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Re: bad driving

Are you sure he’s comfortable? It may be that he doesn’t know how to adjust the seat to be comfortable/be able to see.


My mom never liked me messing with the seat, and as a result I was a worse driver with her than with my dad, who let me move the seat and mirrors to my content. I mean, my mom let me move stuff, but then would complain the next time she got in to drive that everything was messed up. So as a result I was reluctant to adjust too much in her minivan. I hated driving that monstrosity as a result.


He also may not understand how to determine if he can see correctly.

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I find driving easier on roads. I hate parking lots.


Even empty ones? We go to the parking lot of a school that was shut down. Nobody's there but there's plenty of lanes and multiple parking lots to go in and out of.


Re: bad driving

Are you sure he’s comfortable? It may be that he doesn’t know how to adjust the seat to be comfortable/be able to see.


My mom never liked me messing with the seat, and as a result I was a worse driver with her than with my dad, who let me move the seat and mirrors to my content. I mean, my mom let me move stuff, but then would complain the next time she got in to drive that everything was messed up. So as a result I was reluctant to adjust too much in her minivan. I hated driving that monstrosity as a result.


He also may not understand how to determine if he can see correctly.


I don't know. He doesn't complain and I tell him to fix the mirrors. He seems to have fun which is more scary. It's all, "I'm an awesome driver, I go vrroom vroom so fast, this is fun!" He's not going fast FWIW, but 10mph feels fast when you know you're going to die. 

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(((Junie))) (((Krissi)))




I think they can hold you in contempt of court, which can be very serious. #IANAL #mightvarybystate



I called county court and left a message and call back number.  They haven't returned my call yet.


I called city court and they said I had a good reason, and to write it on my summons and bring it back.


One court down, one still to be worked out.

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I would actually like to be on a jury some day. The problem is... childcare right now. My being on a jury would be incredibly inconvenient at this point in my life. I wouldn’t even mind serving on a Grand Jury. I would like to do my civic duty. Just not right now.



In most (if not all) states you could be exempted, on the grounds you have kids under 12 for whom you are the primary care giver.

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I’m going up to the mountains to see my chiropractor SIL today to pick up her daughter for a sleepover with my oldest. I’ll have her check it out.



Yay!  What is her verdict?

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I am back from art. I presented my "Moonlight Camellia" today to rave reviews. I still think I've got a long way to go before that particular painting is just the way I want it. But it was nice to be recognized for my hard work on those crazy white petals. I think I know what I want to do with it the next time I paint it. 

Anyway, I'm back home with a terrific headache to go with the backache. I'm glad I got most of the chores done before I left. I'm headed for ibuprofen and a lie-down after lunch.




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In most (if not all) states you could be exempted, on the grounds you have kids under 12 for whom you are the primary care giver.


Not here. You can probably get excused, but you have to attend the court date to talk to the judge to get the excusal. One guy got excused because his wife just had a baby 4 days prior and he took time off to help.

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Oh baby girl! Can you get her to a doctor or clinic?


I think it has to do more with not eating (just getting fluids), or heartburn from throwing up or something. The ER is not on my list right now. I'm pretty sure she's dehydrated, but can't get to the store to get her anything because I'm alone with her, and don't want to take her out right now. She's still even in pjs. Dh should be home soon though, and I'll stop by Walgreens.


Poor thing. Just started crying because she "goes outside everyday but didn't get the chance to go out today."

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It is possible to fracture a rib when vomiting.  Or to pull something. 


Or you can get costochondritis which is inflammation in the cartilage that joins the ribs to the sternum.  Very painful.  I know from experience.  Something like prednisone (or tumeric) could help with the inflammation but I would want a doctor monitoring a child because I would have  no idea on dosage of tumeric for a child and of course you need a doctor for prednisone. 

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Even empty ones? We go to the parking lot of a school that was shut down. Nobody's there but there's plenty of lanes and multiple parking lots to go in and out of.



I don't know. He doesn't complain and I tell him to fix the mirrors. He seems to have fun which is more scary. It's all, "I'm an awesome driver, I go vrroom vroom so fast, this is fun!" He's not going fast FWIW, but 10mph feels fast when you know you're going to die.

Empty ones get boring really fast.


It sounds like maybe you forgot the ITT rule. No dying.

(So relax!)

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I told you ladies before about Dd's death workout.  I'm too lazy to look up the specifics but it added up to hundreds of squats and other things.  Anyway, she and her posse of friends have been doing it once a week.  And a cocky young man was telling them about how easy it was (without ever having done it) so they all gathered around today and made him do it.  :D  She said that he was struggling to complete it but he had enough energy for bluster and bravado at the end to claim that it was "easy".  I think that he might reconsider being too cocky about it though because they will make him do it again.   :eek:

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Or you can get costochondritis which is inflammation in the cartilage that joins the ribs to the sternum.  Very painful.  I know from experience.  Something like prednisone (or tumeric) could help with the inflammation but I would want a doctor monitoring a child because I would have  no idea on dosage of tumeric for a child and of course you need a doctor for prednisone. 


