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Good Morning!!!








I slept horribly. Difficult DS and high school and iPads (his school requires them) and his complete irresponsibility had me in a panic attack all night long. And I would just get to the point where I could unclench my jaw and slightly relax enough to drift off to sleep when something would wake me up and it would start all over again.

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I got up early to listen to the 9yo breathe. She did snore for a little while. I think she might have momentarily stopped breathing, but it was weird bc it seemed like she stopped for a second in the middle of a breath OUT and kind of twitched. Her breaths out seem loud to me, like each one is a heavy sigh. But then I went around listening to the other kids trying to get perspective and 11yo and 2yo are snoring loudly, and 6yo is up in her bunk breathing so quietly I can't gear her at all, and of course since she's up there I can't get very close.

No wonder I can't sleep well when they're gone, the halleluiah chorus of snoring is suddenly switched off.


Gymnast snores too. I used to listen to her breath all the time since she was an infant because it seemed to me she would periodically stop breathing. I think it happened the other night, unless she did loud breath, loud breath, loud breath, loud breath, really really soft breath, loud breath. But I think she may have paused breathing. Should I do something about that?


I really would also like for to see a specialist because her mouth is too small for the teeth about to come in and chain dentist just says let her have a shark mouth before we do anything. Isn't there something they put in the mouth to help it grow or something? 

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I admit to having worn a denim jumper more than once. Also I had and loved my jean jackets. And Converse shoes. Sadly, big hair always eluded me. And I never got my ears pierced because pain and lazy.


There are clip-on hoops. :D

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Yeah, I just wear studs now bc I'm worried ds will get excited and tear an earlobe off if I wear my danglies.


That almost happened to me. Thankfully(?), the whole just got stretched a little out of proportion.  :glare: But it hurt.

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There are clip-on hoops.  :D


Tried those. They hurt and I couldn't stand them on my ears. And then my big hair was a flop, but thankfully the nineties came along with flannel shirts and messy hair, and I could rock that look.

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And here I go again. To cabin or not to cabin for camp NaNo? I really would like a cheering section this summer because it's going to be tough to hit my 50K. On the other hand, half the time I end up doing all the cheering and that takes too much of my time away from writing. Maybe I'll just post my word count daily here and let y'all do the cheering for me, because everyone here is an awesome cheerleader.  :hurray:

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I'll find it. Are you BFSUing?


I don't think so. Although Gymnast would go for pretty much anything I give her science-wise, I want to hit those areas she's shown particular interest and I failed to expand upon this year. That's why we're just getting to astronomy.  :leaving:

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And here I go again. To cabin or not to cabin for camp NaNo? I really would like a cheering section this summer because it's going to be tough to hit my 50K. On the other hand, half the time I end up doing all the cheering and that takes too much of my time away from writing. Maybe I'll just post my word count daily here and let y'all do the cheering for me, because everyone here is an awesome cheerleader.  :hurray:


I'll cheer you on!


I have some writing to do, too. I'm not sure how to set up goals though, because they're lesson plans. Maybe by unit...

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I have some writing to do, too. I'm not sure how to set up goals though, because they're lesson plans. Maybe by unit...


That sounds reasonable to me. Last camp I tracked by hours, but that wasn't effective for me as motivation. I need to have a set goal of what I want to do--whether it is a word count, a chapter, a scene. I don't do well with nebulous things like how many hours did you spend writing? I don't feel that I can count the hours I spend staring at a screen or working out a world-building detail on paper, and it gets messy tracking. So word count it is for this camp.

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I'll cheer you on!


I have some writing to do, too. I'm not sure how to set up goals though, because they're lesson plans. Maybe by unit...

I really need to seriously prepare for the women's tea that I am teaching st in two weeks. It has morphed to include three churches now. Tiny churches but the audience is getting larger with each group we invite.


I also need to seriously start writing my lessons for camp. Plus all the activities.

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I'm supposed to run errands today. I really don't want to drive to town. I wish the grocery store was closer.

I could probably get away with putting it off, but I know I shouldn't. Maybe I'll just make the list and go when DH gets home from work.


