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Is there a quicker way to get to page 513 (or other older pages) besides one at a time?  Google search, I guess?



Oh, great, it's an "I can't navigate the forum BOOYAH!"

If you are on the computer and not on your phone, look at the top of the page where the "Page 1419 of 1419" is.  If you click on "Page 1419 of 1419", it will give you a little window "Jump to page" and you just type in 513 and hit "Go."


If you are on an iPhone, click on the "forums.weltrainedmind.com" in the address/browser bar, and use your > to move to the end of the address - delete everything after "page-" and change it to 513. 


I have no idea how to do it for an android, but I'm thinking it's probably similar.


ETA:  I see you already found 513 by other means, but throwing this out there just in case you didn't know that you could specify a page and not just use the << and >> to get there.

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ok, need some advice: 


So, tonight I picked up Finding Dory as a treat for my daughter. She didn't ask for it, but we would have eventually bought it anyway; so since it was on sale, I grabbed it. 

When I brought it home, I gave it to her and she had a very excited look on her face...then, put the movie down and said, "What else did you get me?" 

I said, "I did not get you anything. I brought home a surprise and that surprise was Finding Dory." 

"I wanted a toy - a special toy. I have a great idea, you can go get me a toy, too." 

"Well, I did not buy you a toy. I bought you Finding Dory. But, I can always take the movie and give it back to the store if you are not happy with that surprise." 

"Yes, take the movie back and get me a toy."


I explained again about the surprise and she realized that I was not budging and going to get her a toy. She tried crying, she tried negotiating, she tried explaining, but I'm not going to give in to that. She realized that I was serious about taking the movie back (or really, just putting it on a high shelf after she went to bed.) and she changed her tune, but her attitude and "you should have bought me more stuff" mentality was rather disappointing to her dad and me. 

We don't buy her tons of things, but she is definitely not lacking in toys. When she wants toys, she helps with simple things around the house to save money for them and she loves doing that. So, this new "give me" attitude is new and I'm really not sure where to go from here. 


Is this just a phase? 

What do you do to instill gratitude and keep away the sense of entitlement? 




(My feelings were not hurt that she didn't get super excited about the movie. I'm more concerned because I don't want her turning into a materialistic, spoiled brat.) 

This is a normal 4 yo thing.  Really.  Most likely she had it in her head that she wanted a thing. What you brought home was not the thing she wanted, and she didn't know how to handle that.  I find that when my 4yo loses her mind, it's usually because she feels unheard in her idea.  I ask her a lot of questions about what she is feeling and what she wanted.  Sometimes those conversations go in really crazy directions.  Was she also tired or wound up from a big day?

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Happy Wednesday morning! You guys had way too much fun here without me last night!


Mary, I like Slache's advice. I wouldn't expect this to continue, though. She was probably already overwhelmed for the day with finishing speech and all. Or was that the day before? I'm lost. I even missed one dgd bday Monday, simply because I haven't been able to keep up with what day we're in!

This does remind me of Christmas when our oldest was 3 1/2. Now, we rarely took him shopping, out to eat, or even looking at things. We had three channels, so not a lot of commercials. (This was in 1987). We didn't go out to eat, and no one brought home surprises. So, Christmas evening, we're at my granny's house, opening gifts with all the grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. So, at least 40 people. And of course everyone loved to watch the youngest great grandchildren open their gifts.

So, this child opened his gift, stated in his most Eeyore voice, "It's clothes. I didn't want clothes.". And stuck his thumb in his mouth and wouldn't touch the gift. I was mortified!

All this to say, that only happened that one time. He has never been materialistic since. Needless to say, though, my granny never gave him clothes as a bday or Christmas gift again!


Gotta get moving! Dishwasher and dryer are already running. We're going to work, then ds9 has a dentist appointment tt 1130, for fillings. Please pray the laughing gas works and we don't have to use medication or anesthesia.


Have a great day!

Nope. Same day. 


And, on top of speech, we had just come back from my mom's. We were helping my sister after her surgery. So, I'm thinking we just had the perfect storm of excitement, being overwhelmed, and being 4. ;) She was much happier about the movie today. 



I think dd has a cavity on one of her teeth. Not surprising since she has only recently not fought brushing. (But, I still fill like a bad mom.) I was wondering how they do fillings and such on little kids. So, usually laughing gas? Interesting. (Obviously, we were poor and didn't go to the dentist often when I was a child.)

