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Those start and end times match what we typically try to do, too!  Somehow I don't get 5 hours free time, though, or if I do I'm too tired to realize it.



I'd love the five hours in a block, but the best I can do is 1.5 in the morning and 3.5 in the evening. Afternoon and late morning is pretty well booked up with school and cleaning. I don't like that, but there's not much can be done about it without buy-in from the turtles on either doing the housekeeping in the morning or starting schoolwork right after chores are done. 

Edited by Critterfixer
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Good Morning!!!




Last day of vacation!!😩😩😩😩😩


Woke up at 5:00am due to hot flashes and couldn’t breathe. Tried the Neti pot. I’m so congested the water just ran down the side of my face.🤪🤪



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Those start and end times match what we typically try to do, too!  Somehow I don't get 5 hours free time, though, or if I do I'm too tired to realize it.





I have this problem too.  I need to reboot before I can productively use my free time, and I haven't figured out how to reboot while everyone is still home and I'm still "on call."

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Good Morning!


I have lost my sanity.  I told the little girls they could use their paints.   :huh:


Since the great multi-colored flood of 2016, I've managed to satisfy mine with these.




It's kinda like painting with a tube of lipstick.  Not messy, because it dries so quickly.  Even ds3 is neat with it. 

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Since the great multi-colored flood of 2016, I've managed to satisfy mine with these.




It's kinda like painting with a tube of lipstick.  Not messy, because it dries so quickly.  Even ds3 is neat with it. 


Thanks!  Added to my cart...

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We are keeping the house extra cold (because we are low on oil), which is making it hard to motivate myself to do my list... both big items (schoolroom and basement) require working in the coldest parts of the house. 



This may require coffee.  I mean, more than usual.  And hotter too. 

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We are keeping the house extra cold (because we are low on oil), which is making it hard to motivate myself to do my list... both big items (schoolroom and basement) require working in the coldest parts of the house. 



This may require coffee.  I mean, more than usual.  And hotter too. 



Is your stove and/or oven electric?  If so, maybe cook and bake more today?

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We are keeping the house extra cold (because we are low on oil), which is making it hard to motivate myself to do my list... both big items (schoolroom and basement) require working in the coldest parts of the house.



This may require coffee. I mean, more than usual. And hotter too.

Oh Quackers!! I am so sorry!!


You’re not in the middle of that apocalyptic hurricane snow bomb thing, are you?? I keep hearing about that on the news.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning!!!




Last day of vacation!!😩😩😩😩😩


Woke up at 5:00am due to hot flashes and couldn’t breathe. Tried the Neti pot. I’m so congested the water just ran down the side of my face.🤪🤪


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Is your stove and/or oven electric?  If so, maybe cook and bake more today?


Good thought! They are.  Dh (who is still stuck working from home today) is our resident baker and already made oatmeal-apple muffins this morning.  I might encourage him to make banana bread too (I'd do it myself but it's his thing and he's got his own top secret method that-- ahem--- none other can rival, so I just don't mess with it anymore.  


I could maybe cook up lots of chicken broth, though.  I have bones awaiting me in the freezer.  I could freeze most of the broth, and throw leftover turkey in the rest of it for soup....

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Plumber Guy came! Thinks he accomplish all the repairs... no need for a new tank yet. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


He's out grabbing parts now. With any luck we'll have more oil by nightfall.

:hurray: awesome sauce!

Edited by ikslo
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Plumber Guy came!  Thinks he accomplish all the repairs... no need for a new tank yet.   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


He's out grabbing parts now.  With any luck we'll have more oil by nightfall.


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Dad just called to report in.  He sat down with one of the gals at his bank and they went over his recent account activity with him to check on things.  They have cancelled his debit card and issued him a new one, and the gal he sat with spotted something else in the posted charges that seemed odd, so she's checking that out.  Yay for good bank people!

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Slache, how are you feeling?

Better. I slept in until 9 and did housework/school for almost 2 hours after doing almost nothing yesterday so I guess I'm getting better.


I'm thinking that if I can put all three of us on clean-up three days a week we can have Tuesday and Thursday afternoons off, and all of Sunday off from housekeeping chores proper, although we will still have general chores.

I am opposed to this. In my experience this just means no leisure time on those 3 days, but the normal amount on other days. Don't not do it, but keep your eyes open so a month doesn't pass before you decide you've wasted your time.


I am also trying to prep for school next week. I have a feeling it's going to be a rough transition back to a routine.


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Don't do every subject.


Since the great multi-colored flood of 2016, I've managed to satisfy mine with these.




It's kinda like painting with a tube of lipstick.  Not messy, because it dries so quickly.  Even ds3 is neat with it. 

Mooies got those for Christmas but we haven't opened them yet.


It’s too COLD. I wanna move to Florida.