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I have fought with the printer and won, mostly.  Used book sale tags are printed.  Now I need to buy more tape.   :glare:   (Used book sales are expensive.   :laugh: )


We have some things getting checked on the A/C this morning.  No big deal, but kind of a pain because I would like to move on with my day.  




AMJ, can't wait to hear more about the pus pocket.   :D


Critter, we will definitely cheer you on!!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   


Dawn, nice to see you!  Hope things are going well.   :grouphug:


Spuds, is the tonsillectomy scheduled yet?  (Sorry if you told us and I forgot!)

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Gymnast snores too. I used to listen to her breath all the time since she was an infant because it seemed to me she would periodically stop breathing. I think it happened the other night, unless she did loud breath, loud breath, loud breath, loud breath, really really soft breath, loud breath. But I think she may have paused breathing. Should I do something about that?


I really would also like for to see a specialist because her mouth is too small for the teeth about to come in and chain dentist just says let her have a shark mouth before we do anything. Isn't there something they put in the mouth to help it grow or something? 



Renai--Some orthodontists offer free consultations and can recommend palate expanders, etc.  to help bring down later orthodontic costs.


Some of my kids do have shark mouths right now, but we've been really on top of looking at eruptions of permanent teeth and orientation.  We had two baby teeth pulled last week from ds11 because his permanent teeth were erupting cheekside because his baby teeth wouldn't release.  Being on top of that has saved us about $4k compared to having to do two-phase orthodontics.  We're just waiting for his 12 year molars to come in and then he will go into just one phase of braces.


FWIW, my orthodontist recommends a first visit at age 7-8.  He says that all 6 and 7 yo mouths look like train wrecks, but that by 7 or so you can see whether palate expanders or structural jaw work needs to be done.

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Youngest's apnea meant that she just wouldn't draw another breath. I would count 10-20 seconds between breaths. She was preemie--and it would cause her to go into bradycardia as well.  I know it's not the same as obstructive apnea...but my point is that you generally hear a distinct lack of breathing rather than a softer breath.


Spudater--did the Hem-Onc put her on prednisone to deal with the ITP?  Prednisone is crazy making.  Actually, generally speaking, any big medical thing has put my kids on edge for weeks as they try to understand what the heck is going on.  It gradually settles down as the new normal sets in.  

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I called the kids' dentist just after 8 AM and they are fitting DD13 in at 9:15 to see what's up with the pus pocket.  I have now awakened her and sent her to the shower.  She can have breakfast or not before we go -- her call -- but she needs a shower and I want her alert enough to talk to them about what is going on in her mouth.


DD15 will be woken up and made to get dressed before we go.



DD13 had been prescribed a Z-pac to get rid of the infection.  If things don't clear up completely in a week I am to take her to the orthodontist to have the Herbst that is currently in her mouth removed for a week to let things heal.  The dentist thinks it's something that got caught under the metal cap holding the appliance in that has caused the infection.  Apparently these things do happen from time to time, and having the appliance temporarily removed isn't unusual.

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I called the kids' dentist just after 8 AM and they are fitting DD13 in at 9:15 to see what's up with the pus pocket.  I have now awakened her and sent her to the shower.  She can have breakfast or not before we go -- her call -- but she needs a shower and I want her alert enough to talk to them about what is going on in her mouth.


DD15 will be woken up and made to get dressed before we go.



DD15 is also annoyed.  She was just 7 minutes into Encounter at Farpoint (first episodes of Star Trek TNG) when I got home from the pharmacy and made her go take a shower.

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We've reached the '80s. Get out your hairspray, neon colors and dangly earrings. And don't forget, denim is for more than just pantz. :)



Back then I always had a denim dress, and I quite liked them.  Since then I have always owned a denim skirt of some sort, though I rarely wear skirts now.  I should go try mine on to see where it is on the fitting-me scale.  It's a denim tulip skirt, and I'm rather fond of tulip skirts.


I also still have my concho belt from back then.  It was a cheap one, but I always liked it because the leather strap was quite thin, putting the bulk of the width in the conchos themselves.  I could slide those around to sit comfortably.  I rarely like belts because my short torso finds them restrictive.

