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I feel bad for not checking in sooner. I didn't mean to worry y'all; it's just been a little crazy.



No need - if it'd been me, I could easily have been radio silent for a week (see eclipse trip as an example, though realistically, I would've taken my laptop with me if we were evacuating). 

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But then we worry.



My post was mostly to make Lana feel better about not checking in sooner. It was not a surprise storm, and Lana hadn't posted that she was stubbornly going to ride it out no matter what or w/e, so I wasn't too worried... I just figured that it can be kind of hectic evacuating, or kind of lacking the electricity required to post if there's a power outage. I just don't think posting to the board is the number one priority in events like this. 

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We got some pics of our little beach town. There's lots of branches and debris but no major wind damage. Our home is still well above the water line, but flooding is still a concern as the rains continue. All utilities are out.

The worst is just sitting here waiting. In a very full house. I'm stressed and peopled out and have no idea when we can go home.


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We're okay. We had to evacuate to my moms in San Antonio, but we're all safe. I don't know about my house yet.


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Yay, Lana checked in!  Glad you are all okay.  How are things in SA?



After a number of hours of relative calm we are now getting another storm band lined up to run over us for a while.  We will have to see what kind of sleep we get tonight.

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We got some pics of our little beach town. There's lots of branches and debris but no major wind damage. Our home is still well above the water line, but flooding is still a concern as the rains continue. All utilities are out.

The worst is just sitting here waiting. In a very full house. I'm stressed and peopled out and have no idea when we can go home.


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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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My father used to take me and my sister to the (very large) county fair every year.*  My stepmother's friend owned a food stand, so my father and step-mother would go to the fair to work with her.  My sister and I had to sit around the whole day.  Not very much fun at all. 


Occasionally he would play a couple of the (ripoff) games to try to win us a prize.  And we would go to see some of the animals.  And I guess my stepmother's friend fed us lunch.


I wish he would have just skipped his visitation rights that week and let us stay home.



*Pennsylvania doesn't have a state fair.  But, then, Pennsylvania isn't actually a state, either.  ;)

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My father used to take me and my sister to the (very large) county fair every year.* My stepmother's friend owned a food stand, so my father and step-mother would go to the fair to work with her. My sister and I had to sit around the whole day. Not very much fun at all.


Occasionally he would play a couple of the (ripoff) games to try to win us a prize. And we would go to see some of the animals. And I guess my stepmother's friend fed us lunch.


I wish he would have just skipped his visitation rights that week and let us stay home.



*Pennsylvania doesn't have a state fair. But, then, Pennsylvania isn't actually a state, either. ;)

No, but we have farm shows and butter sculptures. So I hear.
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No, but we have farm shows and butter sculptures. So I hear.


True.  But I don't equate the farm show with a fair since it is held in the middle of January.

Although if they have funnel cake, it might be ok.  Any time is a good time for funnel cake.   :D

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Checking in.  At our house we are still well above all water except that falling from the clouds.  We are in the deluge, but our neighborhood is still draining well.


Morning news is full of the mess Houston, Harris County, and several other counties have.  911 cannot keep up with the calls.  The responders can't get to everyone--simply cannot reach them, and have more calls than they can address. They are in major triage mode, trying to determine who they can help without losing any more vehicles themselves. People are being advised on air that if their house is flooding to get on top of the roof--do NOT go into the attic (people can get trapped there and drown if the water gets high enough).  Yes, they are advised to get on top of the roof in the deluge.  This advice was immediately followed by advice on where to go if a tornado threatens--lowest level of the house, interior room.  Luckily the chance of tornadoes spawning has greatly reduced.


The reporters say that places that have never flooded are flooding.  After the storm it will have to be determined which flooded due to drainages overflowing, and which were simply accumulation in place of all that rain.  It makes a difference when it comes to insurance.



My outside-addicted cat has decided to go out because the deluge has abated to a heavy rain.  She can huddle on the doorstep and only get a little damp, so I'll let her do that for a bit and then see if she's ready to come back in.  I think she wants DH to go back to the garage and start working there again so she can hang out there.  A garage with a partially open door is a good compromise for being outside when it's this wet, at least for the cat.



For part of our honeymoon week DH and I were in Hilo, Hawaii.  We got there just before a massive storm hit--30 inches of rain in less than 24 hours.  Hilo flooded.  There were people sitting on the roofs of two-story houses, watching their neighbor's trailer houses floating by.  This is beginning to feel a little like that.

