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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


It sounds like she hates your lifestyle, but I'm guessing that she hates her own just as much, if not more.  She sounds extremely unhappy and I'm sorry that she's taking it out on you.



It could be that she actually likes Slashie's lifestyle, seeing elements there that she wished she had.  Her remarks could be some really strong sour grapes, in hopes of convincing herself.

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Just validates everything I have seen.  He writes well, but is SLOW.  He tends to not focus on school things for long periods of time.  (But video games are fine, because they jump around anyway. :glare:)  His retention is poor when he reads (vs when we do things orally), because, apparently, he spends so much energy getting his eyes to work.


Good?  Not sure spending $$ every two weeks to fix it is good, but the fact that it can most likely be fixed is good.  I'm anxious to see if he still has slow processing speed after the VT.  Hopefully not.




It's an expensive VT Booyah!  Woot?



DD16 here still has slow processing speed, and hers is heavily affected by allergens floating about.  It still takes a while for her brain to do all of its filing and labeling, but getting the information IN in the first place takes significantly less time post-VT than pre-VT.  Having her eyes working better has really helped, and she rarely gets headaches now (only sinus headaches now).

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HalidonMusic has Scary Dark Classical Music - Halloween Party on YouTube. Thus far it's not bad. 


Ugh. Broccoli thinks Halloween should be a vacation day, and is not convinced when I told him the local school districts don't think it is. Wishful thinking, dude! 



I actually kinda like the idea of making Halloween a moving holiday, and assigning it the last Saturday of October.  It would make things so much easier with school and work schedules, and we wouldn't have boatloads of kids running back and forth across streets just when evening rush hour is in full force.  As it was I had a lot of coworkers who didn't have young kids anymore (or at all) who still would arrange to leave early, just to get home before the masses of kids started hitting the streets.  They start early here, too.

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It’s a complicated process. He ran all this by Mom to see if he had gotten it right. He’s forgotten the French connection. (Not to be confused with The French Connection).




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That's Brave Writer.

Educational post!



HalidonMusic has Scary Dark Classical Music - Halloween Party on YouTube. Thus far it's not bad. 


Ugh. Broccoli thinks Halloween should be a vacation day, and is not convinced when I told him the local school districts don't think it is. Wishful thinking, dude! 


My stupid district made it a teacher workday today, so the neighbor kids don't have school. :/

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I have never heard of Grindr.  I take it that isn't some forum for coffee bean enthusiasts, is it?


Grindr is a hook-up site for men...but I feel the same way about Tinder, the dating website.  All of the 'R sites....just don't go there.  Tumblr is supposed to be a microblogging website, but there's a ton of adult content that just shouldn't ever be published, iykwim.


PWM's guide to social media:

Instagram = nice place to share pics

Snapchat = what young people use who don't want their parents to read texts

Facebook = for the 40+ crowd, or more traditionally minded

Twitter = what President 45 should be banned from


Actually, the social media tech thing that I'm intrigued by right now is Marco Polo.  You can leave video messages for friends (like texts) and talk back and forth at your leisure.  The only bad thing is that some report that it spams your contacts. My friends that use it haven't spammed me, but I'm thinking about downloading the app.

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I like pumpkin spice things but not pumpkin pie. 


Sounds like some basic white girl feed. Of course, it's on a basic white girl platform, so, that's hardly surprising.



Grindr is a hook-up site for men...but I feel the same way about Tinder, the dating website.  All of the 'R sites....just don't go there.  Tumblr is supposed to be a microblogging website, but there's a ton of adult content that just shouldn't ever be published, iykwim.


PWM's guide to social media:

Instagram = nice place to share pics

Snapchat = what young people use who don't want their parents to read texts

Facebook = for the 40+ crowd, or more traditionally minded

Twitter = what President 45 should be banned from


Actually, the social media tech thing that I'm intrigued by right now is Marco Polo.  You can leave video messages for friends (like texts) and talk back and forth at your leisure.  The only bad thing is that some report that it spams your contacts. My friends that use it haven't spammed me, but I'm thinking about downloading the app.


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Can I get y'all's input? 

