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I got what I wanted already for my birthday - a Vremi stick blender and a vegetable spiralizer (for dd18 really, but I'll pretend it's mine. 😊)


For Christmas I want delicious food that includes lobster bisque and a trifle of my own recipe and I don't care if it's not authentic because it tastes wonderful, a walk with the family to the town square to look at the lights and visit the new candy shop, and Christmas Eve service at my church, which we have only been able to attend once in the past 10 years.


If someone were to offer me a free Neato D80 (robotic vacuum) I wouldn't turn it down.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I got what I wanted for my birthday - a Vremi stick blender and a vegetable spiralizer (for dd18 really, but I'll pretend it's mine. 😊)


For Christmas I want delicious food that includes lobster bisque and a trifle of my own recipe and I don't care if it's not authentic because it tastes wonderful, a walk with the family to the town square to look at the lights and visit the new candy shop, and Christmas Eve service at my church, which we have only been able to attend once in the past 10 years.

That sounds wonderful! I love Christmas Eve services, but we're never able to go because we have Christmas at my aunt's house on Christmas Eve. I'm thinking about looking up the Mass service at St. Anthony's and see if there're a service I can go to that is later in the evening.
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â˜ ï¸ RIP, Lana's phone.


I still need to hang up stuff on my walls. We have lived here a year. I am doing it today and I'm scared to put holes in my walls. So, I am just staring at my pictures to hang up.

We have lived here for 3 1/2. Blank walls are our thing, apparently.

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I got what I wanted already for my birthday - a Vremi stick blender and a vegetable spiralizer (for dd18 really, but I'll pretend it's mine. 😊)


For Christmas I want delicious food that includes lobster bisque and a trifle of my own recipe and I don't care if it's not authentic because it tastes wonderful, a walk with the family to the town square to look at the lights and visit the new candy shop, and Christmas Eve service at my church, which we have only been able to attend once in the past 10 years.


If someone were to offer me a free Neato D80 (robotic vacuum) I wouldn't turn it down.

That sounds lovely. 

We will be spending it with John's family. We call it "materialism night". lol 

What you described is more of what we normally do with my family for our "Christmas" on New Years...without the lobster bisque. We don't want to kill my mom. That tends to put a damper on the festivities. 

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Hey, has anyone seen Slache? I think she would want in on a Christmas wish list conversation.

I think she's been pretty busy. She messaged me a quick response, but hasn't been able to be on today. 

I lied. She CANT post on the board. She can only PM. The forum is being all screwy with her. 


A FAFSA on the forum for messing up on Slache. 

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And then I drove to pick ds up from work during a hailstorm that was so hard that I couldn't even hear the radio in the car.

My husband proposed to me in April in southern Georgia. Seconds after I said yes there was a massive hail storm. I told him that I hoped it wasn't an omen. :laugh:

Edited by Schadenfreude
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I have things on my walls!!!  I have one more thing to hang in my bathroom, but other than that, I'm done!  Also, I decided that I'm going to paint my bathroom a grey-green color (SW Comfort Grey).  My dh is a bit freaked out by the faux steer skull over our couch, but 1. Texas and 2. I grew up on a cattle ranch.  My parents had the genuine thing on their fence post near the barn, and I have fond memories of that little corner of home with yucca + steer skull + wooden fence posts.  My dh grew up in suburbia, and doesn't know what to do with me when my farm girl roots hang out.


I started picking up Christmas stocking stuffers when I was at Target today.  We are going ultra low-key for Christmas this year since our "big" things are our Six Flags tickets and our other vacation.  I'm trying to get the kids to buy in to "stockings only + 1 present".  We'll see.


Oh, Ellie! I'm really excited for you! We really want to see that movie too.

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I have very good intentions of hanging up the family pictures on the walls. We have the landscape ones (very New Mexican), Jesus with children, and Mary with Jesus.


I need to look up those hooks for the walls. I have a lot of pictures to hang.


I don't have family pictures on the wall, except for a small place upstairs.

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Anyone hear from Junie lately?  Is she ok? 




Here I am.  After an hour of ketchup.


I've been homeschooling and ebaying.  Cleaning and cooking.  Shopping and driving.  Headaching and arthritising.  Visiting dfil and moongazing.


It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday?



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Gymnast, reading I See Sam: "...see..."

Me: Start at the beginning of the sentence...

Gymnast: But I'm reading this word.

Me, trying to be nice, and patient: When we read, we start at the beginning and keep going until we get to a punctuation mark.

Gymnast: ...see...

Me: Start at the beginning.

Gymnast: ...see...

Me: We start at the beginning of a sentence.

Gymnast: But I don't want to read a sentence. I'm reading this word right here.

Me: Honey, can you just start at the beginning of the sentence? [explain again about the order of reading, very nicely]

Gymnast: I don't want to read a sentence. ...see...