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I don't have to clear debris from the driveway drain because DH took the grate off.  As long as I see a small whirlpool from the window I know it is good and draining.  If it does need clearing we have rain suits--jackets AND pants--and water shoes.  A pair of waders does sound like a nice addition to the rain wardrobe right now.

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Just checking in. Tropical Storm Harvey is dumping mega inches of rain even here in Central Texas (I'm over 200 miles from the coast). Five inches in my back yard so far. I'm going to have to brave the weather to go to the grocery store, but it's less than a mile away so I should be ok--no flooding between me and the store, no big trees to fall in the road. Other than a couple of leaky windows, we're safe and dry.

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I have a tab kept open to ABC 13 Houston and it keeps coming on live to give updates. What a mess. People that went out were being told to just stay on the freeway because they couldn't find a safe exit- they were flooded. It looked like one news van was driving in several inches of water- on the freeway! They were trying to get back to the news office coming back from the coast. This was last night. What a mess.

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Good morning!


Stay strong, Texas! Our prayers are with you.


Thank you for checking in, Ellie! I have been wondering about you and the rain and etc. How is hula?


Stayed home from church this morning. I felt OK until I sat up and my head tried to explode.





:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Rest and get better.

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I have a tab kept open to ABC 13 Houston and it keeps coming on live to give updates. What a mess. People that went out were being told to just stay on the freeway because they couldn't find a safe exit- they were flooded. It looked like one news van was driving in several inches of water- on the freeway! They were trying to get back to the news office coming back from the coast. This was last night. What a mess.


That's my usual news station.


Houston has a lot of underpasses and overpasses, and when highways cross one simply has to go under.  Add in the spaghetti connectors between and the feeder roads and there are plenty of roads to flood in spots.  It is easy to get trapped between two spots of rising water on the freeway -- you encounter one, try to back up to an exit, and encounter another that started flooding behind you.  I was stuck on a bus for 5 hours once when we got stuck that way.


All of the news stations have crews out trying to report on certain key areas.  They like drama, so they happily report on it when they simply cannot return to the station.  That's okay, so long as they model the safe behavior and don't go driving into the water.  What I did find sobering was the pizza driver whose car got caught in a flash flood on the road when he was trying to get back to his pizza place (had completed a delivery).  His car flooded fairly close, so he walked the rest of the way back, only to discover his pizza place and strip mall were hit by a small tornado.  Still standing and everyone safe (customers and staff took shelter in the walk-in cooler), but windows shattered and everything a general mess.  This was yesterday evening, after a lengthy lull.


I channel-surfed a little this morning.  Channel 11's news studio started getting water inside, so they were going to move upstairs for rudimentary broadcasting.  One of the officials at Metro (busses and light rail) was being interviewed on air by each news station in turn -- the poor guy had to repeat the same information at least 4 times in succession so each station could interview him themselves, asking the same questions.

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Good morning!


Stay strong, Texas! Our prayers are with you.


Thank you for checking in, Ellie! I have been wondering about you and the rain and etc. How is hula?


Stayed home from church this morning. I felt OK until I sat up and my head tried to explode.




We can use the prayers. :-)


Hula is still going well. I'm pleased with their progress, and they all still seem to enjoy the class because they keep coming back, lol.


Sorry about your poor head. Here...you need the bunny slippers...



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I'm up. Grocery list being made. I still feel pretty sleepy, despite sleeping well. I might attempt a nap again later. In the meantime, I'm going to write another 1000 words or more on the sequel to my story and think about fresh fantasy projects I could get into. One of them is the short story, and there's a second one bouncing around that I ought to plot out.

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That's my usual news station.


Houston has a lot of underpasses and overpasses, and when highways cross one simply has to go under. Add in the spaghetti connectors between and the feeder roads and there are plenty of roads to flood in spots. It is easy to get trapped between two spots of rising water on the freeway -- you encounter one, try to back up to an exit, and encounter another that started flooding behind you. I was stuck on a bus for 5 hours once when we got stuck that way.


All of the news stations have crews out trying to report on certain key areas. They like drama, so they happily report on it when they simply cannot return to the station. That's okay, so long as they model the safe behavior and don't go driving into the water. What I did find sobering was the pizza driver whose car got caught in a flash flood on the road when he was trying to get back to his pizza place (had completed a delivery). His car flooded fairly close, so he walked the rest of the way back, only to discover his pizza place and strip mall were hit by a small tornado. Still standing and everyone safe (customers and staff took shelter in the walk-in cooler), but windows shattered and everything a general mess. This was yesterday evening, after a lengthy lull.