It's cold here, too, but we're moving to the Midwest. Because smart.


School might be called on account of dd's migraine.  We'll see. 


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Edpo: Avert your eyes!


I prepped for school. The new go-with-the-flow philosophy I've decided to adopt requires both more and less planning. As in, less because we will be starting a topic and just seeing where it leads us, but more because I need to be prepared to let it lead us in a variety of directions. Our main learning goals for this next term are developing thinking skills and fostering curiosity. This is harder to plan. My type A-ness is struggling, but I think it will be more enjoyable for everyone if we can pull it off. 

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School might be called on account of dd's migraine.  We'll see. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:




Migraines -- what a pain.   :leaving:




I had to keep clicking on that leaving guy to get him to post.  He kept running away from my cursor, and would only post once I caught him and clicked when he was still there.

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Edpo! You’ve been warned!


I bought my own copy of LLftLotR so I can take the other one back to the homeschool library. I like it that much. But I do wish now that I had waited til 8th grade. There are a lot of cool writing assignments we’re skipping bc she can’t handle the workload. So I guess dd9 will get it in 8th. :)



Please remind me!  Every time I see any variant of "LOTR" I think Lord of the Rings....

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Dad just called to report in.  He sat down with one of the gals at his bank and they went over his recent account activity with him to check on things.  They have cancelled his debit card and issued him a new one, and the gal he sat with spotted something else in the posted charges that seemed odd, so she's checking that out.  Yay for good bank people!

It is nice to know there are good people in the world yet!

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Trigger Warning


If this post offends you, please make your way to the nearest safe place and... do whatever makes you feel safe.




So, I wasn't going to spend any more $$ this year since I am waaaaaay over budget, but..... I got a gift card from MP in the mail so I applied it to a DVD set about American Music and culture and stuff like that. It's an 8 week thing. This will make me feel much better about how Fine Arts Friday crashed and burned in.... uh..... September.  And I also bought a couple of Light Units from CLE about writing a research paper. My kids need an incredible amount of hand holding. I really like Light Units. They help me stay organized.

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I'm browsing bank branches, looking for someplace to set up local bank accounts for Dad once he gets down here.  What DH thought might be a bank is an investment office.  MIL & FIL bank at a very good bank and say they are very good to retirees -- while they have a branch or two between here and where Dad will be staying they have no branch within walking distance of Dad's future home, and he likes to write physical checks to get cash for pocket money.


There are three bank branches near Dad's new home, two branches of which are out of the question (they are to a bank that I have had some very bad experience with).  This leaves Chase bank.  Anyone here know anything about Chase bank?


I'm leaning towards using MIL's & FIL's bank and telling Dad we'll have to drive to get him his pocket money (or I can bring it to him), but I at least need to check out the available options.  It should be Dad's call, since it is his money.  (Though I'll make sure he's well aware of my bad experiences with that one bank so he doesn't go there.)

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I got a box full of those KwikStixs from the last homeschool conference because I help run the main homeschool group here and said I would help give them out.


I worked from 5a-7a today, was up for a while, fell back to sleep around 10a or so and didn't wake again until 12p. 


Dh woke feeling better, but said he was still a tad queasy. He went to work anyway.


We are out of dish detergent and toilet paper.


I'm sleepy.


I'm trying to figure out how to make a class work with two brand-new beginners and two been-exposed-and-kinda-reading students.


I need to take my *daily decision of things to give away to the car.


I have to help Dancer figure out a school schedule for when she is in Cali. She currently is a lazy bum who sits in her room for 5-10 hours a day playing on social media or doing homework. ETA: not doing homework, doing makeup!


Gymnast will do the next thing, and start AAS. 

Edited by Renai
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I'm browsing bank branches, looking for someplace to set up local bank accounts for Dad once he gets down here.  What DH thought might be a bank is an investment office.  MIL & FIL bank at a very good bank and say they are very good to retirees -- while they have a branch or two between here and where Dad will be staying they have no branch within walking distance of Dad's future home, and he likes to write physical checks to get cash for pocket money.


There are three bank branches near Dad's new home, two branches of which are out of the question (they are to a bank that I have had some very bad experience with).  This leaves Chase bank.  Anyone here know anything about Chase bank?


I'm leaning towards using MIL's & FIL's bank and telling Dad we'll have to drive to get him his pocket money (or I can bring it to him), but I at least need to check out the available options.  It should be Dad's call, since it is his money.  (Though I'll make sure he's well aware of my bad experiences with that one bank so he doesn't go there.)


I have used Chase for 35 years now.  They're a good bank as far as I know. 

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I have to help Dancer figure out a school schedule for when she is in Cali. She currently is a lazy bum who sits in her room for 5-10 hours a day playing on social media or doing homework. ETA: not doing homework, doing makeup!



Please note the edit...

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