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More of a pre-teen show.  Not a kids' show.  Just the first awful show that popped into my head.  And it really is awful.



I will be sure to tell the kids not to watch that when I'm around, then.  If they even find it.

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AMJ, bummer on the dx, but I've been inspired by how diligent you've been in addressing what you can control with re: to diet and exercise.



Thank you.  I've been diagnosed pre-diabetic years ago and put on Metformin and I managed to get off of it by starting personal training and cleaning up my diet.  This is why I'm doing exactly that this time around -- it worked before, might as well try it again.  I'll just have to be diligent about never letting what I eat slide back into the old whatever-is-convenient habit again.



Just got a call from my BFF who is going through a rough patch.  After just getting her brakes fixed she now has the sudden and unexpected "gift" of a rock through her windshield.  She had the visor down so the shattered glass was deflected hit her in the stomach.  If the visor had been up she would have caught it in the face.



I really want a shower but things keep popping up to prevent me from taking one.  I am now going to ketchup a bit here and wait for DH to get home from work so HE can handle whatever while I get my shower.  I worked out hard today, and I'm quite aromatic.

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AMJ, are you on Facebook?


No, sorry.  I used to be as a way of staying in touch with farther-flung family, but I had too many problems with people sending junk in my name, so I killed my id with no hope of resurrection (or so FB claimed was the option I chose).

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My neighbor called me and I burst into tears.  it's been one of those days. 



                                                            :grouphug:  :grouphug:

                                                       :grouphug:  Jean  :grouphug:

                                                            :grouphug:  :grouphug:


There there.  Go ahead and cry if you want to.  We love you and appreciate you.




Why is the Friday turning out like a Monday?

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:grouphug: to those that need them. I had an okay day. I was not quite right after getting too hot yesterday, but felt better after eating a banana and spending a day staying as cool as possible. Both my sons and my DH overheated today while doing some yard work--so I think they need to stay in tomorrow and eat bananas. 


I have retained the extraneous character for the moment, but I think I know what she's doing there. It's a ploy by my main character to get out of a scene he doesn't like. He's tried to avoid this one every time I spring it on him--he's avoiding again. He really just needs to get through this, and he'll feel better! I keep telling him it's a necessary part of growing as a person, but he gets to balking and trying to run around the issue with me like he dances around issues with other characters. I guess it's good that he's very much an individual with his own hang-ups, but it sure makes working with him interesting at times. :glare:

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Good Saturday Morning!


(((Jean)))  Hope you got to sleep all night and have a better day today.


(((Renai)))  Hugs and hi-fives on the job - I think you need both.


Homeschool group parent meeting today - no rest for the weary.  Not that it's a bad thing to go do, but it would be nice to stay home some day and do laundry and figure out our first day of school.   :willy_nilly:

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(((Jean))) hope you are still sleeping.


Renai! So much going on!


I am going to make IP ckicken broth, go to Sam's and Aldi, and then make a few gallons of soup for the freezer.


Lynn, I would rather do a mountain of laundry than go to another parent meeting!




(If you are so inclined, would you pray that we find a very cheap vehicle to purchase in the next few days? This is one to replace dh's car, which ds is buying from us and taking to school with him on Saturday. Ds has said that he will leave it home if necesary, but I hate to do that to him since he has been working all summer for it and it will just make the commute from his apartment to the school so much easier.)

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Good Morning. It is Saturday.


Ds21 has went to Indy with the marching band to watch the Drum Corps International show. He's driving a bus, I believe. A small one. Not a big one. He is planning on helping and driving this season, even though dd16 is no longer involved. He is a good young man.


Dd16 drove to her friend's house after school and spent the night. She will be home this afternoon.


I became really frustrated and aggravated yesterday afternoon. I am going to have to admit that I cannot do it all. Homeschooling is my most important thing. I want to homeschool. I enjoy it. The twins are thriving and having fun. Not once did they complain this week after doing nothing but play all summer. Public school would not be a good fit for them. They are too shy, especially little dd. The shyness will get better. The older two were the same way. But back to my rant, housework is behind, cooking on Thursdays and Fridays is difficult, everything has to stop at noon to fix mom food and meds. There are just too many things: cemetery treasurer, the lady I help, my mother and her finances and property and house, and then my house, family, husband, children, housework, laundry, dishes and everybody wants something to eat. But I don't want to give any of it up and really who else would do it? The cemetery stuff will be done for the year when mowing is over, mostly, anyway. Tlih has no one. Her children are more disabled than she is, and have been proven to take advantage of her in the past. I would have to go to the Judge and ask for another guardian for her. I'm afraid she would get one that was mean and mistreat her, and not get her the things she wants or needs. My mom, it is so complicated. I could probably fill another 100 pages on ITT about this mess. Mold is taking over in her house. It is bad. With no one living there, it will get worse if we don't do something. What to do? Clean it, have an auction and rent it out? What a mess that would be. 60 plus years of stuff. Multi-generational stuff. Three buildings full. I want to poke my eyes out with a fork just thinking about it. And who would have to do it all? I will stop there, because I had to delete a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have typed. :D It got bad. ;)


Well, I hope everyone has a not crappy day.

