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Omigosh!  Are you all okay?  I know you said you weren't hit but shaking kinda indicates you might have sustained some damage, and a big shock like that can stress anyone's back into seizing up.


Are you okay?


Prayers for those involved.  I hope no one is seriously hurt.

I checked the car.  I think all the scratches on the car are old ones and aren't from flying debris.  I did tense up but I'm ok.  I'm already sore so who knows if any of it is from tensing up.  (Silver lining). 


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They've been booted out of my living room already.  Instead I'm listening to The A Team. 




Can you believe it?  Someone is remaking McGuyver.  They used to do "McGuyver Minutes" that did a thorough job of summing up an hour-long episode in 60 seconds.

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I checked the car.  I think all the scratches on the car are old ones and aren't from flying debris.  I did tense up but I'm ok.  I'm already sore so who knows if any of it is from tensing up.  (Silver lining). 




So glad.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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It's past bedtime.  I will show the chilluns select ITT debate-related posts on the morrow, for Good Citizenship.


Night-night, all!  Don't watch the debate on your ITTing devices.  We want those intact come morning.

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I should have spent the last two hours teaching my kid, instead I watched the debate.


Which would be a parenting fail but for the fact that DS got fed up and decided to watch YouTube videos instead. Phew.


Watching the debate was homeschooling my kids.  Ds16 and dd14 are earning a political science credit.  And they will both be old enough to vote in the next election.  



ETA:  It's an Educate The Voters Booyah!!!

Edited by Junie
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Watching the debate was homeschooling my kids. Ds16 and dd14 are earning a political science credit. And they will both be old enough to vote in the next election.



ETA: It's an Educate The Voters Booyah!!!

Yep. Homeschooling was how it started out here. DS9 knows who is running, and knows more than I do about the two candidates, I think. His sarcastic humor throughout also showed he understood what they were saying. About an hour in, though, he said the debate was getting ridiculous. He was right.


He had had enough. I was proud of him for showing as much interest as he did. Because he's 9, yo.


And after the debate I apologized to his generation, LOL.

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The kids are lucky in that they don't have to make a choice this time.  I am, however, requiring them to write a short essay on election day stating whom they would vote for if they were able to vote.  They had the same assignment for the primary.


Good for your son that he stuck around as long as he did.  My younger ones have no interest in the election.  


Dd12 shares a room with dd14.  Since dd14 was staying up past bedtime to watch the debate, dd12 asked if she could stay up late too.  (Dd14 sleeps on the top bunk, so if dd12 goes to bed first, dd14 just wakes her up.)


So, dd12 watched Little Women.  Again.   :001_wub:

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Yep. Homeschooling was how it started out here. DS9 knows who is running, and knows more than I do about the two candidates, I think. His sarcastic humor throughout also showed he understood what they were saying. About an hour in, though, he said the debate was getting ridiculous. He was right.


He had had enough. I was proud of him for showing as much interest as he did. Because he's 9, yo.


And after the debate I apologized to his generation, LOL.

He's more mature than I am.
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Watching the debate was homeschooling my kids.  Ds16 and dd14 are earning a political science credit.  And they will both be old enough to vote in the next election.  



ETA:  It's an Educate The Voters Booyah!!!


This is the reason my DD (14) gave me for wanting to watch the debate.


I, however, have to vote in this election.  I couldn't bear to watch.  :svengo:

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Yeah, I googled that, and DH had to ask me what I was giggling about so much -- I read it to him.


We aren't that bad, in fact, we have problems in the other direction when doing family potlucks.  This family doesn't have the best or timeliest communication skills, but through many years now of getting together for the big meal we all have certain things we tend to bring.  The overall rule is the host family gets to ask for volunteers to make certain things or can make them themselves, and everyone coming can bring stuff that isn't on the original menu plan because we have so many different people with ideas of "must-have" foods for Thanksgiving.  If you want it there and it's not on the original planned list then go ahead and bring it!  We ALWAYS end up with WAY too much food, especially when DH and I did 4 turkeys and 2 hams to feed less than 2 dozen people.


Wait...does that mean you found it?? And if so, you didn't share it???!!! :svengo:

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Yep. Homeschooling was how it started out here. DS9 knows who is running, and knows more than I do about the two candidates, I think. His sarcastic humor throughout also showed he understood what they were saying. About an hour in, though, he said the debate was getting ridiculous. He was right.