I don't know. She's complained about this pain before (last week), and I thought it was maybe hunger. I think I'm going to have to get this child dressed and go to the store. No one is home. Sigh.

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In most (if not all) states you could be exempted, on the grounds you have kids under 12 for whom you are the primary care giver.

They used to exempt me, but they don’t anymore. My last two summonses I tried to use the “childcare reason†and they said, “nope, sorry, you have to report,†once I had to go down and sit for the day. Glad I didn’t get on that jury. The judge said it was a minimum 2 week trial - ophthalmologist suing his accountant. Can you imagine how boring that would be? My summons in October just required me to call in every night.
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One garbage bag to the trash and one garbage bag to Goodwill. We can now fit some things we've been storing in the trunk *ahem* under the bed where they belong.


I think we had 7 garbage bags of trash come out of the kids' rooms.


Tomorrow I am planning to help the little girls Konmari their room.  We will not be speaking to inanimate* objects, however.




*Stuffies are not inanimate objects.  Stuffies are friends; at least my girls seem to think so.

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I think we had 7 garbage bags of trash come out of the kids' rooms.


Tomorrow I am planning to help the little girls Konmari their room. We will not be speaking to inanimate* objects, however.




*Stuffies are not inanimate objects. Stuffies are friends; at least my girls seem to think so.

My baby named her blanket Chewie (because she chewed on the corners) and uses the pronoun “she†when referring to said blanket and makes sure Chewie is comfortable every night and has some friends to sleep with, since Baby isn’t quite as attached to Chewie as she used to be.
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I am freezing cold. I really need to go to bed. But the kids are still up and horribly noisy.


I'm cold, too.  It's something like 13 degrees.  Brrrr.


And I'm going to bed now.


My kids have been in bed for while now.  Tell your kids that it's way past bedtime.

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We're still in parking lots. Because I don't want to die! How do you make the leap from parking lot to road? It's scary.


All parking lots I have encountered have some entrance/exit that you'd use to get onto the road. #felpful


My mother in law took me straight to the freeway. For anyone who doesn't remember, it did not go well.



MILs are the worst. For driving at least. Mine is lucky she didn't die either, though I think she didn't get me onto a fast road until the second day. At which point she started yelling at me to roll up one of the rear windows which she'd forgotten to roll up before, and I didn't have a clue about automatic windows (never had to deal with them before), so I tried to tell her to forget the window but she freaked and insisted I roll it up. And then on the way home she told me to "turn here", and I didn't slow down fast enough, and she was like "HERE", so I turned onto a residential road going 30 (the speed limit was 40 on the road I was on, and 30 on the residential road, but, that turn should not have been done going 30 - I think I gave a guy on that road a good scare, as well as MIL). After that, I was done with her trying to teach me to drive. And then when we hired a driving instructor he was okay at first, but then halfway during the first lesson he had me back up to a gas pump, and I was all like "I can't really see what I'm doing", and he pressured me, so I fired him, because I didn't feel like backing into a gas pump. 


When DW finally got her driver's license reinstated years later, she taught me how to drive. We spent several evenings in a parking lot (now, this was a pickup truck with stick shift, so, that explains the extra time). Then, after that, quiet residential roads after midnight, when there aren't kids running around playing and all that kind of nonsense, and when other moving vehicles are supposed to have headlights/taillights on, making it more obvious whether they're parked or moving. Btw, I think it varies by state whether you're allowed to let minors with learning permits (or minors in general, or people with learner's permits in general) drive that late at night, but, if you're used to going to bed at 4 or 5am anyway, after midnight is a great time to practice because the roads are so quiet. I think we then moved on to busier roads and the highway, and then finally to daytime driving, and then parallel parking before the test. Somewhere in there I also took a motorcycle driving course, so, as soon as I got my car license I handed them my certificate for that and got my motorcycle license as well. And then a month after that I signed up for truck driving school, so, I got my car & motorcycle licenses in Oct 2007, and my CDL in Dec 2007. FWIW, I probably would've gotten my car license in Jan 2007 or so, if I hadn't gotten pregnant in Dec 2006 - I was just too nauseous to try to figure out parallel parking and to deal with a test, but I did a lot of driving back and forth between our house and college (which were 55 or so miles apart), so, that CDL isn't as crazy soon after getting my license as it sounds... but it was still crazy soon. In truck driving school we started in a parking lot, and then did back roads, before moving on to other roads. 


Anyway, long story short - it's okay to spend hours in parking lots if that's what it takes. Baby steps. There's no advantage in trying to rush it. 

Edited by luuknam
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It's my understanding that the pay kind of sucks, because it's fairly easy to learn and can be done from home. 