Each year at Christmas, I drive myself crazy trying to come up with a gift for DH's uncle and aunt/uncle (one gift for the married couple). We go to the aunt/uncle's house for Christmas dinner only because that's where the whole group goes. However, due a variety of things, DH has pretty much stopped all visits others than Christmas. 
He still likes to take a gift to his aunt and his 2 uncles, though. (All are in their 70s). As he's not really close with them, we don't really budget a lot. In the past, he's wanted to get restaurant gift cards for his aunt/uncle since he knows that his uncle is cheap and doesn't take the aunt out. We recently found out that they give those away, which is their prerogative, but we'd rather find something they'd use. 
For his single uncle, we usually just do one of those cheese/summer sausage mini-baskets. 
Anyway, as I said, we don't spend a ton - usually $25 for the one uncle, at most $40 for his aunt/uncle. 

This year, I came across Candy Crates. They have retro candy from each decade. So, I was thinking that a small gift basket of candy from the 40s or 50s would be fun, but I can't decide. 

Thoughts? Other ideas? 

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Grindr is a hook-up site for men...but I feel the same way about Tinder, the dating website.  All of the 'R sites....just don't go there.  Tumblr is supposed to be a microblogging website, but there's a ton of adult content that just shouldn't ever be published, iykwim.


PWM's guide to social media:

Instagram = nice place to share pics

Snapchat = what young people use who don't want their parents to read texts

Facebook = for the 40+ crowd, or more traditionally minded

Twitter = what President 45 should be banned from


Actually, the social media tech thing that I'm intrigued by right now is Marco Polo.  You can leave video messages for friends (like texts) and talk back and forth at your leisure.  The only bad thing is that some report that it spams your contacts. My friends that use it haven't spammed me, but I'm thinking about downloading the app.

Dying. Just...dying.  :lol:

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I want brownies.


At least the baby keeps grabbing SIL's things and taking off with them at full speed. It's rather cute. "Hey Alex, that's my inhaler" "No-oh-oh-oh-oh" a syllable with every step as he runs as far as possible and collapses on the dog bed on top of it.


Boisterous baby booya.

Edited by Slache
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Actually someone in my Pinterest feed had a really cool idea. She had a goal of running 100 miles. Not running 100 miles at one time, not running five miles a week, just running 100 miles. She just kept logging every time she ran another mile. No time limit, no pressure, just a hundred miles. I thought it was cool.

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I did the art. I got the pumpkin. I ate all the things. Now I need to clean out the art bag, clean out the pumpkin and clean out the kitchen. At least I've got a head start there since I ate all the things.


It's cold. Like really cold for us at this time of year. DH informed me that the last cold snap we had before this one, sleet fell in the mountains--earliest winter precipitation recorded since early 1900's. So maybe the persimmons are right. At any rate, I wish I had a fire in the fireplace and hot chocolate.

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The thread on the chat board about looking old vs. older is really depressing.  It doesn't help that I keep remembering about ten years ago when I was visiting my parents, my middle sister with no filter came in and said "Oh, I was wondering who that little old lady was.  Then I realized that it was you!"  The thing is, I do look old.  My hair is greying and stringy.  I'm washed out.  I'm achy and creaky and move like it most of the time. 


Constraints on just going out and doing something about it:


budget - I don't have money and only get my hair cut every six months because of it.  I also wear dead people clothes (donated to me from my friends' older relatives' estates when they die).  Fortunately some of them dressed better than I did so my wardrobe is getting better.


health - I'm achy.  And I don't want to add any chemicals to my hair or skin.


time - Achy people take a lot longer to do things.  Just doing my responsibilities takes all my time and I don't have time or energy left to primp.


Whine over on account of needing to help with algebra.  WHINE! 



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Actually someone in my Pinterest feed had a really cool idea. She had a goal of running 100 miles. Not running 100 miles at one time, not running five miles a week, just running 100 miles. She just kept logging every time she ran another mile. No time limit, no pressure, just a hundred miles. I thought it was cool.

I want to run 100 miles, read 100 books, lose 100 pounds and do 10,000 pushups.
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The thread on the chat board about looking old vs. older is really depressing. It doesn't help that I keep remembering about ten years ago when I was visiting my parents, my middle sister with no filter came in and said "Oh, I was wondering who that little old lady was. Then I realized that it was you!" The thing is, I do look old. My hair is greying and stringy. I'm washed out. I'm achy and creaky and move like it most of the time.