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Good Morning!




I need extra heavy-duty caffeination this morning! Dd was roaming the halls since 4:00am and I never sleep well when that happens. First it was her foot. Then her tummy. Then she drooled all over her covers and it smells and can we wash it right now.

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I think dd has a cavity on one of her teeth. Not surprising since she has only recently not fought brushing. (But, I still fill like a bad mom.) I was wondering how they do fillings and such on little kids. So, usually laughing gas? Interesting. (Obviously, we were poor and didn't go to the dentist often when I was a child.)

My younger two each had a cavity in their baby teeth. Our dentist told us baby teeth are notoriously soft and prone to cavaties. Since they were baby teeth, he had us watch them to make sure they didn't abscess until they fell out.

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I think dd has a cavity on one of her teeth. Not surprising since she has only recently not fought brushing. (But, I still fill like a bad mom.) I was wondering how they do fillings and such on little kids. So, usually laughing gas? Interesting. (Obviously, we were poor and didn't go to the dentist often when I was a child.)


DS had 7 small cavities the first time we brought him to the dentist at age 3!  We brushed.  I'm convinced it was due to his allergies/reactions, although I am willing to admit it may also have been nursing through the night.  Maybe. :)  Because I did not wipe his gums before he had teeth, and I was sure not cleaning his teeth after each feeding in the middle of the night. Then the dentist was surprised when he didn't continue to have cavities after that first visit, because I guess usually kids with lots of cavities tend to continue to have cavities.  But I swear it was the allergies, and once we avoided his allergens he was fine.  That's my story and I am sticking to it. 


Anyway, they did general anesth., not laughing gas.

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I think dd has a cavity on one of her teeth. Not surprising since she has only recently not fought brushing. (But, I still fill like a bad mom.) I was wondering how they do fillings and such on little kids. So, usually laughing gas? Interesting. (Obviously, we were poor and didn't go to the dentist often when I was a child.)



Sorry, the quote box disappeared when I tried to edit it down....


My 4yo has had a cavity and a crown put on.  She has moderate reflux leftover and poor enamelization of her teeth because of preemie issues.  For the crown (done just before she was 3) they did a general anesthesia.  We had it done at the hospital because she was at higher risk of complications from anesthesia.  She did fine. For her filling, they did laughing gas at the pediatric dentist. I think that's much better than the injections that our previous dentist did as far as the kid is concerned. (Our insurance doesn't cover laughing gas, so we have to pay for it--$68/visit.)

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"When citing authorities--

"DD15, 'citing' is spelled c-i-t-i-n-g, not s-i-g-h-t-i-n-g.  Please correct that.  What you wrote is an entirely different word with a different meaning."


"Oh, what does it mean?"


"'Sighting' is as if you are lining up the sights of a gun on someone, not referencing something they said or wrote.  We are discussing what to watch for when referring to things authorities on a topic have said or written.  We are not shooting them."




Correct Spelling saves lives!


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I'm sorry everyone, for being away so much of late.  It's going to continue through the end of the month.  I'm still alive.


Hugs and cheers and prayers for all of you.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :hurray:  :hurray:


As of yesterday afternoon I had only 5,000 words written for NaNoWriMo -- too many distractions this month dragging me away from trying to write, or causing my brain to shut down from weariness.  I did, however, get more than 3200 words written last night and another 2000 this morning, so I now have just over 11,000 words written.  I can still manage to pull of 50,000 words by month's end IF I change my focus of writing (to therapeutic instead of topic-centered), and if I drop other priorities now to focus on this.


NaNoWriMo IS therapy for me, so I'm going to do this.  As a result I will pay less attention to a lot of other things until I pass the 50K mark.  I might check back in from time to time, but I won't try to catch up.  Stay safe, everyone, and I'll see you in December.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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If you are on the computer and not on your phone, look at the top of the page where the "Page 1419 of 1419" is.  If you click on "Page 1419 of 1419", it will give you a little window "Jump to page" and you just type in 513 and hit "Go."


If you are on an iPhone, click on the "forums.weltrainedmind.com" in the address/browser bar, and use your > to move to the end of the address - delete everything after "page-" and change it to 513. 


I have no idea how to do it for an android, but I'm thinking it's probably similar.


ETA:  I see you already found 513 by other means, but throwing this out there just in case you didn't know that you could specify a page and not just use the << and >> to get there.