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I admit to having worn a denim jumper more than once. Also I had and loved my jean jackets. And Converse shoes. Sadly, big hair always eluded me. And I never got my ears pierced because pain and lazy.



I liked men's jean jackets because they had more shoulder room and better sleeve angles.  I do still own one ladies' jean jacket that doesn't have a prayer of fitting me anymore -- my Aunt Janet painted a copy of Oscar Howe's The Wood Gatherer on the back of it for me.  It is one of my very favorite Oscar Howe paintings.


Here's an image of that painting:


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Just get one of the little ones you use in the kitchen.



DH doesn't smoke, but he likes to carry a little pocket torch because they come in handy.  They typically sell them through smoke shops -- tiny little butane blow torches!

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Good Morning!!!








I slept horribly. Difficult DS and high school and iPads (his school requires them) and his complete irresponsibility had me in a panic attack all night long. And I would just get to the point where I could unclench my jaw and slightly relax enough to drift off to sleep when something would wake me up and it would start all over again.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I hope you have some fun and relaxation playing with your VBS kids today.

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Gymnast snores too. I used to listen to her breath all the time since she was an infant because it seemed to me she would periodically stop breathing. I think it happened the other night, unless she did loud breath, loud breath, loud breath, loud breath, really really soft breath, loud breath. But I think she may have paused breathing. Should I do something about that?


I really would also like for to see a specialist because her mouth is too small for the teeth about to come in and chain dentist just says let her have a shark mouth before we do anything. Isn't there something they put in the mouth to help it grow or something? 



The orthodontist put an expander in DD13's mouth for several months for precisely this reason (and one DNephew14 will also be getting one soon).  If you can afford to (or your insurance will cover it) take her to an orthodontist for a preliminary check-out-the-situation visit.  They could better tell you when appropriate orthodontic measures can be taken, and then you can start planning and saving.  I have no idea if she's too young yet or not.

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There are clip-on hoops. :D



They pinch.  Or fall off.



DD15 wants ear cuffs for her birthday.  She's irritated at me because when Grandma starts asking about what they are I describe the ones sold at Ren Fest in the 1990s -- C-shaped things that wrapped around the base of the ear (where it attaches to the head), with danglies on both ends (I liked those and would actually wear them from time to time).  What DD15 actually wants are the tiny slit-ring-type circles that one wears on the edge of the upper cartilage of the ear.

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Tried those. They hurt and I couldn't stand them on my ears. And then my big hair was a flop, but thankfully the nineties came along with flannel shirts and messy hair, and I could rock that look.



I love flannel shirts!  Flannel shirts and jeans!  And hiking boots!

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And here I go again. To cabin or not to cabin for camp NaNo? I really would like a cheering section this summer because it's going to be tough to hit my 50K. On the other hand, half the time I end up doing all the cheering and that takes too much of my time away from writing. Maybe I'll just post my word count daily here and let y'all do the cheering for me, because everyone here is an awesome cheerleader.  :hurray:



Go, Critter, go!  

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I am so sick of trying to figure out what to feed my family. My husband doesn't like casseroles or one-pot dinners. He does like fish (which I hate) and spicy things (which the boys won't eat). Weapon X doesn't like anything with a sauce on it, and both boys prefer to eat with their fingers rather than a fork. Nobody will eat pasta (which is my favorite). And lately, I couldn't care less about cooking. Nobody will like it anyway.

I need to find an awesome meal plan that is easy and delicious and feeds everyone.


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Well, I started listening to the breathing bc dd's tonsils are REALLY swollen and we went to the ENT and he asked us to. He said the swollen tonsils can cause breathing problems at night which lead to less restful sleep which can cause kids to be overemotional, tired, spacey, ADHD-like symptoms, etc. Dd has been extra emotional and mrs piggle wiggle character level slow lately, but it's so hard for me to suss out what is what. I mean, she's always been fairly emotional, she's dealing with all the drama of the itp diagnosis and monitoring, I suspect she's gifted with the oversensitivities that go along with that, she might have some level of ocd or anxiety (and the last three are prsent in dh and I so that makes it extra hard for me to tell what is normal)...