Mine too. I have done the work. If you are a fast typer and very accurate you can do well but there's almost zero room for advancement. Vs. accounting which can get you to CPA and eventually to a tax firm at tax season--not for the faint of heart but apparently great work for someone who likes light summers and seasonal work and wants to get into a professional-level field as an adult. There's little ageism especially because when people need their taxes done, they NEED their taxes done and if the firm is full they are happy to shove off the excess clientele on the less experienced.


I'm only 8 years from the age my dad was when he passed, and 10 from my mom.


<3 My mom is 8 years from the age her dad was when he passed... 8 years older. You can do this. Biology is not fate.



I don't know. She's complained about this pain before (last week), and I thought it was maybe hunger. I think I'm going to have to get this child dressed and go to the store. No one is home. Sigh.


Could also be appendicitis even in a weird place. I'd get her checked out.

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Good morning! TGIF! (It's Friday, Krissi!)


How is Gymnast? (When I hear pain and trouble breathing I immediately think pneumonia.) (((Gymnast)))


Stuffies are real here, too, as evidenced by the crocheted Christmas gifts I made them. 🙄 There were a couple minutes of sheer panic on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's when dd11 thought she left her mouse in Arby's. She found him in her coat pocket before we had a chance to turn around.


A lady at dh's work has a new granddaughter named...Nirvana. :svengo:


Today we are sleeping late (I slept late in Eastern time) and then going to the Parthenon in the Big City and then going to the Big City Public Library (because it's a neat building and their parking garage has the cheapest rates if you get your ticket validated at the library) and then walking around the city a bit. It's supposed to get up to 40 degrees.



Edited by Susan in TN
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She couldn’t believe how swollen it was and yet I was walking fine on it and there is no pain. She taped it, though. Said to be careful.



Keep the swelling down over the weekend, which means put it up at every opportunity (along with other measures).  If it's still acting up on Tuesday after all that rest and support then get some images.


Remember, we have duct tape, and Hector is quite willing to come over there an MAKE you rest your injury!

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Good morning! Sickness is abating, so lessons must resume. Fortunately, the kids and I all do better with a schedule, even if "school" ends up being math, reading, and cuddles.


I have decided against adding Knowledge of Nature. I think it may be our choice for Reader's 6th grade and Runner's 5th (putting SuperDude in 3rd and Squishy in K for tagalongs), but my magic 8 ball is broken, so I can't be sure. ðŸ˜


I'm seriously considering going back to school myself next year (meaning January 2019) to study nursing. I'm making appointments with The Powers That Be to discuss financing and prerequisites. It's exciting, but also scary!


I no longer work for the coffee shop, so I'll be looking for work again tomorrow. Remember that elbow sprain I told you about? I couldn't lift, or even fully extend my elbow, for two weeks. It's still a little twangy when I move too fast, but at least I can use it now. Anyway, I couldn't do my job, so they let me go. Which is actually okay with me, because I still haven't been paid for the work I did. It's kind of been a nightmare.


Oh, and I discussed the ITT no dying rules with DH. He asked me to reassure you that should I go before he does, he will do his best to keep posting so you don't have to miss me.



I'm still working on catching up on what I missed while I was gone.  Did you ever get the rest of your pay?  If not, you might want to look into your options.  At least inform the BBB.

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In the theme of not being able to do all the things:


The Procrastinator Before Christmas



On the first day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the second day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the third day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the fourth day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the fifth day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me

To sweep all the floors!

Scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the sixth day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To tidy up the closets,

Sweep all the floors!

Scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the seventh day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To plan out the menu,

Tidy up the closets,

Sweep all the floors!

Scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the eighth day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To finish up the shopping,

Plan out the menu,

Tidy up the closets,

Sweep all the floors!

Scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the ninth day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To wrap all the presents,

Finish up the shopping,

Plan out the menu,

Tidy up the closets,

Sweep all the floors!

Scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the tenth day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To bake the stupid pies,

Wrap all the presents,

Finish up the shopping,

Plan out the menu,

Tidy up the closets,

Sweep all the floors!

Scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the eleventh day of Christmas,

 The schedule said for me,

To dig out the decorations,

Bake the stupid pies,

Wrap all the presents,

Finish up the shopping,

Plan out the menu,

Tidy up the closets,

Sweep all the floors!

Scrub the yucky bathrooms,

Schedule out the New Year,

Clean up the kitchen,

And run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


On the twelfth day of Christmas,

The schedule said for me,

To apologize for living, because I didn’t

Dig out the decorations, or

Bake the stupid pies, or

Wrap all the presents, or

Finish up the shopping, or

Plan out the menu, or

Tidy up the closets, or

Sweep all the floors! or

Scrub the yucky bathrooms, or

Schedule out the New Year, or

Clean up the kitchen,

Or run to town at a quarter ‘til three.


And somehow we survived.....


Random Musings.



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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