I channel-surfed a little this morning. Channel 11's news studio started getting water inside, so they were going to move upstairs for rudimentary broadcasting. One of the officials at Metro (busses and light rail) was being interviewed on air by each news station in turn -- the poor guy had to repeat the same information at least 4 times in succession so each station could interview him themselves, asking the same questions.

I saw that about the pizza guy! Imagine if his car was able to get there and he got there too early...


And that poor metro guy should have just called it a press conference and answered everything thing once.It's already overwhelming, and to have nonconsiderate reporters trying to get their own story...please.

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I'm up. Grocery list being made. I still feel pretty sleepy, despite sleeping well. I might attempt a nap again later. In the meantime, I'm going to write another 1000 words or more on the sequel to my story and think about fresh fantasy projects I could get into. One of them is the short story, and there's a second one bouncing around that I ought to plot out.



Louisiana is getting a bunch of rain, too, and it's moving into southern Arkansas.  As Harvey starts eastward in the coming days keep an eye on your weather--you might start getting some dumpage where you are, too.

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I saw that about the pizza guy! Imagine if his car was able to get there and he got there too early...


And that poor metro guy should have just called it a press conference and answered everything thing once.It's already overwhelming, and to have nonconsiderate reporters trying to get their own story...please.



Yeah, that thought occurred to me, too.  He looked a little ragged, as if he had been up much of the night (which he probably was).  It could be someone else lined up the reporters and just told him whose turn it was.

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I have a tab kept open to ABC 13 Houston and it keeps coming on live to give updates. What a mess. People that went out were being told to just stay on the freeway because they couldn't find a safe exit- they were flooded. It looked like one news van was driving in several inches of water- on the freeway! They were trying to get back to the news office coming back from the coast. This was last night. What a mess.

It brings back memories of the 2010 Nashville flood - no one saw it coming. We got (only) 18ish inches of rain in 24 hours, and Texas is getting quite a bit more than that! The most memorable video is of Lighthouse Christian School floating down interstate 24.


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I made a list of freezer crockpot meals and got the groceries yesterday. I'll be doing all the prep and freezing today. I have enough for about 14 meals. I think. I figured I'd start small.



That's a good plan.  Easier not to overfill your freezer that way, and to get an idea of how long it will take you to do all the prep.

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It brings back memories of the 2010 Nashville flood - no one saw it coming. We got (only) 18ish inches of rain in 24 hours, and Texas is getting quite a bit more than that! The most memorable video is of Lighthouse Christian School floating down interstate 24.





Yeah, surprise floods are the worst.  I moved out of Ft. Collins, Co, one month before their surprise flood.  My friends lost nearly everything.

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It's only going to get into the 70s today, I think, so I am going to make chili for supper.



We have a lull in the rain again (just sprinkling), so I moved a fallen tree branch further out of our street.  The wood is VERY rotten.  It's from a volunteer willow that is growing around our street lamp (across the street from us).  I'll contact the city to ask who is responsible for getting the dead parts cut out of that tree -- it's in the road right of way AND at the corner of an empty lot.  I can ask them about it when I go to remind them that we still haven't gotten our blue pavement reflector for our fire hydrant.



Our cat was frustrated.  She wanted out again as soon as the rain started to slacken.  I saw her in an area of the yard she usually doesn't use for her business; I guess her usual spots were simply too soggy.  She was trying to cover her stuff up, but the St. Augustine grass wasn't cooperating.  She tried from several different directions before leaving the spot with an expression on her face very much like I've seen on women's faces when they leave a toilet stall in which the toilet refused to flush.  Maybe my cat will decide the litter box is worth it today.

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I need to stop watching and reading, but I have people in the area or close. I'm reading 13's fb page and a woman was saying how she was moving things into her attic because water was getting close. Then a couple of hours later took pictures of a foot of water in her house. People were encouraging her to call rescue then because it was going to take a while. She does have an ax and other tools to get through the roof "when the time comes," she said. There were people downplaying the seriousness of this yesterday.


My heart goes out to all.What I'm reading reminds me of Katrina.

Edited by Renai
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I need to stop watching and reading, but I have people in the area or close. I'm reading 13's fb page and a woman was saying how she was moving things into her attic because water was getting close. Then a couple of hours later took pictures of a foot of water in her house. People were encouraging her to call rescue then because it was going to take a while. She does have an ax and other tools to get through the roof "when the time comes," she said. There were people downplaying the seriousness of this yesterday.


My heart goes out to all.

I guess it shows my ignorance - I was wondering how on earth people would get up on the roofs of their houses - especially if you don't have a tall ladder. But if you have to cut your way out, then I guess that's what you do.