He had had enough. I was proud of him for showing as much interest as he did. Because he's 9, yo.


And after the debate I apologized to his generation, LOL.



So, what can he tell us about the other candidates, the non-Trump, non-Clinton candidates?  We do have others; it's just the more firmly established R & D parties tend to get the bulk of the attention.

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Wait...does that mean you found it?? And if so, you didn't share it???!!! :svengo:



Okay, sorry.  I was tired and distracted.


This link has the letter, and apparently some video of the gal who wrote it being interviewed about it years later.  I'm not sure why they bothered for so long, or why she finally agreed to the interview.  The audio is rather quiet, so if you don't have good speakers you might have trouble hearing all of it.


Sorry, forgot to paste in the link.  I guess I'm not awake yet.



Edited by AMJ
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Good morning. Caffeine.

I realized that I hit the trifecta yesterday: housekeeping, school/writing, a cooked meal. Therefore and forthwith, I crashed at nine. 

I did not watch the debate. I didn't need heartburn after dinner.

Time to go print out copies of the story for tonight, and figure out what's for school.

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Good Morning!


I'm just letting you all know I think the world will end today. I received certain signs in the night...

1) skunk smell drifting in the open windows at 2:40 am

2) very loud train whistle drifting in the open window at 4:15 am


But the biggest portent of the end of the world...

3) my half gallon of high-end half-and-half was spoiled this morning and it hadn't even hit the expiration date. Curses on Costco. I had to make-do with some skim milk and Coffee-Mate, which is highly unsatisfactory. I think I'll hit the grocery store on my way home from taking DS to school.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning!


I'm just letting you all know I think the world will end today. I received certain signs in the night...

1) skunk smell drifting in the open windows at 2:40 am

2) very loud train whistle drifting in the open window at 4:15 am


But the biggest portent of the end of the world...

3) my half gallon of high-end half-and-half was spoiled this morning and it hadn't even hit the expiration date. Curses on Costco. I had to make due with some skim milk and Coffee-Mate, which is highly unsatisfactory. I think I'll hit the grocery store on my way home from taking DS to school.


Krissi, that's a crisis.  I will quickly down a cup of coffee made creamy and yummy with Organic Valley Half and Half on your behalf, okay?

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Heard from boy this morning: "I can't wait until our break. I'll have all that time for writing. But what if I'm finished with my story by then? What will I do?"

Ah, to have such concerns, child. 

Actually, we should do something to celebrate. His "story" is about 400 handwritten pages. :svengo:

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But the biggest portent of the end of the world...

3) my half gallon of high-end half-and-half was spoiled this morning and it hadn't even hit the expiration date. Curses on Costco. I had to make-do with some skim milk and Coffee-Mate, which is highly unsatisfactory. I think I'll hit the grocery store on my way home from taking DS to school.


This is a tragedy of monumental proportions. I can't even. :blink:

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I was out of coffee filters this morning. I had to go get coffee from the corner store. I wish I still lived in town, because that would have been a perfect excuse to buy a fancy coffee. Alas, even I am not willing to make a 40 minute round trip for fancy coffee.


I halfheartedly listened to the debate last night. It made me sad.


My internet is slow.


The weather is absolutely delightful today.


The boys let me sleep in until 8 this morning. I approve of sleeping until 8.


It feels good to be a gangster.

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We told Gymnast last night that she would have to stay home alone today. Everyone will either be working or in school, and there's no one she can stay with. We let her know she could listen to Gitana (older cat, for the newbies) or Chavela (the older dog), but should not listen to Scout (younger cat) or Luna (younger dog). She said she's a bit scared, but thinks she can handle it. This morning, Scout jumped on top of the door. I reiterated to Gymnast that she is not to follow Scout's lead, because look, she'd be climbing the walls.  :lol:


Actually, I'm taking off today. She hasn't figured that out yet.

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Jean, OMW.


Lan, buy a reusable coffee filter.


Does anyone like one of the candidates? I'm not asking which one, just if you like one of them.


No.  I'll vote for what I believed to be the lesser of two evils.


Which, honestly, usually sums up my feelings about voting.  This year, though, it's "lesser" and "evil" to the power of 10.

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