Edited by Openhearted
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:grouphug:  Dawn



DS and DH are off to the Y.


I came into the kitchen this morning and found a line of ants marching in right under the door. :glare: Um, did I forget to turn on the No Vacancy sign last night?

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Praying for you, Susan.


Sorry about the ants, whitehawk. The borax and sugar mixture sprinkled outside the house works for me. 1 box borax, 1 cup of sugar or you can do half of each. You can even put a spoonful or so in an old lid and sit on your counter.


How's your ants Susan?

Dead. I hope. :D

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Renai, I know you will find a way to make it all work. You always do.



Lol, you make me sound amazing. I however, just fake it till I make it.


In other news, I tossed and turned last night and Gymnast ground her teeth.


Dancer and her band, and the others in rock camp are performing this afternoon.

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Lol, you make me sound amazing. I however, just fake it till I make it.


In other news, I tossed and turned last night and Gymnast ground her teeth.


Dancer and her band, and the others in rock camp are performing this afternoon.

We all know you are amazing.


Good luck to Dancer! Sounds like fun.

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Good Saturday Morning!




I opened the SLG door this morning to feed the cats and smelled smoke! Guess we'll be spending the day inside due to poor air quality.


Susan, I'll pray for the car situation!


Whitehawk, sorry about the ants. Yuck!


Renai, you definitely are amazing!


Jeannie, hope you slept all nigh!


Lynn, hope the meeting goes well. I hate meetings!


Dawn, ((hugs))! Don't know what else to say, but I'm thinking about you and praying for you!


Hi Ikslo!


Well, I gotta get my hair done today! And go to The Walmart. And meal plan. Nothing thrilling!

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(((Jean))) hope you are still sleeping.


Renai! So much going on!


I am going to make IP ckicken broth, go to Sam's and Aldi, and then make a few gallons of soup for the freezer.


Lynn, I would rather do a mountain of laundry than go to another parent meeting!




(If you are so inclined, would you pray that we find a very cheap vehicle to purchase in the next few days? This is one to replace dh's car, which ds is buying from us and taking to school with him on Saturday. Ds has said that he will leave it home if necesary, but I hate to do that to him since he has been working all summer for it and it will just make the commute from his apartment to the school so much easier.)



When I was in college I lived in a particular apartment complex that catered strongly to college students, though non-students and families were welcome tenants, too.  This complex was built solidly but cheaply -- I don't think we EVER found a square corner in the place -- and was placed well away from the campus.  But they ran shuttle busses to and from campus all day long every school day and on a slightly limited schedule on non-school days.  It was VERY handy.  3 friends and I bought one carpool parking permit to get one of the rather advantageous parking spots for when one or more of us would need to go elsewhere or travel when the busses weren't running.  We'd coordinate out schedules, pass the permit to whomever needed it most, and ride the bus the rest of the time.  There were many students whose part-time jobs were all within walking distance (or on) the campus, meaning they could live without a car entirely.

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Good Morning. It is Saturday.


Ds21 has went to Indy with the marching band to watch the Drum Corps International show. He's driving a bus, I believe. A small one. Not a big one. He is planning on helping and driving this season, even though dd16 is no longer involved. He is a good young man.


Dd16 drove to her friend's house after school and spent the night. She will be home this afternoon.



Well, I hope everyone has a not crappy day.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I hear ya about your Mom.  My Dad lives in a 2-bed, 2-bath apartment with attached single-car garage.  His place is full of stuff.  His garage is full of stuff.  He has a full-size (think park-a-car-in-there size) storage unit full of stuff.  He still has a hangar out at the local airport, though that is less full of stuff since he sold his plane project.  Dad is a multi-generational hoarder, firmly entrenched in the family-mementos-are-sacred mindset in which he was raised, and has been continuing to try to "instill" (cram down my throat is what it feels like) these values in me.  It does not lead to a livable situation.


I hope you find a way to balance what you want to keep doing and receive some help in getting the rest covered.  


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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The kids have slept over with their cousin who moves away in a week and are spending the day with her.  ILs and DH and I have plans for a small graduation celebration for DN this next week before she moves up north to join her family.  I'm going to miss having her around -- it has been great to have a doting older-by-not-much cousin around for the girls to hang out with this summer.