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Ds,Dd and I are not going to church this morning. I'm actually awake and have been since 6:30 but I am exhausted. And somehow my huge to-do list for home didn't shrink while I was at camp!


Today: clean gluten out of the fridge. And get new groceries so that we have stuff to eat.


Start deglutening the freezers.


Take foods to the food bank bin. Obviously I can't take frozen foods to the barrel outside the grocery store, but do you think that they would take some at the actual food bank?


Do tons and tons of laundry.


Make freezer gf breakfast sandwiches with Dd


Get Ds to put away the sleeping bags.



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Morning news is full of the mess Houston, Harris County, and several other counties have.  911 cannot keep up with the calls.  The responders can't get to everyone--simply cannot reach them, and have more calls than they can address. They are in major triage mode, trying to determine who they can help without losing any more vehicles themselves. People are being advised on air that if their house is flooding to get on top of the roof--do NOT go into the attic (people can get trapped there and drown if the water gets high enough).  Yes, they are advised to get on top of the roof in the deluge. 



Around here, we'd need something Noah's Ark-like in order to need to climb onto the roof, but, I have like, no idea how to get onto the roof of our house (other than maybe digging up our ladder, which doesn't sound like a great proposition in a storm with flooding). We've got tall ceilings, an upstairs neighbor, who probably has an attic as well, and then we're already a few feet off the ground to begin with with a covered porch - I'm thinking our ladder isn't *that* tall (absolutely would not be possible to put it on covered porch - it's sloped, and the floor boards of the porch are rotted in some spots, so I wouldn't trust the roof part either). (btw, I get that if the water is high enough, you could just swim onto the roof... but if it's that high you already need to be outside, as the highest windows are quite a bit below the roof line)


Anyway, glad to hear that you're still dry, and stay safe (you and Lana and Prairie and Ellie etc). 

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Good Morning!!!








Junie, how are you feeling today???


Texans, hugs and prayers continue.💦💦☔ï¸â˜”ï¸


We had a great day up at camp yesterday. It was hot, but still beautiful. I had some delicious blueberry pie and homemade Icecream. The meal at the banquet was delicious and the entertainment was the Shaw Family Band. Incredibly talented family (all homeschooled). They played country and gospel music, some original pieces. The girls were absolutely BA on the fiddles.

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Oh also a edpo to-do list: freak out because we still aren't done with the minimum for last year (which will be done at some point). And double freak out because I haven't ordered stuff for this year ( though I know what I am going to get). And triple freak out because I know that Dd isn't going to be able to just jump into all of this full throttle because she's still having symptoms (and I don't know how long before a gf diet will help her and if some of these issues will remain). That last sentence will probably prompt Critter to get out the red pencil but who worries about run-on sentences during a freak out?



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I guess it shows my ignorance - I was wondering how on earth people would get up on the roofs of their houses - especially if you don't have a tall ladder. But if you have to cut your way out, then I guess that's what you do.


You've got a point there. Though that would still require getting into the attic first... though if there's an imminent threat for our safety, I'd have no issues breaking the glass in the upstair's neighbor's window and climbing in that way (I'm sure she'd just let us in through the front door if she's home during an emergency like that). But again, the weather risks around here are 6'+ of snow and the occasional tornado, and in neither scenario would climbing onto the roof be a good idea. 


Oh also a edpo to-do list: freak out because we still aren't done with the minimum for last year (which will be done at some point). And double freak out because I haven't ordered stuff for this year ( though I know what I am going to get). And triple freak out because I know that Dd isn't going to be able to just jump into all of this full throttle because she's still having symptoms (and I don't know how long before a gf diet will help her and if some of these issues will remain). 



Once she's got her celiac under control though, odds are that she'll be able to do more work than she was used to doing the past couple of years (I'd imagine... I have no personal experience with this). 

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Oh also a edpo to-do list: freak out because we still aren't done with the minimum for last year (which will be done at some point). And double freak out because I haven't ordered stuff for this year ( though I know what I am going to get). And triple freak out because I know that Dd isn't going to be able to just jump into all of this full throttle because she's still having symptoms (and I don't know how long before a gf diet will help her and if some of these issues will remain). That last sentence will probably prompt Critter to get out the red pencil but who worries about run-on sentences during a freak out?



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Not at all. Run on sentences are a great way to show mood--overwhelmed, frustrated or in a hurry. Just like fragments convey choppy thought processes. Rapid movement. Action.



ETA: It's a she-only-wants-rules-so-she-can-break-em Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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