), since that would take me out of the obese range, and in the overweight range. I verified with a calculator, and yes.... the 173.8 I weighed this morning (I even moved the scale around some to verify) is indeed in the overweight range. Woohoo! I'm going to guess that means this is the lightest I've been since moving to NY... I recall being excited about being below 170 at some point, but that must've been between Celery and Broccoli's births, I guess)

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About 30 minutes for the washer and about an hour for the dryer. Just keep moving the laundry through.


The only reason we had that much laundry is because we took all of the kids' winter clothes out of storage. I like to have them washed before anyone wears them.

Same here but my children are fewer and smaller and our weather is less extreme. I don't look forward to more clothes.
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Dh made french toast and strawberry smoothies. :wub:


I think I might break out the Lingua Latina later today. I think one of the reasons my brain is rebelling againsy Henle is I just feel like I cannot learn another term for military leader.


I listened to The Coffe Break French podcast yesterday. Beautiful French being taught by a Scot. ðŸ˜. I think I might start using it with dd and having oldest do the Spanish one.


I agree.  

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The only reason we had that much laundry is because we took all of the kids' winter clothes out of storage.  I like to have them washed before anyone wears them.


I agree. And I sometimes use a shorter wash cycle for that situation, so it'd take only 10 hours or so (because, yes, that dryer just ain't going to be faster no matter how short I make the wash cycle).


Basketball is better.



I agree. However, Celery does not. Of course, with his height varying between the 5th and the 10th percentile, basketball is not the ideal sport for him anyway...

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I rested on the bed and read another Ellis Peter's mystery. I'm reworking a chapter that I don't like and need to improve. And doing laundry.

I still need to do some school planning and eat something for lunch. And see if DH managed to get the brush-pile lit. I asked for a fire, but I meant one in the fireplace this evening--not burn the brush-pile.

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I think I might break out the Lingua Latina later today. I think one of the reasons my brain is rebelling againsy Henle is I just feel like I cannot learn another term for military leader.


I love Henle. I actually kind of like the more militaristic aspect. I have no idea why.
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I'm doing my last load. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it, no matter how many sweaty things come back wanting their ashy, smoky clothes washed. :D



Your sweaty things are old enough to do their own laundry.


Trigger warning. Edpo. Reported! 


The other night I gave a US history lesson at 3:30am about Roanoke, because DW was watching the third episode of the 6th season of American Horror Story - that season is titled Roanoke, and I made some comment about that I thought they *had* found some of the buildings, and she was like 'huh?'. Turns out the only Roanoke she knew of is in Virginia. Somehow she completely didn't know about the missing colony?!  :svengo:

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My 3 loads of laundry for the week are washed, dried, folded, and put away.


I tried to wash the tub. Meaning I sprayed it, went downstairs to fold the last load, and brought it up to find DH showering. I asked if he had noticed the curtain pulled up, the tub plugged, and everything coated in cleaner. Nope. He had wondered why I left the tub plugged, but just went about with his shower. Women do weird things, nothing to see here! :LOL: SMH

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