I have had a serious eating-down-the-food-stores campaign the past couple/three weeks, and now the kitchen is rather denuded.  I plan on taking certain chips over to ILs' house for DN to eat or take to her family up north -- this means the chips go away and I don't have to see anyone eating them without me.  I need to go to the grocery store this weekend and pick up good dietary choices for myself, and then spend some time prepping up veggies and stuff to have on hand for instant-eats.  Next week my personal training moves to a more advantageous time slot so I will want to have grab-and-eat items ready so I can eat as soon as getting home from PT.


Other than completing the school planning I really want to get done (having a plan laid out last year was SO helpful!) my biggest challenge and most time-critical priority is working out daily and weekly routines that accommodate and support my required exercise and dietary goals while covering the bases on the other important stuff.  I've got a daily/weekly schedule roughed out and will think on it more, though it will take the first week or few of our school year to test and tweak it into a good flow.


The kitchen floor hasn't been mopped in too long, though other flooring has been mopped in just the past few days.  With luck I'll get the kitchen floor mopped this week (maybe even this weekend), so the last major screaming-in-my-face housekeeping task will be shushed for a time.


Oh, well.  Best get at it again.  I hope everyone has a good day today!


Oh, and it rained this morning!  Yay!   :hurray:  :hurray:

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Dawn  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Having cleaned out three estates in the last three years, my advice is to do it now rather than later.  Call in the siblings, explain the mold problem, and come up with a specific plan of attack.  Even if your mother wasn't to continue living with you, it seems clear that she cannot return home.  Hire an estate auctioneer, rent a dumpster, and try to get in on the fall auction season. It will cause all kinds of heck with your mother, but the bandaid approach worked best for us---the estate we did in a week with the family went so much better than the years long process we're doing with another relative.

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Good morning.  I unplugged all phones, threatened my family with death or dismemberment, or both, if they woke me up for any reason and slept soundly all night.  Even Rocky got the message and did not bark.  It was a bit funny to see the family members cautiously checking this morning to see if I was up yet.  I guess they really believed my threats! 


It's a threat of death or dismemberment booyah!  The best kind! 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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OK - I checked out Notgrass history for dd (9th grade this  year).  It would have been perfect for ds but I'm not sure for dd.  For one thing, it is so Christian.  Dd knows the Bible backwards and forwards (one of the benefits of being a pastor's kid).  She's not enthusiastic about Christianity though and I don't want to turn her away by pushing Christianity at all times.  (Does that make sense?  Is that an ok way to look at it?)  I guess that I'm asking permission to look for a secular text for her.  I haven't even had "Bible" as a class for her for the last few years.  (She does go to church and is eagerly looking forward to summer Bible camp.) 

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OK - I checked out Notgrass history for dd (9th grade this year). It would have been perfect for ds but I'm not sure for dd. For one thing, it is so Christian. Dd knows the Bible backwards and forwards (one of the benefits of being a pastor's kid). She's not enthusiastic about Christianity though and I don't want to turn her away by pushing Christianity at all times. (Does that make sense? Is that an ok way to look at it?) I guess that I'm asking permission to look for a secular text for her. I haven't even had "Bible" as a class for her for the last few years. (She does go to church and is eagerly looking forward to summer Bible camp.)

Sleep, YAY!!!!


Secular, yes, do it.

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 I am going to have to admit that I cannot do it all.


Since you're helping your mother out financially by meeting her physical needs instead of having her pay for that can she contribute financially by paying for a housekeeper? You could also pay DD16 to make 5 meals a week. She has to do it without being asked and clean up without being asked, or she doesn't get paid.

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Praying for you, Susan.


How's your ants Susan?

Dead. I hope. :D

Thank you!


Our ants are pretty much gone after poisoning the buhjeebers out of them. We find a poor lost ant once in a while and joyfully squish, drown, or burn him up on the stove. Can you tell we are descended from Vikings? :D

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When I was in college I lived in a particular apartment complex that catered strongly to college students, though non-students and families were welcome tenants, too. This complex was built solidly but cheaply -- I don't think we EVER found a square corner in the place -- and was placed well away from the campus. But they ran shuttle busses to and from campus all day long every school day and on a slightly limited schedule on non-school days. It was VERY handy. 3 friends and I bought one carpool parking permit to get one of the rather advantageous parking spots for when one or more of us would need to go elsewhere or travel when the busses weren't running. We'd coordinate out schedules, pass the permit to whomever needed it most, and ride the bus the rest of the time. There were many students whose part-time jobs were all within walking distance (or on) the campus, meaning they could live without a car entirely.

This is exactly the kind of apartment ds is moving into! Their shuttle service will be helpful on occassion.

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OK - I checked out Notgrass history for dd (9th grade this  year).  It would have been perfect for ds but I'm not sure for dd.  For one thing, it is so Christian.  Dd knows the Bible backwards and forwards (one of the benefits of being a pastor's kid).  She's not enthusiastic about Christianity though and I don't want to turn her away by pushing Christianity at all times.  (Does that make sense?  Is that an ok way to look at it?)  I guess that I'm asking permission to look for a secular text for her.  I haven't even had "Bible" as a class for her for the last few years.  (She does go to church and is eagerly looking forward to summer Bible camp.) 