Constraints on just going out and doing something about it:


budget - I don't have money and only get my hair cut every six months because of it. I also wear dead people clothes (donated to me from my friends' older relatives' estates when they die). Fortunately some of them dressed better than I did so my wardrobe is getting better.


health - I'm achy. And I don't want to add any chemicals to my hair or skin.


time - Achy people take a lot longer to do things. Just doing my responsibilities takes all my time and I don't have time or energy left to primp.


Whine over on account of needing to help with algebra. WHINE!

When I was 17 I was thin, stunningly beautiful, blonde, long sexy tan legs. Do you know what that did for me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Attracted unwanted attention. I'd rather have mousey hair and be fat with my husband than 17 and beautiful again. I'm sorry about your pain and creakiness but I don't give a crap what you look like and neither should you.

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The thread on the chat board about looking old vs. older is really depressing.  It doesn't help that I keep remembering about ten years ago when I was visiting my parents, my middle sister with no filter came in and said "Oh, I was wondering who that little old lady was.  Then I realized that it was you!"  The thing is, I do look old.  My hair is greying and stringy.  I'm washed out.  I'm achy and creaky and move like it most of the time. 


Constraints on just going out and doing something about it:


budget - I don't have money and only get my hair cut every six months because of it.  I also wear dead people clothes (donated to me from my friends' older relatives' estates when they die).  Fortunately some of them dressed better than I did so my wardrobe is getting better.


health - I'm achy.  And I don't want to add any chemicals to my hair or skin.


time - Achy people take a lot longer to do things.  Just doing my responsibilities takes all my time and I don't have time or energy left to primp.


Whine over on account of needing to help with algebra.  WHINE! 


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


It doesn't help that our culture no longer believes in aging. The cultural expectation is that we are to behave and look like the Eternal Teenager.  It's ridiculous.  (Case in point:  I cannot BELIEVE how many of the bands that I listened to as a kid [was considered "New Wave" back then] are still touring. Seriously? Grow up, people.  Be adults. We're not edgy and alternative anymore.  We're middle-aged and [should be] responsible adults.)


More :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


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Not sure if it’s the right time to say this, but my mental pictures for all of you who don’t have photos are very beautiful. It surprises me sometimes when people link a photo that’s average looking!


You are very beautiful, Jean.


What Spuds said.  She said it better.

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Unless you’ve got something medical going on with your back you’ll probably want to start with a 15lb.ii use a 25 lb for deadlifts now, but I could handle a 30 or 35 by now. It is nice to have more than one size for different exercises, though. I se the 15lb one I started with for arm exercises.



Yep, you can do swings in a hallway. You can do deadlifts in a very small space. I do those with the kids milling around. But you want a few feet clearance behind and a few yards clearance in front of nothing you would care if it got broken for swings. I’ve actually only had to drop it a couple times midswing and it only landed about four feet away, but just to be safe.

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That reminds of what DW once told me. There's a "spy store" in WNY, and DW decided to go check it out. The owner was surprised she was in such a good mood - turned out that pretty much all of his customers are people who suspect their spouse is cheating on them. 


Not sure if it’s the right time to say this, but my mental pictures for all of you who don’t have photos are very beautiful. It surprises me sometimes when people link a photo that’s average looking!


You are very beautiful, Jean.



I imagine Jean as pretty in the "girl next door" kind of way. Btw, does the bolded imply that you don't think the ones with pictures are very beautiful??? 


If it helps, my pic is 8 or 9 years old. I don't necessarily look much like my pic. 

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


It doesn't help that our culture no longer believes in aging. The cultural expectation is that we are to behave and look like the Eternal Teenager.  It's ridiculous.  (Case in point:  I cannot BELIEVE how many of the bands that I listened to as a kid [was considered "New Wave" back then] are still touring. Seriously? Grow up, people.  Be adults. We're not edgy and alternative anymore.  We're middle-aged and [should be] responsible adults.)


More :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Can I be edgy and alternative in a responsible way?  :laugh:

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In other news, the ants are back.  :glare: I don't think there's anything around my desk that could be attracting them, but it's probably time to go through and see if any stray chocolate might have escaped my stash at one point or another.





With or without ants, it's time to do this.  

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Something about explosively swinging something with removable discs gives me a bit o the willies. But the price is nice, so I guess if the reviews are good, that’d be a good way to go.

We have these. They're awesome sauce. They're completely safe and I can't search right now but there's a bell one.
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