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Morning.  Happy Friday.    I teach my online algebra class today.  Not sure how long I'll continue.  Technically this was the last week of the session people paid for.  I'd like to continue so that the students can do Algebra 2 when I offer it in the fall, but class isn't going super smoothly.  I'm trying to be patient since we're all so scattered but they sign in late when we only have 40 minutes (zoom limit) and haven't done the homework which means I can't move on.  I may just run the class for the two other kids and handle dd's math separately.  She can definitely move faster than we currently are in the class, especially with me home all day.   <<sigh>> I'd feel bad cancelling the class, I really like these kids.   

No update on my dad yet this morning.

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SWB posted such a good little blurb on FB today. It wasn’t original to her, but it sure hit the nail on the head as to how I’ve been feeling the past several weeks and why I’ve been unfollowing people who post their color-coded schedules and pictures of family game nights and lists of “things to do during quarantine”. I’ve never unfollowed none on Fb before, no matter how annoying they were or how much I disagreed with them. But I’ve unfollowed at least 6 in the past several days.

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21 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

SWB posted such a good little blurb on FB today. It wasn’t original to her, but it sure hit the nail on the head as to how I’ve been feeling the past several weeks and why I’ve been unfollowing people who post their color-coded schedules and pictures of family game nights and lists of “things to do during quarantine”. I’ve never unfollowed none on Fb before, no matter how annoying they were or how much I disagreed with them. But I’ve unfollowed at least 6 in the past several days.

That was a good article.  

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1 hour ago, Paradox5 said:

Would y’all share for those of us unFacebook people or summarize?

Well, The gist of it is not to feel pressured to start accomplishing great things with all this "spare time" you suddenly have now that we're all quarantined.  Because it is really a time of stress and anxiety and we all have to deal with it the best we can, which for most people will be survival mode for a while.

oy.  Survival Mode Booyah.

This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started forty-eight months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 


This is the thread that never ends

Yeah, it's superior to other trends

Friends start out scratching their head in confusion, perhaps

But then the laughter strikes and they gratefully tip their caps.


This is the thread that never ends

I had no idea when I entered in

That what seems a little nuts might actually save me

From going insane on days that are crazy 🤗


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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1 hour ago, Paradox5 said:

Would y’all share for those of us unFacebook people or summarize?

It was a Times article from the U.K. that she quoted. Susan summarized it very well.

I think what has been bothering me (and this is just my perspective, I am not saying I am right) is the apparent ease (emphasis on Apparent) that people seem to be, or feel like they are expected to be able to cope with such a major  and unexpected change in their lives. We might have had inklings, but generally speaking most of us went from “that life” three weeks ago, to “this life” in a day or two. I guess, I just don’t feel like we are being encouraged to cope with fear and trauma in a healthy way, hunker down, slow down, take stock, evaluate, rest, get our bearings and figure out what to do. Instead everyone is running around like chicken little, blaming this, blaming that, making masks, hoarding toilet paper...

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

This headache just won't quit, but I'm surviving and school is progressing. I'm so glad math is already done. I just realized Oldest has to write a paragraph in English again today.

Have you tried increasing your salt intake? That sometimes helps when I have headaches. Pregnancy increases both sodium and iodine requirements.

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19 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

It was a Times article from the U.K. that she quoted. Susan summarized it very well.

I think what has been bothering me (and this is just my perspective, I am not saying I am right) is the apparent ease (emphasis on Apparent) that people seem to be, or feel like they are expected to be able to cope with such a major  and unexpected change in their lives. We might have had inklings, but generally speaking most of us went from “that life” three weeks ago, to “this life” in a day or two. I guess, I just don’t feel like we are being encouraged to cope with fear and trauma in a healthy way, hunker down, slow down, take stock, evaluate, rest, get our bearings and figure out what to do. Instead everyone is running around like chicken little, blaming this, blaming that, making masks, hoarding toilet paper...

I agree. It's like we totally forgot there's a time to grieve. But it's not been long enough, and I think people are just wanting things to be "okay". So still stuck in a form of denial? I don't really know.

All I know is that I'm doing much what I did before, but not pushing anyone, including myself to do anything more than the bare minimum of what must be done. Now, I am going to start pushing myself to weed the front flowerbeds because that's where I'm putting peppers this year, but that's about it.

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11 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Looks like this headache might be more than just allergies. I have a gland swelling up on the side of my neck. I knew it was starting to hurt when I moved my neck certain ways, but I can actually see the swelling in the mirror. What in the world is this?!

Do you have access to telehealth?

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I'm finding it very hard to accomplish much and all those messages about -Learn a New Language! - Take Up a New Hobby! - kind of discouraging.  I feel like I should be doing more, but I can't quite seem to get the energy/motivation to do it.   I fall back to the familiar with stress plus have trouble concentrating so I'm mainly doing light reading, social media, and cleaning.   

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My two youngest just made chocolate chip banana muffins.  Smells heavenly in here!

I printed out the End-of-School-Year Gift Book excel document.  Will have to get started on that soon. Also ordered a new cord for the iPad.  Mailed a check to ds's cello teacher, and put Lynette outside for the summer.  (Poor thing.  She has 2 flowers and no leaves.  Not holding out much hope for her.) Just one more major thing on my list for today, but I can't do that until dh gets home.  He had to run to his office because a co-worker had to fix an IT issue and accidentally locked his phone, keys, and everything in the building.  