Thanks!  You're so smart!

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My younger two each had a cavity in their baby teeth. Our dentist told us baby teeth are notoriously soft and prone to cavaties. Since they were baby teeth, he had us watch them to make sure they didn't abscess until they fell out.


That makes me feel so much better!! 


DS had 7 small cavities the first time we brought him to the dentist at age 3!  We brushed.  I'm convinced it was due to his allergies/reactions, although I am willing to admit it may also have been nursing through the night.  Maybe. :)  Because I did not wipe his gums before he had teeth, and I was sure not cleaning his teeth after each feeding in the middle of the night. Then the dentist was surprised when he didn't continue to have cavities after that first visit, because I guess usually kids with lots of cavities tend to continue to have cavities.  But I swear it was the allergies, and once we avoided his allergens he was fine.  That's my story and I am sticking to it. 


Anyway, they did general anesth., not laughing gas.

That's interesting. I know allergens can definitely wear our bodies down. I never would have contributed it to cavities, though. 

I think dd's is all because of her sweet tooth.  :thumbdown:

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That's interesting. I know allergens can definitely wear our bodies down. I never would have contributed it to cavities, though. 

I think dd's is all because of her sweet tooth.  :thumbdown:

  :lol: His pediatric dentist didn't think it was a contributing factor.  A FAFSA on him!  My argument is that even allergists can agree on allergies and the individuals responses, so the dentist probably hasn't studied allergens and the body's response to them in detail, so who is he to poo-poo my unscientific observation?  :lol:

Edited by ikslo
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  :lol: His pediatric dentist didn't think it was a contributing factor.  A FAFSA on him!  My argument is that even allergists can agree on allergies and the individuals responses, so the dentist probably hasn't studied allergens and the bodies response to them in detail, so who is he to poo-poo my unscientific observation?  :lol:

My husband just ate a ridiculous amount of nut mix this last week. Like, within 4 days, he had 2.25 lbs of nuts. He is now covered in the reddest, most horrible rash I have ever seen. I think it's a food reaction. His pcp disagrees and says if it was food, he would have had issues with his mouth, breathing, etc. :001_rolleyes: 

I told dh that the dr is wrong and that he needs to go get tested when he's clear of the prednisone.

Same thing (different doc) happened when DD was first showing signs of egg allergy. She broke out in hives all over her lower torso. I took her to our clinic, but saw a dr not familiar with us. I was pretty much told I was crazy and that I was wasting my money on an allergist. I felt justified when the egg allergy was the largest whelp on poor dd's back. I also told the clinic to never put me with that dr again, that she was rude, condescending, and she was absolutely wrong when diagnosing my child. 


I'm thinking, if you are not intensively trained in this field, don't give me an absolute answer. That's about as dumb as me, a former elementary teacher, telling a college math professor how to teach his class. 



Sometimes I, Most of the time I, I always have strong "feels". 

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It slipped out of my purse while I was getting into the car. I slammed the door on it. It doesn't work anymore. 


In my best Eeyore voice, "When a phone looks like that, it's time to get a new one." :grouphug:


I have been a good NaNo buddy and sent encouraging/check-in-with-your-buddy messages to many of my buddies. Now I've got to go finish blowing up this magic with my protagonist and arrange for his rescue, because he's going to need some help dealing with the aftermath. 

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I broke my phone. Thoroughly.


Oh man, it is good and broken.


It slipped out of my purse while I was getting into the car. I slammed the door on it. It doesn't work anymore.


Wow. If you're to break a phone, it's best to do it well. Well done.



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DH is asking me what I want for Christmas. 
I gave him a list of perfume (and through a snafu with PayPal, I know I'm getting one of the ones I requested. lol), but I can't think of anything else that I want. 
I mentioned an Instapot and I know he will probably get me an iTunes gift card, but I'm not sure what else I want to suggest to him as options. 

As a kid, thinking of gifts was easy. Not so easy when you're an adult and you can just buy stuff for yourself. 

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DH is asking me what I want for Christmas. 

I gave him a list of perfume (and through a snafu with PayPal, I know I'm getting one of the ones I requested. lol), but I can't think of anything else that I want. 

I mentioned an Instapot and I know he will probably get me an iTunes gift card, but I'm not sure what else I want to suggest to him as options. 


As a kid, thinking of gifts was easy. Not so easy when you're an adult and you can just buy stuff for yourself. 


