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It really was wonderful! It's a great place if you like to hike or bike or take leisurely walks or ride horses or take scenic drives or eat at fancy or not fancy restaurants or have picnics or shop or try interesting kinds of ice cream or take boat rides or or see seals and whales or kayak or learn about history or learn about cutting edge science (Jackson Lab)...




We love to do all that. Especially the hiking and leisurely walking and scenic driving and not-fancy restaurants and interesting kind of icecream. And we love seals and whales. And I love learning about history.

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The doctor told me today that because of my age and thyroid issues they would not let me go past the official due date. It's nice to know there's a firm end in sight!  :party:  


She offered to let me schedule an induction right then for sometime in the 39th week but I declined. That's getting too real! 

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Yay! :hurray: :hurray: And I'm hoping the cough has subsided?????

Fewer bouts, but more intense. Still, I haven't thrown up from coughing today, and I hope I don't. I have noticed that whenever I eat, I tend to start coughing. So I'm limiting my meals to what just satisfies without being filling. And I'm trying not to get hot or to move around too much.

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All-electric house?


Critter's going to write a fireplace cookery book, too!

More electric than I'd like. But it's what I have. And when our lines go down, we are kind of a low-priority area, so we make do.

I kind of like cooking in the fireplace, actually.

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DD16 and I are struggling mightily in Zumba class.  Each class is an hour long (or 90-minute long on Fridays) workout that is all go go go without stopping.  Unfortunately at this fast pace we just can't seem to learn the steps and moves and how to adapt them to what we CAN handle right now.  We will probably just attend until we use up the sessions I have paid for, and then stop going.  I keep hurting myself (and I'm already doing far less than the class), and DD16 is lost and frustrated most of the time.


If I get an opportunity I'll try to suggest to our instructor that perhaps an additional half-hour instructional period BEFORE each regularly scheduled Zumba workout would be helpful.  I don't know if her schedule will allow this, however.



We are going to have to figure out other daily exercise to get in.  We haven't been that great at it in the past, but we really need to.


If you find a place with Zumba Gold (for older active adults), that might be a good choice.  When I Zumba'd, I would sit out whenever I needed to or would leave after a half hour or forty-five minutes if that was my limit.  We had the same choreography every week (with a few change-ups to make things interesting) so it was easy to learn the choreography over time.  Plus, people like me would do adaptive moves.  In my hey-day the instructor would call me to the front to do the adaptive moves while she did the regular moves so that people could do what fit their needs best. 

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Really?  Explain, please. 

Here at least, our maples are the first real concentrated source of nectar honeybees get (mid to late February) The next major flow is privet hedge (April/May). Between them is poison ivy. Because we get a lot of late freezes, bees can't count on blackberry or fruit flowers from year to year. Poison ivy just seems to make it when nothing else does.

I think it keeps them from starving to death if they get a bad early spring.

I think that crepe myrtle probably does a similar thing for bees in the derth during our mid to late summer. 


ETA: And there's a lot of poison ivy. Honeybees exhibit floral fidelity. It doesn't matter if you've got lots of flowers, if you don't have a bunch of the same kind, they won't work it. They are crop pollinators. The mass of the crop is important.

Edited by Critterfixer
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It really was wonderful! It's a great place if you like to hike or bike or take leisurely walks or ride horses or take scenic drives or eat at fancy or not fancy restaurants or have picnics or shop or try interesting kinds of ice cream or take boat rides or or see seals and whales or kayak or learn about history or learn about cutting edge science (Jackson Lab)...





I want to go!  I have wanted to visit Maine for a long time.  Maybe during fall for the color, and especially if there's a chance of some snowfall while we are there.  

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I woke up to an email from one of the candidates thanking me for last night's impromptu speech.  I still hate politics by the way.  I just can't keep my big mouth shut. 


Jeannie for President!!!!! Vote ITT!! The only party that makes sense. And we have our own island, too!