Me: The first word is "I"

Gymnast: ...see...Sam...

Me: I will be happy to turn on your (Book It app) timer when you start at the beginning of the sentence.

Gymnast: But, I don't...um, ...see...um, I...see...Sam.


Sometimes teaching this child is so unpleasant. And I love teaching children to read. Really, I do. Now, she's trying to read over my shoulder. She just saw the word "see."  :glare:


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Here I am. After an hour of ketchup.


I've been homeschooling and ebaying. Cleaning and cooking. Shopping and driving. Headaching and arthritising. Visiting dfil and moongazing.


It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday?




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Here I am.  After an hour of ketchup.


I've been homeschooling and ebaying.  Cleaning and cooking.  Shopping and driving.  Headaching and arthritising.  Visiting dfil and moongazing.


It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday?




Sorry about the headaches and arthritis. Glad about the moongazing. Jealous of the cleaning and cooking. And shopping for that manner. But, you've survived humpday! Rejoice!


ETA: Well, lookie there.



This owl booya is brought to you in honor of the craft owl that Gymnast spontaneously decided to make tonight. "For no reason."

Edited by Renai
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Oh yeah.  I liked bunches of stuff while I was ketchupping, but actually hitting the like button would have involved maneuvering with a finicky mouse and an even more finicky right shoulder.   :glare:


So, consider yourselves liked.


Also:  random comments.


I don't like doing crafts.  


I've never (knowingly) eaten any form of lamb/sheep.


Thanksgiving dinner here includes rotisserie chicken from the grocery store because 1) everyone here likes it better than turkey 2) it's easy.  I am a directly descended from Mayflower pilgrims and I say that substitutions are allowed.  (We also do instant mashed potatoes because 1) everyone likes it better and 2) it's easy. )


(((Mary's sister)))


Congrats to Mary's dd Riv on her speech therapy graduation!


Happy birthdays and happy anniversary!

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I am back! I Awana-ed. We had Craft Night. We made turkey rings (as in jewelry for your fingers) out of pipe cleaners. If I could figure out how to post a picture I'd show you all. They're cute. The girls had a great time.



Thanks!! I had a forum issue earlier, but it's fixed.

I had issues earlier, too. It wouldn't let me stay signed in. But obviously things are resolved now.
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Gymnast, reading I See Sam: "...see..."

Me: Start at the beginning of the sentence...

Gymnast: But I'm reading this word.

Me, trying to be nice, and patient: When we read, we start at the beginning and keep going until we get to a punctuation mark.

Gymnast: ...see...

Me: Start at the beginning.

Gymnast: ...see...

Me: We start at the beginning of a sentence.

Gymnast: But I don't want to read a sentence. I'm reading this word right here.

Me: Honey, can you just start at the beginning of the sentence? [explain again about the order of reading, very nicely]

Gymnast: I don't want to read a sentence. ...see...

Me: The first word is "I"

Gymnast: ...see...Sam...

Me: I will be happy to turn on your (Book It app) timer when you start at the beginning of the sentence.

Gymnast: But, I don't...um, ...see...um, I...see...Sam.


Sometimes teaching this child is so unpleasant. And I love teaching children to read. Really, I do. Now, she's trying to read over my shoulder. She just saw the word "see." :glare:

Sometimes I get an awful headache from trying to be nice and patient. Because what I really want to do is just scream, "why don't you just cooperate with me?"
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Sorry about the headaches and arthritis. Glad about the moongazing. Jealous of the cleaning and cooking. And shopping for that manner. But, you've survived humpday! Rejoice!


ETA: Well, lookie there.



This owl booya is brought to you in honor of the craft owl that Gymnast spontaneously decided to make tonight. "For no reason."

Owls are my favorite bird. Once, I was on a pre-dawn constitutional and I was caught in the middle of an owl trifecta. They were surrounding me each at the top of their own redwood tree, hooting away at each other. It was the most amazing experience.
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Sometimes I get an awful headache from trying to be nice and patient. Because what I really want to do is just scream, "why don't you just cooperate with me?"


Yes, this.  :iagree:

But, I kept smiling nicely.  :cursing:  


There may have been a few eye rolls, though. :mellow:

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I'm here, I'm here.  <running through the door, late>  I got distracted by Facebook.  


Good Thursday Morning.  




Could we just have the weekend early this week?  


:seeya: Hi Junie!  So glad you got to stop by!


Still missing Slache - have you tried turning everything off and back on again?  

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Good Morning!




I find that I am so tired at the end of the day, I can only make it through 20 minutes of Longmire before I conk out. I need to do laundry today and also go grocery shopping. Ugh. Morning lessons have been a bit hit-or-miss on my side this week. I think I'll put in a load of laundry, then do science with the youngers, then go to Aldi and Publix. I should be home before lunch.


Have a good day!

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