I'm asking Santa for new panties to go with my new bras.  And socks.  And a pretty storage unit for my closet to hold said items.

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513 was a good page. I wonder where Tsuga went. She probably said and I wasn't paying attention.


I miss Tex, too!


Jean, thanks for reminding me I need to start reading Harry Bosch again. I had to stop. It started becoming an addiction. But we have vacation time coming up.


Night creeping child is having a nap. I wish I could. I need another cup of coffee!

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I can only imagine my husband going bra/panties shopping. lol Maybe I should ask and have a camera go with him!! 


I shop for myself.  I wrap.  I hand him the presents and say, "Go put this in my stocking."  And then I usually find a thing or two in there on Christmas which he bought himself. :)

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My husband kept buying me jewelry when I couldn't think of anything for Christmas. Since I don't wear a lot of jewelry, we decided to stop buying anything we want during the year. We just keep a list throughout the year and revise them right before Thanksgiving. This has ended up saving us money and clutter over the years.

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My husband kept buying me jewelry when I couldn't think of anything for Christmas. Since I don't wear a lot of jewelry, we decided to stop buying anything we want during the year. We just keep a list throughout the year and revise them right before Thanksgiving. This has ended up saving us money and clutter over the years.

Yeah, my sweet husband has horrid taste in jewelry. Don't tell, but I really don't like my wedding ring and engagement ring. He got it and said "If you don't like it, we can exchange it." But, how do you say "Thanks for asking me to marry you. The ring you gave me sucks." I can't and he had enough abuse from his first wife that I couldn't hurt his feelings that way. So, I wear it and just think "This is just exactly my honey." 


That's a good idea. John is easy. He always wants money for fly fishing stuff or he'll give me smaller items to buy. It's not in our budget to buy waders ($400) or  the new fly rod ($600+) he wants, but he's always happy with money to put towards them. 


We did discuss buying the seasons sets of The Big Bang Theory. I need to see if he still wants to do that. 

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I typically shop on Amazon and give him my wishlist and he can buy from that. But, I'm stuck this year. 


What about things to make your new work-at-home job more pleasurable? 


Earbuds or noise cancelling headphones

New coffee mug/maker

Single serve espresso machine

New chair with a seat warmer

Funky lamp

Special work slippers

Box of screen wipes

Foot rest

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but he's always happy with money to put towards them. 



DH's parents get us gift cards.  He asked for a gift card to Sears, again.  He has been saving up for a tool box.  So this year I told them to make mine a Sears card, too, so he gets to his goal faster.  (And I'm sick of hearing about the tool box.  Just buy it already!!!  No really.  It's been YEARS.)

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My husband kept buying me jewelry when I couldn't think of anything for Christmas. Since I don't wear a lot of jewelry, we decided to stop buying anything we want during the year. We just keep a list throughout the year and revise them right before Thanksgiving. This has ended up saving us money and clutter over the years.


I like doing this in reverse, lol, - buy what I want all year and skip Christmas presents!!!!  Yay for Bah Humbug!!!   :hurray:   (sorry, I get a little excited about the ways I like to ditch and circumvent Christmas.....)

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What about things to make your new work-at-home job more pleasurable? 


Earbuds or noise cancelling headphones

New coffee mug/maker

Single serve espresso machine

New chair with a seat warmer

Funky lamp

Special work slippers

Box of screen wipes

Foot rest

I could really use a desk, but I have no idea where I would put it!! 

A foot rest would be great - like even a cutesie little one from Target. I'll look into that!



ETA: OOH! A lap desk!! That would be great, too!

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I could really use a desk, but I have no idea where I would put it!! 

A foot rest would be great - like even a cutesie little one from Target. I'll look into that!



ETA: OOH! A lap desk!! That would be great, too!




It's a Christmas Shopping BOOYAH!!

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â˜ ï¸ RIP, Lana's phone.


I still need to hang up stuff on my walls. We have lived here a year. I am doing it today and I'm scared to put holes in my walls. So, I am just staring at my pictures to hang up.

3M picture hooks. Dh knows he will face serious consternation if he puts a hole in any of our walls without my approval. 3M hooks take all the stress out of hanging things because you can easily take the hook off and move it.


A worthwhile read on the subject comes from the book by Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men and a Boat, To Say Nothing of the Dog. You can read chapter 3 here:


Edited by Susan in TN
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