Secular is fine.  The vast majority of secular curricula aren't anti-religion or anti-Christianity.  If she's less than enthusiastic about Christianity right now it would be good to give her some breathing space.  She's had a strong religious upbringing, and she might need some space to define who she is beyond the obvious religious background.  I think you are smart to give her time and breathing room to figure out how her religion fits into the larger whole HER and the larger whole world.

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Home after work. I am going waterfall hunting tomorrow, and let the rain come! Best weather to take pictures of waterfalls anyway. Not that I've got a super-duper camera or any such thing, but I want to find my way to all the good ones for fall waterfall watching.



Critter, the people in your mind are amazingly complicated. 


Kind of scary, isn't it? :tongue_smilie:

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I became really frustrated and aggravated yesterday afternoon. I am going to have to admit that I cannot do it all. this week after doing nothing but play all summer. Public school would not be a good fit for them. They are too shy, especially little dd. The shyness will get better. The older two were the same way. But back to my rant, housework is behind, cooking on Thursdays and Fridays is difficult, everything has to stop at noon to fix mom food and meds. There are just too many things: cemetery treasurer, the lady I help, my mother and her finances and property and house, and then my house, family, husband, children, housework, laundry, dishes and everybody wants something to eat. But I don't want to give any of it up and really who else would do it? 


You are right. You cannot do it all. You want to know something else? You shouldn't do it all. Would you ask anybody to shoulder the work load you are carrying without help? Not a chance. But it's always more difficult to ask for--nay, demand--what help you need from others. You are going to have to delegate, and whatever tasks you can't delegate, you will need to prioritize. 


Housework-delegate. A cleaning service once a week? Chore lists, assign laundry, dishes, sweeping, mopping across the household.

Cooking-delegate, and if people want to eat, those capable of fixing their own food should do so, and make Mom a plate, too. 

Mom's house-outsource that puppy as fast as possible.

Cemetery stuff-take a leave of absence, with work winding down this is a perfect time to find an interim person.

Family-there are times when one member or another of the family has to be elsewhere or more involved in work. It's not a permanent thing, but that needs to be addressed.

The lady you help-is there anyone that you could trust or that the judge might appoint to share the responsibilities?

Your mom-cross-train some of the family to take care of the medical, personal and culinary duties. I've seen so many things go wrong when one person has to take care of everything and then that person can't do it for whatever reason, and things just fall apart. If you can hire some respite once a week for the nursing care, that would be good.

Finances-Could your DH help with this? Or would it help to have an outside accountant?

Homeschooling- Streamline the heck out of this. Have a very basic routine, and don't ever let your vision impede your view of what you are accomplishing. It's very easy to blame yourself for missing something that somebody else is doing and then be all upset that you aren't doing it right. The doing it is what counts, not how "right" everything looks or doesn't look, see?


I highlighted nine things that you have been in charge of. Now I'm tired just thinking about it. Some things have got to give!


ETA: I know it is more complicated than that, but it is so easy to be overwhelmed by the problems. Then solutions can be harder to find, and harder to brainstorm for the answers. It is really hard when you are used to having it all to do, because it becomes hard to trust anyone else to do it.


Edited by Critterfixer
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I went to Sam's Club and Aldi and have made 6 gallons of soup - 3 gallons of tomato bisque and 3 gallons of cream of broccoli. That's 12 meals. The kitchen is sort of tidied but not completely but my feet hurt and I need to sit for a while. Someone else can finish the dishes, I think.


The IP rotissary chicken broth was very disappointing. I put it through twice and it was a bit better then.


The wind is picking up and I think a storm is brewing.

Edited by Susan in TN
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That is a very sad story! 


I should have put a smiley. It's August in Arkansas. A walk in the rain with the dogs is about the happiest ending you can get on a day in August around here!

Of course now I look like drowned rat and smell like wet goat. A shower is in order.


ETA: And the de-goating process should help with the stiff neck and headache, too.

Edited by Critterfixer
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How are you doing, Slache?

I'm covered in sand. If you're ever feeling particularly good about yourself just go to volleyball tournament at the beach. That'll dash your spirits just fine. :laugh:


My meds are working! I'm slightly depressed but I'll take slightly depressed over severely angry any day. I've been clenching my jaw. It's a fairly common side effect and usually goes away. No weight loss yet. :crying:


Finances are good with the new apartment. I might order my printer this month. Utilities are lower than I thought they would be.


Still Whole30ing, but taking Fridays off. You're not supposed to do that, but we're trying to make it a lifestyle, not doing an elimination diet.

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