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If you find a place with Zumba Gold (for older active adults), that might be a good choice.  When I Zumba'd, I would sit out whenever I needed to or would leave after a half hour or forty-five minutes if that was my limit.  We had the same choreography every week (with a few change-ups to make things interesting) so it was easy to learn the choreography over time.  Plus, people like me would do adaptive moves.  In my hey-day the instructor would call me to the front to do the adaptive moves while she did the regular moves so that people could do what fit their needs best. 



Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately, Zumba Gold appears to be rather sparse around here, at least according to the Zumba website.  I wonder if I can get our instructor to start a class?

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These rules that block you if you post too many things too quickly discriminates against those of us who type quickly. I'm not a bot.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



So true.  Especially when we are trying to Argh because we are out of likes.

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I tried looking on Amazon and found an affordable Zumba Gold DVD set with 3 DVDs.  Thanks, Jeannie!  It is now on its way.  The girls and I can use that in lieu of the class, or we can use it to learn moves and keep going to class.  We will try it out and discuss our preferences.   :laugh:

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ROAD TRIP!  (Rather, Helicopter Trip!)  We're all going to Jean's the end of January to visit and hear SWB speak!  



SWB will be visiting Jean's?  Hector!  Get your security crew together!  Plan out crowd control!  Make sure we ITTers are the only ones with the special all-access passes!


Oh, okay, Jeannie's DH, DS, and DD can have the passes, too.  It IS their house....

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SWB will be visiting Jean's?  Hector!  Get your security crew together!  Plan out crowd control!  Make sure we ITTers are the only ones with the special all-access passes!


Oh, okay, Jeannie's DH, DS, and DD can have the passes, too.  It IS their house....


Well, not Jean personally....  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/659741-hi-seattle-area-people-or-hey-washington-generally-can-i-come-talk-to-you/

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How lovely!  I might have to get that for MIL (or myself) for Christmas!


I like the deeper-sounding chimes.  High-pitched chimes hurt my head, unfortunately.


I'm not allowed to get chimes for roughly that reason. Not that I care much, and if I did get them, I'd probably only put them up part of the time, but anyway... sensory issues suck.


These rules that block you if you post too many things too quickly discriminates against those of us who type quickly. I'm not a bot.



Prove it.

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These rules that block you if you post too many things too quickly discriminates against those of us who type quickly. I'm not a bot.



Actually, they discriminate against those who don't have much to say (and type fast). If you write entire essays for each post, you wouldn't have this problem. 


(I find it annoying too, btw)

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Sad/reflective post alert....



A former colleague of my dh just lost his 20 year-old son. Motorcycle accident. I guess I just keep thinking that as a homeschool mom (like any parent, but maybe even more so hsers), I'm constantly fretting about preparing them for the future. Check boxes! Catch up! Don't fall behind! I need to remember it's not a race, and not forget to enjoy them in the now, too.

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(for clarity, I ended up lying in bed for an hour or so after finishing math with Broccoli, and it's been a little while since that too, so I'm doing better. I didn't do math with Celery yesterday either (we ended up going to the Botanical Gardens, and then TKD, and then Broccoli threw an hour+ long tantrum (not really the right word... I don't know) after we got home because I told him to take his TKD clothes off before having dinner (which is always the rule - nothing new there)), so, I probably should do math with Celery. I also maybe should get Celery to do math more independently... I don't know... with AOPS I'm sure he'd just read the problems and then continue straight to reading the solutions, without really thinking about them, and with LOF it's kind of like story-time together, plus, again, I suspect he'd go to the solutions without giving the problems a real try... of course, at some point he's got to learn to actually do the work before looking at the solution, but, he also only turned 10 a month and a half ago, and has special needs, so, meh... that can wait until he's a bit older).

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I need to remember it's not a race, and not forget to enjoy them in the now, too.



I wanted to like your post for this part, but I'm not sure, because of the whole "he's dead" thing, so, argh! Condolences for your husbands former colleague and family.

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Sad/reflective post alert....



A former colleague of my dh just lost his 20 year-old son. Motorcycle accident. I guess I just keep thinking that as a homeschool mom (like any parent, but maybe even more so hsers), I'm constantly fretting about preparing them for the future. Check boxes! Catch up! Don't fall behind! I need to remember it's not a race, and not forget to enjoy them in the now, too.

So true.

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