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8 hours ago, KrissiK said:

SWB posted such a good little blurb on FB today. It wasn’t original to her, but it sure hit the nail on the head as to how I’ve been feeling the past several weeks and why I’ve been unfollowing people who post their color-coded schedules and pictures of family game nights and lists of “things to do during quarantine”. I’ve never unfollowed none on Fb before, no matter how annoying they were or how much I disagreed with them. But I’ve unfollowed at least 6 in the past several days.

Totally agree. 

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Good morning!

If I hear or see another person refer to this quarantine as "The New Normal" I'm going to blow a gasket.

I slept late and will not be going to help with music for the church service recording this morning.  The others left a bit ago.  It's going to be a gorgeous day!  I wonder if any hummingbirds will find our feeder?


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I get six hours of broadcast church today and four hours tomorrow--it's our church's general conference weekend. I've actually really been looking forward to it.

We're planning an Easter Egg hunt in between sessions. 

Haven't figured out yet how I want to handle actual Easter next week. What are you guys doing for at home Easter?

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55 minutes ago, maize said:


Haven't figured out yet how I want to handle actual Easter next week. What are you guys doing for at home Easter?

I wasn't supposed to be home for Easter and realized just yesterday that I have no plans at all!  I guess we will do the usual - make resurrection biscuits and color eggs on Saturday for breakfast on Sunday.  Dd11 wants to make a fancy Hungarian sweet bread for Easter dinner so I guess we'll have that and something else.  Ham?  Probably have an Easter egg hunt Sunday afternoon. 

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Good Morning!,!,!



Demon possesses iPad, so forgive the errors.

Easter?? We’re going to dinner at my mom’s house. She’s a crack-up. Last week she wanted to have coffee with her friend. Her friend lives at a retirement village on lockdown. So they made a plan to meet at the back of the cemetery (ironically, the retirement village is right across the street from the cemetery) so they wouldn’t get caught.🤣 my mom brought to-go coffee and her lawn chair and her friend sat on a cemetery bench. They observed social distancing rules, or course.

Susan, I feel the same way you do about the whole “new normal” thing. Bleh!,

Edited by KrissiK
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Easter - we have no special plans.  Not because it's not significant, but my personality lends itself more to "significant everyday" than to celebrate a particular day.  I'm not a fan of celebrations, events and occasions in general - not because of a particular doctrine or denomination, but just because that's the way I am.  We will live stream church.  

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We usually go to my mom's house for dinner.  I guess we are skipping it this year but I don't know.   It would be just us, my mom and oldest dd who lives with my mom.  So only two small households together.    Dh is doing the grocery shopping for my mom so he's already going over there about once a week.   We've all been quarantining except for grocery shopping.   The risk seems fairly small. 

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Well Dh went out to find a bike replacement tire, so he picked up Easter candy and some pansies and herbs. Dd21 has a little pallet garden outside her dorm room, so we'll wrap up the plants to send her those along with candy and clicky pens that she requested but we forgot b about.

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1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:

On Sunday of Easter weekend, we go to church and kids get a gift and we have lunch at home, whatever that lunch may be.  This year, we were (ds's family and ours) all getting memberships to the Waco zoo, instead of candy and stuff, since that's the one we go to most often and meet others there, too.  Since they have closed, I'm not going to let part of our year be eaten up while we can't go, so we will do that once they reopen.  So we will watch church online and I have gotten the kids a couple of little things and a bit of candy, and we need to figure out what we want to eat.

We've been to the Waco zoo!  It was so nice - I especially loved the clear slide through the otter exhibit!  So fun to have otters come and "play" with you in the water!

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It has been dry enough the past couple days that I was able to sweep out the thick carpet of leaves from the back deck and rearrange pots and stuff.  Not completely done, but getting closer.  I will need to get my two tomato plants into the big pots soon,  Not sure where I should plant the cilantro and rosemary - if I should put them in garden pots or find a spot in the yard.  The problem with planting them in the yard is that they won't get as much sun.

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17 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

Garden question: mint Is this something I could reasonably expect to grow in Houston? Will it take over? We have a little garden plot in the back yard I would like to try to use. Ants are the biggest enemy, though.

My understanding is that mint will grow pretty much everywhere.  😉  Yes, it will take over unless you put it in a pot. 

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

My understanding is that mint will grow pretty much everywhere.  😉  Yes, it will take over unless you put it in a pot. 

I was just weeding mint out of my flower bed 😂

Edited by maize
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1 hour ago, Paradox5 said:

Garden question: mint Is this something I could reasonably expect to grow in Houston? Will it take over? We have a little garden plot in the back yard I would like to try to use. Ants are the biggest enemy, though.

Fire ants?

I hate those.

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We did the Easter egg hunt at our state park, which is closed now to everyone except those who live in the county. It was a lot of fun--my kids each hide eggs for one of their siblings. My five year old is apparently a very good egg hider--we never did find some of the ones she hid!

While hunting for eggs, my kids happened upon a geocache so we got to sign it and put a little token in the container for the next person.

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