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


One thing at a time, and it sounds like the tonsils are next.  Once they are dealt with you can assess any changes.


One good thing about you having similar traits as your DD -- you can, over time, share with her the coping and managing strategies you learned through trial and error.  I realize that I likely AM undiagnosed ADD to an extent, with sensory processing issues and some OCD.  I am not seeking diagnosis from anyone because over time I learned how to manage these aspects of me, for the most part.  Now I'm teaching to/training my DD in some of these hard-learned self-management tactics.

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DD15 is also annoyed.  She was just 7 minutes into Encounter at Farpoint (first episodes of Star Trek TNG) when I got home from the pharmacy and made her go take a shower.


She's back to watching her show.  I forgot just how teenly dramatic those early episodes were.  She's going to love this show!

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I am so sick of trying to figure out what to feed my family. My husband doesn't like casseroles or one-pot dinners. He does like fish (which I hate) and spicy things (which the boys won't eat). Weapon X doesn't like anything with a sauce on it, and both boys prefer to eat with their fingers rather than a fork. Nobody will eat pasta (which is my favorite). And lately, I couldn't care less about cooking. Nobody will like it anyway.

I need to find an awesome meal plan that is easy and delicious and feeds everyone.


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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


It's summer.  Lots of raw veggies and fruit to eat with hands, corn on the cob and other stuff to cook on the grill, tortillas and some easy protein with other fillings, and smorgasbord (what my friend calls snacky plates, in which a choice of stuff like deli meats & cheeses is laid out and people fill their plates with whatever they want).


Make foods you like, even if you are the only one eating them.  Make enough for you, maybe with some leftovers if you like leftovers, and the others get smorgasbord.  Your DH gets to acquire and cook his own fish.

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Renai--Some orthodontists offer free consultations and can recommend palate expanders, etc.  to help bring down later orthodontic costs.


Some of my kids do have shark mouths right now, but we've been really on top of looking at eruptions of permanent teeth and orientation.  We had two baby teeth pulled last week from ds11 because his permanent teeth were erupting cheekside because his baby teeth wouldn't release.  Being on top of that has saved us about $4k compared to having to do two-phase orthodontics.  We're just waiting for his 12 year molars to come in and then he will go into just one phase of braces.


FWIW, my orthodontist recommends a first visit at age 7-8.  He says that all 6 and 7 yo mouths look like train wrecks, but that by 7 or so you can see whether palate expanders or structural jaw work needs to be done.


I've been telling the dentist her mouth would be too small since she was 2. She just has a small jaw. Three of her front bottom teeth have already fallen out just to make room for the first two incisors, and they are in crooked. I had wanted the dentist to pull one loose incisor when I saw the other growing behind it, but they wouldn't. Thankfully, it has moved up somewhat, but it is still a bit back in the mouth. There is no room for the third tooth when it decides to grown in. 

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Youngest's apnea meant that she just wouldn't draw another breath. I would count 10-20 seconds between breaths. She was preemie--and it would cause her to go into bradycardia as well.  I know it's not the same as obstructive apnea...but my point is that you generally hear a distinct lack of breathing rather than a softer breath.



yeah, with Gymnast I can't tell even though I'm lying right next to her. It just seems she stops breathing, or at least I notice a pause before I hear her audibly take in breath suddenly. It makes me think she wasn't breathing in that space, but I just don't know. It doesn't happen all the time, but at least a couple times a week that I notice. I haven't counted seconds between breaths.

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I am so sick of trying to figure out what to feed my family. My husband doesn't like casseroles or one-pot dinners. He does like fish (which I hate) and spicy things (which the boys won't eat). Weapon X doesn't like anything with a sauce on it, and both boys prefer to eat with their fingers rather than a fork. Nobody will eat pasta (which is my favorite). And lately, I couldn't care less about cooking. Nobody will like it anyway.

I need to find an awesome meal plan that is easy and delicious and feeds everyone.


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Sounds like breakfast food. Or beans.  :glare: Or just go on strike and cook for yourself.  :leaving:




I'm pretty sure someone else will have actual helpful advice. 

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